The Boys Next Door: An MFM Menage Romance

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The Boys Next Door: An MFM Menage Romance Page 14

by Miranda Silver

  “We came to see Diana.” Brendan’s voice caught her attention. He and Ian pointed at her with identical dimpled grins, and Mr. Bertell, her calc teacher, eyed the three of them with a confused expression, like something didn’t add up.

  Meanwhile, more people were elbowing their way through the crowd to greet the twins, slap high fives, say hello — older brothers and sisters of the graduates, plus the few athletes and beautiful people in her grade who’d been cool enough to rub shoulders with the twins in high school.

  This was familiar. Diana was used to seeing Brendan and Ian at the center of things. But now she was at the center, too. People she’d never spoken two words to were shaking her hand, congratulating her, telling her how much they’d liked her speech.

  Dizzy, she found herself on the receiving end of another hug — Ms. Wood, her AP English teacher, faculty advisor for the literary magazine, and the person who’d whipped her writing into shape more than anyone else the past four years.

  “Diana, this school is going to miss you so much. I’m going to miss you so much. All those late nights you put in for the literary magazine…the work of art you turned in for your final paper…”

  “Those times you studied all alone in your room…the way you never had any fun…” said a familiar teasing voice.

  Ms. Wood pursed her lips. Diana suddenly became aware of warm pressure on her shoulders. Ian had come up next to her, draping an arm around her again. “The two of you are friends?”

  “Neighbors,” Diana said quickly. “Friend” wasn’t an accurate word for Ian, and she didn’t want to think too hard about what word might be. “I grew up with him and Brendan.”

  “Do you miss me, Ms. Wood?” Ian flashed white teeth. “‘Cause I miss you.”

  Ms. Wood raised her eyebrows. “I’m sure you do miss my class. Just like you did twenty-nine times in one semester. As I recall, your coach got you out of that one. And no, Mr. O’Brian, I don’t miss your absences. Or you coming in late, smelling like pot, or your smart-aleck comments, or the incomprehensible scribbles you turned in and called papers.” Her eyes flicked to his sweatshirt. “I hope you’re attending the occasional class at UConn.”

  Ian just laughed. “Gonna go cry in the corner now. Unless you want to spank me first.” Red crept to Diana’s cheeks — she couldn’t look Ian’s way, or Ms. Wood’s — but she also had to bite her lip to stop a laugh of her own. “Catch you later, Diana.”

  As he sauntered off, Diana realized a second too late that she was staring at his broad shoulders and narrow hips, remembering how that muscular ass had felt under her hands the night before. A voice over the blasting music pulled her attention back.

  “Diana, I know Ian O’Brian holds attraction for a lot of girls.” Ms. Wood had looked exasperated before; now she looked worried. “But please, don’t spend any time or energy on him. It would be an incredible waste.”

  Diana blinked, too stunned to answer. Quickly, she looked over her shoulder again, fighting her embarrassment and hoping Ian hadn’t heard. Hazel eyes met hers. He’d heard. Before she could laugh it off, he turned away.


  At one in the morning, Diana tiptoed into her room, carrying her red peep-toe pumps. Her cap and gown hung over her arm.

  She was officially exhausted. Graduation parties, laughter, more people and chatter in one night than she was used to in a week. Her cheeks hurt from grinning. Her feet and calves ached from prancing around in three-inch heels.

  But she wouldn’t have traded any of it. She’d dreaded this day even as she’d crossed off the calendar dates in anticipation, but now that it was over, she had to admit: she’d loved it.

  Sighing with relief, she set her cap and gown on her armchair, wiggled her bare toes in the carpet, and reached back to unzip her tight dress. The navy blue fabric dropped to the floor.

  It felt so good to free her heavy breasts from their lacy black cups — the same bra she’d been wearing when her eyes met Brendan’s while she enviously spied on the twins’ party next door. Had that really happened less than two weeks ago?

  She glanced at the window. The O’Brians’ house was dark, the twins’ Jeep missing from the driveway. They must be out for the night. Probably with some of the people who’d been so ecstatic to see them after graduation. That was fine, she told herself, trying to ignore her twinge of disappointment. The excitement of the evening had already worn her out.

  After a moment’s pause, she hooked her thumbs into her black thong, eased the scanty material over her hips, and stepped out of that, too. Posing naked in front of her closet, she gave herself permission, for the first time, to really admire the voluptuous girl in the mirror.

  The full swells of her breasts didn’t embarrass her anymore; instead, they tingled under her gaze, knowing how good it felt to be licked and squeezed. Her large rosy nipples contracted in the cool night breeze from the open window. The exaggerated curves of her hips and ass — curves she’d always considered way over the top — seemed just right, now.

  And whatever Ian said, her glasses were sexy. The black frames — along with her dark hair, crimson nipples, and the soft triangle between her legs — punctuated her pale skin.

  All the whispers, words, and stares that had haunted her for so many years — they just didn’t have the same sting anymore. She’d worked so hard to make sure no one saw her that way again. But Brendan’s eyes on her lush curves held only appreciation, approval, and a touch of pride that made her squeeze her thighs together. Ian’s rasp in her ear that she was a hot slut, a bad girl, meant something very different from the names she’d been called, even if the words were the same.

  She didn’t feel an ounce of shame with the twins; just pleasure. Eagerness for more. A slow-burning desire, stronger and stronger, to open up.

  Maybe Ian was right. Maybe she could let go.

  She fluffed up her hair, looking at herself from one side, then the other. Then, giggling, she lit some candles, turned out the light, and flopped into bed.

  Just a quiet night now. She deserved it. A couple of sweet-smelling candles that would burn down soon, a book that wouldn’t keep her awake too long, and no nightgown at all, just the relaxing feeling of fresh sheets on her naked skin. Yawning, she stretched under the covers.

  A light tap made her jump. Rolling over, she saw a male face in the window, framed with shadows. Her stomach flipped.

  “Ian?” she whispered.

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “Brendan.”

  “Knew that.” Diana flushed. Of course it was Brendan. Ian wouldn’t have bothered to knock. And now that he was smiling, the cleft in his chin made it clear. “I, uh, I’m not really dressed.”

  She sat up and held the covers over her chest, aware that her nipples were starting to harden under the cool sheets.

  Brendan’s smile broadened. “That’s it. I’m leaving.” He started to turn around, branches rustling below him.

  Diana began to laugh. It was a little ridiculous, she had to admit. “Don’t leave.”

  Swinging easily through the window, Brendan landed on the floor and walked right over to her bed. Diana realized she was gawking at him, no better than her open-mouthed friends at graduation. His easy grace, his total confidence, the way his tank top and boxers clung to his muscled body.

  “Just came to say congrats. With a little more privacy. You were amazing tonight.”

  “Thanks.” Blushing, she shook her head, self-conscious now as Brendan sat down on her bed. The mattress sank under his weight. Diana noticed a brown paper bag in his hand. Her skin began to tingle, aware of his long body close to hers. He put his hand on her knee, and the tingles turned into prickles.

  “Good book?”

  Diana glanced down at the open book still in her hand. “I couldn’t really tell you. I’m just too excited to sleep,” she confessed.


  Brendan was rubbing her knee gently through the covers. Heat poured outward from his touch.

sp; “You know.” Her voice caught. “It’s been such a busy night. A lot of people and attention and now— I guess I don’t know what to do with myself.”

  Brendan squeezed her knee. “I heard I was here this morning,” he said softly. “Figured I should make it true.”

  So Ian had given him the rundown. Diana wondered just how much he’d shared. Of course, he’d told her at the beginning that he and his brother didn’t have any secrets from each other. She shook her head. “My mom wanted you to stay for breakfast. She was probably hoping to talk your ear off.”

  “Any time.” Brendan leaned in, the paper bag crackling, and tipped up her chin. Startled, she opened her lips to his. He’d caught her off-guard, but his warm mouth felt so good that she couldn’t think any further.

  “Brendan, I— oh.” She broke off when his tongue slipped into her mouth. She could taste the faint overlay of beer on his breath. Yes, he’d been out. And what about Ian?

  Deftly, he unhooked her glasses and set them on her desk without breaking the kiss. One large hand massaged its way over her bare shoulders. Of their own accord, her hands wandered to his hair.

  “You taste good, Di,” he murmured.

  “So do you.” Flustered, she pulled back and glanced down at the bed. The covers were sliding down her breasts, but there wasn’t much point in pulling them back up in front of Brendan. “What's in the bag?”

  “Your graduation present. From both of us.”

  “You shouldn’t have.” Now she was really feeling hot. “I thought you guys were going to take me out.”

  “That’s the second part.” He grinned at her. “This is the first part.” Her skin popped into goosebumps from the cool night air and the suggestion behind his smile. When his eyes traveled down her body appreciatively, she realized that the covers were slipping further down over the swells of her round globes. She stared at the brown paper bag in his hand, looking so innocent and making her so nervous about what might be inside. “Now close your eyes and open your hand.”

  Good thing this was Brendan, because she’d never risk doing that with Ian. Who wasn’t here.

  Slowly, she closed her eyes. She opened her hand.

  Something smooth and narrow pressed into her palm. Her fingers closed over a firm, slender shape: bulging in the middle, tapered at one end, flared at the other.

  “What is this?” Her eyes popped open.

  Brendan started to laugh. “Something you’ll like.” He began rubbing her leg again, sending a shiver through her.

  Diana turned the shiny pink silicone over in her hand, perplexed. She recognized the material, at least. “A weird, less-satisfying dildo?”

  “Try again. I don’t think it’ll be less satisfying.” A teasing smile played over his face. And Diana couldn’t believe she’d gotten to the point with Brendan where she could actually talk about these things with him.

  She peered at the toy again — it had to be some kind of toy — feeling very naive. It didn’t look completely unfamiliar. Yes…she had seen a shape like this when she bought her dildo online, scrolling through the website with her fantasies spiraling out of control — in the dead of night, of course, while procrastinating on a paper. Suddenly, she knew.

  “Oh my God. Brendan—“

  They’d bought her a butt plug. Why did they— How could they— She didn’t know where to look, so she forced herself to stare right at Brendan’s amused hazel eyes, embarrassment and excitement running down her body. “I don’t believe you guys. Is this a joke?”

  “Completely serious, Di. Ian told me how much you liked having your ass played with.”

  “That was private,” Diana blurted, her cheeks even warmer.

  “It was?” Brendan’s hand paused on her thigh, his eyebrows raised. He didn't look bothered; just surprised.

  Diana ran a hand through her messy hair, staring at the toy in her hand. Ian obviously hadn't considered it private. Why should she care?

  “Where is he, anyway?”

  “Out. Why, do you want him here too?” Brendan was already reaching into his pocket, pulling out his phone.

  “Not necessary,” Diana said quickly. “Don't bother.”

  Her head spun. She shouldn't have thought Ian’s visit meant anything. They'd talked, he'd spent the night. So what?

  And her body ached with Brendan sitting close by on her mattress, confusing her thoughts. That wasn’t just amusement in his half-lidded eyes, moving over her exposed shoulders and creamy cleavage; lust smoked from his gaze.

  She was starting to wonder if she was in over her head. Out of her depth with the twins. But when hadn't she been? She could handle this. She was determined to.

  “Whatever you want, sweetness.” The slight smile on Brendan’s face sent a sudden rush of need between her legs. She wanted his hand, gently squeezing her thigh through the covers, to find her bare skin and go straight to her hot center. But he didn’t seem to be in any hurry. “You’re really cute, Di, you know that?”

  “Uh — so are you.” And everything she’d already done with Brendan — and Ian — didn’t make it any easier for her to form words right now.

  Shyly, she reached out to squeeze his knee in return. Like it was a signal he’d been waiting for, Brendan’s warm hands on her shoulders eased her back onto the bed. Climbing over her, he straddled her hips and smiled down at her. That dimpled grin sent pulses of excitement down her body. Diana moaned softly when he peeled back the covers and cupped her full breasts, arching her back towards his touch.

  “So sexy,” he whispered. “You’ve needed this all night, haven’t you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered back, whimpering a little when he easily rolled her rosy nipples between his fingers.

  “Did it feel good to be in front of everyone, Di?”

  She flushed. It was such a personal question. Brendan was massaging her breasts now, his large palms taking possession of her full globes.

  “Scary,” she said honestly. Her breath caught when he gently pinched her nipples. “But yeah, really good.”

  “It was such a turn-on to see you up there.” One warm hand slid from her heavy breast to her smooth belly, cupping the slight softness right below her navel. She squirmed, from the pleasure of his touch and a little self-consciousness about her soft flesh so close to his hard body. Brendan seemed to notice and squeezed her belly more firmly. “Me and Ian both thought so.”

  “Really?” Diana tried to give him a skeptical look, but it wasn’t easy to do while melting under his hands. “In my cap and gown that covered everything?”

  “Oh yeah.” Bending over, he kissed her neck. “Talking about the three of us. That’s what it was, right, baby?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. Brendan’s warm tongue was teasing her ear now.

  “Good. ‘Cause we’ve just gotten started. We have so much more to show you.”

  “Like — a butt plug?” Just saying the words sent a hot flush of embarrassment and arousal down her body, but she couldn’t help laughing at the same time.

  “Mm-hm. Ian wants to fuck your ass, Di.”

  For a second, she was speechless. “Ian isn’t here,” she whispered once she got her voice back. “Is it your job to talk for him?”

  Brendan chuckled softly. “Sometimes.”

  Before she could ask, the covers fell to the floor, pulled or kicked off, leaving all her soft curves on display. Brendan was stretching out on her narrow mattress, pulling her close, and all she wanted now was to feel his warm palms everywhere. Her hands found his thick hair, tugging. As he massaged her naked curves, easing apart her quivering thighs, heat flooded her skin.

  She cried out when Brendan’s hand slipped between her legs, stroking her warm valley. His face lit up when his fingers found her creamy heat. One finger gently pressed between her wet lips, opening her pussy to his touch.

  “Oh God,” she moaned softly as his finger sank into her tight cunt. “Brendan—“

  “Just like that, Di,” he said reassurin
gly. More fullness stretched her opening. He must have added a second finger.

  Lust washed over her body in waves. She didn’t want him to stop, couldn’t let him stop. When he pulled his fingers out of her juicy pussy, she grabbed his wrist. Then she gasped when something slender and firm slid without warning into her cunt.

  “You’re dripping wet, baby,” Brendan whispered soothingly. Before she could protest — though she wasn’t sure she wanted to protest — assured fingers closed over her clit, teasing the hard pearl as he coated the plug with her juices.

  God, she was completely naked and exposed to Brendan, pressing her forehead against his cotton-covered chest, shivering as his boxers rubbed her bare legs.

  “Do you want this, Di? Do you want me to fill your sexy ass?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, clutching his waist.

  Yes was all she could think right now. Yes to Brendan’s sensuous hand between her legs, yes to his deep voice whispering in her ear, yes to her tingling ass being filled, and yes to his hard body getting naked as soon as possible.

  When her hands found the heavy bulge in his boxers, tugging at his waistband while she squeezed and fondled his erection, he sighed with pleasure. His mouth moved to her neck, nibbling the tender skin. Diana shuddered, bucking against his patient fingers on her clit and the unyielding toy in her pussy.

  “Ian left these last night, didn’t he?” he murmured, nudging her hickeys with his tongue. Heat bloomed all the way down her body. She wrapped an arm around his back, biting down a moan.

  “Who else?” she managed to whisper.

  Brendan groaned softly into her neck. “Hot. He told me how good you felt, Di.”

  “He did?” she whispered. God, the thought of Ian going over last night’s details with his brother pissed her off…it should have pissed her off…but right now, it only turned her on. No doubt Brendan would tell Ian everything that was happening right now… Jesus, this was crazy… “What else did he tell you?”


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