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The Boys Next Door: An MFM Menage Romance

Page 13

by Miranda Silver

  “Ian, slow down,” she pleaded. “It’s—“

  Too late. Sharp pleasure rushed over her. She couldn’t breathe. She could only pant, helplessly, totally out of control, squeezing Ian as hard as she could with her hands and thighs. Her cunt was rippling on his cock, and words were streaming from her mouth, total babbling, and she could only hear herself rasping out “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” in a voice that didn’t even sound like hers—

  And before she knew it, she was flat on her back, Ian’s heavy body on top, his hot tongue wriggling deep in her mouth, his meaty cock plunging into her tingling pussy. She gasped for breath, trying to push back as she hugged his waist with her creamy thighs.

  “You want me to talk dirty, Diana?” he muttered into her mouth. “You want more?”

  Diana quivered as he ground against her clit. She was so sensitive after coming, way too sensitive for him to do that, but her whole body was saying yes. He was using longer and longer strokes, driving into her harder and harder.

  “What the hell have you been doing before this?” she asked, breathless, barely able to think. “Talking clean?”

  He laughed softly, but his voice was strained with need. “I want to fuck you everywhere, baby,” he growled. “I want to fuck your whole body. I want to fuck your sweet ass, and your hot little pussy, and your sexy mouth. I want to soak you in my cum. I want to see it running out of you while you lie there, fucking worn out and completely satisfied. ‘Cause you know what? I don’t think you’ve ever been completely satisfied. No matter how much I fuck you, no matter how much Brendan fucks you—“ Diana moaned, her dripping pussy clasping Ian’s swiftly moving cock, her back bouncing against the bed — “you’re always going to want more, because you’re an insatiable little slut who can never— get— enough.”

  God, she was in a fog, everything was hazy and hot and hard and oh so real. His thrusts were forcing the air out of her now. Ian’s tongue dove into her mouth again, and Diana opened her lips to take him in.

  “Tell the truth,” he grunted, pulling back. “Am I right?”

  She could barely answer. Was he? Was he right? “Yes.” The word flew out of her. “Yes. You’re right.”

  “Fuck,” Ian groaned, pulling her tight against him. Diana’s hands found his ass, squeezing his muscled cheeks hard, urging his cock as deep as it could go. God — it was so sexy to feel him coming. She couldn’t help moaning along with him, breathing together until his deep groans slowed into sighs.

  They lay entwined together for a few minutes. Then Diana stirred, trying to stretch under Ian’s long body. He was totally relaxed, lying on top of her, his cock still hard and buried in her soaked pussy. When she wriggled her hips, he eased out of her and rolled onto his side, pulling her close.

  “Was that okay?” The face close to hers, usually cocky or mocking, actually looked a little worried.

  “Yeah.” She squeezed his shoulder. “Very okay.”

  He barked a laugh, shaking his head. “I keep thinking you’re part priss.” His voice was a little hoarse, and there was no question — he looked tired. Diana couldn’t hold back her smile. She’d worn him out. “But you aren’t, are you? You’re a dirty girl. And you like that the world doesn’t know. I bet deep down, you’re dirtier than I am.”

  “Maybe someday you’ll find out,” she heard herself say.

  “Hope so.”

  Diana realized she was relaxed in Ian’s powerful arms, his fingers idly stroking her hair. Her body was still coming down from being fiercely fucked. Too soon, he began to let go.

  “I’m gonna leave now,” he whispered. “Bet you need some recovery time.”

  She reached out to him. “Stay.”

  A pause. “What are you going to tell your mommy when she finds us in the morning?” Ian asked finally. But his arms tightened around her.

  “She won’t.”

  He gave her a long look. “Okay. I'll go clean up.”

  “What?” Diana grabbed his elbow as he sat up and reached for his clothes. “My parents—“

  “Parents don’t hear me, baby.” She could just make out Ian's grin in the dim light. Sooner than she could argue, he shrugged into his t-shirt, tugged his boxers on, and crept noiselessly out of her room.

  He hadn't been kidding, Diana thought as she stretched, unkinking the soreness in her legs. Ian must be heading for the bathroom down the hall -- he knew where it was, of course -- but other than the very faint sound of water running, she never would have guessed anyone was up and about.

  Of course, Ian had been the champion of sneaking around when they were kids: onto the roof while his mom cooked dinner, out of the classroom while the teacher’s back was turned, up behind Diana with a water pistol to try to scare her senseless. She could only imagine what he used his powers for now.

  Shaking her head, she pulled her nightgown back on and smoothed the silky purple fabric over her body.

  A minute later, the mattress sank and a hard male body pressed against hers, spooning her back. She turned to face him, snuggling into his warmth, sure that she could never fall asleep with Ian of all people in her bed, but she was so relaxed…

  Knocking. Someone was knocking. Bright sunlight met her squinting eyes, streaming in the open window through the rustling branches of the tree outside. And she was wrapped in a strong embrace…in her bed? Ian. She’d fallen asleep in Ian’s arms, with her head on his chest. And he was still fast asleep, his warm body tangled up with hers, between her and the door. She kicked unthinkingly, and he stirred.

  “Diana, honey?” Her mother’s voice came from the other side of the door, followed by the squeak of the door being pushed open. “You overslept, you’ll be late for graduation practice—“

  “Oh my God.” Her mother’s hand flew to her mouth. Ian rolled over, and her jaw dropped. “Brendan? …Ian?”

  “Brendan,” Ian answered smoothly, sitting up. Diana sat up too, grateful beyond belief that Ian had put his t-shirt and boxers back on and she was wearing her nightgown. Somehow, Ian had managed to wake up completely in the space of about fifteen seconds, while she was still rubbing her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Cooper. Would you believe me if I said this isn’t what it looks like?”

  Diana stared at him. She’d never seen Ian turn on the charm the way Brendan did, but now he’d opened the spigot full force, giving her mother an unbelievably disarming smile that could have come straight off his brother’s face. The dimples deepened in his cheeks. Somehow, he managed to look irresistible and penitent at the same time.

  Diana’s mother blinked a few times. Amazingly, her cheeks had a tinge of pink in them. “What happened?” she asked grudgingly.

  Ian got out of bed and stood to face her mother, his hands spread placatingly. “Diana and I were talking on the phone last night, and she asked me to come over. We should have told you, but she didn’t want to wake you up.” Ian’s eyes were locked on her mother’s, giving her the most gorgeous impression of a mournful puppy dog Diana had ever seen. “She’s been so stressed, nervous about graduating and leaving home, and she said she’s been having nightmares. She asked me to stay the night.”

  “Diana!” her mother scolded.

  “Sorry, Mom.” Diana hung her head. Nerves were humming through her body, and her pussy was sticky under her nightgown, Her ass tingled, still feeling Ian’s finger inside it from the night before.

  “Nothing happened, Mrs. Cooper.” Ian’s voice couldn’t have been more reassuring. “She just wanted me to be here for her. And, you know—“ he shrugged his shoulders self-deprecatingly. “I don’t see Diana that way. She’ll always be a little sister to me. Sorry, Di,” he added quickly. She rolled her eyes, doing her best to play along.

  “Well…I understand, Brendan,” her mother said. “But Diana, we need to discuss the rules of having boys over, especially in your room. We’ve never had to talk about this,” she added to Ian, conversationally, as if he were her peer instead of a college student two years older than h
er daughter. “You know how it is. It just hasn’t been a problem.”

  “And I’m sure it won’t be,” Ian agreed. “She told me she’s putting all her energy into studying. Now if Ian had been here…it would have been another story.” He shook his head. Diana bit down hard on her lip, widening her eyes at him as she tried to keep a straight face.

  “Let’s not think about that,” she managed to say. Good thing it was her mom who’d walked in on them, and not her dad.

  “Do you want to stay for breakfast, Brendan?” Mrs. Cooper smiled at Ian.

  Diana tried not to goggle in shock. Sure, Ian had been charming, and he’d relied on Brendan’s reputation, but she couldn’t believe her mother was actually inviting him to sit in their kitchen and eat cornflakes after she’d discovered him in her daughter’s bed. She’d been wondering for a while what Ian got out of the good twin-bad twin arrangement. Now she was starting to see.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Cooper. I'd better get back home. Ian needs a lot of help waking up in the morning.” The wink he gave her was all Brendan. He waved as he headed out — through the door this time. “See you, Di.”

  Chapter Five

  Bright hot lights dazzled Diana as she slowly walked across the stage, her toes clenched inside her red peep-toe pumps. The only sound in the stadium was the click of her high heels. From below the stage, her graduating class watched her silently, rows upon rows of blue gowns and decorated caps. Behind them, barely visible in the yawning blackness, parents and family and friends packed the seats.

  It was the kind of vision that had woken her before in a cold sweat, her heart racing and her mind catching up to the fact that it had just been a dream. But this was very real. And as she stepped to the podium, adjusted the mic with a creak, and cleared her throat, she felt a flutter of anticipation along with the nervousness.

  “Good evening, parents, faculty, and graduates.”

  After Ian had left her room that morning, while her mother called a cheery goodbye to “Brendan,” Diana had skimmed her original speech, her heart still pounding from the close call. The whole thing was based on literary quotes about the great beyond. It sounded the way a valedictory speech should sound. It was safe.

  And after she’d read it twice, she’d ripped it to bits, flushed them in a rush down the toilet, and written a new one in fifteen minutes flat. She didn’t need to hide behind someone else’s words. She had a few things of her own to say.

  “Sometimes, things find you that you don’t expect. That you never could have planned. That you’re tempted to turn your back on and say, ‘That’s just not me.’ But those are the things that can change your life.”

  She could hear Ian’s voice whispering in her ear that she was a dirty girl, feel Brendan’s sure hands on her breasts underneath her graduation gown, smell both the twins’ male sweat and musk. Right there on stage, she tasted their salty skin and their warm cream on her tongue, saw their hazel eyes devouring her soft curves.

  Her body remembered waking up in Ian’s arms less than twelve hours ago. Her pussy remembered the way he’d fucked her.

  She was so distracted by the images and sensations of the twins, and the rush of knowing that out of two thousand people in the stadium, no one else would guess the secret behind her words, that she only slowly became aware, as she continued talking about taking risks and challenging yourself, that she was speaking naturally.

  Her voice sounded poised and confident. She had a broad smile on her face. In a stadium packed with people, all eyes on her, she was enjoying every second of it.

  “Some of us have planned every step of our lives for the past four years. Others couldn’t have cared less. And many of us are somewhere in between. But I would guess that we all have our ideas about who we are. They’ve come from what other people expect of us, and they’ve come from what we expect of ourselves — or don’t. We have our ideas about other people, too: the roles they play, the roles we think they’re supposed to play. And those roles can lock us in. So as we leave high school and go out into the world, I just want to say: surprise yourself. Let yourself surprise others. Embrace the unexpected. Try something that’s ‘just not you.’ Unlock yourself and go play. If there’s any time to do it, the time is now. Thank you.”

  The sudden crack of applause that split the silent stadium air almost knocked her over. For the first time, she felt the sweat trickling down her back. She smiled into the blinding lights, turned, and made it back to her seat with a steady pace. Each tap of her heels sounded triumphant now.

  The rest of graduation was a blur. Music, cheering, diplomas handed out, one last speech, caps thrown in the air. Before she knew it, the processional had taken everyone outside and she was standing in front of the stadium, surrounded by her friends, hugging and taking pictures and scanning the masses of people for her parents.

  Diana had never been especially huggy in high school — shyness had always gotten in the way, even with her friends. But if there was any time to grab people by the shoulders and jostle together for photos, now was the time. So when a strong pair of arms folded her in a big hug, pulling her close, she didn’t immediately react.

  But the chest she was pressed against felt — and smelled — decidedly masculine. A shirt collar brushed her forehead. A broad shoulder bumped her graduation cap.

  What? Guys didn’t just come up and hug her. She wasn’t that kind of girl.

  When the hugger pulled back, his arms still wrapped around her, she blinked up into a pair of bright hazel eyes that sent a shockwave down her body.

  “Uh -- Brendan?”

  “You were great.” He actually leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek, and her whole body tightened. Even if it was just her cheek, his lips were soft and warm, his firm hug felt anything but brotherly, and of course he had to smell good on top of it — like he’d just stepped out of the shower. “We heard you were giving a speech, so we had to come see you.”

  The wink he gave her looked so much like Ian’s imitation of it that morning, she found herself checking the cleft in his chin.


  Brendan let go — finally. If he’d held onto her for a second longer, she would have collapsed into a puddle. As it was, her skin prickled, and she desperately wanted to tear off her graduation gown and fan herself. Her friends were gawking, phones dangling from their hands, turning from her to Brendan with expressions of amazement.

  As soon as she looked over her shoulder, another male body crowded her. A casual arm dropped onto her shoulders.

  “What, you weren’t going to tell us?” Ian looked down at her with a lopsided smile, and her stomach turned a somersault. She caught a faint glimpse of the hickey she’d left on his neck the night before.

  “I figured you guys like surprises,” she managed to say.

  Now her face had to be as red as her shoes, and her friends’ jaws were practically unhinged. Any minute now, she was going to have to mop Janelle off the floor. Ian only made it worse by leaning closer.

  “Love the fuck-me pumps,” he said in a low voice, under the music blaring from the outdoor speakers. His breath brushed her ear. “Nice speech too.”

  “Take a picture of us?” Brendan’s arm was around her too now, and he held out his phone to Marissa, who blinked and took it. He’d made the right choice, Diana thought; Janelle would have fallen apart completely.

  God, she was about to explode, wedged tightly between the twins. People were staring at them now — not just her friends. If anyone guessed the truth…

  But right then, she didn’t even care. Her face already ached from smiling, but she was too happy not to grin from ear to ear.

  Marissa seemed to be taking a lot of pictures, her finger permanently pressed to the screen while her eyes moved over the twins’ handsome faces and bronzed physiques. Diana couldn’t blame her. Meanwhile, Brendan’s warm hand squeezed her waist, and a pinch on her ass made her cheeks clench — definitely Ian.

  She prayed no one behind them had
noticed, or saw her own hand sneak back for an answering pinch. Her panties were moist. Her pussy ached, sandwiched as she was between their muscular bodies.

  In the midst of all the craziness, she wondered if Brendan knew about Ian’s visit to her room last night.

  “We both really liked your speech, Di. We need to celebrate,” Brendan announced, taking his phone from Marissa.

  “We do?” Janelle looked at him hopefully.

  Brendan gave her an indulgent smile and turned back to Diana. “We’re taking you out. Right, Ian?” Ian just pinched her again — on her hip this time. Diana realized he still had his arm around her. “Saturday night? This weekend? A surprise.”

  Oh boy, she would never hear the end of this from her friends. They’d demand a full report. Out with the twins — she couldn’t even imagine where they’d go or how she’d handle herself. She nodded quickly.

  “Diana! Congratulations, honey! You were wonderful!” Her mother bustled up to her, her father in tow — and Mr. and Mrs. O’Brian with them.

  The twins stepped aside as her mother hugged her. Diana didn’t think the sudden entrance was an accident. She’d seen the way her parents had glanced nervously at Ian’s arm around her, even as Mr. and Mrs. O’Brian looked pleased.

  “Wasn’t she great?” Brendan smiled broadly, as if he were personally responsible for Diana’s speech. He wasn’t far wrong, she thought, her skin tingling under her gown.

  A welcome breeze blew across the lawn. Teachers were coming up to her now. As she talked with them, posed for pictures, and tried to hold down five different conversations at once, she noticed the faculty noticing the twins.

  Everyone recognized them, of course. They’d graduated two years ago, but it would be a long time before her high school forgot the O’Brian brothers. And there was no doubt right now which one was which.

  Brendan was busy shaking all the teacher’s hands, chatting them up and sharing friendly reminiscences. Meanwhile, Ian had been grabbed in a bear hug by a rangy guy Diana figured was the basketball coach — she’d never bothered to keep track of sports the past four years — while the rest of the faculty gave him a wide, disapproving berth, like they expected him to set off a stink bomb in the stadium.


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