Ten Year Reunion: A Hotwife Novel

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Ten Year Reunion: A Hotwife Novel Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  “Do you really want to see what I bought?”

  There was something about the tone of her voice, something about the way she was smiling at me, something about the naughty little grin that played across her face as she asked that question that suddenly had me very intrigued. Very intrigued indeed. I glanced at the bags and licked my lips. What did she buy?

  “Yes!” I said.

  “Are you sure you want to see what I bought?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure,” I croaked.

  Abby stepped forward and her body was pressing against mine. She wore a tank top and shorts. They were nothing so scandalous as what she’d worn in some of the pictures I was just looking at up in the attic, but they were definitely short enough that she had my attention. Besides, her pressing her body against me was enough to get my attention no matter what she wore. She could be in a burlap bag and my cock would stand to attention.

  The combination of Abby pressing her sexy body against me and how close I already was to the edge courtesy of the little session I’d had up in the attic was driving me wild. My head was swimming. I was lightheaded, and I thought I was going to lose consciousness if she kept this up any longer. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to concentrate on anything but the delicious feeling of my wife pressing her tight petite body against mine.

  My cock twitched and for a moment I worried that I might blow my load in my boxers just from having her pressing against me. Damn! I hadn’t had to worry about that since school dances way back in the day. I was definitely entering new territory. This fantasy was definitely taking me to levels of arousal I hadn’t experienced in some time.

  I looked down to Abby. Her eyes moved down to my cock and then back up to meet my own. A smile crossed her face.

  “You’re certainly excited,” she said.

  “You have no idea.”

  I was surprised I was even able to get the words out. Damn her body felt so good. I wanted to rip her clothes off right here and fuck her on the kitchen counter, but that would ruin the fun. That would interrupt the show. I desperately wanted to know what was in those bags. I desperately needed to know what she’d bought for her reunion. What I could expect to see her parading around in. What I could expect to see other guys watching her in.

  Was I going to see my sexy wife showing herself off a little? Or was she going to be in the same conservative business casual she usually wore to work?

  Her hands snaked down and rubbed the length of my cock. “Someone must really be wondering if I was naughty with my shopping.”

  I nodded. I didn’t trust myself to speak. I was afraid my voice would crack. I was afraid nothing would come out. I was afraid just the vibration from my voice running down through my body combined with the feeling of her hand rubbing against me, the fantasy from the attic pushing me so close to the edge already, and the mystery of what was in those bags, would cause me to blow my load against her hand.

  “But you weren’t that interested in what I bought earlier,” she said with a pout on her face.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You weren’t interested enough to come shopping with me.”

  I let out a strangled gasp. It was the best I could do. Was she really going to hold that against me? Was not going on a shopping trip with her the only thing that was going to keep me from knowing what she bought? Was she going to hold me in suspense? Was I only going to find out when we got to her reunion?

  All those thoughts raced through my mind at light speed, and some of the anguish must have shown on my face because she laughed and pulled back. Pulled her hand away from my cock which left me gasping and panting in the middle of our kitchen.

  “Go upstairs and get ready for the show silly,” she said. “You know I don’t like you following me around when I’m shopping anyways.”

  I grinned. So there was going to be a show. All right!

  I sprinted upstairs and threw myself on our massive bed. I got myself good and situated and waited for her to make her way up. She’d done fashion shows like this before, coming out of her big walk-in closet and doing a little twirl like she was a model on a runway. It was my favorite thing about her shopping trips. Especially if she’d gone shopping for something particularly naughty like lingerie or swimwear.

  I just hoped she’d gone for something similarly naughty for her reunion.

  Abby appeared right behind me with bags slung over her arms and disappeared into her walk-in closet. I don’t know if it was my imagination, but it seemed like she put a little extra sway into her walk as she disappeared. I found myself hypnotized by the way her ass moved in those shorts. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to reach down and started stroking my cock right there.

  But no, I needed to hold back. I wanted to enjoy the show. The last thing I wanted was to ruin the moment by blowing my load too soon. Not to mention I’d have a hell of a time explaining to Abby why I was jerking off in the middle of the bed without any help from her.

  I heard her shuffling around in the closet and I licked my lips in anticipation. I could only imagine what was happening back there. Slipping out of her tank top, out of her shorts, revealing that delicious tight ass, her perfect tits with those perfect cute pink tips I loved to suck on. She had a perfect body, so petite and tight, and I absolutely loved it. I absolutely loved her.

  I imagined her slipping on some sexy little dress. Something that would make all the guys at her reunion look at her and immediately remember why it was they thought she was the hottest girl in their class. Something that would make her old boyfriend look at the one who got away and drive him insane with lust for my wife.

  “Are you ready?”


  I was more ready to see my wife than I’d been in a good long while. There was something about the naughty extra dimension of this new fantasy that was sending me into overdrive. I was on fire.

  Abby rounded the corner in a pair of shorts that so impossibly short that they would’ve made it easy to see her bush if she didn’t keep that meticulously shaved. Above that she had a button up shirt that was similar to what I’d seen in that picture I was staring at before she came home and so rudely interrupted my ogling. The buttons were open at the bottom revealing her tight stomach, still as flat and toned as it had been in that picture from all those years ago. And the top was unbuttoned down to the point that I could see her cleavage. I leaned forward and grinned. Judging from what I could see she hadn’t bothered to wear a bra with this particular outfit.

  I scooted forward, fully intending to jump off the bed and pull her down next to me. Or maybe I’d carry her back to the walk-in closet and use some of that extra space we paid a premium for when we built the damn place to some good use for a change.

  Only she held up a hand and wagged a finger at me. “Naughty boy. You have to see the whole show.”

  I groaned but dutifully sat back on the bed and waited for the next outfit. I wasn’t disappointed when it appeared. This time she was in a skirt that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. It looked like it was made of silk or some other material. I imagined running my hand up her leg, up under that skirt and grabbing her ass through her panties. Up above it was even more breathtaking. She wore a white halter top that barely contained her tits. Once again it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra because I could clearly see her nipples pressing out towards me through the thin white material. It was obvious how excited she was, and my cock throbbed as I stared at my gorgeous wife in that incredibly sexy outfit.

  Abby did a twirl which caused the skirt to fly up and revealed her ass to me. I licked my lips.

  “You like?”

  I couldn’t speak. I just nodded my head eagerly. Holy shit was that thing sexy! I wondered exactly when she planned on wearing it, but then she was disappearing into the closet once more before I could ask her.

  The anticipation was killing me. I had a feeling we were building up to something big.

  One leg a
ppeared from her closet and my cock twitched. That leg was in a knee-high leather boot and not much else. I could see all the way up her thigh. I leaned forward, wanting to drink in all of her beauty. What was that outfit? It was driving me wild. All I could think about was how it would drive the guys at her reunion wild.

  A second leg appeared and she rounded the corner wearing what could only be described as the quintessential little black dress.

  It was also the quintessential “fuck me” dress in addition to being the quintessential little black dress. Granted I was a little biased and tended to think that any dress my wife wore was a “fuck me” dress, but you get the point. It had a shimmer to it and it sparkled in the light of our bedroom as she did a quick twirl.

  The dress was amazing. It molded to her body in all the right places. It seemed like the thing was held in place by magic, with no straps to be seen. It came up well above her knees showing a good expanse of her leg and thigh, and there was a split down one side that showed even more of her leg if I looked at the right angle. It plunged down in the front showing a generous amount of her cleavage. I wondered how that thing managed to stay in place. Double-sided tape? Some sort of dark magic designed to keep little black dresses on beautiful women?

  I didn’t know. I didn’t care. All I knew was my cock was throbbing, my body was on fire, and I was already going insane from my session up in the attic just a half hour before. Seeing her in the outfits, especially seeing her in that dress, and thinking about what other guys would think of it when they saw her in that dress, what he’d think of it when he saw her. I was in sexual overdrive. I was in a frenzy. My cock was like a shark that had scented blood in the water, only I’d picked up on my wife and I had to have her.

  I let out a low growl that made Abby smile. I stepped off of the bed and she wagged a finger at me. “Naughty boy. The show is over.”

  I didn’t say anything. I didn’t respond. I just moved forward and picked her up. Swirled her around. Planted my lips against hers and pressed my cock up against her pussy where her legs were spread apart under that dress. God she felt so incredible. She wasn’t wearing a bra under the dress, and she also hadn’t bothered to put on any panties from the feel of things.

  I got a thrill imagining that I was him. That I was dancing with her out on a dance floor, maybe in their old gym or whatever dance floor had been set up as part of the reunion. I imagined that I was reaching down between her legs and realizing she wasn’t wearing underwear. That I was getting a chance to touch my wife’s incredible tight pussy for the first time in over a decade. It made me lightheaded as back in reality I shoved my tongue into her mouth and we fell together on the bed.

  I was a man possessed. I didn’t bother to take the dress off. I didn’t even bother to take my clothes off. I just reached down, undid my pants, fished my cock out, and then I was sinking inside my wife. Looking down at her as her mouth opened and she gasped.

  “Holy shit baby!” she said.

  I didn’t say anything. I just let out another growl. I sank into her as quickly as possible and then I was pounding in and out of her.

  The force of my fucking was so intense, so hard, that her tits popped out of her dress. I tried to gather it up as best as I could, to pull it up over her stomach at least. And so my wife was lying underneath me with her dress bunched up around her thighs and a popped down below her tits which were bouncing up and down as I pounded in and out of her. As I imagined that I was her old boyfriend climbing on top of her in that very same dress after the reunion, sliding my cock in and out of her over and over again, overcome with lust and the overwhelming desire from ten years of fantasizing about the one that got away. Of fantasizing about the beautiful girl that he hadn’t been able to get with back in the day.

  Shit! It was all too much for me. Abby was crying out underneath me, letting out little gasps, and I felt the shuddering beginnings of her orgasm. That combined with the intensity of my feelings, with the way I’d been in bringing myself close to the edge up in the attic, finally sent me over. Every muscle in my body tensed. I felt that intense heat transferring down to my cock and then exploding out of me and into my wife. Into her gorgeous petite and oh so hot body.

  She was all mine, all mine, and yet the only thought that filled my head was her with another man. Giving herself to another completely in a way that she’d only shared herself with me. And it was such a turn on. It was so fucking hot imagining I was some other guy with her petite body under me, with her tits bouncing underneath me, with my cock exploding inside her.

  The last time we fucked I’d only allowed myself to partially lose myself in this fantasy. I’d been moving in and out of her in the present, the past, and the potential future at this reunion. Moving in and out of the reality of being on top of my wife and the fantasy of being him and doing the same thing.

  Only this time I allowed myself to lose myself completely. This time I gave myself over to the fantasy entirely. I looked down at my wife and I was looking at her through his eyes. I was staring at the beautiful woman who I’d dreamed about for so long. The one who’d gotten away. She was my world, and I couldn’t believe I was finally getting the opportunity to fuck her after so many years of fantasizing. I was seeing her completely through the perverted lens of her old boyfriend plowing in and out of her pussy, feeling her slamming up and down on my cock, and the feeling was incredible. The fantasy made it so much more intense.

  I let out a roar as blast after blast of my cum exploded inside her. I felt myself emptying my essence into the depths of my wife. Into her delicious wet and oh so slick pussy that was grasping for me, pulling me in more even as she wrapped her legs around me, threw her head back, and let out a quiet series of gasps that let me know she was going into overdrive.

  I collapsed, though I managed to collapse to one side rather than on top of her. I looked down at her, at her disheveled hair, at the way her gorgeous dress was bunched up around her pussy and ass, the way it had fell down below her tits so easily. She looked like a hot mess, and she was so fucking gorgeous.

  And even now I wasn’t free of the fantasy. Even now it was taking hold. Even now it was taking firm control of me through a primal raw desire I hadn’t even realized existed before. As I looked down at her I found myself imagining what she’d look like if it was another guy who just fucked her. If I came into a hotel room, say, and found her lying back on her bed like that smiling at me the way she was smiling right now, knowing she just had another man inside her. Knowing she’d just performed the ultimate forbidden fantasy.

  I could feel my cock stirring and growing hard already. Which surprised me. That almost never happened. Her eyes followed mine down to my cock and she giggled.

  “Damn! This dress must really be doing it for you!” she said.

  “Something like that,” I said.

  This time I pulled her on top of me. I was ready for round two. She squealed in delight and then purred as her pussy sank down on my cock. As I imagined that I was him looking up at her with her pussy sinking down on my cock. Looking at her tits bouncing up and down.

  And it seemed like she was ready to take up right where she’d left off. I knew she always liked it when she could be on top, when she could take control. I groaned as she bounced up and down on me, and to my surprise I realized that I was so fucking close again. I hadn’t gotten hard that quickly in forever, and I definitely hadn’t been ready to come this quickly during round two in even longer.

  “Fuck I’m close!” I said.

  Her eyes widened. “Really?”

  Only that seemed to encourage her to new levels of depravity. She bounced up and down like a mad woman. She threw her head back and tossed her silky hair from side to side as her petite tits bounced up and down over and over again while she rode my cock. Her pussy squeezed me in an oh so wonderful and distracting way and I grabbed of her hips, held them in a white knuckled grip as I pulled her down one last time and started exploding once more.

nd this time she exploded with me, only it was so much more intense than before. Before she just let out quiet gasps, but this time she was screaming like a woman possessed.

  Abby threw her head back and thrust her tits up towards the ceiling one last time as she let out gasps and screams that mixed together with my groans as I held her down on my cock. As her ass and pussy grinded against my body.

  And then it was over a second time. Only this time she was the one doing the collapsing, which I was more than happy to accommodate. The silky smoothness of her dress mixed with the silky smoothness of her skin, of her tits, in a symphony of touch and sensation that drove me wild even considering I’d just blown my load inside her twice.

  “That was fucking amazing,” I said as I ran a hand through her hair.

  “Fuck yeah it was!”

  I was still buried inside my wife, still had my cock lodged in her delicious wet velvety folds, and once more I felt my cock stirring. I couldn’t believe it. She realized what was going on as she pulled her head up from my chest. Looked me in the eyes and smiled.

  “Holy shit. Again?”

  I grinned and moved my hands down to grip her hips. It looked like we were having round three for the first time in years.

  What a hell of a fantasy! I couldn’t wait for her reunion.

  5: Homecoming

  It really hit home every time we visited. Abby’s hometown really was one of those tiny blink and you miss it one stoplight and a couple of stop signs towns in the middle of nowhere. Think cornfields everywhere, one school for the entire county, that whole thing. My understanding was there were actually a couple of small towns that fed into a centrally located school, but I’d never really paid all that much attention to it when Abby’s relatives started griping about it around the holidays. Those holidays were the only time we visited, and I was usually more interested in getting in and getting the hell back to the city as quickly as possible.

  Her hometown was a good hour drive from where we lived now, and the drive up was usually torture for me. That was no different now that we were making the drive up for her reunion instead of visiting family, though the torture was for a completely different set of reasons than usual.


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