A Wolf's Mate (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 6)

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A Wolf's Mate (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 6) Page 6

by Sarah J. Stone

  “What about Dean?” Monica squinted at her.

  “I’m sure Kate has already told him to be careful.” Helena said, tearing her gaze from her to look at Julia. “Please, tell Ray to stay calm.”

  “I will,” Julia nodded, crossing her arms over her chest, as she sauntered towards her. “You left the best part out, though. How was the kiss?”

  “Incredible,” Helena’s response was instantaneous, as her smile returned. “It started out so tender; he played with my hair... God…” she sighed, lightly shaking her head sideways. “My legs are still trembling. We have a date tomorrow night.”

  “Ooooh!” interjected Julia, in an extremely teasing tone, as she raised an eyebrow. “It looks like someone is going to get some tomorrow night! I have a few sets of sexy lingerie. Would you like to borrow one?”

  “Oh, come on, Jules!” Monica spoke in a voice laced with frustration and a little indignation.. “This is their first date, for crying out loud. Do you really think she’ll want to sleep with him so quickly?”

  “Actually, I do,” Helena admitted, dropping her gaze to the floor.

  “What?” Monica exclaimed, snapping her head to the left to face her. “What are you talking about?”

  “That man has awakened my primal urges, Monica,” Helena continued, raising her eyes to meet hers. “Ever since I’ve met him, all I can think about is how to get him into bed. That’s never happened to me before, not even with Roman.”

  “Raunchy!” Julia expressed, with a devilish smile on her face. “Don’t mind Monica. She slept with Raul, without even going out on a real date with him first. What about that outfit?”

  “That won’t be necessary.” Helena returned the smile. “I think I know just the way to entice him. I just hope he won’t mention the case tomorrow night. It’s probably going to ruin our date if he does.”

  “Raul had done wonderful things for me, Jules,” Monica growled out, casting a nasty glare over at Julia. “I wasn’t going to turn down the man who had saved my life.”

  “We all know that story,” Julia winked at her. “Don’t worry, Helena. Tomorrow night’s going to be fantastic. By the way, I want to know everything: every single naughty detail.”

  “Hopeless…” Monica hummed, tipping her head back to peer upwards at the ceiling.

  “I heard that!” Julia complained, raising her tone.

  “Girls…” Helena croaked, as her eyes glinted with amusement. “Don’t forget to speak to your men. Tell them to stay away from Cliff and his colleagues. If they can’t, it’s crucial that they both keep their cool. Have a good night.”

  The witch disappeared in her usual plume of red smoke, with a heart full of contentment. Her confessions to both of her friends had taken a weight off her shoulders. Luckily for her, Julia had not been as enthusiastic as she expected. If anything, her reactions had made her feel even better. Monica’s attitude was no surprise to her. She had the utmost respect for Raul’s mate, although she was capable and – most of the time – willing to overanalyze situations. Now, Helena was free to dream about her oncoming date with Cliff, hoping that she would get more and more kisses, like the one he had given her that night.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning found Helena in the best mood she could remember having in a good while. Although she knew her date with Cliff marked the starting point of their casual and shortly defined relationship, she was all smiles. Never before had she been so happy about meeting with someone, just to have some fun. At first, she thought it was rather weird. She had been on hundreds of similar dates before. Still, her confusion was short-lived. Recalling what she had done upon catching a glimpse of Cliff sleeping, and her subsequent desire to get under the covers with him, explained her mood perfectly. At last, she would taste the forbidden fruit; and Helena would relish every moment with the man that had tantalized her over the past few days. Why shouldn’t she? Raul had made it clear to her that he was ok with it, and it was only a matter of time before the lack of evidence forced the FBI to close the case. She didn’t need anybody’s permission, but she would not jeopardize her relationship with her family, just to date a stranger she happened to like.

  Her outfit was perhaps the easiest choice she had to make that day. Cliff’s screams at his colleagues in his hotel room, and the admiration written all over his face, had made it clear to her that he had absolutely loved that dark-green dress. However, there was one thing that she meant to change. Instead of pantyhose, she would wear black, thigh-high stockings. Her dress was long enough to cover her flesh, and she knew how much men appreciated nylons. The dark color would provide a fantastic contrast against her creamy-white skin. She firmly believed that it would impress Cliff.

  Still, Helena had an issue that day, the same issue that she faced on the night that she visited “Star Deluxe” hotel, in order to acquire more information. It was located on a busy road. She couldn’t use magic to get there. The chances were good that someone would notice her. But, even if she chose a destination far from the hotel, she still couldn’t take the risk, because an oncoming car could ruin her outfit. So, Helena decided to request Kate’s assistance. Thirty minutes prior to her date with Cliff, she was knocking on her fellow witch’s door. Nevertheless, the wicked smile on her friend’s face, made her wish she had a driver’s license.

  “Good Evening, Helena,” Kate teased, stepping out of her cabin. “Are you ready for ‘booty call, volume two’?”

  “The other night was a booty call,” Helena moaned, turning around. “This is a date. And how do you know?” She inquired, walking slowly towards Dean’s truck.

  “Friends talk,” Kate smirked, following right behind her. “Julia told me this morning. I’m a little confused, though. You were pretty bummed the last time we went there. Mon and Jules said you were really excited. How come you changed your mind?”

  “This time…” Helena sucked in a deep breath, as she reached to grab the door handle, “…it’s not about you guys; it’s about me. I’m just going there to have some fun.”

  “It’s nice to see you think about yourself for a change,” Kate responded, her face tightening, her sarcastic smile fleeing, as she seated herself on the driver’s seat.

  “I was due,” Helena said in an emphatic tone, leaning back, as her friend started the engine.

  “Ok; time for ‘Kate’s relationship questions and key points’,” Kate announced, slightly raising her tone of voice, as she drove off. “Question number one: On a scale from one to ten, how hot is he? I’ve seen him once, but he was like fifty feet away, and I only saw his side.”

  “Nine,” Helena’s response came fast, perhaps faster than her friend expected. “The reason I’m not calling him a ‘ten’ is that I haven’t seen him…” she faltered. “You know. But, I hugged him last night. His body felt rock hard. He’s got broad shoulders, a chiseled face…”

  “Nine?” Kate squeaked, surprise written all over her face, as she turned to her. “Are you sure he’s human?”

  “I am,” Helena said, as a grin graced her face. “Ask Julia. She smelled him last night.”

  “Ok, question number two: you’ve met a few times; you don’t know much about him, but you have an idea about what he’s like; just as I had with Dean. Do you think it can evolve into anything deeper?”

  “It’s too soon to tell,” Helena muttered, as she dropped her gaze down to her feet. “I’d like that, though. He looks like a standup guy, and I haven’t been in a meaningful relationship in a very long time.”

  “Oh, crap…” Kate sighed, pursing her lips. “I was hoping you wouldn’t say that.”

  “Why?” Helena wondered, her face contorting in confusion, as she turned her head to the left to face her.

  “Because: it’s impossible, sweetheart,” Kate retorted, cocking her head in frustration. “Unless he knows the truth about what he’s getting himself into, you guys don’t stand a chance. You’ll be over, before you’ve even begun. Suck it up, Helena. If you want
to keep him in your life, you’ve got to come clean.”

  “I’m afraid that’s easier said than done,” Helena stated, voicing her opinion, her voice breaking, as she brought her attention back to the car floor. “Anyway, we’ll see how it goes.”

  She tossed a glance over at her friend, expecting more questions. Kate’s test was comprised of four more; yet, she would not speak any further. Instead, she focused her attention on her driving; frowning, and breathing in sighs. The reason was more than obvious to Helena, but there was nothing she could do to lift her spirits. Why? Because: deep down, she agreed with her. An actual relationship with a government agent required full disclosure. Cliff would have to know about everything. And, when the two of them arrived at “Star Deluxe” hotel, Kate mumbled “goodnight”, and then sped off into the night, leaving a puzzled Helena on the street. Still, she wouldn’t let that affect her mood. Her fellow witch had made a valid point, but she was just moments away from meeting with Cliff. A sad expression could invite questions.

  Glancing through the glass façade, she spotted him just a few yards behind the entrance. He wore a dark-brown suit, a red tie and a white shirt, looking as handsome as ever. Helena climbed the few steps that separated her from the lobby in a hurry, maintaining eye contact with him, as he began towards her.

  “Hey, you,” he said, his lips curling into a gentle smile, as she walked into the lobby. “How have you been?”

  “Very well, thank you,” she replied, nodding at the same time.

  “Follow me,” Cliff urged, offering her his left hand. Helena wrapped her fingers around his palm, as he trotted off to the right. “You have the same dress on. I thought women liked to change outfits.”

  “Well, I noticed it made an impression on you the other night, so, I figured…” she shrugged. “Why change?”

  “Please, don’t remind me of that night,” he requested, his voice becoming more serious in tone. “It’s still a blur in my mind. You’re the only thing I remember from it: well, you and the fact that you came to see me right after I literally collapsed on you.”

  “You must understand; I had to check up on you,” she maintained, the two of them bypassing the bar, as they headed towards a wide gate across from them.

  “No, you didn’t,” Cliff disagreed, flashing an appreciative, sideways look. “Anyway, it’s good that you chose this club.”

  “May I ask why?” Helena’s voice came out hesitantly, as he reached forward to push the gate open. Cliff gave her no response. The music playing from the speakers ceased as they entered the club. A split second later, a slow, familiar, melodic tune surged through the air: the electric guitar introduction to Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight.” Cliff turned his body to the left to face Helena, as she felt her heart pounding against her chest. He raised her hand up to shoulder level, so that their arms were bent from the elbow, before placing his own hand on her side above her left hip. The witch bent her head towards him, a smile of embarrassment lighting up her face, as she placed her other hand on his shoulder. The dance floor was nowhere near them; she still had her coat on; but Helena was not going to bring either of those subjects up. She was in Cliff’s arms, ready to dance with him; clothing or place just didn’t matter.

  “Because I told the DJ to play this song, the minute I walked in with a gorgeous redhead,” Cliff whispered, staring down into her eyes. Stunned by his move, Helena couldn’t utter a word. She preferred to gaze into the greenness of his eyes, as they started their dance to Eric Clapton’s timeless ballad…

  It’s late in the evening

  She’s wondering what clothes to wear;

  She puts on her makeup

  And brushes her long blonde hair

  And then she asks me,

  Do I look alright?

  And I say, “Yes,

  You look wonderful tonight.”

  We go to a party

  And everyone turns to see

  This beautiful lady

  That’s walking around with me

  And then she asks me

  Do you feel alright?

  And I say, “Yes,

  I feel wonderful tonight.”

  I feel wonderful

  Because I see the love light in your eyes

  And the wonder of it all

  Is that you just don’t realize

  How much I love you

  It’s time to go home now

  And I’ve got an aching head

  So I give her the car keys

  And she helps me to bed

  And then I tell her

  As I turn out the light

  I say, “My darling,

  You were wonderful tonight

  Oh my darling,

  You were wonderful tonight.”

  “Wonderful?” She whispered, as the notes of the outro still lingered in the air.

  “Yeah; wonderful,” he gave a quick nod, as he lowered his arm. “This song just popped into my mind, when I saw you at the bar the other night.”

  “You’d had too much to drink,” Helena remarked, as she dropped her gaze from his stare.

  “Trust me, I could see just fine. Let’s get ourselves a table,” He suggested, taking her hand back into his. For a moment, she believed that he was lying, in an attempt to flatter her. Yet, his eye contact and his steady tone were enough proof that he was being honest with her.

  Helena took a few glances around her, as they approached a table to the right, not far from the dance floor. Much to her pleasure, they were in a vintage club. The posters of artists like Jimi Hendrix, Joan Baez, Eric Clapton and Bob Dylan that graced each and every wall could attest to that. Green, blue, red and orange spotlights were on the ceiling, whereas every table featured a small, red lantern in the middle.

  “Are there any places like this in Shandaken? Or in Paxton, maybe?” Cliff asked, as he sat down across from her.

  “No,” she snorted in derision, recalling the rather poor nightlife in both her birthplace and its neighboring town, as an aging waiter approached their table. “They’re all housed in very old buildings, and they only play country. I like it, but, eventually, it bores me.”

  “I’d like a bottle of your best, red wine,” Cliff placed his order, dismissing the waiter with a pat on the forearm.

  “That’s my favorite drink,” Helena declared, as she leaned her elbows on the table. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t up ‘til now,” he uttered, using a light, teasing tone. “On a different note, I got a phone call from the coroner this morning. He said he’d be able to complete the autopsies on the remaining bodies in the next four or five days. He can’t release any of the other bodies until he’s done. I’m only saying this because I’m sure you’d like to give your niece a proper burial, like I want to do with my brother.”

  “Cliff, come here,” she said and curled her index finger. “Can we please, please not discuss the case?” she requested, making her voice sound sweeter, as he leaned over towards her. “I appreciate the information, but I want tonight to be about us.”

  “You’re right,” he said with a sad nod. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

  “Why don’t you tell me a little more about yourself?” Helena’s next request brought out the sexy smile – the same one that had given her impure thoughts – back to his face.

  “Alright,” Cliff acquiesced. “I’m thirty-one, I like sports – I’m a huge Yankees and Rangers fan – I like music and literature. I joined the force about eleven years ago. I graduated first in my class. Brass believed I had potential, so, they sent me straight to ‘Robbery – Homicide.’ After six, pretty tough years, some FBI recruiter walked into my police station, and said I should drop whatever I was doing, and join them. I told him I’d think about it; but, the truth is, he had me from ‘hello.’ I’d always wanted to work for the FBI. It pays better and it’s a hell of a lot more prestigious. What about you?”

  His last sentence made her regret posing that question. She had no idea wha
t to tell him, other than lies, lies, and more lies.

  “I’m a biologist,” Helena claimed, struggling to keep her focus on his face. “I completed a three-year research on black bears, almost two months ago, so, I’m currently unemployed. If you know anybody who’s hiring…”

  “Say no more,” Cliff interrupted, as the waiter came back to their table with their order. “I may not know anything right now, but I’ll ask around at the bureau, when I get back to New York.”

  “I’m a sucker for literature, too,” she admitted with a silly grin, trying hard to mask her surprise. They barely knew one another, and yet, her aspiring boyfriend had just offered to help her find a job. He didn’t merely look like a standup guy. Within seconds, he had proved to her that he was someone to rely on. “I love to read about all kinds of supernatural creatures. It’s one of the best ways to escape from reality. And, it’s also the reason I snapped at you, back in your office. Those creatures are supposed to have impeccable powers, they can do things that humans can only dream about, but, when I look around me, I don’t see anything out of the ordinary; just people driving around, taking care of their business, day in and day out. If anything weird had happened in Paxton, believe me, I’d be the first on the scene, searching for clues.”

  “You sound like a cop,” Cliff teased, offering her a full glass of wine. “What should we drink to?”

  “To family,” Helena proposed the toast, raising her glass from the table.

  “To family,” Cliff tapped his glass against hers, running his gaze down her face, as a wave of sadness washed over his face. She sipped some of the robust spirit, keeping her eyes open. But, her date did not follow her example. Holding his glass just below his chin, he stared into the void. Helena swallowed hard, as she realized that he had shut down on her. His mind was drifting, and she knew precisely to whom and where.

  “Jonathan would want you to live, Cliff,” she stated in her usual, feathery voice, intensifying her stare, as her fingertips brushed his knuckles. “I get it. You miss him, but I know for a fact that he would want you to do everything he didn’t have a chance to do, just like my parents would have wanted for me,” she added, as her hand covered his wrist and part of his hand. “Did he have any children?”


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