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Rule Page 3

by Alaska Angelini

  The room came back into focus and the collectors were bowed, cowering as I headed for the exit. The sun was still up, blocking my possibility to go to the outside world. If I had thought myself uncontrollable before, it didn’t compare to the frenzy that rested within now. A bloodbath waited ahead. There was no stopping the carnage that my vampire wished to release, and I’d let him. Hunter couldn’t hide from me. I’d burn Austin to the ground before I let him disappear somewhere in the cracks.

  Chapter 4


  It was laughable that I’d awake here on earth when I had every intention of being sent to hell. Was this God’s way of making me pay for my sins? I knew it was. Why would he send me to a fiery world full of demons when there were more than enough roaming the streets here? This was hell, and I’d be forced to roam amongst them the rest of my days.

  My arms crossed my chest, hugging the black hoodie to me tighter as I sat in a fetal positon. My thighs pressed into my forearms, pushing them into me harder. The sadness welled within and tears escaped as I went over the scene for the millionth time. I had killed my best friend. Murdered the woman I loved. True, she wasn’t the real Tessa, but weren’t there moments when I could almost feel the old her?

  I tried not to think about her calling my name after I slid the dagger into her heart. Her voice, the one I’d fallen in love with, haunted me. I could hear her calling to me in the dead of night. Even in the light of day. “Hunter…don’t.” It was always there. Always, pleading to me. It lit the fuse to my anger even more. The defensive part of me roared to the forefront as I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t really her. That what I had done was for the best. And it was. I knew that, even if my mind wouldn’t let me believe it.

  Trash blew around the dim alley, pulling my attention from the daze I’d been in. Soon, it would be dark. I was unprotected and I didn’t care. Maybe someone would kill me for good this time. I had no wish to live. No drive to try to connect with anyone in this forsaken place. I was done and resentful that I had somehow lived. That I continued to. It had to be vampire blood. It was in me and I couldn’t stand it.

  Weak and disoriented, I had stumbled into the light for the first time in months. Alive. Even trying to bleed myself out later that night hadn’t worked. It just set me back a few more days. Now, more than two weeks later, I was stronger, healed completely, and past the point of suicide. I was adjusting to the depression. Letting it process. For days I nearly drowned in it, but I was numbing out. I could be killed, or not. Whether I lived or died didn’t matter. Something would eventually happen. So what did I do in the meantime? The answer wouldn’t come and I had no urgency to make it.

  A sigh left me as I leaned my hood-covered head against the wall. The longer hair was gone. One couldn’t walk around with only half a head of hair. The back where the damage had been from the gun, healed—bald. Now I looked like I did during my military years and I didn’t so much like that either.

  Groups of people walked past the alley, heading toward the restaurants. My stomach growled at the thought, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten in days. The realization had the side of my lip lifting in distaste. The appeal wasn’t there. I only craved one thing and I wouldn’t even let myself think about my rapist. Even with as much as I hated Sayer, an odd addiction for more of his blood tugged at my core. It was pointless, he was dead, not that I would have given into the yearning. Fuck, I hated my life.

  I pushed to my feet, keeping my head down as I turned onto the street. I had a few dollars left from the man I’d robbed, but the amount wouldn’t last after today. The majority of my cash rested in my bank account, but I was dead to this world. I wouldn’t touch a dime of it. What I had on me would have to hold me over until I came to a decision on what I was going to do next.

  The scent of food wafted through the air and I sidestepped groups waiting to go into the crowded places. I couldn’t afford anything from there. Not even close.

  I broke around the corner, turning toward the fast food restaurant that I knew was a few blocks away. Shouting and chants had me slowing as I approached the next block. People, as far as the eye could see, crowded the street. Height gave me advantage, but I couldn’t see the source of what everyone found intriguing. I scanned further, squinting to read a sign someone was waving around. Only one word was noticeable enough for me to read. Vampire.

  My heart jumped in rhythm and I began to try to push through the mob. Inexplicably, people began to step back, away from me, staring as if I were some sort of monster. I caught their curiosity and fear before I looked more toward the front. One by one they turned, before I could even get to them. My feet slowed. God, was something wrong with me and I just couldn’t see it?

  Whispering began and I forced myself to continue. A voice grew louder, yelling as it spoke to the crowd. The closer I got, the more I recognized it. Faster, I went, almost running by the time I entered the small park.

  “Allowing these vampires into our society was the biggest mistake our government has ever made. As a soldier with the US Army, I’m putting my foot down and saying, no more. We have to stand together. We have to—”

  Johnson stopped speaking as his eyes followed the parting sea of people and he settled on me.

  “God… Holy shit!” He stepped down from the small podium where he stood on, rushing toward me. He stopped short as if he hit a wall. My eyebrows drew in and I closed the distance. Although Johnson tensed, he didn’t step back.

  “What the hell is going on here?” I asked, looking around. “Where’s Gomez?”

  “No, man, what the hell is going on with you? Where have you been? We thought you were dead.”

  I shook my head, not knowing what to say. People were beginning to step closer. It made me uneasy. “We need to talk.”

  “Damn right we do,” he mumbled. “You got vampire blood in you. Strong fucking blood. I feel the fear, just like with them.” He stepped back, climbing on the podium long enough to announce another man who immediately began to stir up the people watching. When he came back to me, he led me deeper into the park, away from the crowd. “Now tell me what the fuck happened to you? Did you find your girl?”

  I bit my lip, feeling what only could be described as a knife through my heart. It was too ironic given that’s what she had probably felt, but worse.

  “It’s a long story. Where’s Gomez?” I asked again.

  “Dead. Vampires got him during a hunt outside of Fort Hood.” He gave me a sad look. “I’m sorry for your loss. I know the two of you were close.”

  My head dropped and I couldn’t stop the sorrow I felt for my friend.

  “Where you staying?” he continued. “Not at the other house. I’ve been back more times than I can count. Already has new renters staying there.”

  I nodded, remembering the couple I saw walking from the front door when I’d tried to return to get my things.

  “I … don’t have a place. I’ve been sleeping a few streets away in an alley there.”

  “Fuck,” he said, letting the word drag out. “You’ll come back to my place. You’ll stay with me.”

  I immediately rejected the idea, shaking my head. “I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”

  “Sure you can. Why not? You worried about that vampire finding you? The one whose blood you carry?”

  “No,” I whispered. “I killed him.”

  “Then come with me.”

  I took a few steps back. “Can’t. Death follows me wherever I go. Unless you’re looking to die, I’d suggest you stay away.”

  I turned to leave when he made it to my side. “I’m not taking no for an answer. I want you to come. You can help us.”

  “Do what? Kill vampires? No, thanks. I’ve done my fair share. I’m finished.”

  “Moretti.” His hand grasped to the arm of my hoodie as I began to walk away and I didn’t think as I lunged out, slamming him over and down. The strength and speed I held had my eyes going wide. Johnson’s mouth opened while he tried t
o get oxygen from the impact. I dove down, pulling him to stand as I tried to calm his panic.

  “I’m sorry. Breathe. Just …. fuck.”

  A deep inhale sounded, followed by another.

  “I’m sorry. See, you have to stay away from me.”

  Johnson’s hand shot up, even as he fought to breathe. “We need you, Moretti. Did you see yourself? You’re like one them, but you can come out in the light. We could use you. With that kind of speed and strength you can find your girl. We can save her.”

  The enthusiasm in his voice made me flex my jaw repeatedly. “No.”

  “Don’t you want to find her?”

  “I did find her! I found her and I made her turn into a vampire so we could be together. She wasn’t herself anymore. She was like them and she tried to warn me. She…” A frustrated, desperate sound left my lips. “I fucking had to kill her. She told me to. She said if she got too…” A sob was next, breaking through my numbness as I walked backward. “She’s dead, just like everyone who gets close. Stay away, before you’re next.”

  I gave him my back, walking toward the restaurant at a fast pace. I heard his footsteps before I knew I should have. My fists tightened and I pushed from my feet into a fast run. But it wasn’t just fast, it was humanly impossible. It was as though my feet were barely touching the ground as I blurred past everyone. My pulse spiked and my mind raced. I might actually stand a chance against those bastards. Like … really stand a chance in a fight without a weapon.

  I slowed, already blocks away. I took the long way around at a normal pace, not even winded as I came to a stop outside the double doors. My appetite wasn’t there, but I went forward, ordering a hamburger. As I sat in the corner and ate, I took in everything. People stayed a good distance away, displaying what I used to feel when confronted with one of those creatures. They didn’t even seem to recognize they were doing it. Aside from a few giving me weird looks, they went on their way. A smile pulled at my lips and I couldn’t deny that I wanted to test out my skills.

  Darkness was coming quickly. While I stared out of the window, I plotted what I should do. Where I should go. There was only place I knew vampires would be for sure and I had every intention of heading there. No weapons. No stakes. Just me. If I was meant to live for some reason I couldn’t understand, then it was God’s will. But if I died … I’d go out with one hell of a fight.

  Chapter 5


  The large number of vampires before me looked on in eagerness as I walked the length of the large room. They kneeled, awaiting my instruction. I could feel their excitement. We all craved the hunt and I had no doubts the rumor of Hunter’s escape had made its way around the city.

  “As most of you are aware, my concubine was murdered on the day we were meant to take vows. She was murdered by a human named Hunter Moretti. The soldier not only has to pay for his crimes against Princess Tessalyn, but also for his escape from our world. He was prohibited to go back to the top and he disobeyed. Until he’s located, you will give search. If he is found, you are forbidden to kill him. That’s my job. Now who here isn’t aware of who Hunter is?”

  I was prepared to show them, but no one raised their hand. Everyone knew who the bastard was.

  “Good. I want this city torn apart. You are not to return until you either have him or the sun is threatening to rise. Do I make myself clear?”

  Nodding had me gesturing with my hand. The two dozen vampires left in swift strides and I dropped back, but followed. Hunter would be mine soon enough. If he was in Austin, I’d find him.

  Darkness engulfed me as I headed into the tunnel. The vampires were already long gone, no doubt breaking out into their true speed to make it to the exits as fast as they could. This would be a game for them. For me, this was more. This was pure, hot revenge. I’d make him suffer for as long as it took for me to get over this pain of losing ma minette. If that took years, decades, so be it. He was going to see what the definition of what love truly was. What he felt for her wouldn’t compare to the devotion and worship that I surrounded her with in my mind. The focal point in his core was his God, but Tessa was mine. She was everything to me … and I’d prove it.

  Moonlight shone down through the grate above and I climbed up the ladder, pushing it free, and taking in the familiar street. I hadn’t been back here since Tessa had run away, and Julius and I had found her. Seeing her neighborhood again made me feel sick. If I went into her home, would it still smell like her? The question drew me forward. The closer I got, the more grief engulfed me. I stopped in front of the driveway where a new vehicle was parked. Someone had moved in which meant I was fucked from going inside. They’d have to invite me in. Temptation was there, but I wasn’t sure I could bear it. The amount of longing I had for the female I was meant for was killing me. If it wasn’t for my status, I probably wouldn’t have gotten out of bed at all. Let me die too. As long as I could be with her again. Maybe that’s why I was out here, knowing the radicals that were trying to hunt down our kind.

  I strolled past the house, watching a light flip on. It was Hunter’s old room. I paused, seeing the silhouette of a woman. I could tell she had short hair, but reality blurred with my instability and I quickly found myself headed to the front door. I knocked harder than I had intended. A middle-aged man answered, slightly overweight.

  “Can I … help you?”

  His fear clouded around me and I watched as an older woman peeked around the corner and took a few steps into the living area.

  “I’m sorry. I was looking for my friend who lived here a few months back. Her name was Tessa.” My voice gave out and I had to stop the tears from blinding me. Fuck, I could still smell her. Lavender with a hint of jasmine. It was right there, trying to lure me in. “I’m afraid we left on upsetting terms. I was hoping she was still here so I could … get her back.”

  The man shook his head. “We’ve lived here for two months. I’m sorry, I wish I knew how to help you.”

  “It’s quite alright,” I said, stepping back and pushing my hands in my pockets. “Have a good night.” I turned, heading for the sidewalk before I broke down completely. This wasn’t what a leader was supposed to do. We were meant to be strong. Ruthless. Tessa was my only weakness and I would have given anything to get her back.


  I turned, looking over my shoulder.

  “I hope you find her.”

  A sad smiled pulled at my lips. “I’m afraid that’s impossible now.”

  He frowned. “Sometimes the answer is the most obvious. Often times, we just don’t see it until we step back and assess the situation. Maybe you’re forgetting something important. Think on it. I have faith you’ll find her.”

  “Thank you.” I turned, heading toward the church. He wanted me to assess the situation. There was nothing to assess. Hunter had stabbed her through the heart and she had died. What more was there for me to think over? Tessa was dead. I had seen it happen. I’d … I blinked, still not able to conjure the scene my memory seemed to lock away. I knew in my head she was dead. I felt my mind telling me so, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t actually see it.

  Aggravation had me jogging across the street. The church made my skin crawl. I couldn’t even look at the cathedral without seeing Tessa. It’s where I first spotted her. That hair, twirling in the wind as it blew around her. And her smell. Fuck, it was still with me from her house... It was as though she’d embedded herself in my lungs, teasing and torturing me with each breath I took. Figured Tessa would do something like that. She wouldn’t want me to forget her and I had no intention of doing so.

  Music from the downtown clubs registered. I turned right, heading toward them. Although I didn’t think Hunter would be here, I needed to feed. It was almost an impossible task to even think about, but if I didn’t try to get rid of Tessa’s scent, I was going to lose the restraint I held to. It wasn’t safe to bask in the sweet fragrance for too long. I needed to drown her out while I was so
exposed. If not, I’d not only lose my leadership, but probably my life. I could wipe out this entire city in mere hours if I used my powers. No one here stood a chance. And Axis wouldn’t stand for a massacre of that proportion.


  Something tugged at my brain, but I pushed it away as I zeroed in on the cluster of young people in front of me. Mostly they consisted of college aged kids, but a few were younger, trying to sneak into the clubs. A handful were in their thirties and forties, but I couldn’t focus enough to read them. My mind kept getting foggy. It was enough to have my feet coming to a stop.

  Axis. What about them kept messing with me? My head shook as I let what I knew of them slide through. Aetas led us all. He was the oldest vampire alive. Margo was the third oldest. Margo. Her visit had been so brief. So…

  The more I thought about it, the more it felt as though I was watching a movie of her time there. Everything was distorted. Had my grief disassociated me so much? I couldn’t even remember her departure. How long had I been sitting on the bed? A week? How or when had I gotten there from the floor? I wasn’t even sure. The last thing I could remember was holding Tessa and Margo was yelling at me to hand Tessa over, but I wouldn’t.

  Marko Delacroix!

  My body jerked at hearing the memory of her shout. It was the last thing that was clear. Everything else was a haze.

  I shook my head, trying to clear the night from my mind. For some reason I didn’t want to remember. Pushing too far felt toxic to my system. It made me sick. And too sad. Yes. I was fucking bleeding on the inside without Tessa.

  “Jesus.” A girl walking past jumped a few feet away, throwing me a weird glare. It was my aura. I was the one toxic. My killer was ready to get to work and here I was, taking a trip down one fucked-up memory lane.


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