Dirty Laundry

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Dirty Laundry Page 17

by Lauren Landish

  “Touché, you’re right. There’s a part of me that’d be right there next to you on the rooftop, but . . . Carsen is first, always.” Keith responds, picking up a piece of bacon and munching on it as the gravity of the situation sinks in. “I will say, Francesca has barracuda written all over her. She’s the one giving favors to your boss, right?”

  I shudder, nodding. "Yes. Ugh, so gross. I just imagine . . . jellybeans."

  “Huh?” Keith asks. “Jellybeans?”

  I explain about Donnie and his crystal bowl of jellybeans, and he nods, trying to chuckle, but I can see it. The spell’s broken and there's a dullness to everything now that reality has crept back in, the risk of what we're doing more real.

  We finish brunch, but as we walk back out, we don’t hold hands.

  It feels too dangerous.

  Chapter 18


  So, here we are,” I muse as I drop Elise off at her place. “Thank you for a wonderful weekend.”

  Elise gives me a ghost of her normally megawatt smile, still worried about running into her co-worker at the pancake joint. “I should thank you. Keith, about the restaurant . . .”

  “There’s nothing we can change about it now. She’ll either suspect something’s up between us or not,” I reply evenly. “The best thing you can do is make sure your story is a knockout and you drop enough hints of dirt that your editor’s going to be happy. Just make sure of one thing.”

  “What’s that?” Elise asks, brightening a little.

  “When you tell the world how much you’re addicted to my big, fat cock . . . don’t skimp on the size,” I joke. I’m trying to lighten the mood, ease her mind, but I know her career is serious to her. And as much as we’re both enjoying this growing thing between us, I don’t think either of us is ready for the fallout of everyone knowing. But I don’t want to end our amazing weekend on a suspicious, fearful note, so some prodding to get Elise to smile seems warranted, even if it’s a bit less bright than her usual megawatt grin.

  Elise finally laughs, shaking her head. “What, are you kidding? That’s my big lead-in! I mean, it’ll hook them in for sure!” She holds up her finger, bent at the knuckle into a hook shape.

  I laugh but grab her hand. "Don't even joke about that, woman. Or I'll have to remind you just how big and straight it is when I'm bottoming out in that tight little pussy."

  Elise laughs, blushing a little. "I’ve already told you, you're the worst at punishing my brattiness. That sounds like a reward."

  I look around to make sure we’re alone on the street, and I lean forward, sipping at her lips, driving her crazy wanting more. I pull back and she chases my kiss. “That’s enough for now. You’ve got work to do.”

  She sits back in her seat, full bottom lip protruding in a pout. "You want to come inside?"

  I smirk, knowing that if we do, work just won’t get done. "Maybe next time. Right now, you're gonna go in, work your magic on another story, and I'll call you later. And Elise, don't you dare come without me. Save it for me."

  She nibbles at her lip, then nods. "I take it back. You're better at punishment than I give you credit for."

  I smile, hitting the unlock button for her door. "I know."

  I grab her chin and give her one more kiss, fiery hot and powerful to stoke her fire one last time before she goes inside. As she closes the door behind her, walking to her apartment building, I take a deep breath and adjust myself in my pants. I might be able to keep my control when she’s with me . . . but she pushes me to the limits. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  Driving home, I sing to myself a few bars of something that’s been floating through my head. I don’t quite know what the song is yet, just one of those little ditties that float through my head from time to time . . . but this one feels like it could be one of those that turns into something.

  Getting out of my truck at home, I’m barely in the door before Carsen’s hounding me, a hundred questions pouring out of her ever-curious mouth.

  “So what did you do? Did you take her to the creek? What about the ATVs? Did you see any deer?”

  I laugh at the way Carsen is bouncing and dragging me inside by my hand. Carsen’s always enjoyed going to the cabin, but I think she was even more excited for someone new to experience the beauty and fun we always share there.

  “Slow down, honey. Let me at least get my pack in the door and get these boots off, and I’ll answer your questions. Think I can do that?”

  Carsen nods, stepping back before coming closer again to hug me tightly. “I missed you.”

  I hug her back, kissing the top of her head before looking up to see Sarah watching us with a smile on her face. “How was it?”

  “Good,” I reply, letting go of Carsen and putting my backpack down. “I’ll get that later. Let’s see, my weekend . . .”

  I give Carsen and Sarah a rundown of what’s happened the past forty-eight hours, a heavily edited version, of course. “And after the pancakes, I dropped Elise off at her place so she could start work on her story,” I finish, leaning back and sipping the Coke Sarah got me while I was telling Carsen about cooking chili. “Like I said, it was fun.”

  “So, do you like her? Is she your girlfriend now?” Carsen asks.

  I take another sip of Coke and lean forward, watching Carsen carefully. “Do you like her? Because yes, I like her a lot.”

  Carsen smiles, nodding. “She’s cool, Dad.”

  “Remember, baby, that no matter how much I like Elise, you’re always my number one girl, right?”

  Carsen rolls her eyes, and I feel like sometimes she thinks I’m about fifty years older than I actually am. “I know that! But I want you to have more than just me and Aunt Sarah.”

  I reach out, and Carsen comes over, plopping into my lap. She used to fit on one thigh, snuggling up to my side to watch cartoons. Now, she’s tall and all gangly limbs, but I’ll happily hold my little girl anytime she’ll let me, knowing it’s getting more and more rare as she gets older. She’s wise beyond her years sometimes, and it strikes me just how fast she’s growing up. “I love you, Carsen.”

  She looks at me, no doubt in her mind. “I know, Dad. I love you too.”

  Behind her, I see Sarah give us a nod and get up. “Think I’ll start dinner for tonight. How’s my famous biscuits and gravy sound?”

  “Awesome!” Carsen says. “Uhh . . . so does that mean I have to go do my homework now?”

  “You’d better,” I mock growl, making Carsen bounce up and run off with a laugh. I laugh too and watch her disappear before looking at Sarah.

  “So you were fine taking care of her this weekend?” I ask her as soon as Carsen’s out of earshot.

  “You know I adore that girl. Don’t you even think about that. Carsen’s right. Elise is good for you.” Her tone takes a more serious note. “If she's it, you need to circle the wagons, make sure she fits with you and Carsen. Dinner went well, but you need more time together. Both you and her, and the three of you.”

  “The four of us, you mean. You’re a huge part of this too, Sarah. Carsen has only had you as a mother figure. I don't want to ever replace that, but I want to see if this can go somewhere. Who knows, maybe add to our ragtag motley crew.”

  Sarah reaches up to hug me, lightly kissing my cheek. “I like that plan. Let’s see if we can do dinner this week . . . the four of us.”

  Chapter 19


  Checking my dress, I realize that I’m even more nervous than when I came to interview Keith the first time.

  I know why. I feel like this is a test. Dinner before was to make sure I'd keep my mouth shut. Then, this thing between Keith and I was . . . physical, primal, but not emotional.

  This is more personal. This is to see if my edges fit in with Keith's family and their edges. Figuring out if it's an easy, smooth fit or a forced one that leads to friction and fraying. I'm praying it's the former, because I really like Keith. It is emotional now.

I'm pretty sure I more than "like" him, even if I'm not ready to put a label that big on it yet. But I will admit, to myself, at least, that I want to see where this goes . . . beyond the interviews, beyond casual hookups. I want to see him as a father and get to know Carsen and Sarah more, because they're important to Keith and that means they're important to me.

  And hence the nerves. We're not doing anything fancy, just a casual dinner at a restaurant near downtown. But I want this to go well. Really well.

  Walking in, I’m suddenly unsure whether Keith would've given his real name. “Uh, hi, I’m supposed to meet someone here at seven?” I tell the bored looking hostess. “I don’t know what name it’s under though.”

  “You can check,” the hostess replies, waving a hand vaguely behind her. I look around, and after two passes, I see Keith sitting in a back corner, facing the wall. I'd know that bald head and set of wide shoulders anywhere. Plus, the fact that Carsen is waving wildly at me is a sure tip-off. But I don’t see Sarah. I hope she’s here.

  Heading over, I’m not sure what to do. Should I kiss him in front of Carsen or just sit down like it’s no big deal that I’m invading a family dinner as a trial run? “Uh, hi.”

  Keith stands up to greet me with a hug and a quick kiss, and I see he has on his Clark Kent glasses disguise again and an oversized polo shirt that amps up the nerd effect.

  It’s cute, but still sexy as he gives me a smirk. "So glad you could make it."

  I smile, taking the seat Keith motions to, next to him and across from Carsen. "Of course. I wouldn’t miss this. I've been excited and nervous about it all day!"

  He smiles, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "Don't be nervous. They both already like you."

  Just like that, the swarm of nervous butterflies is gone and instead I'm filled with warmth, reassured that this is going to be okay. “Where’s Sarah?”

  “Right here,” Sarah says behind me. “Sorry, had to use the ladies’ room.”

  We sit down, chatting about our day, and I quickly realize that Carsen and Sarah are raptly watching every exchange between Keith and me and have matching wide grins plastered across their faces.

  “What?” I ask, feeling heat rush to my face after we place our orders. “You guys don’t like fish?”

  Carsen giggles a little girl laugh but leans towards Sarah, talking low even though we can all hear her. “Check out her eyes. They’re sparking like fireworks. Think that’s Dad or makeup?”

  Sarah hums, obviously used to Carsen’s sense of humor. “Ask her.” she tells Carsen as she gives me a wink.

  Carsen leans back to me. “Do you wear makeup?”

  I grin, catching on. “I do, just a little to bring out my features. But you know the trick to looking your absolute best?” Carsen tilts her head, eager for the answer. “Being happy. Always makes you glow from within.” I wait a half a beat and then we all giggle like only females can do and I feel a knot unfurl in my belly even more.

  “I was too nervous to say anything last time, but I really love your hair. It’s much cuter than your dad’s.”

  Carsen grins, her eyes shooting to Keith as he rubs at his head, which is covered with a few days worth of stubble on top. “Think I’ll grow it out until the next show. Helps with the anonymity.”

  “Brother, was that a five-syllable word? Elise, I think you’ve worked miracles! He’s doing more than grunting like a grumpy ass,” Sarah teases.

  “Hey, I do more than that.” Keith protests, “I talk. Sometimes.”

  “Ugh, man speak, woman understand,” Sarah jokes, grunting as Keith glowers at her, but I can see the twitch of laughter at the corners of his mouth as he fights to keep a straight, stern face.

  We eat for a few minutes, comfortable and chatty with each other when Carsen pipes up. “Hey, got any plans tomorrow?”

  I wipe my mouth with my napkin. “Nothing really. What’s up?”

  Carsen looks at Sarah, who nods. “Aunt Sarah is taking me shopping so I can find a dress for the school dance. It’s going to be epic . . . the dance and then it’s my best friend Kaitlyn’s birthday, so I get to sleep over at her house after. You wanna go shopping with us?”

  She’s speaking so quickly and animatedly. It takes my brain a moment to catch up to my ears. “Shopping sounds like something I might know a thing or two about,” I say carefully, looking at Sarah, not wanting her to think I’m stepping on her toes with Carsen. But she’s smiling and seems excited about the idea too. “Sounds fun! What time?”

  Keith gawks, looking around the table. “Are you sure?”

  Carsen bounces excitedly while Sarah smiles. “We’ll pick you up at four? Then we can grab some dinner to bring home while we’re out.”

  I smile back at them both. “It’s a date!”

  Keith mock growls. “I don’t know whether to be happy you are all getting along, or scared you’re going out without me.”

  Sarah laughs. “Oh, you’ll be there with us . . . in cash form, Daddy Big Bucks.” We all laugh as dessert is served and Sarah promises to tell me all Keith’s embarrassing childhood stories.

  Dessert is wonderful, caramel cheesecake for me, and after we pay—I notice Sarah uses her credit card, probably another layer of protection—we walk outside. “Thank you,” I tell Carsen. “You were right, the cheesecake was to die for.”

  “Anytime,” Carsen says, giving me a quick little hug. “I can’t wait until tomorrow. Can I get some heels too?”

  “Let’s talk about that in the truck,” Sarah says with a knowing grin, taking Carsen by the shoulders and steering her away. “We’ll be waiting.”

  The two of them walk away, and I’m left with Keith, who’s been quiet through most of dessert. “You okay? You’ve been a little quiet.”

  “This was the best family dinner out we’ve had in years,” Keith says quietly, taking my hand as I lead him toward my car. “Carsen really likes you. I was just taking it all in.”

  “She’s a great little girl,” I answer honestly. “Sarah’s done a good job being a mother figure for her. But . . . do you think she’ll be worried if Carsen and I become friends?”

  “Not at all, we talked about that already,” Keith says. We reach my car, and he pulls me in close. “You’re a wonderful person, and I’m glad you’re getting to know my daughter.”

  I put my arms around Keith’s neck, looking up into his eyes. “I’m happy to know my nerdy boyfriend has such a sweet family.”

  Keith chuckles and pulls me in close for a kiss. It’s tender, and while there’s a little bit of fire underneath his touch, it’s restrained for now. Still, I moan, slipping my tongue over his once before pulling back. “Just in case they’re spying on us again.”

  “I have no doubt they are,” Keith says, smirking. “Carsen because she’s curious, Sarah because she wants to make sure I behave.”

  “I happen to like when you don’t behave,” I purr, pressing my body against his. “I missed you.”

  “I know. I missed you too,” Keith rumbles. “And if you can be a good girl for just a couple more days, you and I can have plenty of time together to make sure you get a heaping dose of—”

  “You’d better stop,” I warn him, my heartbeat speeding up. “Or else we’re going to have a not-family-friendly moment in this parking lot.”

  Keith smirks, stepping back to create a small space between us but leaving his hands on my hips, and I leave mine wrapped around his neck. “I never thought I’d be doing this, but it feels right with you.”

  I nod, feeling my heart swell in my chest. “It does feel right. This feels big, Keith.” The last part is almost a whisper, feeling like a confession as I wait with bated breath to see what he says.

  “I know. I didn’t think things could happen like this, so fast and with a less than friendly start. But there’s something about you, about us . . .” He says as his eyes are searching mine.

  “I feel like that too. Keith, I never thought it was real . . . but I really think I’m—”

  "Not here,” Keith says, putting a finger to my lips. “I feel it too, but when we say it, I want to be able to take you, claim you and have you claim me back. And I can't do that in this parking lot with my kid a few cars away.”

  I nod, the warm assurance of Keith’s feelings sinking in. Suddenly, I pull him to me, kissing him hard, claiming his mouth in a turnaround that leaves him stunned for a moment before he kisses me back, cupping my ass with his hidden hand to give it a squeeze. I can feel him swell, and when I pull back, Keith’s breath is fast and deep, his eyes glowing with desire.

  Keith nods, breathing deeply as he regains his control. "I need to go. Are you sure about taking Carsen shopping?"

  I nod, smiling. "Absolutely. Girls’ shopping trip sounds like fun, and I want to get to know her."

  "You're amazing," Keith says before lifting my hand to his lips and kissing my fingertips sweetly. “Goodnight, Elise.”

  “Goodnight,” I answer, watching him go as my fingertips tingle from his kiss. Despite the oversized polo, he is still an amazing figure as he walks away, his ass perfectly filling his jeans and flexing enough to give me good dreams tonight.

  Very good dreams.

  Chapter 20


  So, what do you think?”

  It’s only the third time Carsen’s asked me, and I’m happier than ever that she’s asking. It was a little awkward at first, despite the good dinner we all had yesterday. I can understand this isn’t about Keith and me. This is about how I fit with Carsen and Sarah . . . and that’s going to take a little longer to adjust to.


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