Blood & Ivy

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Blood & Ivy Page 35

by Paul Collins

handwriting, expert testimony on, 198–200

  Harte, Bret, xviii

  Harvard Branch railway, 32, 119–20, 158

  Harvard University

  admissions exams, 3–5, 245–46

  campus clubs and activities, 9–10

  Class of 1853, 3–5, 267

  commons breakfast, 7–8

  curriculum, 8, 266–67

  graduation program, 246

  housing, 6

  morning chapel, 7

  “The University at Cambridge,” 162, 295n

  Hasty Pudding Club, 9–10

  Hathaway, John, 28–29, 280n

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, xvii, 159, 196

  Henchman, the apothecary, 103

  Herald. See Boston Herald

  Herculean letter, 108, 134, 197, 241

  Hill, Adams Sherman, 267

  History of Rome, A (Schmitz), 8

  Hobbs, James, 181, 308n

  Holland, grocer, 48–49, 284n

  Holmes, John, 5–6, 275n

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 28

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr.

  anatomy lectures, 27–28, 29, 105, 133–34

  “anesthesia” named, 13

  Charles Dickens and, xvii, xix, 269

  dean of Medical College, 18, 25–27, 65, 105–6, 145, 236

  friendship with Emerson, 27

  hired by Medical College, 12, 277n

  Med Fac, 18, 27

  on Parkman, 268

  Phineas Gage and, 18

  as a physician, xix, 27

  Sarah Furber and, 25–26

  and search for Parkman, 65–66

  as writer, 27, 267

  Homans, Charles, 244

  Horsford, Eben, 145–46

  Houghton, Jonathan, 47

  Howard Athenaeum, 84, 290n

  Hufeland, Madam, 54, 285n

  Hymns (Samuel Longfellow), 253

  Independent Order of Boston Reporters, 67

  Irish Secretary, The, 84

  Irving, Washington, 158

  Jackson, Charles T., 143, 185–87, 189

  Jackson, John B. S., 106, 277n

  Jones, Edward C., 264

  Jones, police officer, 221, 223

  Journal. See Boston Daily Journal

  Kaczynski, Ted (“Unabomber”), 322n

  Keats, John, 254

  Keep, Nathan Cooley, 143, 175, 187–88, 189, 190–91, 204, 210

  Kennedy, Anthony, 262

  kindling, 86, 184

  King, Edward, 267

  Kingsley, Charles

  hired by Parkman, 44

  murder complaint against Webster, 149

  search for Parkman, 50–51, 56–58, 60, 65–66, 73, 108–9, 116, 134

  Knight, Antonio Emanuel, 247, 251, 318n

  “L’Allegro” (Milton), 88–89

  laughing gas (nitrous oxide), 10, 13

  Laws of Harvard University, 7

  Leverett Street Jail, 121, 124, 139, 158, 225, 297n

  Lewis, Winslow, 143, 190, 191, 228–29

  Littlefield, Caroline

  and Ephraim’s investigations, 82, 99–101, 109, 110

  mornings in quarters, 81, 99, 102–3

  and police, 116

  Thanksgiving shopping and preparation, 83–84, 85, 99, 289n

  Littlefield, Ephraim

  after Webster’s conviction, 224, 230, 249–50, 266

  blood obtained for Webster’s lectures, 27, 29, 85

  breaking into Webster’s privy, 100–102, 105–7, 110–11, 182

  discovery of Parkman’s remains, 111, 115–16, 117

  dissecting room disposal vault, 21–23, 25

  duties in Medical College, 21, 81–82, 85, 159–60, 192

  family quarters, 23

  and hot wall of Webster’s lab, 85–86, 109, 193

  investigations of Webster’s lab, 82, 99–100

  and locked doors of Webster’s lab, 82–83, 85–86, 87, 100, 109, 193

  offer to buy watch from student, 147

  and police search in lab, 125–26

  police search of family quarters, 73

  quicklime order, 85

  and Sarah Furber, 25–26, 106

  search for Parkman, 60, 62, 65–66, 100–101, 110–11

  suspected in Parkman murder, 146–47, 264

  Thanksgiving shopping and preparation, 83–84, 85, 99, 289n

  turkey from Webster, 84, 99, 100, 193, 213, 289n

  at Webster’s trial, 192–96, 212–13, 214–15

  Webster’s visit, 102–3

  Lombard, Daniel, Jr., 75, 289n

  Longfellow, Frances “Fanny,” 30, 31, 146, 187, 250, 317n

  Longfellow, Henry

  Cambridge Musical Association, 35, 160

  on the Cambridge Tragedy, 152

  Charles Dickens and, xvii, xviii, 270

  Egyptian mummy and, 236

  evening at Deacon House, 35–37

  friendship with Emerson, 159

  on Harvard Branch railway, 158

  Modern Languages department, 32–35

  Mount Auburn Cemetery, 30–32

  new Harvard students and, 5

  and Pietro Bachi, 33, 35

  visit to Webster in jail, 158–60

  Webster’s arrest and, 137–38, 300n

  Longfellow, Mary, 31

  Longfellow, Samuel, 253

  Lowell, James Russell, 275n

  manservant’s theft from Parkman, 44–45, 52–53

  Marietta, or The Two Students, 23–24

  Marsh test, 14, 27

  Massachusetts General Hospital, 13, 20, 27

  Matins and Vespers (Bowring), 253

  McCarty, Dennis, 293n

  McGuire, Francis, 267

  McNab, James, 25–26

  Med Fac, 17–18, 27

  Medical College (Harvard)

  land donated by George Parkman, 11, 46, 47, 101, 151–52

  medical building, about, 11–12

  medical building, opening, 23

  start of term in November, 6, 11

  wooden model of, 181–82, 189, 266, 308n

  medical jurisprudence, 14, 144

  Medical Jurisprudence (Taylor), 144

  medicine, changes in, 20, 279n

  Melville, Herman, xviii, 171, 196

  Merrick, Pliny

  after Webster’s conviction, 234, 237, 263

  during Webster’s trial, 171, 200, 210, 211–13, 217, 222, 224, 263–64

  mesmerists, 71–72, 161–62, 205–6

  Miller, George, trial of, 198

  Millerite end-of-times sect, 84

  missing persons, searching for, 70–73

  Mitchell, Donald (Ik Marvel), 236

  Morse, Samuel, 185

  Morton, William, 204

  Mount Auburn Cemetery, 30–32

  Murphy, Michael, 293n

  Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (Dickens), 269–70

  New Orleans Delta, 165

  New York Globe, 170

  New-York Tribune, xviii, 267

  Nye, Amelia, 264

  O’Connor, Madame, 148

  “Old Grimes is dead,” 140–41

  one-year-delay law for death penalty, 248–49, 265

  Oregon Trail, The (Francis Parkman Jr.), 68

  Oronoka letter, 165–66

  Parker, Samuel Dunn, 124–25, 126, 127, 133

  Parker’s Restaurant, 144, 147, 149, 225, 232

  Park, John C., 52–53

  Parkman, Francis, 51–52, 54–56, 62, 68, 182–83, 250

  Parkman, Francis, Jr., 68

  Parkman, George

  on asylums and the insane, 68–69, 150–51

  Boston Society for Medical Improvement, 19, 46

  career in medicine, 46–47, 68

  dentures, 73, 143, 187–88, 190

  estate of, 55

  as expert witness in murder cases, 69

  funeral, 150–52

  home, 41, 282n

  land donated for Medical College, 11, 46, 47, 101, 151–52

lettuce left at Holland’s grocery, 48–49, 58, 72, 174, 284n

  mental derangement or aberration rumored, 67–68, 216

  Merchant Bank visit, 43–44

  money received from Webster, 61–62

  morning visitor, 41, 51, 61

  old manservant’s imprisonment for theft, 44–45, 52–53

  real estate and business dealings, 44, 47, 151–52, 302n

  and Robert Shaw, 41–43, 44, 177

  Suffolk County Jail land sale, 47

  suicidal impulses and, 69, 72

  walk through Boston on November 23, 41–43, 44–49, 56–57

  see also search for George Parkman

  Parkman, George, Jr., 48, 50

  Parkman, Mrs. George, 50–51, 181, 321n

  Parkman, Samuel, 43, 152

  Parkman’s remains, discovery and recovery

  below Webster’s privy, 111, 115–16, 117, 127, 175, 182

  forensic examination, 143

  in tea chest, 134–35, 175

  teeth and bone in lab furnace, 126–27, 134, 175, 186

  Patrick (McGowan, Parkman’s manservant), 41, 50–51

  Patten, Robert (Parkman’s former manservant), 44–45, 52–53

  Pearson, Daniel, 248, 249, 251

  Peirce, Benjamin, 5, 35, 145–46, 147, 150, 232, 244, 268

  Percy, Pamela, 47

  Perkins, James G., 71–72, 161, 288n

  Perley’s Pic-Nic, 137

  Phillips, Charles, 264

  Phillips, Edward, 171

  Phrenological Collection, 104–5, 294n

  phrenology, 104–5, 170

  Pierce, Charles, 53

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 70

  Powers, Michael, 64

  Pratt, Jabez, 127, 134–35, 155, 298n

  Prescott family, 91, 94, 144

  Prisoners’ Friend, 248

  Proposals for Establishing a Retreat for the Insane (George Parkman), 68

  Putnam, George, 231–32, 238–40, 242, 254, 256–57, 317n

  quicklime, 85, 269

  Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 10, 151

  Quincy, Josiah, Sr., 10, 151

  reasonable doubt, 219–20, 234, 262

  Redding & Co., 162, 169

  Revere, Edward H. Robbins, 277n

  Revere, Paul, 12, 187

  Review of the Webster Case, by a Member of the New York Bar, A (Hall), 234, 316n

  reward offered by Parkman family, 69–70, 75, 93–94, 99, 195, 230, 249

  Reynolds, John Philips, 277n

  ribwort, 267

  Rice, police officer, 99

  rioting, 8, 96, 98, 139–40

  rumors and sightings of Parkman, 62–63, 70, 76, 98–99, 103, 120, 141, 204–6

  runaways, searching for, 70–71

  Salem Register, 97

  Sanderson, night policeman, 94

  Sawin, Mr., 85, 100

  search for George Parkman

  by Blake, 51–53, 54

  dragging the river with grappling hooks, 87, 94, 98–99, 120

  by Francis Parkman, 51–53, 54–56

  handbills posted, 60, 67, 69–70, 93, 121, 175, 181, 195

  by Kingsley, 50–51, 56–58, 60, 65–66, 73, 108–9, 116, 134

  by Littlefield, 60, 62, 65–66, 100–101, 110–11

  by neighborhood men, 62–63

  newspaper notices, 55–56, 285n

  by police, in lab, 73–75, 125–27

  reward offered by Parkman family, 69–70, 75, 93–94, 99, 195, 230, 249

  Robert Gould Shaw, 50–53, 54–56

  rumors and sightings, 62–63, 70, 76, 98–99, 103, 120, 141, 204–6

  by Tukey, 55–56, 60, 65–66

  Webster and, 60–61, 110

  see also Parkman, George; Parkman’s remains, discovery and recovery

  searching for missing persons, 70–73

  Seaside and the Fireside, The (Henry Longfellow), 30, 31

  sentencing of John Webster, 225–26

  Shaw, Lemuel

  after verdict, 224, 226, 236, 262, 265

  instructions to jury, 218–20, 234, 261–62

  speculation about chloroform use, 219, 262

  during Webster’s trial, 171, 172, 174, 188, 198–99, 216

  Shaw, Robert Gould

  business deals with Parkman, 44, 151

  daughters, 42–43

  net worth of, 55

  search for George Parkman, 50–53, 54–56

  testimony at trial, 176–79

  walk with George Parkman, 41–43, 51, 177

  Shaw, Samuel, 4

  Shirley (Brontë), 158

  skeleton boxes for anatomy lessons, 28

  Slasher and Crasher, 10

  sledgehammer missing from college cellar, 100, 193, 241, 249, 250

  Snelling, William Joseph, 287n

  Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment, 248, 250

  Sohier, Edward

  about, 171, 200

  after Webster’s conviction, 229, 234, 237, 263, 315n

  “Civis” letter and, 209

  during Webster’s trial, 177–78, 194–95, 198, 201–2, 217, 222, 263–64, 310n

  Sparks, Jared, 5, 159, 202–3, 236, 244

  Spear, Charles, 248

  Spear, John, 247–48

  Spurr, police officer, 119, 226–27

  Starkweather, police officer, 109, 119, 122–23, 126–27, 134, 297n

  Stone, James, 143, 229

  Strong, Woodbridge, 182, 183–85, 212

  Sumner, Charles, 159

  Sunday Train Bill, 60, 286n

  Talbot, Benjamin, 99

  Taylor, Franklin, 72

  Taylor, Zachary, 245

  Thanksgiving, foods for, 95, 292n


  of candlewicks from store, 66

  by Daniel Lombard Jr., 75, 289n

  housebreaking on Thanksgiving, 98

  from Mr. Hobbs’s shop, 98, 293n

  by Parkman’s manservant, 44–45, 52–53

  pickpockets at omnibus stops, 119–20

  of watches, 66, 75

  Thompson, George, 233, 265

  Thompson, William (Registry of Deeds messenger), 70, 72, 204–6, 209

  Thoreau, Henry David, xvii, 33, 248

  Treadwell, Daniel, 204, 232

  Tremont House hotel fire, 188–89

  Trenholm, George, 109–10, 116–17, 118

  trial of John Webster

  Charles T. Jackson’s testimony, 185–86

  Clifford’s closing argument, 213–16

  Clifford’s opening argument, 174–76

  crowds, 168, 169–70, 180–81, 190, 200, 211

  Ephraim Littlefield’s testimony, 192–96, 212–13

  Francis Tukey’s testimony, 181–82

  Gustavus Andrews’s testimony, 197

  Jared Sparks’s testimony, 203

  Jeffries Wyman’s testimony, 183, 212

  jury selection, 171–73

  jury sequestration, 180, 196

  jury tour of Medical College, 180–81

  Marianne Webster’s testimony, 203–4

  Merrick’s closing argument, 211–13

  names and dates, summary, 167

  Nathaniel Gould’s testimony, 197–99

  Nathan Keep’s testimony, 187–88, 190–91

  published transcripts of, 229–30, 261–62

  Robert Shaw’s testimony, 176–79

  Shaw’s instructions to jury, 218–20, 234, 261–62

  Sohier’s opening argument, 201–2

  verdict, 223, 224

  Webster’s trial speech, 217–18, 237

  William Morton’s testimony, 204

  William Thompson’s testimony, 204–6

  Woodbridge Strong’s testimony, 183–85, 212

  Tukey, Francis

  about, 53–54, 64–65, 96–97, 285n

  constable roll call and, 59

  crank letters and clues received, 66–67, 70, 107–8

  and discovery of Parkman’s remains, 116–18

  home as 1820
murder scene, 63–64

  licensing and numbering of hansom cabs, 103

  rescue in Dearborn Block collapse, 53, 64

  rescue of printer’s apprentice, 53–54

  rioting and, 96

  search for Parkman, 55–56, 60, 65–66

  testimony at trial, 181–82

  yellow envelope with letter received, 66–67

  Twain, Mark, 261

  vault below Webster’s privy

  breaking into, 100–102, 105–7, 110–11, 182

  Parkman’s remains in, 111, 115–16, 117, 127, 175, 182

  repair, 25

  Ware, Dr. (John), 160–61

  Warren, John, 104–5


  Parkman’s, 76, 77, 108, 241

  theft of, 66, 75

  wax figure exhibitions, 230, 249, 266, 323n

  Webster, Catherine, 90, 225, 261

  Webster, Daniel, 263

  Webster, Harriet

  after John’s death, 259–61, 321n

  after John’s trial, 225, 232–33, 242–43, 252

  bundle sent by John, 150, 197, 217

  extra money earned, 163–64, 259–60, 305n

  at home during Cunningham party, 90

  housework, 88

  during John’s imprisonment, 163–66

  and police search of Webster home, 131

  visits to jail, 233, 252

  Webster, Hattie, 89, 90, 92, 94, 225, 233, 261

  Webster, John White

  arraignment, 147–49

  arrest, 118–25, 297n

  attempt to blame Littlefield, 244, 249, 264

  bundle sent to wife, 150

  burial, 266

  Cambridge Musical Association, 35, 160

  chemistry lectures, 13, 26–27

  confession, 238–42, 243, 264, 317n

  Davy Society, 10

  debts, 131–32

  execution, 254–57

  financial affairs, 146, 178–79, 228

  funeral, 259

  gardening, 21, 89–90

  hand cut trimming grapevines, 21, 90

  as hired expert in murder cases, 14, 27, 170

  at home in Cambridge, 30, 88

  in-laws and extended family, 91–92

  in jail after arrest, 128–29, 138–39, 144–47, 158–60

  in jail after conviction, 225, 231–32, 233

  letters from jail, 149–50, 158, 197, 228–29, 233, 250

  manner at his trial, 170, 189, 210

  meals in jail, 144–45, 147, 221, 232

  money paid to Parkman, 61–62

  at Mrs. Cunningham’s party, 90–91, 92

  open-air gym on Harvard’s grounds, 89, 291n

  as Parkman’s morning visitor, 61

  pocket contents after arrest, 122, 129–30

  and police search in lab, 73–74, 125–27

  preparations for execution, 252–54

  search for Parkman, 60–61, 110

  sentencing, 225–26

  strychnine taken, 123, 228, 241

  taken to lab after arrest, 125–27


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