Shifting Positions

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Shifting Positions Page 12

by Jennifer Dellerman

  “Please, Caleb,” she begged, her tone full of sensual hunger. “Stop teasing me.”

  He gave her sex one, slow, last lick. “I'm going to fuck you hard and fast.” His voice was fractured; a harsh, primitive sound that told him how close to the surface his beast was. “Get ready for a wild ride.” He tore at his pants, shoving them down his thighs, releasing his swollen cock to the cool air.

  With one big hand, he cupped her bottom, lifting her nimbly off her feet to align their bodies groin to groin. Her long legs wrapped around his waist, her arms clutching his neck. His other arm snaked around her to cup her head, protecting her from the rough bark. The feel of her juices lubricating the thick crest of his cock made him snarl as he fought to control the violent hunger. Fire raced through his body, slashed at his balls and melted his brain. Then he was parting her, her sex sucking at the head, clenching as he eased in an inch, then another inch. He flexed his hips back, drawing nearly out of her body, and then he thrust back, gaining another inch. She was so wet, but so fucking tight. Afraid of hurting her, he moved carefully; sweat dripping down his back as he forged his way inside her body, stretching the sensitive tissue until she accepted his full length.

  Her back arched and the scent of her pleasure whipped around him. The fist-tight grip she had on his cock nearly undid all his restraint. With another powerful thrust he sank in to the hilt, and nearly spilled his seed. Grimacing, panting, he rolled his hips, solely focused on the intense pleasure enveloping his cock as he tunneled through her soaked pussy. He buried his face in her hair, picking up the rhythm until he was pounding in her hard and fast. “Ah fuck, Tess. I'm not gonna last much longer.”

  “Not yet.” Her voice was a soft wail. “Not yet!” Her pussy tightened around his cock, making each drive through her slick folds more intense. His stomach muscles clenched in agony as he fought back the violent need to come. Her hips twisted, jerking and grinding against his pelvis with every thrust. Just when he didn't think he could hold off any longer, her body stiffened and then convulsed. With a cry of pure pleasure her sex spasmed, squeezing around his shaft in glorious bands of savage pleasure. With a harsh yell of absolute bliss, he slammed his cock in deep one last time, his orgasm blasting through him before he remembered to yank free of her clenching muscles, sending his release spurting hard and white-hot in the open air.

  His body shook uncontrollably and he rested heavily against her, his chest heaving, his skin damp. Her cheek lay on his shoulder, her body twitching every now and then with aftershocks of pleasure. The sounds of their gasping to fill overtaxed lungs filled the silent forest for a few minutes. When Caleb felt he could stand fully on his own legs without falling, he leaned back, letting Tess slid her legs from his waist and slip down his body. As she straightened, her long skirt fell around her legs, with nary a wrinkle in sight. Other than her red and swollen lips, and the scent of sex that hung in the air, she appeared as perfect as when she'd stepped from her truck.

  Laughing at his astonished look she said, “Wrinkle free material. Very expensive and very worth it.”

  His lips curved in a warm, lazy smile. “You mean you're worth it.”

  She raised a slim brow. “Of course.”

  God he loved this woman.

  The realization smacked into him with the force of a Mack truck. Unprepared for the life-altering flash, his heart gave an alarming flop and he stiffened in astonishment.

  If there was one thing Caleb knew, it was strategy. He'd planned on utilizing their intense physical reactions to hold her close, get her used to him and the idea of a combined future. He refused to feel any guilt as he didn't consider it a deception. After all, the attraction was mutual, explosive and very real. Her happiness and well-being was as important to him as keeping her in his life, no matter what it took to accomplish both. But the long seduction and not so subtle persuasions he'd envisioned had turned into something deeper, sharper and had circled around to claim him in one hungry bite. He fell in love.

  He rubbed the heel of his hand over his chest, the sudden panic gripping his heart a new and uneasy feeling he had no care for.

  “What is it?” Tess asked, a small frown marring her forehead.

  “Ah, nothing,” he answered vaguely and turned his attention to straightening his jeans, gingerly tucking his semi-hard cock inside the taut material. He buttoned up. “Just a little embarrassed at my loss of control.”

  She placed her hands on his chest, running them up and over his shoulders to wrap around his neck. “I quite enjoyed your loss of control.”

  Caleb hugged her tight, eyes closed as he drank in the feel of her snuggled to his body. He wanted this, her warmth and acceptance, her sweet smile and sexy body, every day for the rest of his life. All he needed now was her love. “I've made you late.”

  “That's okay. You're worth it.”

  His heart kicked up, lodging in his throat at her words.

  “Besides, I wanted to speak to you about something I learned today. Did you know that Gina Wilson, who works at the café, dated Dave? From the sound of things, it was very hush-hush until she broke it off about six months ago.”

  With his head spinning with thoughts of his possible future, both bleak and divine, it took a few moments for Tess's words to register, than another few more to switch his brain into cop mode.

  His head abruptly snapped back and he stared down into her clear hazel eyes. “No one mentioned that. Not his parents, his friends or anyone else both Brandon and I spoke to. Asking about past and current intimate relationships is standard procedure so it's not like we forgot that particular question.”

  Her forehead wrinkled, making him want to coddle and soothe her. He gritted his teeth, calling himself every kind of fool. These new feelings were messing with his focus and that would only lead to disaster if he let it continue. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he almost missed her follow-up statement.

  “And according to Sean, she's now dating Matt West, in another mysterious affair. Added to that, Dave evidently came around a few times after the break-up to talk with Gina and she shut him down.”

  “I don't really know her. Maybe she just likes her privacy. Though I admit the later part might be of interest if West was a shifter.”

  “That's another thing.” Tess said cautiously. “I think Frank Kolter is Matt's biological father.”

  Taken aback, Caleb simply gaped at her. “What?”

  “It's in the eyes.”

  “So because Matt has the same eyes as Frank, you think they are father and son?”


  “Tess,” Caleb breathed out her name. “That's not logical. I have brown eyes and all three of the Kolter boys have brown eyes. It doesn't mean we are related.”


  “And even if he is, it doesn't pertain to this investigation. Matt isn't a shifter. While everyone has their own scent, underlining each shifter's is a common, almost wet-fur type scent, only much more pleasant. That might seem odd, but trust me when I say that shifters can sense their own kind. It's not something that can be disguised.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip in thought and Caleb zeroed in on her lush mouth. Then his eyes dropped to her throat, specifically where her sweater had stretched, exposing her delicate collarbone to his hungry gaze. The sight of her soft flesh caused the familiar pang of extending fangs to fill his mouth. He'd repeatedly controlled the urge to mark her, placing his stamp of possession on her for all to see. Now, with love added to the mix of madness, his ragged control nearly slipped. He caught himself just as his mouth opened, his fangs too damn close to her skin. His beast slammed into his ribs, bruising them with its raging demands. She smelled of citrus and woman and smoldering lust. With a silent curse, he jerked his head away and pulled gently out of her arms.

  Oblivious to Caleb's torment, Tess glanced away, then back again and grimaced. “There's something else you should probably know.”

  Something in her tone warned him that he was
not going to like what she had to say and dread coiled in his gut.

  She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Matt and I dated back in high school, and unless he's changed, which I doubt very much he has, he's…” She paused and tilted her head back to stare into the bare treetops. “How do I say this?”

  Though a flare of jealousy speared him, Caleb crossed to her side and squeezed her hand reassuringly. No matter how he might feel, her needs were more important. “Just say it.”

  Whatever she saw in his open gaze must have provided the support she needed because she blurted out, “Matt doesn't like shifters.”

  Caleb blinked. Whatever he might have expected her to say, that wasn't it. “Excuse me?”

  Tess puffed out her cheeks. “He used to make snide comments about them behind their backs, though he was their best friend when face-to-face. Because of Gina's secretive association with Matt now, and knowing Matt as I did, it made me wonder if Gina has a thing against shifters as well and if she does, if that's why she broke it off with Dave.”

  His eyes narrowed as he considered his words carefully. “Dave worked at the lumber yard for years before he was laid off a few months back. Maybe if what you say is true, his working for a shifter might have been a sore spot with Gina, but nothing you've said makes me think either one had anything to do with Dave's death. ” When she opened her mouth he held up the hand that still gripped hers to silence her. “He was killed by a shifter, Tess. That's a fact. Everything else is supposition.”

  Her lips twisted into a perfect pout and, simultaneously turned on and amused, he caught her by the chin and kissed her hard and quick. “Come on. I have to get back to work and you need to pick up your mom. I'm sure she's anxious to get home.”

  As he walked her back to the highway, he let out an unsteady breath. It was better he hadn't told her. She still needed time to adjust, get used to him and all the changes happening in her life. Claiming her as his mate could be construed as a declaration of simple shifter arrogance, an announcement he knew she took with a mental shrug of her shoulders and a roll of her eyes. She might grasp the fringes of shifter society, but not the inner workings, not the intensity or the bonds that lasted forever. And because of her father's abandonment, she wouldn't believe he'd stick anyway. Events that happen in childhood have lasting repercussions, even beyond adult reasoning.

  Though her smaller hand was caught in his, the sense of peace that usually enveloped him at her touch was absent. He was too busy battling back the primal urge to toss her over his shoulder and lock her up in his lair. His hand twitched in reaction to the primitive thoughts, tightening around hers enough that she looked up at him with a puzzled expression. Forcing a charming smile through a face tight with nerves, he lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

  He had plenty of time to figure out the best way to tell her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next afternoon Tess was restlessly pacing the living room floor. After twenty-four hours of trying to keep her mom entertained, cooking for them both, thinking of Caleb, sleeping and repeating the process, Tess was slowly going out of her mind. Both women felt helpless and irritable; her mom because she couldn't immediately jump back into the swing of her life and Tess because of the persistent ache invading her body.

  Other than a brief phone call last night and a surprisingly sweet good morning text, Tess hadn't heard from or seen Caleb since he'd practically mauled her in the woods. As extremely satisfying as that encounter had been, the desire to see him and touch him now drove her nuts, which in turn swelled her bad mood to a point she couldn't even stand herself. She felt like one of those clingy females, simpering and whining and begging for any scrap of attention, but she'd be damned if she would act on it.

  With a murder investigation going on, she logically understood he couldn't be at her beck and call, but emotionally she hated him at the moment for not wanting her enough to visit.

  And what? She thought. Come over and have mind-blowing sex while mom's upstairs recuperating? That's adult.

  She gave herself a mental head slap. What she needed was a distraction. Something, anything to take her mind off the throbbing of her loins and the impassioned fantasy of seeking the man out, stripping him naked and jumping his bones.

  She put both hands to her hair and pulled, the pain doing nothing to divert her attention from the twinge between her thighs and the tell-tale cramp indicating her impending period. Between both physical afflictions, her breasts hurt and her nipples were so tender the soft cotton bra felt like sandpaper. Her vaginal muscles clenched around nothing and her panties were damp. The use of her vibrator and the massaging shower head this morning provided only a temporary reprieve. What she needed was Caleb - or a large dose of valium - and since neither was accessible, she needed something to do before she hurt someone. Namely that damn wolf for doing this to her.

  With Jackie upstairs visiting her mom, Tess was at an even greater loss, though now she could take a fast walk or better yet, a grueling run and not worry about leaving her mom alone. Decision made, she swiveled on her woolen socks to head up the stairs and change when the house phone rang. Turning too quick, she ended up making a complete circle on the hard floor before she could stop. She clamped a hand over her mouth as a giggle escaped. Then eyeing the stairs warily, she took off at a fast clip toward the kitchen and suddenly came to a dead stop, her momentum sending her gliding over the smooth floor before coming to a halt at the tiled archway. With a grin of delight, she snatched up the cordless handset before her mom could answer on her bedroom extension.


  “Oh, thank God you're home.” The relief in Dolen's tone was unmistakable.

  “Dolen? What's wrong?”

  “The fucking truck that was supposed to deliver Dean's meat broke down over an hour outside of town and I had to send Sean out with my truck and round up a couple more volunteers to unload and reload the food and haul ass back to Moon Haven..”

  Evidently this was a dire judging by the man's tone, but she was clueless. What was Moon Haven? “I'm sorry?”

  Dolen let out a ragged sigh. “Sorry. Sorry. You haven't been here for awhile so you don't know. When Dean became alpha, he got the wolf community together to buy a huge chunk of land. They built a community center on it and blocked off at least six acres on the backside, which also contains two large barns.. It's called the Moon Haven and has been finished for six months. Each full moon most of the wolves head to the compound to ride out the pull of the moon. They pay me to provide dinner and breakfast but also have sides of beef delivered for an evening snack.”

  Tess grimaced but otherwise kept quiet.

  “The truck bringing the meat blew a radiator hose and can't make the delivery. It's the first time I've used this particular service and damn well may be the last as the delivery was actually supposed to happen yesterday. Since Sean's out with my truck, I'm one down to help with dinner. I can't ask Martin Reynolds to help as I need him to cook at the café, though my weekend waitress, Rachel Hodgins, will go with me to the Haven as long as I get her a replacement.”

  With the non-stop explanation, Tess couldn't be certain whether she was more, or less confused. She sank onto one of the kitchen chairs and prompted. “So you're calling because…?”

  He hesitated. “Well, ah, Ruth has helped out before and since she's unavailable, and umm you know, with you and Caleb, well, I thought that maybe you could help?”

  “With waitressing?”

  A heavy exhalation cut through the line like a balloon losing air. Obviously this monthly thing was more critical than what she'd assumed, but damned if she had a clue as to what Dolen needed. Either she was just slow today or he was beating around the bush.

  “Not here at the café. I'll need both you and your truck at the compound. It's nearly three now. We need to load the food, haul ass over to the center and get started preparing the meal for two hundred shifters. The Moon Haven, the name of the compound, is a h
alf-hour north of town, and the delivery truck is broke down over an hour south. I'm hoping Sean will be there by six, but I'll need help before then to get food on the table by seven.” His sigh was full of resigned acceptance. “You know wolves. They need to rely on a certain structure and orderliness in their lives. Probably to combat all that restless energy.”

  Tess nodded even though Dolen couldn't see her. “Unfortunately, that's very true, especially for the young ones. Deviations are confusing, and they don't like confusing. It messes with their senses, which in turn makes their beasts antsy.” And when had she turned into a know-it-all that volunteered information?

  A single grunt was his response.

  “Listen, Jackie's here, but I need to check and make sure she can stay longer. I don't foresee a problem, especially since her husband's working tonight.” She glanced at the clock on the stove. “It'll take me about fifteen minutes to get there. Since you're already short on time, why don't you head on over and I'll get directions from mom? Ah, but what are you going to do about a waitress?”

  “Gina said she'd come back in as she only worked a four-hour shift this morning. She can help you load the supplies I won't be able to get in the car.” A quick thanks later and the phone went dead. Yep. This monthly thing was a big deal.

  Mixed between affront and humor, Tess dashed up the stairs to explain the situation to Ruth and Jackie. She slid to a halt just inside her mom's bedroom - she'd forgotten how much she used to enjoy skating over the smooth wooden flooring in her socks - but when both women turned to her with expected looks in their eye, she knew they knew. “You already know?”

  Jackie nodded. “Yes. Martin just called to tell me and of course I'll stay here with your mom.”

  Ruth rolled her eyes and huffed. “I don't need a babysitter.”

  Her best friend patted the hand that rested on the bedspread. “Please. You're long since past the diaper stage, though if you don't rest up and heal properly you just might be back in one and how would that feel, hmmm?”


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