The Mark

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The Mark Page 7

by Heather Burnside

  Clare switched her attention back to Maddy. ‘When are you going to meet his family?’ she asked.

  ‘Oh, it’s early days. I want to introduce him to Becky first.’

  ‘Don’t you think it would be better to meet his family and friends before you introduce him to Becky?’ asked Clare.


  ‘Well, she’s just a child, isn’t she? It might be best finding out a bit more about him before she meets him.’

  ‘What are you trying to say, Clare?’ asked Maddy.

  ‘Nothing but… well, it’s like you say, it’s early days yet and you don’t really know him.’

  ‘His family and friends are all in Yorkshire so surely it makes sense to introduce him to mine first?’

  ‘Yeah, if that’s what you want. It’s your decision, Maddy.’

  Maddy paused for a moment, chewing things over in her mind. It was as though Clare didn’t trust him. ‘I can’t understand what you’ve got against him,’ she said.

  ‘Nothing. I don’t even know him. I’m just looking out for you, that’s all.’

  ‘Well, I’m more than capable of looking out for myself, thank you very much.’

  ‘Steady, no need to get tetchy,’ said Clare. ‘I didn’t mean any harm.’

  ‘It just seems that every time I mention Aaron you’re picking fault with him. Why?’

  ‘It isn’t deliberate, Maddy. I just don’t want you getting hurt again, that’s all.’

  Maddy didn’t say anything further on the subject. There was no point getting into a row about it even though Clare had offended her. For the rest of the night she tried to put Clare’s words out of her mind and carry on as normal.

  But Clare’s words had stung, and when they reached the end of the night and both went their separate ways, Maddy began to dwell on the warning once more. The way Clare tried to put Aaron down at every opportunity, anyone would think she was jealous. Maybe it was because she wasn’t having much luck with men herself, thought Maddy. She decided to try and put it out of her mind and not let it bother her. After all, Aaron had been the perfect boyfriend up to now and he hadn’t given her any reason to doubt him.


  Crystal had stopped by The Rose and Crown to give Gilly her wages. She found him standing at the bar talking to two of the regulars.

  ‘All right?’ he asked as Crystal sidled up to him.

  ‘Yeah, I’ve brought back that money you lent me,’ she said.

  Gilly held out his hand, keeping up the pretence of a debt repaid and then pocketing her earnings from the previous night. He turned back to the two men standing next to him, but Crystal didn’t leave the pub. Instead she hung on, waiting for Gilly to give her some attention.

  Eventually Gilly turned back round, his eyes locking with hers. ‘What d’you want?’ he asked.

  ‘I thought we might have a drink together,’ said Crystal, pouting.

  Gilly sighed, withdrew some cash from his pocket and called the barmaid over. He bought Crystal half a lager and stuck the glass in front of her. ‘That’s all you’re getting. Can’t you see I’m busy?’

  Crystal took the proffered drink gratefully. For her it was a small triumph. She didn’t get much attention from Gilly these days so she made the most of any minor offering. She never stopped to think about why she put up with his behaviour. Her mind was too focused on trying to get their relationship back on track.

  Gilly had never been really respectful to Crystal, but he had given her attention, affection and protection, and for Crystal that had been enough. Being Gilly’s woman had elevated her status amongst the rest of the girls, and made her feel special. But now things had changed between them.

  For a few minutes Crystal stood next to him at the bar, drinking her drink while he chatted with the other customers. Suddenly all conversation stopped. Gilly looked up at the TV screen at the end of the bar. His two companions also stared at the television.

  There was an item on the news that had caught their interest. The report was of a missing man. A Mr Tim O’Brien, aged forty-two, described as tall and well built with dark hair. He had been reported missing by one of his neighbours from the house where he lived in Burnage. The report stated that his car, a red Toyota Avensis, had been found abandoned and burnt out in Ardwick.

  Crystal watched in shock as his photograph appeared on the screen, a small gasp escaping from her mouth. It was the man Gilly had killed. He flashed her a warning look and she kept quiet while the report went on to detail when Tim O’Brien was last seen and by whom.

  ‘Jesus Christ! You never know the fuckin’ minute, do you?’ said one of the customers standing next to Gilly. ‘He only lived a few streets from me.’

  Other customers began to give their input, drowning out the rest of the news. While they chatted, Gilly turned to Crystal. ‘Come on. Let’s sit down over there,’ he said.

  He chose a table well away from the regulars and Crystal knew why. ‘Not a fuckin’ word about this to anyone,’ he hissed. ‘As far as they’re concerned, this is the first you’ve fuckin’ heard about it.’

  ‘I know,’ replied Crystal. ‘You’ve already said. You don’t think I’m gonna go spouting off now just because it’s on the news, do you?’ she asked, affronted.

  ‘Shush,’ he warned. ‘Keep your fuckin’ voice down.’

  ‘All right, all right!’

  ‘Look, this report is only telling us that he’s missing. As far as we know the police don’t know fuck all else. So, unless they find his body or some other evidence, we’re home and dry. You just need to stay calm and not fuckin’ blab to anyone. And I mean anyone, Crystal.’

  ‘All right! How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not gonna say anything. Otherwise I’d be in the shit just as much as you.’

  Crystal gazed at the glass in front of her, which was almost empty. ‘We having another, or what?’ she asked.

  ‘No, not for me,’ he said, standing up and pushing his chair back. ‘I’m off.’ He took a five-pound note from his wallet and flung it on the table. ‘Here, you have another if you want but I’m going. And don’t get too pissed. Don’t forget, you’re working later.’

  ‘Why won’t you stay, Gilly? What’s wrong?’

  ‘What the fuck d’you think’s wrong?’ he asked.

  Crystal didn’t reply. Instead she responded with another question. ‘Do you want me to come round to yours later?’


  He turned away from her and shouted his goodbyes to the regulars just before he went through the door. Then he was gone, leaving Crystal feeling dejected. She grabbed herself another drink but didn’t stay at the bar chatting. Instead she sat at the same table, alone, going over everything in her head.

  There was no doubt in her mind that Gilly had changed towards her since the night of the killing, maybe even before that. Anyone would think the man’s death was her fault, the way Gilly carried on. He rarely came back to hers nowadays, or invited her to stay at his place.

  His attitude was worse than ever too, as though he couldn’t stand the sight of her. Maybe she reminded him too much of what he had done and he couldn’t bear the guilt. And today, when that reminder had been reinforced by the news item, it had seemed too much for him to handle.

  And another thing. He seemed to spend a lot of time elsewhere. Before, even when he hadn’t stayed with her, she’d generally had a good idea of where he was. He’d be in The Rose and Crown, occasionally straying to another nearby pub. Otherwise, he’d be hanging out in the red-light district keeping an eye on things.

  But lately, she had no idea where he got to whenever he disappeared. Perhaps he had taken up with one of the other girls. Maybe Ruby or Amber or one of the others. Crystal went through each of the girls in her mind, weighing up their relative merits and potential appeal to Gilly. She wasn’t sure which of them it could be. But, one thing was for sure, if she ever found out, they’d have her to answer to.

  As she sat there drinking alone Crystal
decided that she would start keeping a closer eye on things where Gilly was concerned. He was her man and she was damned if she was going to let anyone else have him! She vowed to herself that, one way or another, she would find out just what he got up to when he wasn’t with her.


  Maddy took one last look at her dining table, which she had laid for two people with her best china and lead-crystal glasses. In the centre was a food warmer filled with tantalising dishes. She’d cooked Chinese, one of her favourite meals and something she had cooked on many previous occasions, so she knew it would be good. Next to the food warmer stood a bottle of red on a decorative chrome trivet, opened and breathing ready for the arrival of her special guest, Aaron.

  As Aaron was still without a car she’d offered him a lift but he had turned it down, insisting he could get a taxi. She was glad in a way because it had given her time to prepare the meal and make sure everything was just right.

  After Aaron had given her such a fabulous night on the occasions when she had seen him, she really wanted everything to be perfect. She gazed at her watch for the zillionth time and realised that the rice should be just about ready by now. But before she had chance to check on it, she heard the doorbell ring. That would be him.

  Maddy pulled off her apron, revealing a fetching, low-cut top, and dashed to answer the door, the flutter of excitement already making her insides quiver. It was so wonderful to see him standing on her doorstep, looking just as handsome as she remembered and clutching a bottle of red. A smile lit up her face as she thought yet again just how lucky she was.

  He smiled back at her and planted a chaste kiss on her lips. She smiled again, knowing he was saving his more passionate kisses for later. He then leant back and his eyes glanced over her appreciatively. ‘You’re looking just as lovely as ever,’ he said. ‘And bloody irresistible too.’

  ‘Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself,’ she quipped, before stepping aside so that he could enter.

  As soon as she shut the door he reached out for her but she held him back. ‘Just give me a minute,’ she said, making her way towards the kitchen. ‘I just need to see to the rice before it’s ruined. Follow me.’

  Once they were inside the kitchen she tended to the rice while Aaron stood and glanced round the kitchen and through to the dining room.

  ‘If you want to sit at the table, I’ll be with you in a few seconds,’ said Maddy. ‘You can pour the wine,’ she shouted after his retreating back.

  She walked into the dining room to find Aaron looking round the room, two full wine glasses standing on the table in front of him.

  ‘Oh, thanks for pouring the wine,’ said Maddy and Aaron’s attention immediately switched to her.

  She proudly showed off the food that she had prepared, naming each dish as she opened the lids of the food warmer.

  ‘That all sounds delicious,’ said Aaron. ‘You didn’t need to go to so much trouble, y’know. I’d have been happy just to spend the evening with you. All this is just a bonus,’ he added, his eyes taking in the food and tasteful crockery and glassware laid out on the table.

  ‘It’s the least I could do after that lovely meal you took me for,’ said Maddy. ‘Enjoy.’

  They spent the next half-hour tucking into the delicious meal Maddy had prepared. First they had mixed starters of prawn toast, wontons, spring rolls, chicken wings and crispy seaweed. Then she cleared away the plates and brought out fresh plates ready for them to eat the main course.

  As she tidied up Maddy noticed that Aaron hadn’t eaten much of the starters and she scraped away the food that remained on his plate. He had drunk a lot of wine though and she wondered if his lack of appetite was because of the sexual tension that hung between them.

  She went back into the dining room and Aaron stood up to meet her, taking her into his arms before she had chance to sit down and start on the main course. For a while she responded to his passionate embrace and deep kisses but then she pulled away, giggling like a schoolgirl.

  ‘Come on, cheeky,’ she said. ‘There’ll be plenty of time for that later.’

  They sat down at the table; helping themselves to food, but Aaron seemed to toy with his and each time she looked up from her plate his eyes were upon her.

  ‘Aren’t you having anything to eat?’ she asked.

  He smiled. ‘I’m not hungry. Not for food anyway. But it’s delicious. You were already winning my heart but your cookery skills have just sealed the deal.’

  She paused under his intense scrutiny. ‘You carry on,’ he said. ‘Don’t let me stop you.’

  Maddy’s eyes dropped back to her plate and for a while she tried to concentrate on her food, but it was difficult when she was constantly aware of Aaron’s amorous gaze.

  She giggled again. ‘I can’t bloody concentrate with you staring at me.’

  ‘Sorry,’ said Aaron, sitting up straight and looking around him in an exaggerated manner, an affectionate smirk playing across his lips.

  Eventually his eyes settled back on her and they both broke into gales of laughter.

  ‘Are you going to have something to eat?’ she asked, smiling.

  ‘No. I told you, I’m not hungry.’

  ‘Well, stop watching me and let me eat mine, then,’ she said, laughing.

  ‘It’s your own fault,’ he said. ‘You shouldn’t be so ravishing.’

  In the end she gave up trying. ‘Come on,’ she said. ‘Let’s go through to the living room. We can watch a film and take the wine with us.’ As she got up from her seat her eyes took in the discarded food on the table. ‘I’ll clear this lot up in the morning.’ She picked up the bottle of wine from the table, saying, ‘Can you get the glasses?’

  But the film, like the meal, was left neglected. As soon as they sat down on the sofa Aaron showered her with attention and Maddy felt herself responding to his passionate kisses and gentle embrace. Before long their clothes also lay discarded on the living-room floor and they were making love on the sofa.

  ‘Should we continue this upstairs?’ said Aaron as she lay against him, still tingling from the after effects of their lovemaking.

  Maddy didn’t say a word. Instead she got up from the sofa, took hold of Aaron’s hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom, ready for another night of passionate lovemaking with her delectable younger lover. She had only known him for a relatively short period of time but already she could feel herself steadily being pulled towards him.


  ‘Aw, I’m so sorry I couldn’t give you a lift,’ said Maddy the next day as she and Aaron embraced on her doorstep, ‘but I’ve got so much to do before Andy comes back with Becky.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it,’ said Aaron, running his fingers affectionately along her neck then down to her chest, skirting the tops of her breasts and making her tremble. ‘I’ll be OK getting the bus.’

  ‘It’s ironic really, isn’t it, you having to get the bus when you consider what you drive?’ she said.

  Aaron stared blankly at her until she continued.

  ‘You know, the Porsche?’

  Aaron quickly recovered. ‘Oh, that. Don’t remind me!’

  ‘Yes, it’s a shame they found so many things wrong with it.’

  ‘I know. I’m more than a bit gutted but it’s not worth spending the money when there are so many parts that want replacing. So, until I get another car, it’s public transport and taxis for me.’

  ‘What will you buy?’ she asked.

  ‘Don’t know yet. Depends what I see. But I might give the performance cars a miss. They’re too much bloody trouble.’

  ‘Don’t blame you,’ she said, reluctantly pulling away from him. ‘Anyway, much as I’d love you to stay a bit longer, this isn’t getting me any further forward.’

  He smiled deliciously and planted another kiss on her lips before he went on his way. Behind the closed door Maddy hugged herself and grinned. She was deliriously happy.

  But she was also a bit suspicious. She di
dn’t buy his story about the Porsche and suspected he’d never even driven one. Fancy telling her that just to impress her! As if it mattered to her what car he drove. She should have told him to come in his car next time and that it didn’t matter to her what it was. But perhaps that would only embarrass him and make him feel foolish about his white lie.

  As far as Maddy was concerned, cars weren’t that important; they just got you from A to B. The way Aaron behaved towards her was much more important. And he had been so wonderful, caring and attentive. Besides, it wasn’t as if he didn’t have any money; he wouldn’t have been able to afford to stay at the Midland otherwise. Maybe he felt it was expected of him to have all the trappings that went with his success.

  Maddy was getting so attached to Aaron that she didn’t want to acknowledge any negatives, so she buried all thoughts of his car and carried on dreaming about a perfect life with her perfect man. She knew she didn’t have time to dwell on it anyway. She had work that needed her urgent attention so she forced herself to her desk and switched on her PC.

  It was two hours before Maddy allowed herself a tea break. She had been furiously tapping at the keyboard, trying to finish an article that was due in first thing the next day. Maddy knew it wasn’t her best work. It was too rushed for that. She should have sent Aaron on his way first thing instead of waiting till way past lunchtime. But she hadn’t done; the man was addictive!

  Maddy was also tired after another night of passionate lovemaking, and a bit hungover. She really could have done without having to finish this article, but she had no choice and now it was just a matter of getting it done as soon as possible as far as she was concerned.

  Hoping her brain might benefit from a five-minute break, Maddy had a walk round the house, stopping to gaze through the living-room window. Aware that the day was marching on, she hoped to God that Andy wouldn’t return early with Rebecca. Not having seen her daughter for two days, she couldn’t very well ignore her once she came home.


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