The Summer Catch (Oyster Cove Series Book 5)

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The Summer Catch (Oyster Cove Series Book 5) Page 9

by Jennifer Foor

  “Holy shit, you’re a nerd,” I tease. “That’s so hot.”

  She lets out an amused sigh. “How is that hot?”

  “Trust me, it is. I knew you were different, but it keeps getting better.”

  She playfully pushes me. “Shut up. Be serious.”

  “So you’re studying to be a lawyer. So, does that mean you already have an associates degree?”



  “Did you go to college?” She asks while looking at me with those puppy dog eyes.

  “I took a few classes. Work sort of took precedence. The family business is all I’ve really ever known. It’s all I need.”

  “You’re lucky. My parents would never see it that way.”

  “So I’m assuming you have a prelaw degree?”

  “That’s correct. I graduated this past spring.”

  “So right now you could go to work as a paralegal or something along those lines, right?”


  I’m trying to reassure her that life isn’t over if she can’t go to school in the fall. “I’m sorry this messed up your plan. I guess you probably blame me for not being prepared that night.”

  “We were prepared, just not for more rounds. It’s fine. I don’t blame you at all. We were there.”

  “What now?” I’m unable to hold it in any longer. I need to know what the plan is going to be. I even want to ask about a paternity test, because I know my family will be skeptical given my track record with women. “Where do we go from here?”

  She shrugs. “I’ll head home after vacation and find a doctor. I guess I’ll keep you informed as to the progress of the pregnancy and then hopefully you’ll be able to visit once the baby is born.”

  She’s emotionless as she says it, like she’s played it out in her head so many times that it just sounds like it will work. “Will we talk? I mean, shouldn’t we form some sort of relationship for the baby? We can’t be strangers and raise a kid.”

  “Do you even want that?” Kadence plays with her hands. “Listen, I know the kind of life you live. I’m not asking you to change because of this, or pretend you want to be friends.”

  “If you knew me at all, you’d know I would. We need to be friends, no matter what. What you or I do in our free time doesn’t take away the fact that we’re going to have a kid together. Lots of people do this.”

  “Neither of us is ready, if we’re being honest here.”

  I nod. “Maybe, but who can say they’re actually ready? It’s time to get ready. It’s time to grow up and take responsibility. I can be responsible. If that child is mine then I’m going to do whatever it takes to be around. If it means missing booty calls and wild parties it’s worth it. Being a dad will come first.”

  I can tell she’s shocked. “Do you mean that?”

  It’s time to tell her something about me to help her know I’m serious. “My mom had cancer when I was teenager. She died too young. The most important thing in her life was us kids. Our family. Dad lost it after she passed. He was a heavy drinker and couldn’t even take care of himself for a while. We all had to pitch in and help with my sister. Things changed. He’s remarried to a wonderful woman who brought him back from being lost. I can be responsible, Kadence. Family is everything to me. You need to know that.”

  She covers her face in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. When I met you I thought you were someone completely different.”

  “This face gets me in trouble.” I point to myself and smile. She needs to be positive about this, because being depressed will only make things worse. “But I promise I’m a good person. Just don’t ask my dad.”

  Kadence takes my hand and squeezes it. “Thank you for bringing me here and talking to me. You don’t know how difficult this has been for me. I feel like I’m ruining everyone’s lives.”

  As soon as she says it I hear the front door opening and know we’re no longer alone. Kadence looks to me with panicked eyes, while I struggle to come up with a reason I’m sitting in a semi-dark living room talking to a chick in tears. This isn’t going to be pretty if it’s Dad. He’s going to want to know what’s up, and at this point, I need his support, because on the inside I’m losing my shit.

  Chapter 20


  The man to come in the house is older, but I can see a resemblance to Caleb and his twin brother. He’s carrying a brown bag of food. I know, because I can smell it’s aroma. My stomach growls as a natural reaction. Not knowing the last time I ate, it only intensifies the hunger pains.

  Caleb stands and greets his father. “Hey, Dad. I didn’t know anyone would be home.”

  “Just dropping some extra food off before we head to the carnival. What’re you doing?”

  He points to me. “This is my friend Kadence. We needed a quiet place to talk. Hope you don’t mind.”

  “You’re clothed. I don’t mind at all.” He nudges Caleb in the side as to say it was a joke and then turns his attention to me, extending his hand for me to shake. “I’m Buck. It’s nice to meet you, Kadence.”


  “Alice is waiting in the truck. I’m just going to take these to the kitchen and leave you two be.”

  Caleb motions with his finger for me to give him a minute, then follows his father into the other room. I feel out of place here, like I'm an intruder. His father was kind, but that doesn't mean he's comfortable with me being in his home.

  While I sit alone listening, I can hear what they're saying.

  "Tell me why there's a crying female in my living room, Caleb. What the hell did you do now?"

  "She's upset about her parents and Coop has friends over."

  "Don't give me that shit. You're the last person a woman would come to for advice."

  "She doesn't know anyone else here. We met several months ago."

  I can't tell if they're looking at each other or not. It makes me nervous.

  "You better not have done something stupid, son. The last thing you need is to get some girl pregnant."

  As soon as I hear it, I'm up and headed for the front door. I don't care what else is said. My only inclination is to get out of there as fast as possible. Only making it down the driveway, I hear Caleb calling out for me. "Kadence, wait! Where are you going?"

  He's running to catch up. "I'm fine. Just let me leave."

  "No way. You're staying here with me. I don't know what you heard, but..."

  When I turn to face him I see his father standing on the front porch. "Did you tell him?"

  "Was it a secret?"

  Shrugging, I'm at a loss for words. "I don't know. Now he hates me. He probably thinks I'm a whore."

  Caleb thinks that's funny. "If you're a whore than I'm going straight to hell. Come on back inside. My dad won't bite. I'm sure he wants to get to know you. After all, you're going to be the mother of his grandchild"

  When he says it everything comes full circle. I'm having a baby with this guy. These people are going to have to be a part of my life whether we want to or not. We can't change things. "How mad is he?"

  Caleb takes my hand. "We're adults. He's not going to punish me if that's what you're worried about."

  The first thing Buck says when we're back inside makes me laugh. "Did my son try to talk you into anything you don't want to do?"

  "No. Not at all."

  "She came onto me, Dad," Caleb announces. He's lucky I'm too embarrassed to slap him.

  "I'm pretty certain it was mutual."

  "You live around here?"

  "I actually live in New York."

  "Yeah, I can hear the accent."

  "Everyone says that here."

  I should be better talking to people, but being a hermit doesn't allow for me to socialize. In nervous situations I clam up.

  "Do you parents know what's going on?"

  I can only assume he's asking because Caleb said they upset me. "Yes. I told them today."

  "Kadence has a prel
aw degree. She's supposed to go to law school in the fall. I'm sure they're worried about her future changing."

  "Prelaw, and you hooked up with this fool?"

  We all sort of laugh about the comment. "He makes me smile."

  It's not a lie. I can't remember being so entertained before.

  "So what are you two going to do? Have you gotten that far into your talk?"

  Caleb answers for me. "She's keeping it, Dad. We're going to figure it out."

  "Raising a kid is hard work. It takes more patience than you can ever imagine."

  I know he's right, but it won't talk me out of this decision. "I'll be okay."

  "Do you still live at home?"

  "I do."

  "How do you think your parents will feel about you having a baby there? Do you have the room and means to care for the child?"

  I nod, while Caleb chimes in. "They live in the Hampton's. What do you think?"

  "What do your parents do?"


  "That makes sense. I take it they're disappointed."

  "You could say that. It's been a terrible day."

  "Caleb's mom got pregnant with our first son when she was still in her teens. You make it work. It was hard for her parents. They hated me. I didn't much like them either. They said we'd never last. I spent most of my life proving them wrong."

  I can finally conjure up a pleased grimace. This man is being nice, offering more background to their family dynamic and I appreciate it. "I'm sorry we got into this situation together. I just want to assure you that I'm going to include Caleb in everything I can, if that's what he wants."

  Buck responds. "Of course that's what he wants."

  When I turn to Caleb he smirks and throws a wink my way.

  I'm reassured. Even though he's the last person I'd want this with, in starting to feel good about telling him. At the end of the day I need all the support I can get.

  After Buck leaves Caleb seems to be in a better mood. I can tell he's been putting on a brace face for me, but he doesn't have to. This is happening and he's allowed to go through every emotion he needs to in order to deal with it. If he changes his mind I'll have to be okay with it.

  There's an awkward silence between us. "This doesn't have to change your life."

  "But it does."

  "I need to talk to my parents again. They have to understand this is my choice."

  "Take me with you."

  "That's not a good idea."

  "I'm not scared. I'll tell them how you're an animal in the sack and I couldn't keep my hands off of you."

  I shove him with a slight laugh. "That's not funny."

  "You think it is."

  "They wouldn't even look at me. Bringing you would only make it worse."

  "Ashamed of me?"

  "You're not the type of guy I usually bring home to meet them."

  "No. I'm better."

  "It's your funeral."

  I stand and watch as he comes up to face me. Taking his thumbs, he wipes the eye makeup off my cheeks. "We need to be friends. If we're a team in this, they can't force your hand."

  He's right. We're young and foolish. They think this is a terrible mistake. I have to prove to them that I can fix this. My dreams don't have to change.

  Chapter 21


  I take the old pickup over to the apartment in order to change my clothes and get shoes. Kadence waits out on the porch so she doesn't have to witness the comradely inside.

  I move fast, running my body under the shower to clean off my sweat. Then I brush my teeth and throw on some clothes that look halfway decent.

  Coop comes into my room as I'm finishing up. "What's with the chick outside? Is she the one you hooked up with during Spring Break?"


  "And she came back to visit?"

  "Something like that."

  "So what's with the tears then?"

  I look directly at my brother, who I know is intoxicated and unable to really comprehend what I'm about to say. "She's pregnant, bro. It's mine."

  "Whoa! Hold on a fucking minute. Who says it's yours? Don't let some bitch accuse you of anything."

  "We had unprotected sex. She's not like you're saying. Kadence has her shit together."

  "Or so she says. How do you know she's not a pathological liar?"

  I push him out of my way, noticing he almost loses his footing. "She's not. Stop being a dick about it. I've got somewhere to be."

  "All I'm saying is that she could be putting the blame on you to protect someone else. Chicks do it all the time, bro. Protect yourself. Don't get stuck being responsible for some whores fuck up."

  I'm irritated by the time I make it outside. Scoping the parking lot, the only person I spot is Evie. She's smoking a cigarette as I approach. "Did you see my friend out here?"

  "That brunette?"


  "She said to tell you she's sorry and never mind."


  "Someone came and picked her up. What did you do now?"

  I'm still searching the area for Kadence. I thought we'd been on the same page. It was all sinking in and I wasn't even pissed about it. The circumstances suck, but we'd figure it out. It's not like she was demanding me to marry her. She never once said we should be together I don’t get it.

  I pull out my phone and find there’s already a text from Kadence.

  I’m sorry, Caleb. This isn’t going to work. Maybe it’s best if we end this before too many people get hurt. – K

  I write her back immediately.

  Don’t do this. You’re overthinking it. We can make it work. Lots of people do. – C

  I can’t give up my future for a mistake I made with a stranger. I let my emotions get the best of me. This won’t work. – K

  Words can’t express how frustrated I feel. I was trying my hardest to be supportive when the whole shock hadn’t even begun to hit me, and then she turns around and changes her mind. It makes no sense.

  Evie touches my shoulder when I slump down on the curb. “You’re better off without that chick. Come inside and have some fun. Forget about her. She’s just another tourist.”

  “She’s not though, Evie.”

  “Well she obviously doesn’t want to hang with the likes of you. You fucked up some way or another, just like always.”

  “Suck my dick.”

  “Been there done that. No thanks.”

  For the first time I’m seeing Evie in a different light. When she goes back inside I’m glad to be alone. While I sit waiting for my phone to ring, I contemplate driving around the island to search for her. Then I realize I don’t even know what she drives. I have no idea where they’re staying, and even if I did, what would I say to convince her father I’m not the scum of the earth? This is probably the reason they’re so pissed. They don’t want their daughter involved with some country hick. Who would?

  The party continues, but I don’t go back inside. After a while coop comes out to console me, but the damage is done. “Look, I don’t know what happened, but one of you must have said something to her.”

  “Dude, she’s probably lying. Get over it.”

  I shove him back. I’m not in the mood for his shit right now. “Leave me alone, bro.”

  He comes at me in defense mode. Since I’m the sober one, it only takes one swing and he’s down for the count.

  I don’t look back at him when I hop in the truck and pull away.

  Chapter 22


  It only took a couple seconds before someone came outside and saw me sitting there. It took a couple more to realize I’m being a fool if I think I can make this work. Coop wasn’t nice at all. He stuck his head out the door and told Evie not to let me come in unless I planned on showing him my tits. The thought still makes me cringe when I imagine someone like that being around my child. Even if Caleb does everything he says he’s going to do, I can’t trust the rest of his friends and family to feel the same way.<
br />
  We don’t have enough to go on to make this work.

  Evie sealed the deal for me. She came outside and introduced herself before asking if I was seeing Caleb. Not knowing what to say, I told her we were friends. She then proceeded to go on about what Caleb expected out of his friends and how she’d been one for years. She rubbed it in that they knew each other better than anyone else, then proceeded to tell me he’s always her go-to guy. I know she was trying to put me off. It worked. I don’t have the time or energy to deal with people like her and unfortunately that’s who Caleb surrounds himself with.

  Rather than break down again for an added reason, I decided to leave. There’s no way I was going to let Caleb meet my parents when I already knew what they say about him. We have the same type of guys where I’m from. They’d tell me he’s a dreamer with nothing solid going for his future. They’d say he’d hold me back, and that they’d want better for their grandchild.

  My parents are compassionate people, but they get a little overbearing when it comes to me. There’s no way they’d appreciate him wanting to be a part of our child’s life. They bring in legal documents and want custody cases, which is some ways is smart, but other ways it’s mean. I was a fool to think this would work out.

  My father comes to pick me up when I call, and if my mind isn’t already made up, he makes sure to seal the deal.

  “Dad, I know you’re upset with me. I’m upset with myself.”

  “You have no idea how I feel right now, Kadence. I just can’t believe you’d make such poor decisions.”

  He’s right. I slept with a stranger and got knocked up. There’s no way to sugar coat it.

  “Do you even have feelings for this guy?”

  I shrug and stare out the opposite window. “I don’t know him that well. He’s sweet and funny.”


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