Beirut Incident

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Beirut Incident Page 14

by Nick Carter

  The plank was only about six inches wide, wide enough for purchase but too narrow for confidence. I pushed it across the gap between the two buildings so that it rested equally on each roof. Holding my attaché case in both hands in front of me, I placed one tentative foot on my shaky bridge, braced myself, and ran across in three steps.

  I had to run. I don't normally suffer from acrophobia but if I'd tried to edge my way across, I would never have made it. Fear would have forced me into a misstep, and there was no room for a misstep. I stood stiffly for several minutes, composing myself, still trembling but sweating with relief.

  Once I had calmed myself, I went over to the doorway leading to the staircase. If it were bolted from the inside, I would have to get into the Counting House offices through the skylight, and that would be difficult.

  The door was unlocked. I had merely to open it and push my way through. It was somewhat like the British had done at Singapore: All their guns pointed to sea to stave off any naval attack; the Japanese took the overland route, came in the "back door" and captured Singapore. Similarly, the Counting House's defenses were all geared to preventing entrance from below; they had never considered that a raid might come from above.

  I thought about knocking at the door of the Counting House office on the fifth floor just to give Big Julie and Raymond something to think about in their barricaded little nest, but I couldn't afford to alert them just to please my own perverse sense of humor.

  I slipped a black nylon stocking over my face, opened the door and walked in, my attaché case in one hand, Wilhelmina in the other.

  Two men stared at me, paralyzed by surprise. They were sitting on either side of a steel-topped desk, on which they had been playing cards. A half-empty bottle of gin stood on the desktop along with two glasses and a couple of overflowing ashtrays. To one side the remains of a sandwich rested on a brown paper bag. Smoke hung in the air under the low-hanging desk light. In the shadows around the huge room, a great computer stood silent guard over the rows of motionless desks and silent typewriters.

  A few feet away from the desk, two old-style army cots had been set up, side by side.

  One of the men at the desk was huge, his great muscled body gleaming in the light. He was wearing a sleeveless undershirt with a pair of ratty looking gray slacks hooked loosely under his spreading paunch. The butt of a fat cigar was clamped in yellowed teeth beneath a great bush of a mustache. Big Julie, no doubt.

  His companion was more average in size, a real street dude with a wide-brimmed green felt hat, a bright red silk shirt open almost to the waist, and flaring trousers in an Aqueduct plaid. Two oversized diamond rings gleamed on Raymond's left hand, contrasting with the blackness of his skin. He surprised me. I hadn't expected that one of Chickie Wright's boys would be black. If the lower-class Italian with the big-time ideas was finally beginning to lose his innate prejudices, the world was indeed becoming a better place to live in.

  The paralysis of surprise lasted only a moment. Raymond's left hand suddenly flashed toward the shoulder holster hanging over the back of a typist's chair next to him.

  Wilhelmina barked and a bullet slammed into the chair, jerking it backward a few inches. Raymond's hand froze in midair, then slowly returned to the table.

  "Thank you," I said politely. "Just remain right where you are, gentlemen."

  Big Julie's eyes bulged and the cigar stub moved spasmodically in the corner of his mouth. "What the hell…" he croaked in a guttural voice.

  "Shut up." I waved Wilhelmina at him, keeping a close eye on Raymond. Of the two, I had decided that' he was the more dangerous. I was wrong, but I didn't know it at the time.

  I laid my attaché case on a neat desk in front of me and opened it with my left hand. I took out two long pieces of rawhide I'd picked up that afternoon at a shoe repair shop.

  Somewhere downstairs a dog barked.

  The two guards looked at each other, then back at me.

  "The dogs," Big June croaked. "How'd'ja get by the dogs?"

  I grinned. "Just petted them on the head as I went by. I love dogs."

  He grunted in disbelief. "The gates…?"

  I grinned again. "I burned them down with my super ray gun." I took a step closer and waved the gun again. "You. Raymond. Lie down on the floor on your face."

  "Screw you, man!"

  I fired. The shot hit the top of the desk and ricocheted. It's hard to tell where a bullet bounces, but from the mark it put on the desktop it must have missed Raymond's nose by millimeters.

  He reared back in his chair, hands high above his head. "Yes, sir. On the floor. Right away." He got slowly to his feet, hands held high, then lowered himself gingerly to the floor, face down.

  "Put your hands behind your back."

  He obeyed instantly.

  Next I turned to Julie, and had to laugh. He still held the deck of cards in his hand. He must have been dealing when I came in.

  "Okay," I said, tossing him one of the rawhide thongs. "Tie your buddy up."

  He stared down at the thong, then up at me. Finally he laid down the cards and got clumsily to his feet. He picked up the thong dumbly and stood looking at it.

  "Move it! Tie his hands behind his back."

  Big Julie did as he was told. When he was through and had stepped back, I checked the knots. He'd done a good enough job.

  I waved the pistol at him again- "Okay. Now it's your turn. On the floor."

  "What the…"

  "I said on the floor!"

  He sighed, carefully removed the cigar butt from his mouth, and laid it in the ashtray on the desk. Then he lay down on the floor, several feet away from Raymond.

  "Put your hands behind your back."

  He sighed again and put his hands behind his back, his cheek flat against the floor.

  I laid Wilhelmina on the chair Big Julie had been sitting on and knelt over him, straddling his body to tie his hands.

  His feet whipped up, cracking into my back, and his giant body twisted and heaved in a great convulsion of effort, throwing me against the desk and off balance. I cursed my own stupidity and dove for the gun, but he caught my wrist in a viselike grip with one beefy paw, heaving over against me with his body and pinning me to the floor with his great weight.

  His face was next to mine, pressing against me. He raised back and smashed downward with his head, trying to crack it against mine. I twisted violently and his head cracked against the floor. He bellowed like a stuck bull and twisted over on me again.

  I clawed at his eyes with my free hand, fighting against the weight pressing down on me, arching my back to keep my body from being flattened helplessly under him. My searching fingers found his eyes, but they were squinted tightly shut. I took the next best alternative, jamming two fingers into his nostrils and ripping back and upward.

  I could feel tissue give, and he screamed, letting go of my other wrist so that he could pull on the attacking hand. I pushed off with my free hand and we rolled over and over on the floor. We came up against the leg of a desk. I grabbed both of his ears and pounded his head backward against the metal furniture.

  His grip slackened and I broke free, tumbling away from him. I snapped to my feet just in time to see Raymond, hands still tied behind him, struggling to stand. I kicked him in the stomach with the point of my shoe and dove to retrieve Wilhelmina from where I'd left her on the chair.

  I grabbed the Luger and spun just as Big Julie launched himself from the floor at me like a grunting, sweating catapult. I sidestepped and let him hurtle by me as I smashed at the side of his head with the butt of the pistol. He crashed headlong into the chair and lay there, suddenly inert, blood from his ripped nose spreading over his lower jaw, soaking his mustache. On the floor alongside him, Raymond squirmed and moaned, hands still locked behind his back.

  I reholstered Wilhelmina. It had been such a clean operation until Big Julie had gone heroic on me. I waited until I was breathing normally, then tied Big Julie's hands together
as I had started to do a few minutes before. Then I turned on all the lights in the office and began going through the big bank of files in Chickie Wright's office.

  They were locked but it didn't take me long to break the locks. Finding what I was looking for, however, was a different matter. But finally I found it. A dollar-by-dollar breakdown of the Franzini holdings in the city's business concerns.

  I whistled. Popeye was not only into everything illegal in the city, he hadn't missed many legal operations: meatpacking, stock brokerage, construction, taxicabs, hotels, electrical appliances, pasta manufacturing, supermarkets, bakeries, massage parlors, movie houses, pharmaceutical manufacturing.

  I pulled open one of the file drawers and noticed some large manila envelopes piled in the back. They had no labels and the flaps were sealed. I ripped them open and knew I'd hit the jackpot. Those envelopes contained the records — with sale dates, drops, names, everything — of Franzini's heroin operation, a complex pipeline from the Middle East to New York.

  It seemed my late friend, Su Lao Lin, hadn't gone out of the drug business when our G.I.'s left Indochina. She'd just moved shop a few thousand miles to Beirut. That beautiful woman was funneling drugs as well as men. She was a busy girl.

  Her relationship to Franzini always had puzzled me. It had always nagged at the back of my mind why I'd met a Red Chinese agent and former drug distributor working as an employment service for an American gangster. She was just doing double duty and I'd been involved in only one side of her many talents for organization. It all became clear, and I smiled slightly as I thought that I'd inadvertently blown up Franzini's Middle Eastern connection.

  Whatever misgivings I'd had earlier about wiping her out were completely gone.

  I stacked the papers carefully on the desk next to my attaché case and then took the plastique explosives out of the case and lined them up. Plastique is not too stable, and it should be handled carefully. When I had it sent to me by bus from Washington, I'd had it sent in two packages — one for the explosive itself, the other for the caps and detonators. That way, it was safe.

  Now, I carefully went about inserting the caps and the timer-detonators. Set for maximum, the detonators would go off in five minutes once they had been activated. I placed one where it was sure to destroy the computer, then distributed the other three around the room where they would do maximum damage. I didn't have to be too precise. Four plastique bombs would pretty well demolish the Counting House.

  "Man, you ain't gonna leave us here." It was more a plea than a question from the black man on the floor. He had twisted around so that he could watch me. He had quit groaning some time ago.

  I smiled down at him. "No, Raymond. You and your fat friend are going with me." I looked over at Big Julie, who had raised himself into a sitting position on the floor and was glaring at me through bloodshot eyes. "I want someone to carry a message for me to Popeye Franzini."

  "What's the message?" Raymond was eager to oblige.

  "Just tell him that tonight's work was with the compliments of Gaetano Ruggiero."

  "Well, goddamn…" It was Big Julie. Blood streamed down his face from his torn nose.

  I repacked my attaché case carefully, making sure all the incriminating papers were in it, then closed and locked it. I got Raymond and Big Julie to their feet and made them stand in the middle of the room while I went around and activated the timing devices on each of the detonators. Then the three of us got out of there in a hurry, rushing up the stairway to the roof and slamming the rooftop door shut behind us.

  I made Raymond and Big Julie lie down on their faces again, then took a deep breath and dashed across my shaky plank bridge to the next building. Once across, I pulled the plank aside, tossed it onto the rooftop and started down the stairway, whistling happily to myself. It had been a good night's work.

  Halfway down the stairs I could feel the building shake as four big explosions sounded from next door. When I got outside, the top floor of 415 West Broadway was in flames. I stopped on the corner to pull the fire alarm box, then strolled on over to Sixth Avenue and hailed a cab going uptown. I was back in my seat alongside Philomina before the end of the Amram concerto that was the finale on the program.

  My clothes were slightly mussed, but I had brushed off most of the dirt I'd picked up rolling around on the floor of the Counting House. The informal way some people dress for concerts these days, it wouldn't be very noticeable.

  Chapter 15

  After Philomina had gone to work the next morning, I wrapped up the papers I had taken from the Counting House and mailed them to Ron Brandenburg. There was enough there to keep the FBI, the Treasury Department, and the Southern District Task Force Against Organized Crime busy for the next six months.

  Then I called Washington and ordered another 17B Explosive Kit. I was beginning to feel like the Mad Bomber, but you can't take on the Mafia alone with only a pistol and a stiletto.

  When I finally got myself organized, I called Louie.

  He practically jumped over the telephone line at me. "Jeez, Nick, am I glad you called! The whole goddamned place has gone nuts! You gotta get over here right away. We've…"

  "Slow down, slow down. What's going on?"


  "Take it easy, Louie. Take it easy. What's happening, for Chrissake?"

  He was so excited he had a hard time telling me, but it eventually came out.

  Someone from Ruggiero's mob had blown up the Counting House, the firemen had just barely made it in time to rescue the two guards, who'd been beaten up, bound, and left to die on the rooftop.

  Left to die, hell! But I didn't say anything.

  Popeye Franzini, Louie went on, was in an enraged frenzy, screaming and pounding his desk between periods of morose depression when he just sat in his wheelchair and stared out the window. The destruction of the Counting House was the last straw, Louie babbled. The Franzini gang was "going to the mattresses" — in Mafia terms, setting up bare apartments around town, where six to ten «soldiers» could hole up, away from their usual haunts, protected by each other. The apartments, equipped with extra mattresses for those Mafioso staying in them, not only served as "safe houses," but as bases from which the buttonmen could strike out at the opposing force.

  It was the beginning of the biggest gang war in New York since the Gallos and Colombos had fought it out in a battle that ended with Colombo paralyzed and Gallo dead.

  Louie, myself, Locallo and Manitti went to the mattresses with a half-dozen other Franzini hoods in a third-floor walkup apartment on Houston Street. It had three windows giving a good view of the street and — once I had secured the rooftop door — only one means of access — up the narrow stairs.

  We moved in, sat down, and waited for the next move. A few blocks up the street, the Ruggieros did the same. We had a half-dozen other apartments similarly occupied and so did our rivals: Each with a half-dozen or more hard cases, each with a full supply of pistols, rifles, submachine guns, and ammunition, each with its local messenger boy to bring in the papers and fresh beer and take-out orders of food, each with its 24-hour-a-day poker game, each with its endless television, each with its intolerable boredom.

  Philomina was on the phone three times a day, to the extent that she prompted a few obscene remarks out of one of Louie's hood friends. I knocked out two of his teeth and no one commented after that.

  It was Philomina, and the newspapers brought in daily by our messenger, that kept us up with the outside world. Actually, nothing much was going on. According to Philomina, the word was that Gaetano Ruggiero was insisting he had had nothing to do with either Spelman's death or the explosions at the Counting House. He kept passing the word that he wanted to negotiate, but Popeye was playing it cool. The last time Ruggiero had been known to negotiate, in the hassle a few years back with the San Remos, it had been a trap that ended up with the San Remos being killed.

  On the other hand, according to Philomina, Popeye figured that if Ruggie
ro did want to negotiate, then he didn't want to antagonize his rival any further. So for two weeks, both factions hung around in those dreary apartments, jumping at imagined shadows.

  Even Italian hoods can get bored after a while. We weren't supposed to leave the apartment for any reason, but I had to speak to Philomina without the others around. One night, the other guys approved of the idea of some more cold beer — my suggestion — and I volunteered to go out for it. I managed to override the others' warnings of Franzini's wrath and the danger I was letting myself in for, and they finally agreed, believing I was the most stir-crazy of the bunch.

  On my way back from a nearby delicatessen, I called Philomina.

  "I think Uncle Joe is getting ready to meet with Mr. Ruggiero," she told me.

  I couldn't afford that. Half my battle plan was to set one mob against the other, to get things to such a fever pitch that the Commission would have to step in.

  I thought a moment. "All right. Now listen carefully. Have Jack Gourlay call the apartment in about ten minutes and ask for Louie." Then I outlined in detail for her what I wanted Jack to tell Louie.

  The phone rang about five minutes after I got back and Louie took it.

  "Yeah? No kidding? Sure… Sure… Okay… Yeah, sure… Right away…? Okay."

  He hung up with an excited look on his face. Self-consciously, he pushed at the big.45 strapped to his chest in a shoulder holster. "It's one of Uncle Joe's guys," he said. "He said three of our guys were hit over on Bleecker street just a few minutes ago."

  "Hey!" I helped out "Who got hit, Louie? Anyone we know? How bad?"

  He shook his head and spread his hands. "Jeez! I don't know. The guy said he'd just gotten the word. Didn't know any other details." Louie paused and looked impressively around the room. "He said Uncle Joe wants us to hit the Ruggieros. Hit 'em good."


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