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UnKiss Me

Page 9

by Dawn Martens

  “How’d you know?” he asks, confused, then it dawns on him. “Lilly,” he says tightly.

  “Please, please don’t blame her. I made her keep it a secret,” I beg him.

  “I don’t, not now. At first, I was pissed. Can’t blame me. But I understand she did it for you,” he tells me, giving me a small smile.

  I nod, pulling in my top lip.

  “No, the answer to your question, I last talked to Mom about a year ago. She ended up marrying Lilly’s dad just a few months ago. I got the invite for it, but I never went. She only calls when she needs help with a charity drive or something, and even then, it’s not her calling. It’s her assistant.” He looks like he wants to say more but stops, giving me a small peck on the lips. I already knew about Lilly’s dad and his mom, but I didn’t realize he still didn’t really talk with her.

  “Are you doing the charity drive next week for the school?” I ask him, knowing about the Toys for Tots drive they have planned at Glenna’s school.

  “Yeah, we’ll be doing that, which reminds me; as much as it shits me, I need to get going. Hilary and Lilly should be over at any time. Be good,” he says, bringing me in for another kiss.

  “Hilary’s here? I can’t wait to see her! I’ll behave, but I can’t promise anything for her and Lilly,” I tell him excitedly, but also nervously, hoping he hasn’t seen the kids yet. If he has, I wonder what Hilary has told him, if anything.

  “Yeah, it was supposed to be a surprise. She was the tow call I went on. I got her back to the garage just a few minutes after you ran off to the school.” Though he hasn’t mentioned anything about the kids, he is giving me a curious look, like he’s hoping I’ll explain them for Hilary.

  I just nod my head but don’t say anything else. I reach up to give him another quick kiss then watch him go out the door. I already miss his lips caressing mine. Swiping my finger across my lips, I can still feel his breath. I can’t believe Jasper and I are a thing again. I know it’ll be short-lived; the truth always has a way of setting itself free.

  I need to clean myself up before the girls get here. I don’t want them walking in and witnessing my freshly fucked look. And damn if I don’t need a drink after that.

  I walk into the clubhouse with a huge grin on my face. “What’s got you so happy?” I hear Betty ask me.

  “Oh, you know, Momma B... I got the girl,” I say, shooting her a wink.

  She lets out a loud whoop, and every member turns to look questioningly. “Angel done sealed the deal!” she yells out.

  “That was fast,” Reaper says, coming over and handing me a beer.

  “I told you,” I tell him. I knew Eden couldn’t resist me much longer; we are meant to be together.

  “I should have taken that damn bet. I would have won for once,” Reaper says with a laugh. “So she was cool about Monica?” He looks at me out of the corner of his eye, knowing damn good that I haven’t had that talk with her yet.

  “Haven’t talked about it yet. Where’s Zippo?” I ask him, taking a swig to quench my thirst and changing the subject.

  “He went over to see Lilly. She had a doctor’s appointment this morning, so he wanted to know what was new with that,” he tells me with an all-knowing snarl.

  “I don’t blame Lilly.” I peel at the label on my beer, my mind shifting to thoughts of Eden.

  “I don’t either. Vinny’s been bein’ an ass lately about a lot of shit. Best thing right now is for them not to be together,” he says.

  I nod, agreeing. Whatever is going on with Vinny, I hope it gets fixed soon. Plus, with the constant break ups he and Lilly go through every month, maybe this is a good thing—them not together.

  I want to tell Reaper about the kids that showed up with Hilary today, but I’m staying out of that. It’ll all eventually come out. Not my place to get caught up in the middle of their shit. I have to focus on protecting Eden no matter the cost.

  “Angel!” Betty yells across the room.

  I go over, leaving Reaper at the bar.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “Ann, Mona, and I are heading over to Lilly’s place. Gonna watch the kids while the girls have some time together.”

  I give her a chin lift. “Good.”

  Vinny comes in, looking frantic. When he sees me, his body goes rigid. My eyes narrow on him.

  What the fuck is going on with him?

  I hear the knock on my door while I’m pouring myself a glass of Moscato. “Come in!” I yell. Lilly picked up Glenna from school, so I’ve had the last little while to myself, cleaning up the house, and having some time to think.

  “Come out of the kitchen, woman!” I hear a familiar voice shouted.

  “Oh my God!” I squeal while running out to see Hilary. I tackle her, and we fall to the ground laughing. “I missed you!” She didn’t tell me she was coming home, but I’m not complaining. I’m glad she’s here.

  “It feels good to be back,” she says.

  “Well, this isn’t fair. Oh well, I guess I’ll just dive in now,” Lilly says, joining us on the floor in an awkward hug.

  “Okay, okay, let me up,” I say laughing.

  “Just like the old days, huh? Nice being back here all together,” Hilary says, smiling as she sweeps her long dark hair back from her face.

  “Damn right!” Lilly shouts.

  I smile; I missed my girls. I look to Hilary, the smile coming off my face. “How are the kids?”

  “They are awesome, Eden. Trust me.”

  “I can’t wait to get to see them! It’s been a while since I last saw pictures of them!” Lilly squeals.

  “Jessica looks just like her daddy, so it’s weird, but at least he makes a pretty girl,” she says laughing. “But Ethan looks like his mama,” Hilary tells her with a grin.

  “I’ll want to visit with them soon,” I tell her. “And, of course, I’m sure Glenna will too. It’s been a few months since we got together.” I tried to visit Hilary and the kids as often as I could without breaking the bank, and she visited me whenever her weekend was free. I have to figure things out soon.

  “You got it, babe.”

  Lilly speaks up. “You know you’ll probably run into Mason from time to time.”

  Hilary shrugs. “I’ll try to avoid that, if at all possible. Trust me, he’s the last person I want to see right now.”

  “You haven’t talked to him since you left?” I ask her.

  “Nope, fuck that! Asshole thinks I cheated on him, yet he won’t give me a damn divorce. Well, guess what? He can keep thinking that shit. He doesn’t want to believe me, then that is his problem,” she says angrily. “And, anyways, I have to get someone to deliver the damn papers to him, because I’m avoiding that fucker,” she sneers.

  “Wait. You mean you two are still married?” Lilly asks, shocked.

  “Sure are. Tried sending him papers years ago when I first left, but I got them back in the mail all ripped up. Not sure why that fucker wants to hold on to something that won’t ever be. But this time, I have a back-up plan. He either signs them, or I take his ass to court,” Hilary tells us.

  “Wow. I wonder what’s holding him back,” I wonder out loud. “Oh, I have to fill you in on today, and Hilary, I may end up needing your help,” I say.

  Both girls frown at me. “What’s going on?”

  “Foxy showed up at Glenna’s school today.” I tell them about the screaming fit she had, and even how she was dressed.

  “What!” they both screech in unison, nearly spitting on me.

  “Yeah, saying she’ll be back and all that. I don’t know what I’m going to do,” I say. I frown, thinking of what a failure I am. I can’t take care of anyone, including myself it seems, no matter how hard I try and how strong I pretend to be.

  “Hey, it’s gonna be okay. That bitch won’t win against you. Trust me. I’ll kick her ass in a court room any day of the damn week,” Hilary says.

  Lilly’s eyes narrow on me. “What?” I ask her.

  “Something is different with you,” she says skeptically.

  Hilary does the same thing, looking at me, taking me all in on a total body scan. “You fucked Jasper!” she shouts, grinning.

  Lilly’s face lights up, and she lets out a loud whoop.

  “Guys!” I whine. I almost stomp my foot like a toddler.

  “Your face is so red!” Hilary says laughing.

  “Was it good? Better than you remember?” Lilly asks, smirking deviously.

  “You know the answer to that. Seriously, before I left, we only had sex once. All the other times, it was just foreplay stuff. We never used more than our hands,” I say, blushing. “How the hell did you guys figure this out, anyways?”

  “Because, it’s totally written all over you,” Lilly says with a shrug.

  “Are you okay?” Hilary asks, suddenly serious.

  “I don’t know how to feel about this. I mean, when he finds out about... well, you know. I just...” I say, trailing off.

  “Okay, enough of this shit! Let’s have an old fashioned girl’s night. I’ll get the popcorn started. Lilly, you mix the drinks. No, wait. Eden, you do that. Last time Lilly mixed us drinks, we were drunk after one,” she says laughing. “Lilly, get yourself a glass of milk or some shit. Can’t believe you’re fuckin’ preggo.” Hilary shakes her head, digging through the cabinet and grabbing what she needs.

  “Hey, we were fourteen. Of course we got drunk after one,” Lilly says, sticking her tongue out at Hilary.

  After getting settled in, Lilly puts on the movie Gladiator. “Oh yes! I haven’t seen this movie in years. I love Russell Crowe!” I say; that man is dead sexy.

  “Oh, hey, Lilly, I heard you’re working in my cousin Hayley’s new salon. How’s that goin’ for ya?” Hilary asks, shoving popcorn in her mouth.

  “Good actually. They’ve been in business a few years now, and the clientele is really building up. The co-owner of the salon is pretty cool—a little crazy, but cool. Last week, her fiancé came in the salon, and she was busy and got really mad at him about showing up during the busy time. She wound up throwing her cell phone at him, ended up leaving a cell phone imprint on his arm. Funny stuff. But I gotta ask you, is your cousin, Hayley, always so...” she trails off.

  “Out there? In your face? Totally TMI?” Hilary says laughing.

  “Yes!” Lilly says, blushing.

  “Ha! Yup, that’s Hayls!” Hilary snorts, hugging a pillow to her chest.

  I’ve only met Hayley once, but once was enough. I thought Hilary was bad with her mouth, but she’s nowhere near her cousin’s crazy. I don’t think either of them have a filter.

  “She’s married to a guy named Brock now. He’s cute, a cop, and seems to keep her on her toes,” Lilly tells us.

  “Really? Wow, that’s interesting. Wonder what happened to the Hayley that was a fuck and chuck ‘em type.”

  “Okay, okay, shh! Movie is starting,” I say. We all cuddle in close. Mine and Lilly’s heads rest on Hilary’s shoulders, while we all shove popcorn in our mouths.

  I open the front door to Eden’s house. Closing it behind me, I hear the girls moving around in the kitchen; a familiar sound I remember hearing lots of years ago. Eden, Lilly, and Hilary were always up to shenanigans back in the day.

  “So what happens if you do see Mason around?” I hear Eden’s soft voice ask.

  “Kick him in the nuts? Or go all stealth and run the other way before he sees me,” Hilary says snottily.

  “Really?” Lilly says with a chuckle. “I don’t see why you don’t just get that shit over with. Maybe if you tell him the truth, he’ll realize that he was the biggest asshole ever, thinking you cheated on him.”

  “If he wants to believe that, whatever. And, anyways, I need someone to deliver the papers to him. After he has those, trust me, I don’t want to be anywhere near him. Can we stop talking about this? Seriously, you already grilled me last night about this. I told you the truth about Trent,” I hear Hilary admit.

  Hearing enough, I walk into the kitchen and see Eden bending over, wearing just a thin white cotton t-shirt and panties, as she grabs the coffee container from the bottom cupboard. Fuck, seeing her ass bent over like that, I just want to rip her blue panties off and take her right there over the counter. Too bad Lilly and Hilary are here. The two of them are seated at the small round dining table. I always thought this kitchen was too damn cramped. Not much room for a crowd in here. I would remodel it if I thought Eden would accept it. The linoleum needs replaced—it’s peeling up around the baseboards and bottom cupboards.

  “Morning ladies,” I say, grinning around the room. All three girls look like they should go back to sleep. “Hung-over?” I ask. I already know they are; well, except for Lilly since she is pregnant.

  “Shut up!” Eden groans out. She opens the coffee maker lid and frowns.

  “What’s wrong? Are you out of coffee?” Lilly asks her, confused.

  “I don’t know.” Eden places the coffee can on the counter and pulls out a white folded up piece of paper from inside the coffee maker. “What the hell?” she mumbles.

  She unfolds the paper and scans it, her face paling. She drops the letter to the floor, and then backs away from it, looking scared.

  Hilary and Lilly both go over to her, pulling her into their arms. I walk over and bend down to pick up the letter.


  I’ll be out in just a few months’ time. You know what that means, right? I’m coming for you. This shit was all your damn fault. I also hear you’re back to bein’ all shacked up with that fucker Jasper. Didn’t you learn your lesson the first time? No, you didn’t. Don’t come crying to me when he fucks another bitch behind your back again.

  And, don’t worry, you might think you have his protection, but in the long run, he’ll never be able to save you. Remember that.


  That fuckin’ bastard! I’m going to kill him.

  Lying on the cot in my tiny cell, I hear my name being called. “Big Willy, seems you got a visitor,” Officer Harte says. “Hands out.”

  I do as he says, placing my hands through the opening of the cell door. Once the metal cuffs are on, I step back, letting him open the cell door. Following him to the visitors’ area, I try to drown out the heckles and shouts from the other prisoners.

  Inside the visitor’s room, I see him. A huge smile turns up on my face. I walk over to the table, sitting across from him. “She got the letter, I take it?” Everything is falling into place. I can’t wait to get out of this shit hole. That little bitch daughter of mine is going to have hell to pay when I get out of this prison. If she thought I was a cold, unfeeling bastard before, she hasn’t seen nothing yet. And if her pussy boyfriend tries to stand in my way, I will make sure he goes into the ground at my hands. I heard what he did to the old club—fucking sickens me. Pansy ass mother fucker’s going around pretending to be some sort of do-gooder.

  “Sure did. Thanks for writing it,” he says. I didn’t want to involve the ungrateful cunt; I have my own plans for her. It was part of their plan to get Angel riled up, though, to make him lose control so they could take the club back. When I get out of here, shit is gonna change, that’s for damn sure.

  “Happy to help a brother,” I say. “Anyone have any clue you’re alive?” I’ll give the asshole one thing, faking his death was a smart move. Wish I’d thought to do something like that.

  “Nope. Gonna stay that way for a while longer too. Got my old lady and another few members watching the club closely. Anyways, we’re done here. See you on the other side,” he says, looking smug as he stands up from the table. He nods to one of the guards in the room.

  After getting back to my cell, I’m starting to think over what he said. What did he mean by ‘see you on the other side’? He usually only says that when someone is about to get killed. Better start watching my back; shit is turning in the wrong direction. I was promised a place back in the club when I’m released; not that pussy bus
iness Jasper is currently running, the real club. It’s not long before my cell door opens, and Jaden steps in, an ex-member of the Satan’s, with a shiv in hand.

  I try fighting back but not good enough. I’m old and out of shape going up against this ripped fucker. He clocks me in the gut with a left hook, leaving me gasping for air. He laughs at me. “Come on, old man. You used to be able to give a damn good beating. Funny how the tables have turned.”

  I swing at him with all I can muster, but it doesn’t do any good. “Fuck, boy, you feel kind of soft, just like your old lady did when I used to fuck her.” I figure if I can’t beat him with my fists, I may be able to talk enough shit to make him lose his focus and use his own shiv on him. “What was her name…Corinne? That’s right. Had a rose tattooed over her left titty. She loved when I would bite it.” I make my move, trying to grab the shiv, but he is too damn fast as he wraps his arms around my neck, getting me in a choke hold.

  He kicks at my feet, spreading them, and then kicks the backs of my knees, making me drop to them on the cement floor. “Goodbye, mother fucker. See you in hell,” he says, cutting my throat.

  I pull up to the club after making sure Eden was okay. I line my bike up with the rest in the lot and walk inside. I called them all here before I left the house—meeting time.

  This place used to belong to Satan’s Law MC, but after the guys and I got the crew cleaned out, those of us who were left, banded together to make this building not only our clubhouse, but also into a place that would serve as headquarters for our mission. It took us a while to get the funds, but once the community started taking us seriously and saw that we were doing good work, they aided us in finishing the job. I can now proudly say that we are able to accommodate the families in need with room and board under our protection.

  I look over at the playground that now sits where my father used to have wild parties—funny how things change.


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