The Mark

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The Mark Page 11

by Heather Burnside

  They soon arrived at another set of traffic lights and the taxi drew to a stop. Crystal leant forward again, scanning the queue of traffic in front of them, but there was no sign of Gilly in his red Honda.

  ‘Shit!’ she cursed again.

  ‘You still wanna carry on?’ asked the taxi driver.

  ‘No, it’s a waste of time,’ she said. ‘Turn back. We’ll go back to The Rose and Crown.’

  ‘All right, I’ll turn first chance I get but it might be a while unless I find a side road.’

  ‘OK,’ said Crystal, resignedly. ‘Eh, what about here? Can’t you turn here?’ she asked as the taxi driver passed a petrol station on their left.

  She looked back at the petrol station, dismayed as the taxi driver muttered, ‘Too late, love.’

  It was while she was gazing at the petrol station forecourt that she spotted it. A red Honda Civic. Could it be Gilly?

  ‘Quick. Turn around!’ she yelled at the driver. ‘He’s back there, at the petrol station.’

  The driver checked his rear-view mirror and tutted. Fortunately there was a side street just ahead and the driver turned sharply into it. The taxi’s tyres screeched as he then did a speedy turn in the road.

  ‘Right or left?’ he asked.

  ‘Wait! Let’s see if he passes,’ said Crystal, fully expecting that Gilly would carry on heading in the same direction rather than go back to the city centre. After all, if he had just come out for petrol, there were plenty of petrol stations nearer to the city centre than this one.

  It was only a few seconds later when they caught sight of the red Honda as it passed them. Crystal recognised Gilly in the driving seat and quickly ducked so he wouldn’t see her.

  ‘Quick! Go now,’ she ordered the taxi driver. ‘It’s definitely him.’

  For the next fifteen minutes they kept pace with Gilly, staying a couple of cars behind so that he wouldn’t spot Crystal. Eventually they went through the centre of Urmston and towards Flixton. Crystal knew the area but only because she had a regular client who lived near the hospital and he always insisted she spent the night at his house. She couldn’t think what business Gilly would have in such a nice area though.

  Then the Honda stopped in a tree-lined road full of detached houses. The taxi driver had already spotted it before she spoke.

  ‘Do you want me to stop further up?’ he asked, guessing that she didn’t want to be seen.

  ‘Yeah, just there on the right,’ she said.

  They were just about near enough for her to see what Gilly was up to but not too near that she would be seen. She swivelled round in her seat and, keeping her head low, she watched.

  ‘I hope you realise the meter’s still ticking,’ said the driver.

  Crystal tutted. ‘Yeah, it’s all right. I’ll pay you whatever it costs.’

  For a few minutes nothing happened. Gilly stayed inside his car. He seemed to be watching a house on the other side of the street. But why? Crystal wasn’t sure. She continued watching till the driver interrupted her again.

  ‘How long we staying here?’ he asked.

  ‘Shush!’ she said. ‘I’ve told you, I’ll pay you whatever it costs. I’m not going now we’ve come this far.’

  She carried on looking out of the back window. Then, suddenly, the Honda started up and she ducked again so Gilly wouldn’t spot her as he passed by. Once the car was way up the road, she sat up straight again.

  ‘You wanna carry on following him?’ the driver asked.

  Crystal paused a moment, unsure what to do next. But she decided against continuing to follow Gilly. Somehow, whatever business he was on, she had a feeling it was connected to the house he had been watching. Curious, she wanted to have a look at the house to see if she could find out anything more.

  ‘Wait here a minute,’ she said. ‘I’m just going to check something out.’

  ‘Look, love, it’s twenty-six quid already. How do I know you’re not gonna do a runner once you get outside?’

  She tutted again and pulled some money out of her handbag, then gave him three ten-pound notes. ‘Here. Keep the change,’ she said.

  Crystal then stepped from the cab, which zoomed off down the street.

  ‘Bastard!’ she cursed when the driver didn’t wait for her. Now she was stuck in the middle of Flixton with no way of getting back to Manchester. She supposed she’d better do what she’d set out to do, which was to find out just why the hell Gilly was interested in that house. Then she could look for a bus stop or taxi rank so that she could get back to town.

  Crystal walked in the direction of the house, staying on the other side of the road while she glanced over. To her surprise she saw a woman walk to the gate and peer down the road as though looking where Gilly’s car had got to. Recognising the woman, Crystal quickly hid behind a parked car.

  For a moment she continued watching from her safe vantage point, hardly believing what she was seeing. It was the journalist! But why? What business did Gilly have with her and why the hell would he sit in his car watching her house?

  It wasn’t long before Maddy walked back up her drive, making sure the gate was bolted before she walked away. Then she went inside and shut her front door. Crystal took a mental note of the house number then walked down the street to check the name of it before finding her way to a main road where she might have chance of catching a bus or taxi.

  All the way back to town she puzzled about what she had seen. Was Gilly into house break-ins now? Or did he perhaps have something going on with the journalist? No, that couldn’t be right; otherwise he’d have knocked on the door instead of just watching from his car.

  Crystal had no idea what Gilly was up to but, whatever it was, she sensed that it wasn’t good. After mulling things over for a while Crystal came to the most likely conclusion that Gilly had a thing for the journalist.

  She recalled him telling her to allow the journalist’s second interview and the way he had kept glancing over through the bar’s mirror while the interview was taking place. At the time she’d thought it was because he didn’t trust the journalist, but then he’d followed her out of the pub. In fact, from what Crystal remembered, he couldn’t get out of the pub quickly enough. Suddenly it all seemed to fit. Maybe something had taken place between them.

  Crystal also recalled how beautiful the journalist was and the smart clothes she had worn. Even today when, from what Crystal could see, Maddy was wearing little make-up and a lounge suit, she still looked stunning. When Crystal had met Maddy she hadn’t given her appearance that much thought, readily accepting that Maddy was from a different world. Now though, as she thought about Gilly’s interest in the journalist and the way he had treated her ever since Maddy had come on the scene, she grew jealous.

  But Crystal was wary of challenging Gilly until she found out more, especially since he had already slapped her around for asking where he went in his car. It was obviously a touchy subject with him, so she decided to keep the information to herself for a while.

  No matter what his reasons were, though, for following Maddy, it wasn’t right. He was supposed to be in a relationship with her and, as Crystal seethed with anger at his betrayal, she decided that somehow she’d find a way to get her own back.


  It was only a day after Maddy’s last date with Aaron when he turned up on her doorstep again late in the evening. The day had been frantic. Maddy had rung and asked for an extension on the article she was behind with and, although the magazine editor had granted it, he wasn’t at all pleased. For the rest of the day she had worked hard to make a good start on the article, knowing that she had several others she needed to finish that week too. And she really didn’t want to upset any more editors.

  When she heard the doorbell ring, she automatically checked the time by the living-room clock. Twenty-five to ten. Who could it be at this time? In view of the strange cars she had seen parked outside a few times recently, Maddy was a bit unsettled.

  She inched the d
oor open, making sure the security chain was in place, and was surprised to see Aaron standing there carrying another bunch of flowers and a box of luxury chocolates.

  ‘Aaron?’ she asked. ‘What are you doing here?’

  He smiled. ‘Well, aren’t you going to let me in? Anyone would think you weren’t pleased to see me.’

  ‘Of course I am,’ said Maddy, releasing the chain and opening the door. She allowed him to plant a kiss on her lips and step inside the hallway before she added, ‘But I thought we agreed on the phone last night that we would see less of each other so I can catch up with my work.’

  He looked a bit put out. Then he said, ‘I know, but when I got up today I realised that it’s exactly one month since we started seeing each other. And I couldn’t let an important day like that go by without seeing you.’

  He handed her the flowers and she smiled. ‘Aw, Aaron, you’re so sweet. That’s really thoughtful of you.’

  ‘I’ve brought you these too,’ he said, pressing the box of chocolates into her other hand. ‘You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.’

  ‘Thank you, but you shouldn’t have. You’re always buying me things. Seriously though, Aaron, I love being with you, but I’m so far behind with my work and I really need to catch up.’

  He kissed her and said, ‘Stop fretting. I’ll leave early in the morning so you can get on with it. You’ll soon catch up; I’ve got every faith in you. Anyway, haven’t you already caught up with some of it today?’

  ‘Well, yes, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg really. I’ll have to work flat out all week if I’m to get anywhere near caught up with all the work I’ve got on.’

  ‘Do you want me to go, then?’ he asked, staring at her with those irresistible blue eyes, and Maddy could feel herself weaken.

  ‘No, it’s OK,’ she said, resigned to the fact that he would be with her for the rest of the night but also dismayed because she knew it would be another late one. That meant she would be overtired again the following day when she really needed to be on top of things. But she didn’t tell him what she was really thinking. Instead she said, ‘Becky will be disappointed she’s missed you tonight. She’ll be fast asleep by now.’

  ‘I didn’t come here to see Becky,’ he said, grasping her buttocks firmly. ‘Now, are you going to get inside and let me ravish you or do we have to do it out here in the hallway?’


  Later they were lying in bed after another session of passionate lovemaking. Maddy had her head on Aaron’s chest and was feeling content. ‘Oh, I meant to ask,’ she said. ‘How did you go on with that warehouse?’

  Aaron hesitated before answering. ‘Oh, erm, somebody had beaten me to it, I’m afraid.’

  It was only a moment’s hesitation but, nevertheless, Maddy had noticed it. ‘Oh, that’s a shame,’ she said. ‘What will you do?’

  ‘Well, it’s a bit of a pain really. I’m sure there’ll be something else suitable but, obviously, having to take the time to view other properties will put me behind a bit.’

  ‘Aw, that’s a shame,’ she repeated. ‘It would have been perfect for you as well, wouldn’t it? What about houses? Have you viewed any yet?’

  ‘No, I told you, I need to sort out the business first. It’s not just a warehouse I need. There’s loads of other things I need to sort out like stock and staff, and all kinds of other stuff that I won’t even bore you with.’

  Maddy could sense a bit of irritation in his tone. She guessed he must have been getting hassled with it all, especially after he had lost the warehouse that he really wanted. Deciding not to add to his stresses, she changed the subject.

  ‘I’ve been thinking, now that you’re getting to know Becky, why don’t we take her with us to meet your family next weekend?’

  ‘No, I can’t do next weekend.’

  ‘Oh, why not?’ she asked. ‘I’m sure Becky would love to meet them, and I’m looking forward to it too.’

  ‘For fuck’s sake!’ he snapped. ‘You know how busy I am with everything. Now, will you just stop asking me questions all the time?’

  For a moment Maddy didn’t speak, too shocked to respond.

  Then her reaction seemed to bring him to his senses. ‘Listen, I’m sorry, Maddy,’ he said, stroking the back of her head. ‘I didn’t mean to snap like that but it’s just that I’m so busy with everything and I don’t need any more mither.’

  She sat up and looked straight into his eyes. He shifted uncomfortably at the intensity of her gaze but she continued staring. ‘Do not ever speak to me like that again,’ she said slowly and deliberately.

  ‘I know,’ he said. ‘I shouldn’t have and I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again.’

  ‘You’d better not,’ said Maddy, ‘because I won’t stand for it. I don’t like being spoken to like that; I don’t like it at all.’

  Aaron pulled his head back and held his hands out. ‘Sorry, sorry,’ he repeated, smiling.

  His jovial manner worked to mollify her and she lay back down with her head on his chest. He moved his hand round until it grazed her breast, then he began fingering her nipple till she could feel a wave of desire.

  ‘I know what you do like,’ he said. ‘Should we focus on that instead? I don’t think I like angry Maddy,’ he teased.

  She giggled and tapped him lightly on the arm. ‘You’re incorrigible,’ she said.

  ‘Would you like me to get even more incorrigible?’ he asked, laughing and sliding his hand down her body till he reached the top of her legs, then slid his fingers inside her vagina. Maddy became lost in the moment as he worked his magic yet again.

  His angry reaction had momentarily sown a seed of doubt for Maddy but he’d soon won her round and, in her own mind, she quickly excused his outburst.


  Maddy awoke to the shrill buzzing of her alarm at 7.00 the next morning. She prised herself away from Aaron and reached over to switch it off. As she lay back again, she felt the weight of Aaron’s arm land on top of her and for a moment she was tempted to stay in bed with him. She was so tired! But then she thought about the amount of work she had to get through and that was enough to get her out of bed.

  She flung on her dressing gown and tiptoed out of the room. Then she woke Rebecca up and got her ready for school, leaving Aaron sleeping. She knew Rebecca would want to chat to him and risk being late for school if she found out he was in the house so she decided not to tell her.

  Once she had returned from the school run she switched on her PC, grabbing the chance to start some work while Aaron was still in bed. It was 10.20 a.m. before she heard him stir and within minutes he was standing alongside her, peeping over her shoulder at the article she was writing.

  ‘Morning, gorgeous,’ he said.

  ‘Hello, sleepy head,’ said Maddy, looking up at him while she continued to type. He looked irresistible; his hair all tousled and his lovely blue eyes heavy with sleep. ‘Let me just finish typing this sentence, then I’ll go and make you a cuppa,’ she said.

  He kissed the top of her head. ‘OK, thanks.’

  Maddy was torn. She was in the middle of an article and would have loved to continue it while the ideas were fresh in her mind. But she also wanted to be with Aaron, who was now sitting on her sofa waiting for his cup of coffee. She quickly jotted down a few notes so that she wouldn’t lose track of where she was up to when she returned to her PC. Then she dashed through to the kitchen and made them each a drink.

  When Maddy returned to the living room Aaron was tucking into a banana that he had helped himself to, while flicking through her CD collection. She put his drink down on the coffee table, near to where he had been sitting on the sofa. Then she sat on the armchair, not wanting to get too near to him and risk being further distracted from her work.

  He turned round and flashed a beaming smile at her. Then he sat down and finished eating. Leaving the banana skin on the coffee table, he patted the seat next to him. ‘Come and sit here,�
�� he said. Then he picked up his cup of coffee and took a gulp.

  ‘No, it’s OK,’ said Maddy, smiling back at him. ‘I need to get back to work in a minute.’

  ‘Aah, right. Do you want me to go, then? I can take a hint.’

  Maddy felt awful for neglecting him but she knew she had to be disciplined with herself if she was to have any chance of catching up with her work.

  ‘Sorry. I’d love you to stay a bit longer, but you know how it is.’

  ‘OK. OK. I understand.’ Then he laughed. ‘Your work is far more important than entertaining the demands of your randy young boyfriend.’

  ‘Well, I wouldn’t have put it quite like that,’ she said, sharing the joke.

  ‘It’s OK,’ he said, putting his cup back on the coffee table although it was still almost full. Then he stood up. ‘I’ll go and leave you to your work.’

  Maddy resisted the temptation to tell him to stay until he had finished his drink. Instead she got up and walked out of the room with him. Inside the hallway he turned to embrace her before he opened the door to leave. She looked up at him and their lips met. As she returned his passionate kiss she could feel his hands roaming up and down her body. She quickly pulled away before she became lost to his charms once more.

  A wide beaming smile lit up his handsome features. ‘You sure I can’t persuade you back to bed?’ he asked, his hand still resting on her buttocks while his finger drew tiny, tantalising circles that sent shivers right through her.

  She smiled back. ‘No, cheeky! I’ve told you—’

  ‘I know, you’ve got work to do,’ he said, his voice imitating hers.

  ‘Yes, and so have you, don’t forget,’ said Maddy, smiling at him. She reached over and unlocked the catch on the door while continuing to smile. Then she said, in mock irritation, ‘Come on, pest, out.’

  He held up his hands as if in surrender, ‘OK, OK. Mustn’t get on the wrong side of the hotshot journalist.’

  Then he was gone and she went back to her PC, taking a moment to reflect before returning to her work. She had been right the previous night when she had called him incorrigible. But he was also irresistible! It wasn’t only his looks; it was the way he was with her, most of the time anyway. He made her feel so special, showering her with affection, bringing her little gifts, paying her compliments. And as for the sex. Wow! He was such an unselfish lover, who took the time and care to focus on her needs.


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