Sisters of Ruin (Lucent Book 1)

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Sisters of Ruin (Lucent Book 1) Page 21

by Darren Lewis

  “It's a fact they're responsible for us locating Gabby.” McCaffrey continued in a calmer tone. “However we don't know their involvement with the group of dragon's Gabby found. For all we know they are the same group of people.” McCaffrey crossed his arms and leaned against the concrete wall, his expression clearly showing the dark worry he felt.

  “That's true.” Gabby conceded. “But why be so coy about it? Believe me they don't need any form of deception or ruse.” Gabby closed her eyes and pictures flashed of the 'punishment' meted out by the green dragon. “These creatures and their riders deal in force, and even if I'm wrong I honestly don't think there's a damn thing we can do about it.”

  The corridor fell silent as Gabby finished. No one met another's gaze for a short time.

  “Then we plan as best we can for both options.” Mary finally broke the damning silence. “I hate to agree with the doctor but we can't let on at the power contained down here regardless of whether they consider themselves on our side or not. Does that satisfy you, Doctor?” Bilson grunted and threw a withering look at them all, he then marched off down the corridor towards the main bunker.

  “Just be sure you say nothing about what's here!” He called over his shoulder. The four of them watched in silence until the doctor had disappeared from view.

  “Dickhead.” Brooke whispered breaking some of the tension.

  “Secondly.” Mary continued with a smile for her partner. “We draw up evacuation plans. I'm sure the military didn't invest in this place without some form of retreat in mind?” All three young women turned to McCaffrey as one. He grinned and shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Maybe.” Was all he offered.

  “Maybe.” Gabby said rolling her eyes at her old friend. “There's something we can do, the three of us together. We know how much energy that crystal creates. Perhaps we can learn to channel it somehow?” Mary and Brooke nodded in agreement.

  “It would have to be at close range.” Brooke reminded them. “In all our tests we've never been able to extend much beyond the perimeter.”

  “At least it's something for us all to work on.” McCaffrey said with a more confident look upon his face. Gabby looked towards the closed door leading to the many stairs beyond.

  “I guess we better find out why they were so interested in saving me.”

  * * *

  “Thank you all again for allowing me to stay here while we awaited your companion's return.” The woman Gabby identified as Cerys said kindly. “I hope it shows good intentions on our part.” Gabby smiled noncommittally and took a seat on one of the old swivel chairs in the operations room, indicating Cerys and the guide should do the same. McCaffrey pulled a chair in close to Gabby and waited for her to speak first.

  “You certainly have my sincere gratitude, Cerys.” Gabby looked towards the guide. “And to you of course. I hate to think where I could've wandered the state I was in.” Cerys smiled and Gabby found herself quite taken aback by the complete genuineness of it.

  “Now you'll be wanting to know who we are and how we found you?” Cerys asked, pre-empting Gabby and McCaffrey.

  “It is something of an issue.” Gabby acknowledged. “You have to admit the circumstances are strange to say the least.”

  “Absolutely.” Cerys agreed. “But then none of you have lived in the world for how many years now? I think you'd have to admit the world has changed beyond recognition for you.” Cerys leaned forward placing her hands on her knees. “It has become a terribly dark place. The world suffered enough before the war but now?” Cerys sighed and rubbed her hands on her legs. “Suffering is rife and only a few are spared pain and hardship. In terms of numbers, billions of humans now live under the yoke of oppression enforced by the few.” Cerys noticed Gabby's surprise. “Oh yes. Dragon numbers compared to ours are ridiculously small yet they still maintain dominance over the human race.”

  “But how?” McCaffrey spoke for the first time, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “A mixture of things, like the worst bloody cocktail you can imagine. Ferocity, the dragons are merciless in battle and off the field. The militaries of every developed country are gone, or at least gone into hiding so well even we can't find them. And adaptability, we humans do adapt so quickly to any given situation even if that means we're the ones crawling in the shit for a meal. The genius of the dragons and their riders is to make us feel grateful for that goddamn meal.”

  Gabby and McCaffrey stared at the floor together but both lost in their own thoughts.

  “That's why we're here.” Cerys added softly. Gabby ran a hand through her hair and looked back up at the young woman whose eyes were now gleaming with resolve. “The Grey are devoted to ending the dragons reign and in part that is why we are here.” Gabby cast a glance at McCaffrey who seemed as confused as she.

  “You see, Gabby. When you were fleeing those dragons, by chance, it was with a member of the Grey. A friend of mine who is 'talented' when it comes to matters about dragons keeps in touch with our agents and set off to help him.”

  Gabby put her hand up causing Cerys to pause.

  “There wasn't anyone else there. He didn't have time to send a message.” Gabby stated stubbornly.

  “By radio, no, I agree. But, Gabby I think you know what kind of message I'm talking about here. You've experienced it yourself.” Gabby frowned and shrugged. “No matter,” Cerys continued. “It'll come to you. To cut a long story short, when my friend came on the scene they detected a very strange energy from you, Gabby. One that was familiar to them but somehow different. Unfortunately, they couldn't stay themselves and search for you and our agent, so I, my good friend here and Fern were asked to intervene and locate you. I'm glad we all had a happy ending, Gabby but I'd be a fool now if I didn't point out that this entire area reeks of that energy.”

  Cerys sat back, her tale complete. Gabby at that moment was glad of the dim lighting in the operations room so no one could see how pale and drawn she knew she'd become. Not only did it make her feel sick that such ferocious creatures were now in power above ground, the effect was worsened by the woman sat in front of her proclaiming quite calmly she knew of the power here if not the actual source.

  McCaffrey cleared his throat drawing Cerys's attention away from Gabby.

  “Okay you've made your point about being able to sense an energy here. As far as we're concerned this is a nuclear power station we set up in.” McCaffrey shrugged and sat back with a sigh, affected a relaxed pose. “I'm not in a position to verify the validity of your claims but you know it's just low level radiation you're detecting?”

  Cerys blinked rapidly for a few seconds and tilted her head at McCaffrey. After a few seconds more her expression altered to one of frustration coupled with sadness.

  “I see.” Cerys turned her head to look at the guide. “I'm not one for mincing my words.” She whispered turning back to Gabby and McCaffrey. “So I will say this and go. If the dragons took an interest in you as we did it will only be a matter of time until they come calling and please believe me when I say you won't like that.” Cerys stood and straightened her jacket. “You wish to protect what you have, I understand that. You don't want it placed into the wrong hands and you doubt if we're the right ones. Perhaps you're right to be cautious.” Cerys held a hand out to Gabby. Gabby rose and took the woman's hand in her own. “Regardless of what you might be thinking if you need our help, our protection, just call.” Gabby frowned as Cerys gave her hand a hard squeeze before releasing it and picking up her travelling kit.

  “Who?” Gabby's throat closed up as if the question she had to ask didn't dare to be heard out loud. Cerys placed her kitbag on the floor slowly and stared intently into Gabby's eyes. She walked forward and this time took Gabby's shaking hand and enfolded it in both of her own.

  “It's okay.” Cerys whispered. “I can see your terror, your shame at being duped even if it was for such a short period of time.”

  “Who was he? That man, the one on the bike,
he called him 'Andas'”

  “In some ways your one of the luckiest people alive, Gabby. You met the leader of the riders and his dragon and survived.” Cerys squeezed Gabby's hand with some force. “That's why we think you all and you in particular, Gabby are in danger.” Gabby's eyes widened and she felt the sting as unshed tears pricked her eyes.

  “Thank…thank you again.” Gabby stammered, unable to confide the station's ultimate secret to this strange and seemingly empathic woman. Cerys nodded and released Gabby's hand. The guide gave Gabby a sad smile. Gabby realised she didn't even know the young man's name who'd helped her back to the station. I'm sorry I didn't ask sooner but what's your name?”

  “My name is, Blue.”

  Evolution — Present Day

  “You can hear them.” Jack/Andas whispered, his breath catching. A fleeting expression of wonder danced across the dragon-rider's face. Gabby frowned at his strange response as she surfaced from the visions of her own memories. Jack pursed his lips before curling them into a cruel smile. “The trouble that one, well two, has caused me. You have no idea!” He laughed in delight and clapped his hands together and noticed Gabby's confusion. “You don't know? Oh, my Gabby you are quite the special one indeed.” Jack rose with a clanking of metal and stretched. “And to see you've encountered so many of my old friends.” He continued with a shake of his head. “Well that's for later. Let's deal with you and yours. The power my dragons sense from you is extraordinary. They tell me it is akin to whatever energy they use to travel.” Jack said, his eyes sparkling with wonder, perhaps even awe as he looked down into Gabby's own eyes. “Thank you for sharing with me. That I can experience your friend's memories and emotions speaks volumes of the power you have at your disposal.”

  Gabby blinked as she continued resurfacing into the waking world. Jack's invasion of her own memories had caused her to relive her past experiences with great clarity. She remained silent, digging her fingernails into the palm of her hands to keep it that way as she tried to re-orientate herself. McCaffrey had warned her the main problem most people face in conversation is keeping quiet when instinct will be to speak. She cocked her head to the side in false interest, inviting him to continue.

  “Of course my dragon sensed it within you in the woods that night. It was faint at the time but it was there. It was unfortunate our time together was limited as I so wanted to show you my world.” Gabby's heart punched her chest wall with one vicious beat sending a hot flush to her face. Her lips trembled as she tried to force the words of anger back down her throat. Jack caught the redness affecting Gabby's face and he raised his eyebrows in query. Gabby pressed her lips together firmly and rose quickly to hide her face away. “Yes I know.” Jack whispered. “You're old enough to remember the old world. You harbour the anger from the war and what you've seen out there.” Jack moved towards the hanging cloth acting as a door and lifted it letting in the aroma of the sea. “Change was necessary. Revolution was my gift to my dragons and humanity.” He said, staring out at the power station. “And now I sense yet another change in the offing. A potential to end humanity's enduring arrogance that they can retake this planet.” He turned and his lips curled into a smile. “You see I don't remember the old world. Through others I know what the human race had become. Controlled by an elite or governed by corporations. You all lived in a world that allowed children to starve, fought countless wars over resources to be perpetrated in the name of freedom. For people to live on the streets of the wealthiest countries.” Gabby faced him and for the very first time she saw the malice, the malevolence and utter hatred he felt for his own race. “The Grey will be next. From your contact with them I see they mean very little to you.”

  Gabby's heart would not slow. Her determination to extend the dialogue was wavering far sooner than she wished. As Jack's words ended they came out her unbidden, unwanted but necessary.

  “Yes I remember the old world. My life was shit. My parents were shit. I didn't give a damn about anyone.” Gabby's vision swam, pulling Jack in and out of her focus, as unshed tears filled her eyes. What she saw of his reaction repulsed her further. His expression was one of understanding, and he reached out to share his empathy with this similarly tortured soul. Gabby dashed the tears from her eyes with her wrist. “You think we're the same?” She asked in a deathly whisper causing him to recoil in shock at his misreading of Gabby's emotions. “I was lucky. My carers were good people. My foster parents were good people. I met an extraordinary friend.” Gabby emboldened by her indignation strode forward to join Jack at the pavilion opening. She faced him and pointed at the station. “In there I met more. And you…you took it all away. That day. That memory still causes me sleepless nights but those are better than the nightmares that come when I do sleep.” Jack backed away from Gabby a step, his face pale and drawn. “And yes the world was a shit hole as well. Innocent men, women and children suffered daily for the excesses and greed of others. People were fuelled by fear and hatred of each other by the very politicians who were expected to make a stand and do what's right.” Gabby sneered at the man before her. “That still doesn't give you the right to act as you have.”

  “I thought you were different, when we met I sensed something in you that reminded me of something I lost.”

  “Perhaps I reminded you of your humanity.” Gabby spat, shaking her head and turning away from him in disgust, all her pretence at staying civil according to her plan, gone.

  “There is not one day that passes that my only wish is I couldn't end the scourge of the human race from this planet a day sooner. There is something inside you, something inside that station that I need to finish this.” Jack reached out and gripped Gabby's upper arm causing her to cry out in pain. He pulled her in closer until his nose was almost pressing against hers. “You will take me to it or I will kill every last soul in that building.” Jack tightened his grip and Gabby gasped in pain. “Decide!” He ordered giving her a small shake. Gabby grimaced in pain and nodded. Jack loosened his grip, allowing her to stand straight. She calmed her breathing, slowing her heart rate, allowing the anger that had possessed her to disperse as it was no longer useful here. “Well?” Jack barked, his brows drawing together in frustration. Gabby slowly raised her free arm and placed a finger to her lips.

  “Shush. I'm deciding.” Even though she didn't think it possible Jack's brows drew even nearer to one another. A humming sound suddenly pierced the air and Jack instantly released Gabby and left the pavilion his eyes searching the sky for the location of the noise. Gabby closed her eyes and smiled, this was the most dangerous part of her plan as she was completely defenceless but if it allowed the station to survive even ten minutes longer she thought it worthy of the risk. Calmly she allowed her senses and mind to open themselves to her two friends, Mary and Brooke inside the station. She found Mary within the operations room, sitting quietly and chewing on a fingernail. Gabby paused and Mary smiled as they joined. On the two travelled, through the door and down the many stairs to the facility they had called home for so many years now. As swiftly as light they traversed the entire bunker, their destination the core. They entered and saw Brooke waiting impatiently beside the object responsible for their joint power, the crystal. Gabby and Mary, together, grazed Brooke's mind and she merged with them. Gabby was immersed in the love her two friends felt for one another and the love they both had for her as their friend. Back inside the pavilion, tears ran down Gabby's cheeks, but not in fear or anger now, but for love.

  “What are you doing?” Jack demanded, his entire personae altered and his true self showing. Gabby opened her eyes and despite the calmness she felt within she experienced a surge of fear. His face was almost white, cast with a green tinge. His eyes were now completely red and they swirled and danced, seemingly dipped in blood. Gabby thought it a trick of the light but his jaw appeared to jut out further.

  “I'm defending my home.” She replied and pointed above her. Jack peered up as a white, almost translucent shell rose fro
m the ground near the main gate and the perimeter fence of the station. The buzzing sound intensified and the shell continued higher into the air, curving swiftly over the station until it had formed a dome of soft white light. Gabby breathed out in relief, fully aware however she was now standing on the wrong side of the barrier.

  That'll take the lead out of his bits. Mary commented dryly.

  Snaps and cracks disturbed the buzzing in the air and Gabby stepped backward quickly as Jack screamed in defiance at the sky. He hunched over violently as the cracks continued to puncture the air around him and he dropped to all fours.

  Gabby! What the hell is going on! Mary's and Brooke's voices were merged adding weight to the call. Gabby shook her head as Jack continued to scream in agony. She dashed for the opposite side of the tent and hauled back the entrance. The dragon army, both beast and rider were standing, waiting rather than attempting to aid their leader.

  Oh shit! I don't know. What…I…sweet Jesus, he's changing! Gabby cried out in her mind and out loud. Jack reacted to the noise and his head came up. Gabby could plainly see that no trick of the light could explain what she saw. Jack's cruelly handsome face was gone. The jaw was stretched a good six inches from the nose which itself had flattened out. The forehead had shrunk or tilted backwards and a bony ridge had swiftly formed above Jack's eyes. The eyes were still red but had sunk deep into the skull. Gabby couldn't be sure but he seemed to be grinning at her.

  “This is why I'm here. This is why I wanted you and your power, it is pure.” He growled and long strands of saliva fell to the ground. “I cannot use my dragon's energy fully, but yours,” Jack chuckled but the sound was a gurgle, “oh your power will help me, help all of us transform into beauty.” A huge crack sounded from Jack's spine and his scream caused Gabby to slap her hands over her ears. It continued on and on until his voice gave out. The silent scream went on and as he pounded the ground Gabby saw his fingers extend and his hands flatten into pads.


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