Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2

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Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2 Page 20

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  “Did you say anything, Luis?” Leo, who had been speaking with a Japanese businessman earlier, turned to ask.

  Luis waved a hand in the air nonchalantly. “I was just reminding Darcey of how many salmons and tunas there are in the ocean of Japan.”

  “If you’re referring to food, my dear,“ Darcey replied, “the food here is really the best.”

  “How can you say that when you barely touched your food?” spoke Nathan from across the table.

  Darcey almost dropped the chopsticks she held. Madeleine didn’t look the least bit happy, wrinkles of wrath formed across her forehead, transforming her otherwise perfect face.

  Leo took Darcey’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze under the table. “I didn’t realize you were keeping tabs on her plate, Cromwell.” The sharpness in Leo’s tone made Luis gasp.

  Before Darcey could respond, Leo expertly picked up a piece of Wagyu beef from his plate with his chopstick. He turned to her. “Here, I know how much you love steak.”

  The conversation had all eyes on the table shift towards Darcey and Leo. Everyone stared with either confused or surprised faces. Sissi’s mouth was set in a grim line while Satomi picked up her phone and focused her attention on it. Mr. Takemae, his wife and Nathan’s sister all looked like they wished they were somewhere else. Madeleine had one eyebrow up and a smirk formed on her red pout.

  Not wanting to embarrass Leo, Darcey accepted the small piece of steak with a kind of grace that she hoped rivaled that of the Kyoto geishas. She smiled after savoring the tender meat.

  Mr. Takemae chuckled. “Mr. Warwick, this here is one of the reasons I wanted to do business with you. I saw how well you treated Miss Vaughn. A good woman will always make a man a commendable business partner.”

  Mrs. Takemae giggled at her husband’s words. Darcey was only too glad the tense air was somehow diffused by the charming Takemae’s.

  Leo nodded, a cheeky grin on his face. “Yes, and echoing Satomi’s words, should Darcey say yes to me, that would be my greatest achievement, for there is no one quite like her.” And with that, Leo took a sip of his wine as he gave Darcey a look of adoration.

  She didn’t know what to say. What was going on? She swallowed hard. All she could manage was to give Leo a weak smile.

  “Oh! This is one interesting evening!” uttered Luis. Darcey wanted to kick his foot under the table.

  Satomi raised her glass. “Darcey, it looks like I will be giving you that gown as a present. May the best man win.” The designer gave Leo a warm smile but Darcey caught Satomi exchange meaningful glances with Nathan.

  The noise, the awkward conversation, Leo, Nathan, Madeleine’s greedy hands on Nathan’s arm--Darcey couldn’t remember feeling as uncomfortable as she did then, excluding her humiliating fall from the catwalk, of course.

  I can’t do this. I can’t be here!

  She picked up her phone, pretending to check her messages while her mind tried to come up with an excuse to leave. Before she could conjure up a plan, a loud shriek came from across the table.

  “Mum!” It was Sophia, her face ashen.

  Beads of sweat trickled down Sissi’s face, her hand clutched her chest. Her skin was as white as marble.

  Nathan immediately stood up, his voice stricken with anxiety. “Call emergency, my mother is very ill!”

  Ten months later...

  “Darcey, you look absolutely stunning tonight. Thanks for coming in short notice. Elise and I weren’t working out.” Leo stretched his hands to her as she stepped out of his Rolls Royce.

  She hoped the royal blue gown brought the brown hues out of her eyes and hair. The Valentine Gala waited for them. Darcey found herself looking forward to an evening relaxing. Word had been very fulfilling, but it also took every second of her time.

  “Why you look so like so handsome yourself, Warwick. Surely, I’ll be the envy of every lady, except Trisha, of course,” she teased.

  “That’s supposed to be my line.” He gave her an appreciated appraisal that made her blush. As he led her towards the grand ballroom of Claridges, she felt a tingle trickle up her arm where his skin met her own. She brushed it off, remembering the latest photos she saw of Leo Warwick.

  “Well, I can’t keep up with your dating. Seems you always have a different model by your side.”

  “It’s because I tried so hard to find someone else to let me forget you, but I can’t. Really Darcey, you should stop my misery, and agree to be my girlfriend. I promise to make you happy. That last girl mother tried to set me up with was such a princess, I couldn’t stand being with her for an hour. She could only talk about bags, shoes and Barbados.”

  She smiled at him affectionately. Leo had been there for her when her heart fell into pieces after Tokyo. But she never led him to believe they could be anything more than friends. Her heart had ached too much for Nathan, she decided to focus on her career.

  Leo had confided in confidence how he never lacked women throwing themselves at him. Because of this, his exasperated mother had tried to set him up with other dates, ones Elizabeth Warwick approved. But Elizabeth had been fortright with Darcey, sending her a long message explaining how she was hoping Darcey might open her heart to Leo one day. Instead of finding it awkward, Elizabeth’s warmth and honesty touched Darcey’s heart and the two women had met for lunch one time. Elizabeth didn’t bring up the matter about Leo, to Darcey’s grateful surprise, and they both shared a fun lunch, laughing over the latest inane gossip and how the tabloids could be so desperate.

  Leo had always been there for Darcey, even when she made it clear they could only share friendship, and how her career was number one now. He respected it but would tease and flirt with her when permitted. More than his flirting, however, he encouraged her to start a magazine. She had to admit the idea crossed her mind more than once, leaving a burning desire in her soul. When she had told Luis about it, her mate contacted Mr. Matsuhisa, knowing he was looking to expand his businesses. Luck must have been on her side for not only did Mr. Matsuhisa agree to finance the venture, he was a very willing partner. The Suite Life was born and Darcey was its extremely dedicated editor-in-chief.

  His investment proved to be a very wise one. Within the first three months after launching the magazine, The Suite Life was so popular, practically everyone interested in the luxury lifestyle England and Europe had to offer read the magazine.

  While the publication was smaller than C’est La Vie, The Suite Life’s readers and subscribers continued to rapidly grow, thanks to Darcey’s unique twist on the content and Luis being a marketing genius. He knew how to engage readers using the Internet, his energy and talent allowing their social media presence to go viral. Within months they expanded their coverage and subscriber base across Europe and Asia. Plans to tap the American shores were in the pipeline.

  The work had been gruelling but very fulfilling, countless long nights spent at their new and plush offices, ideas shared over Indian food, wine and consistent laughter. Working with Luis was beyond fun. Darcey couldn’t remember looking forward to work as much. He had left his corporate job and refused an extravagant offer from his former boss.

  Her thoughts were filled with work ideas as Leo led her through a plush entry way. She reminded herself to relax and not think about work. But it was a fool’s errand. Ideas wouldn’t stop coming and there were more fantastic opportunities for growth in the horizon. Just the day before, Mr. Matshuhisa told her someone wanted to invest in The Suite Life and wanted to be the major shareholder. The Japanese businessman said he was in no position yet to name the interested party, but he did hint that the investment would be so hefty, the new investor would practically own the company and, with the amount of money he was willing to put up, they could open an office in New York and aggressively expand in America. Darcey knew Mr. Matsuhisa couldn’t come up with the money for the US expansion on his own, as he had other investments tangled up in Japan and some parts of Europe. She didn’t press for a name, trusting his

  She quickly filled Leo in on the latest news about the magazine.

  He was supportive as always. “That’s quite exciting news. I can’t believe you’re expanding this quickly. I for one am hooked on The Suite Life’s Instagram account. You’ll have to give me the names of your photographers. I’d love for them to work with our hotels.”

  “Of course! I owe you a lot, I couldn’t even begin to thank you for all the times you’ve been there for me. For pulling me together. Other than Luis and Trisha, I wouldn’t know what I’d do without your friendship.”

  Leo stopped to study her face. His eyes were kind. She could see the happiness in their grey depths. “Darcey, you don’t need to feel indebted to me. I truly consider you a good friend, but, and I’ve never denied this, I continue to wish you would consider datine me. Maybe one day you can fall for me. And then, who knows, it could be a beginning of a sweet life.”

  She was about to chuckle at his pun but the expression on his face kept her from doing so. Intensity was etched on his perfect features. His feelings for her could never be kept under wraps, it seemed. Instead of making her feel wary or nervous, though, she knew he was speaking to her honestly out of a deep friendship. And she felt in her heart Leo would always respect her decision, and his friendship would remain, no matter what she felt, or didn’t feel, towards him.

  He took her hand and kissed it. The proverbial butterflies in her tummy fluttered. She was more than aware there were plenty of reasons to date him. Her friends, especially Trisha, incessantly encouraged her.

  “Think about it, we can be sister-in laws!” Trisha had once declared while Luis rolled his eyes, reminding everyone how it was useless. Darcey’s heart was too broken to look at another man, even one as successful and stunning as Leo Warwick.

  That and, Luis had reminded both women over wine and cheese and piles of photographs to approve for a special feature, there was too much work to do. It wasn’t time for Darcey to begin a new romance.

  She remembered how she appreciated Luis’s point. He could be a handful and hilarious, but he could surprise anyone with his wisdom.

  Or maybe Luis was wrong? she suddenly thought. She studied Leo as he smiled, all intensity melting from his face. Should she try to convince herself it wasn’t difficult or foolish to love a man like Leo? It had been a long time since she and Nathan broke up: a year, two months and two weeks to be exact.

  But who’s counting the days?

  “So, who’ll be in attendance tonight?” she asked, looking to change the topic. She was too uncertain about her thoughts and feelings.

  Before Leo could reply, Luis called their attention from behind, “Our two lovebirds.” He stood in front of them in all his stylish glory, looking like he just stepped out a men’s magazine. But he was fidgety.

  Something wasn’t right. Darcey studied him intently. She knew her friend too well. She was about to ask when Trisha and Matt appeared. Everyone exchanged greetings.

  “My dear brother,” began Matt, “did you bring your check to dance with the beautiful Darcey?”

  Leo chuckled. “A check? You are so old school, they accept Paypal payments, right? Bitcoin, perhaps? And I’m certain you’re feeling generous to dance with your fiancé. Happy Birthday, Trisha!”

  Darcey noticed Luis wasn’t paying attention and handing out his usual quips. He turned his neck frequently, as if he was scanning the crowd for someone.

  “Are you alright?” she whispered into his ear.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m simply checking to see if there are any cuties for me tonight.”Luis grinned smiled, a smile that didn’t touch his eyes. For as long as she had known him, she knew if there was any emotion he couldn’t mask, it was anxiety. He would always fidget and tonight he was fidgeting more than any other time.

  Just as she was to interrogate him, Leo returned by her side and placed an arm on her shoulders. A contented smile on his sensual lips. Luis stepped away, scanning his phone with fervent fingers.

  Leo went back to teasing his brother. “I won’t even try to bid against you.”

  “Look who’s here! Nick and Dimitri, why, hello,” Luis exclaimed.

  Darcey felt the tension melt away from her shoulders. Perhaps she was imagining Luis wasn’t being himself. She turned to the newcomers. Nick and Dimitri were gorgeous as always. Nick’s dark hair and lean frame gave him classic movie star looks while Dimitri was a Greek god in a tuxedo.

  “It’s beyond wonderful seeing you two!” She hugged both men, giving them kisses in both cheeks.

  “Darcey, I heard you’re single again,” Dimitri said, his good-natured voice bringing many fond memories.

  “I’m newly single, too,” Luis added, forcing a smile.

  There it is again, Darcey thought. There’s something about Luis tonight. His eyes and nervous fingers betrayed him. She thought about sending him a text message.

  Please don’t say something’s wrong with our magazine!

  As quickly as the thoughts came, another entered her mind. The moment wasn’t the occasion to think about work. She reprimanded herself.

  You’re imagining things!

  “Shall we give Warwick competition for this beautiful lady?” Nick winked at Darcey.

  “Nick,” she gave him a warning look.

  “It’s for charity, and you know what they say, the most generous wins the girl. Besides, I think I know you the longest, and I make the best cookies. I should get some kind of advantage.”

  “With everyone here as rich as Croesus, it’s safe to say the one Darcey picks is the real winner, right?” Luis quipped.

  Chuckles came from everyone.

  “And,” Luis went on, “I bet you my savings account, it’s none of you three.”

  Nobody save for Trisha and Matt laughed.

  Dimitri’s cheerful voice piped in, “My mother loves Darcey, I’m sure she would be willing to spot me a few Euros, and I will give you free personal training for the rest of your life. Isn’t that an amazing offer?”

  Darcey shook her head, grinning at Dimitri. She knew him as the master of flirting. Charming as he could be, she was immune to his charms. Nicholas, her best friend, once made her think there could be more between the two of them. Nathan changed all that. Nick had been gracious and agreed being friends was the best route to take.

  Darcey turned to see the rest of the crowd. She spotted Dimitri’s elegant and gorgeous parents mingling with the other guests. Red carpet outfits were everywhere: fur, silk, diamonds, perfect hair and makeup. She was glad Vivienne Westwood herself allowed her to choose from the designer’s latest couture collection.

  “I’ll just hire you for the rest of your life as my personal trainer,” Leo told Dimitri as the other man laughed. “This way, Darcey can work out with me.”

  Their group slowly made their way to their assigned table while banters and compliments sprinkled the air. Leo offered his arm for her to hold. As she was linking their arms, piercing ocean eyes met her browns.


  My God, Nathan.

  In an instant, before she could blink, he turned his gaze away from her and carried on with the conversation he was having. Sissi, Lena and the blonde’s parents were by his side.

  Darcey found it hard to breathe, her chest tightened in an instant.

  Leo noticed her discomfort, his grey eyes followed her gaze.

  “I was going to tell you Nathan would be in attendance,” he whispered.

  She simply smiled weakly and nodded, reminding herself to act like an adult. It was inevitable her paths would cross Nathan’s. Because of her job, they now worked and socialized within the same circle.

  She walked on with heavy feet and a heavier heart. Trisha and Matt went to greet Matt’s parents at their table. She felt an arm touch her side. Luis pulled her gently towards him.

  “Don’t wear your heart on your gown darling,” he whispered. “My tux is bespoke, but not waterproof.” A weak smile was planted on his face.
r />   She rolled her eyes but nodded. They had finally found their table and she was only too glad to sit her suddenly weary body. After a year of successfully avoiding Nathan and unsuccessfully trying to forget him while rebuilding her broken dreams and broken heart, one look at his face and she felt her heart shatter all over again.


  Dinner went smoothly. Delicious course after delicious course was catered by London’s favourite chef, Marcus Wareing. Leo’s parents, his mother Elizabeth particularly, was very attentive to Darcey.

  Marcus, the youngest Warwick, arrived late with his wife.

  “Sorry, we’re late. Traffic.”

  Everyone exchanged greetings as Elizabeth turned to Darcey.

  “My dear, you coming tonight makes me absolutely happy. For once, my Leo is gracing our company. He truly hates black tie events. I think you make him happy.”

  “Leo hates black tie events?” Marcus quipped. “It’s your matchmaking he doesn’t like.”

  “Oh, do be quiet, Marcus. Lucky for you, Cristina married you, or you would have been single longer than Leo.”

  “Ah, that’s why you’re pressuring your firstborn, mother,” Matt, the most calm middle child, teased. “Our youngest is already married.”

  Leo didn’t look too pleased. “Please don’t make her feel awkward.”

  Elizabeth waved a hand in the air. “Trust me, darling. I’m simply restraining myself from already welcoming her as part of the family.”

  Marcus lowered his voice, but he was loud enough for Darcey to hear. “Then, for the love of everything good, stop trying to push Leo to all these socialites, or you would make a decent woman believe she’s nothing but one of the candidates, not the only candidate.”

  Leo cleared his throat and sent Marcus a warning look.

  Luis was quick to pipe in. “Please do extend the welcome to me, as well, Liz. Can I call you that?”

  Elizabeth paused and smiled. “Since you’re the best friend of my future daughter-in-law, you’re welcome to be part of our family, Luis.”


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