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Rule Page 5

by Alaska Angelini

  “Like I said, child’s play. Humans can’t summon, but I can. And you could, too, if you grew strong enough.” His eyes narrowed. “I find it interesting that you’d pick this path to learn, when your black fog is such an amazing gift.”

  “I wish to learn them both.” I turned back to him. “I never want Marko and I to be separated again.”

  “You’re not separated. He’s dreaming of you, as we speak. That’s a connection, whether you see it or not. The way he is with you.” He paused, seeming to choose his words. “What the two of you share doesn’t happen often. Trust me. I know. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, though.”

  My bottom lip pushed out the smallest amount and I dismissed the last of it. Marko was dreaming of me. It may have been a connection to Aetas, but not for me. And not for Marko. We didn’t feel happiness right now. To him, I was nothing but a dream. A memory so powerful that the footprints of my soul had embedded permanently into his scarred heart. I was a lovely illusion, dead and gone. That’s all that was left of me for him and I couldn’t stand it.

  Slowly, I lowered back down, gazing into his face. I couldn’t help but lean closer and kiss his lips. In this form, I felt his power surging through his body as he slept. It was stronger than I remembered. Enough so that it left my lips vibrating from the contact. I ran my tongue over the hum and moved in again, separating them as I tapped into my core. There was something there. A tug, just like when I wanted to summon my fog. Instead of breathing out, I sucked in. Marko’s essence, his power, was in my grasp and somehow I knew I could take it. And I wanted to. I wanted him within me.

  Like a rubber band I felt the link between us stretch while I took in more. Marko’s eyes shot open and I was face to face with his startled gaze. A roar filled the surroundings and I was pulled from the room so fast that I literally felt my body snap into the mattress as I was thrown back into my body.

  “You!” Aetas glared at me with his slightly glowing eyes. He turned to the others in the room. He didn’t have to say anything for them to go running for the door. It shut quietly behind them and he turned back to me. Anger I’d never been faced with before bore into me as he hovered inches from my face. Already I could feel how much stronger I’d become. And it was all thanks to Marko.

  “Was that not allowed?” I whispered.

  His hand latched to my throat. He didn’t squeeze, but breathing wasn’t easy, either. “I gave you a gift and you took advantage of it. I could kill you for that.” He tightened his squeeze for only a moment.

  “You wanted me stronger. It … worked.”

  “He wasn’t to wake,” he exploded. “His brain wasn’t in the right state. Marko could have seen you! You lack the knowledge of what you’ve done. Of what the brain is capable of.”

  My lips separated and I pushed back, wincing as I came to a sitting position. He let me go, but he didn’t stop giving me the evil look.

  “Marko will believe it was a dream. He thinks I’m dead. No one can come back from the dead.”

  Aetas slowly shook his head. “That’s where you are wrong, Princess Tessalyn. You were dead. If not for me, you wouldn’t be here.”

  “You gave me your blood?” I asked, confused.

  “No. My remedy came from here,” he said, pointing to his head. “This is more powerful than any life source that keeps your body alive. This tells your organs to start again. To not shut down. For your heart to continue to beat, and for your blood to race through your veins faster, to clot, and begin the healing process.”

  I let out a shaky breath. “If that method is so powerful, why am I still so weak?”

  Anger appeared again. “Because I gave you life, nothing more. You should be thankful I went that far.”

  “I am thankful. You have no idea how much.” I grasped to the comforter trying to calm myself. “Why did you do it? Why save me?”

  Aetas let his features relax as he continued to calm. “With Sayer dead, you must carry the line. You hold great power within yourself that will grow to heights even I can’t predict. It’s risky, but I’m willing to let it play out. I think you have potential. Great potential.”

  I lowered my gaze, processing his words. I knew what I held, but I couldn’t begin to imagine what that meant. Especially coming from someone as powerful as him.

  “How long will I have to stay?” I was far from well, but I also knew I could heal better with Marko. I had to get back to him. We’d only just began to connect. After everything we had been through, all I wanted was to finally be able to live our lives as it should be.

  “Until I say. You will get better and we will assess your skills. There are things I can teach you. It’s an honor you shouldn’t refuse,” he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

  Somehow I knew what he spoke was true. I should be honored. I should be grateful. Although I longed for Marko, I’d be stupid to walk away from this opportunity. Stupider to refuse him. I was trapped here until I proved myself and he set me free. With his talk of the mind and the true strength behind it … mine was already coming up with ideas that I knew I shouldn’t be considering.

  Chapter 7


  I blurred through the shadows, feeling the wind whip past me at my speed. The vampire I chased turned to look over his shoulder and I didn’t miss his confusion or fear. I was gaining on him … and thriving from our tables being turned. I wasn’t the one afraid for once. It was him, running from me.

  The top half of my body leaned even more forward as I put everything I had into closing the distance. Just when I got within reach, I dove forward, tackling him down to the ground. Without a weapon, there was no quick kill, but I didn’t want it to be fast. I wanted a fight, and over the last three days, I’d gotten my fair share. The first night, I’d almost been killed, but I quickly learned their speed. All it took was some getting used to. Once that happened, I was a natural. And a target. Sayer’s blood called to them like a fucking drug. One catch of my scent or aura and they couldn’t help but race toward me, blind with bloodlust. It was their mistake, and my gain. But this one had been different. He was stronger. He had managed to snap out of his crazed state, long enough to see the light. I was going to try to hurt him and he knew it. He had taken off the moment he slipped free of my grasp. Now, I was going to end this once and for all.

  We hit the ground hard, rolling over and over from our speed. My hands and feet pushed into the earth, slowing me enough to find stability and go back at him. The vampire scrambled to lift, but I was already tackling him to the ground again.

  A grunt came from my mouth as his claws extended and slashed toward me. They caught the edge of my side, but not deep. I pinned his arms under my knees. He was strong, almost throwing me off, but I was stronger.

  I reared back, slamming my fist into his face. Once. Twice. I didn’t stop, letting all of my anger and rage pour into each hit. Blood began to seep from the vampire’s mouth and nose and would have from my knuckles, had I not invested in gloves. I couldn’t afford for them to taste my blood. Then they’d be powerful like me. At least, that’s what I assumed, and it was too risky.

  A hiss poured from the vampire as he tried to squirm out from me, but I’d had enough training throughout my career to know how to subdue him.

  Harder, I connected, feeling his bones cave beneath the impact. It only led to the blows turning more severe. What I was doing wasn’t going to kill him, but I wasn’t in it for the kill. Not yet. What I was doing was way more personal. Way more stupid. Maybe I was trying to make a statement. To prove to them that I wasn’t the weak human they all thought me to be. Or … maybe it was something within myself I was trying to prove. I’d taken the cowards’ way out, killing Tessa and trying with myself. Perhaps…No. I wouldn’t think about her or try to analyze myself. These fuckers deserved it and the moment I got more stakes and holy water, I’d start the real hunting. But not with Johnson or anyone else. I would do this alone.

  Teeth broke under my fist and I smiled as the v
ampire’s fang fell free. I threw my next right into his temple with excruciating force. The creature’s head rolled to the side and I stood, bringing my boot down to stomp on his face. What felt like a freight train slammed into my side, knocking the air from my lungs. We hit hard and my hands flew up in defense. They locked on the jawline of a female vampire who was intent on shredding me to pieces with her fangs. As her arm drew back, I spun us around only have a moment of hesitation before I connected with her cheek. She wasn’t a real woman. She was a monster. Just like Tessa had been.

  Loud cries came from her mouth in between hits and it fucked with my head even more. The thrill suddenly wasn’t there anymore. It was too close to what I’d done. Even though I had every intention of hurting this vampire, she was still a female … still like the woman I had once loved.

  My fingers latched to her hair and I twisted her head, breaking her neck. I heaved, crawling backwards to get away from them. The other vampire was already slapping his hands against the ground. He was healing. Fuck, I had to get out of here.

  A loud cry in the distance traveled through the trees and I jumped to my feet, heading away from it. Everything within me said it was another vampire, coming for me. I had to lose it.

  Downtown was on my right. I ran as hard as I could in the direction, rushing past a couple of random people who were leaving and entering the park. I didn’t slow until I came to one of the major intersections. The building where I was staying was only a few blocks down. If I could make it to the rooftop, I’d be safe.

  A shout from behind me had me glancing back. Fangs flashed as the vampire yelled something. I didn’t wait. I rushed into the street, barely missing the car that zoomed by. The hoodie swayed back and forth with my speed and I was almost completely across when I slid to a stop. Bufar stood on the other side—waiting. I could see Marko racing in our direction. Time practically stopped as he and I connected stares.

  Beep! Beeeeeep!

  Headlights blinded me and I jumped as a car came skidding to a stop. The hood clipped my feet and my shoulder slid, hitting the windshield hard. Glass broke and crunched underneath my weight, but I didn’t stay there long. I rolled, racing right at into oncoming traffic. Cars swerved, honking, and I didn’t try to hide my true speed. I let go and gave it everything I had. Marko was still coming toward me. I could feel his presence keeping up. Possibly getting closer.

  “Hunter!” The roar literally cut into my skin. The gashes he inflicted covered my face, neck and chest and stung like fire, but I didn’t stop. Couldn’t. He’d kill me for taking the vampire version of Tessa away from him. I didn’t want to die just yet, if at all anymore.

  I broke to the right, glad the cars were far enough behind that I didn’t have to dodge them. As I looked over my shoulder, Marko was a good half block away. A smile lifted my lips. I was faster. The fact had me feeling lighter. People moved out of my way as I went down another block, turning left, going down a few blocks and then making a right. I zigzagged back and forth until I was sure he was lost in the maze. When I rounded back to the alley that led to my building, I kept my eyes peeled. The fire escape was high and there was no way I could reach the ladder. I climbed to the top of the dumpster, jumping to catch the railing, then pulled myself up. I took the stairs at a fast pace until I made it to the top. Rocks were loose under my feet as I ran to the edge, peering over. There was no sign of Marko that I could see, but I wasn’t going to stop watching. I’d keep my guard up for the rest of the night. It was clear he was after me. That he’d figured out I was alive, and I knew he wasn’t going to give up until he killed me.

  It was time to invest in weapons.

  Warmth ran from under my eye, down over my cheek. I wiped the blood away, glancing down long enough to take in the damage to my clothes. Fuck, he’d cut the shit out of me, again. I knew what he was capable of and I had no doubt I was going to have new scars to go with the old ones. Or would I? I pulled off the ripped hoodie, taking in the numerous gashes. As I scanned the area, looking for a vampire to arrive, I noticed after several minutes they were already healing. The bleeding was beginning to stop even from the deepest ones. A laugh escaped and I shook my head in disbelief. Sayer had put me through hell, but if anything good came from the situation it was the power he gave me. Fate. I was meant to end the race who had ruined my life. To stop them before they got even more out of control. It’s what I felt in my soul. So how did I do that? I couldn’t on my own. But … Johnson? His followers? The military?

  My head shook as I rubbed my hand over the stubble beginning to grow back. No. I couldn’t get involved with anyone else. They’d die if I did. But wouldn’t they anyway if they pursued these vampires without me? It was going to happen whether I joined them or not. The call to rise was loud and clear, and if I could help, they’d stand a better chance. I was a hell of a soldier. A fucking leader. I could do this and they’d follow me. I knew in my heart they would.

  I ducked, peering over the edge as Marko and Bufar broke around the corner on the opposite side of the street, studying the area as they kept a fast pace. The light illuminated them enough for me to see how much of a mission they were on. They wanted me dead, and badly.

  My lids narrowed as I took in the evil getting closer. Yes. Perhaps it was time I stepped up to finish this once and for all. If I didn’t, we’d surely fall to their darkness. Then what, become mindless slaves as they destroyed everything we stood for in this country? In this world? Fuck, no. I had fought way too hard for our freedom for it all to have been in vain. And so had everyone else who had, or was currently serving.

  Marko came to an abrupt stop, spinning in a circle. I lowered even more, watching as he growled and slammed his palm into the brick building he was standing next to. His anger was my pleasure.

  “Keep walking, motherfucker.” I gripped to the brick and froze as Marko’s head lifted. He appeared to be taking deep breaths. I pulled back, looking down at my blood-covered chest. Fuck! He could probably smell me. Or Sayer.

  I grabbed the hoodie, squatting as I jerked it over my head. It wouldn’t do much for covering the scent, but it was better than nothing.

  Slowly, I rose, feeling my blood turn cold. I lifted even more, jerking my gaze from one end of the street to the other. He was gone. I hated not knowing which way he’d gone. Was he at the fire escape? Had he found me?

  The panic had me rushing over there as quietly as I could. The closer I got to the metal ladder, the faster my pulse increased. I stopped at the edge, listening. Voices brought my lids down. I knew, being on the fourth floor, my hearing shouldn’t have been as clear as it was, but it was another gift.

  “He has to be here somewhere,” Marko growled. “He couldn’t have just disappeared into thin air. He’s a fucking human.”

  “With Sayer’s blood,” Bufar added.

  “Not for long. He’ll be bled out completely by the time I get done with him. Hunter’s going to wish for the day he never crossed my path. He’ll pay for what he did to Tessa. I’m going to…” Marko’s voice trailed off while I waited. Nausea twisted my stomach at hearing her name come out of his mouth. She’d always been mine, but not anymore. Tessa was Marko’s, and had died ready to bond herself to him forever. Him, not me.

  A bang in the distance had me tensing. Footsteps scattered from the alley, moving back toward the main road. I lifted enough to see them pause as they glanced to where a man was loading his car.

  “Let’s go look down here,” Marko said, moving further away.

  I lowered, leaning back against the building. My heart was still racing. I knew if I had to go against Marko right now, I’d lose. Paired with Bufar, I was goner for sure. It was time I armed myself and got within protected walls. Fort Hood was waiting, and come morning, I’d be on my way.

  Chapter 8


  If it weren’t for the sun, I would have never of given up my search for Hunter. Every night we came closer and this time I had almost had him. It wouldn’t be long n
ow. To see the strength and speed I had only heard about from my vampires was shocking. Their memories hadn’t been enough. Sure, I could see his rage through their eyes as he destroyed them with his bare hands, but for him to run from me … and escape. There were no words for that.

  I collapsed to my bed, rubbing my hand down my face from the exhaustion plaguing me. The anger was taking its toll. As was the lack of sleep. Even when I was unconscious, I never truly rested. Tessa haunted my dreams. Last nights had been the most real, by far.

  My fingers came up to my lips, tracing over the surface. I could almost still feel her kissing me. It had been so tangible. The moment I opened my eyes and saw her slightly glowing form, I could have sworn she was really there. One minute she was before me, the next, gone. With one blink, she had disappeared. For hours I had laid there trying to decide if what I saw was real. And I felt as though it was, but that only meant one thing. I didn’t discount ghosts. They were energy, as were our gifts, but I wasn’t sure that’s what I had seen. Then again … perhaps she was still with me in some spirit form.

  I sighed, stripping down, and headed for the shower. Throughout the whole routine, I kept seeing her—long, flowing hair, white nightgown, pale skin. Yes, she’d been so pale. Almost sickly looking now that I thought about it. The realization was enough to have my brow furrowing. If she was a ghost, wouldn’t she be as she appeared when she had died? Even in death she hadn’t looked so poorly. Not like in my dream, with dark circles under her eyes as though she was physically ill.

  My head continued to shake as I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. The moment I made it to the bed and laid down, I found myself turning to face where she’d been. If she was a ghost, would she come back? Was it crazy that I wanted to talk out loud in hopes that she could hear me? Fuck, I was seriously in need of some help. I missed her so much that I was grasping at straws. A ghost. It was almost laughable. I’d known many vampires who had died and not one person ever mentioned them coming back from the dead to haunt anyone.


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