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Rule Page 14

by Alaska Angelini

  “You said you would knock.”

  “I forgot,” he said, blandly. “Time to get up. You have lessons to learn.”

  Was it nighttime already? I dreaded having to wake. At least when I was asleep, I could go to Marko. I wasn’t strong enough to wake him or get him to hear me, but I could be at my old home. There was a comfort in that.

  “Can I at least get dressed?”

  “By all means,” he said, gesturing to the closet. “No one is stopping you.”

  My eyes closed in annoyance as I tried to ground myself. I walked over, grabbing the first dress I came into contact with—a dark blue velvet one with long sleeves. When I headed for the bathroom door, the knob locked just as I went to turn it. I threw him a glare and it went loose in my palm.

  “Hurry, I have meetings in a few hours and I want to get to this as soon as possible.”

  I didn’t answer as I shut myself in. As I went through my morning ritual, I couldn’t help but stretch out the time as much as I could. A sickening feeling was making me hesitant. When I opened the door, Gina was walking away from Aetas. She slipped out of the door, quietly shutting it behind her.

  “About time. What the hell were you doing in there?”

  “Getting dressed.” I kept my voice low, watching his every move as he began circle around.

  “To lead you will have to know how to deal with situations that may at first appear to be beyond your control. You’ll have to look out for our kind, but not above what is best for the outside world.” He stopped just behind me. I turned, not able to stand that I couldn’t see him. I didn’t trust him at my back. Apparently, that was the point. Aetas spun me back around to stare at the wall.

  A few seconds went by and my skin prickled at the goosebumps that raced over my limbs. My breathing became heavier as defensiveness sank in.

  “Do you agree that our race is in need of a true leader? One who can separate himself from the corruption within?”

  My head cocked to the side.


  “Do you think that is you?”

  I licked my lips, assessing his question. Every scenario possible entered my mind and I knew the truth. “Yes. I will not balk under pressure. I will do what is right. What is best for our kind.”

  “I don’t think that’s true,” he whispered just behind my ear. “I think if your precious Marko decides he wants to rule, you will let him. He could lead us to destruction. He could be the death of us and I believe you’d let him.”

  I spun around, narrowing my eyes. We were but inches away from each other.

  “You’re wrong. I know what this responsibility includes and I know Marko. He’s an amazing leader. He takes his duties very seriously and the last thing he would do is put any of us in jeopardy. But I would not forget who leads. He may be by my side, but it is I who rules. Me.”

  The hard lines in Aetas’ face eased and he shrugged, stepping back. “Perhaps you could if something were to ever happen to me. Then again, maybe I have other plans.”

  “Other plans? What do you mean?”

  My leader turned his back on me and walked over toward the covered windows. “In time it will be revealed.”

  I followed behind, my jaw tightening as I got closer. I didn’t like this sound of this. Something wasn’t sitting right with how he was acting. The vibe he was projecting left me antsy.

  “Are you saying there’s someone you think will be a stronger leader than I will? I assure you that’s not possible.”

  He slowly turned. “One thing you will come to learn is that nothing is as it appears. Vampires grow more powerful by the century. You may not be qualified for the position when your time comes.”

  “You’re wrong. I will grow as they do. Nothing will stop me from standing where you are someday. I was meant for this. There has been nothing clearer to me. From my rebirth I’ve known this.”

  “We all do,” he ground out. “Every single vampire feels entitled to my throne. Every one. Your blood makes you the exception.”

  “Exactly. So then who would be better suited, than me? I’m the last.”

  “Are you?” He stepped closer, staring into my eyes. I quickly averted my gaze to the black button-up shirt covering his chest. My mind raced as I tried to figure out the puzzle he was weaving around me.

  Movement stopped just before me and I braved a quick look up.

  “Do you think you’ll always love Marko? Do you think time will not come between the two of you? Things happen. New vampires come to join us.”

  There wasn’t hesitation as my head shook. “My love for Marko will not be broken. Not by time, distance, or someone new.”

  “What about Marko? Do you not worry another’s blood will appeal more than yours?”

  “He loves me,” I said, angrily. “Is this one of my tests or do you have a point in asking these questions? They’re meaningless.”

  “Perhaps not. Your test might prove that. I’m going to give you a glimpse of something you never considered. Temptation. Do you think you’ll be able to resist? I’m not so sure you can.”

  I clenched my teeth together. The need to argue was there, but I kept in the worst. “You’re wasting your time with these games. Teach me something else. Show me how to travel like I did when my vampire took me over. I’ve tried continuously and I can’t do it again. I want to learn that.” I couldn’t do it because he stole my knowledge. I wanted it back. I longed to find Hunter again. To make him pay for what he’d done.

  “You learn what I teach you. Everything is a lesson. Until you see that, you’ll remain.”

  My internal groan didn’t escape his notice. His eyebrow rose and I stood straighter, trying to ignore the disapproving look. Aetas was growing tired of my personality. We were clashing left and right and it was only a matter of time before he showed his true colors at all times. With the glimpses I’d seen already, I was hoping to escape here before that happened.

  “Let’s take a seat.” He gestured to two chairs angled toward each other on the far side of the room. I walked over, watching as he pulled the chair to the middle of the floor, facing forward. “Now put yours in front of mine. This will be fun.”

  I doubted it, but I obeyed, moving the chair to rest a good two feet from his. He quickly pulled it closer and sat down, gesturing for me to follow. Reluctance had me moving at a slow speed. When I lowered to the chair, he immediately grabbed my hands, pushing our knees together.

  “Sit straight, but let your mind relax. You’re going to looking into my eyes and we’ll go from there.”

  Right. I knew where this was headed. Temptation, he’d said. Nervousness rushed through, but I focused on the grip of his fingers over my palms. My stare rose … and darkness was all I knew. Colors swirled, warping my thoughts—my mind. Suddenly, I knew nothing but who I was and that I was in some strange large room. It reminded me of a place I’d been to before, but different. Large amounts of people were gathered, sitting at tables and feeding. If it weren’t for the assurance of myself, I would have felt awkward.

  Heads turned in my direction as I left the darkness at the edge of the room and headed toward a table that sat further away from the rest. Something within me said I belonged there. The wide back of a vampire broadened, and leisurely, he turned, coming to stand as I approached. The shock of seeing his handsome face brought me to a standstill as we stared. Both of us seemed … close, and yet not. I’d never seen this man before that I could recall. Yet, it was like I’d known him forever. And I was conflicted on how to feel. I was lured in by his large body and handsome, rugged looks, but there was a nagging at the back of my mind that I couldn’t put my finger on.

  “Princess. Please, come join us.”

  A chair was available to his left side and I managed to get myself to move forward, despite that I couldn’t break my gaze for long. I was intrigued. Almost hypnotized by how his aura called to me.

  “We haven’t officially met, but I feel as though we have.” He paused as I
came to the chair, extending his hand. The touch of the contact as my fingers slid over his had my pulse accelerating. His eyes cut up from where he was staring at our joined grip and I knew he could hear my heartbeat. A wickedness flashed behind his gaze … hot, red lust. It left my emotions deadening to everything but what my body responded too. Him.

  “I’m Master Moretti, but you can call me Hunter. I’ve looked forward to this day for quite some time. They didn’t lie about your beauty.”

  Heat flashed over my skin. Hunter. Hunter. Did I know that name?

  The combination of appeal and confusion left me speechless. As he led my hand to his mouth, everything vanished but us. Full lips pushed into my knuckles, only for him to turn my wrist to face up so he could connect there, too. Yes … I was so hot. So … drawn to this vampire.

  In a small tug, he drew me in close, lowering to the side of my face. I was positively trembling at his nearness. He was powerful. More than me.

  “I can’t wait to taste you, Tessa. I can’t wait to make you mine.”

  I blinked through the words and was able to withdraw from the spell I was under. “No,” I whispered, stepping back. My head turned and I took in the strange faces who watched us. I didn’t know these people. I didn’t belong here. This wasn’t right. “No,” I repeated, louder. “I … don’t know you. I…” I spun, taking in the walls. Taking in the seating arrangements. It was all too familiar. But, not.

  My feet stumbled back even more and the urge to run was there. A voice rang out in the background causing me to jump and I turned to the far end of the room. A group of people emerged and my heart thudded faster as a couple emerged, surrounded by what looked to me like high ranking people. A man with dark hair walked with purpose. Power. He was flanked by a woman who I swear I knew.

  “Master Delacroix, so nice of you to join us on our bonding day.” Hunter may have tried to sound welcoming, but the malice in his tone didn’t escape me. He walked forward to meet the Master—the man whose stare left me feeling desperate—and shook his hand, bringing his gaze to the woman. “Your concubine grows more beautiful by the year. Marie,” he said, bringing her hand up to his lips. “It’s a pleasure for the two of you to join us.”

  My head shook as I stared between the two of them. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t happening.

  Master Delacroix’s stare never left me as he came to stand a few feet away. There was a hardness in his expression. A … hatred. Was it for me or the situation?

  “Princess Tessalyn.” His head bowed the smallest amount and I felt my lips separate as I took another step back.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you at last,” Marie said, joining his side. “We’ve heard so much about you. It’s like I already know you. I think we’ll all become very great friends.”

  My eyes darted to Hunter who had a warm smile on his face. As he rounded the two and came to my side, I wasn’t sure what to do. Where did I go? I didn’t want to be here.

  “Please excuse my future concubine.” Hunter placed his arm over my shoulders. “I’m afraid she’s still adjusting to her new environment. It has to be hard going from a place like Axis, to the underground. Headquarters is all she’s ever known. The difference will probably take some getting used to.”

  The excuse sounded not at all believable, but was it? What was Axis? Is that where I had been?

  “Completely understandable,” Master Delacroix said, eyeing me warily. “From what I hear, she was mostly kept in solitude. The shock of so many people must be quite straining.”

  “Yes,” Marie agreed. “Princess, would you like me to take you to your room? If that’s alright,” she said, looking at Hunter. “Maybe she could use a friend? Another woman?” Her voice drew the Master’s attention. He leaned in, kissing her head and pulling her in closer to him. The sight nearly took my breath away. It had my claws coming out and my fangs pushing into my bottom lips. Anger swirled and I felt my control slip.

  Fingers gripped tighter on my bicep and I glanced up at Hunter’s curious expression. That face… I loved it as much as I hated it. The odd sensation left the rage building. The more they looked at me, the more I felt the need to retaliate. None of this was right. My vampire felt threatened and even though I wasn’t sure why, I didn’t care. The need to attack Master Delacroix was there as much as I felt compelled to destroy the one I was meant for.

  “Let go of me,” I hissed, pulling away from Hunter. “You all just stay away.”

  “Princess?” Hunter shook his head, baffled by my outburst.

  “It’s okay,” the Master said. His fingers grew tighter around Marie and I took in every flex of his fingers.

  I bared my fangs, eyeing him as I began to pace in front of the couple. “It is not okay,” I exploded. None of this is the way it should be. And you,” I said, pointing and yelling. “You … traitor! You … betrayed me. You…” I had no idea what I was accusing him of, but I couldn’t stop.

  A gasp came from Marie and the pain was evident, even if I sensed she wasn’t sure what I meant either.

  “I beg your pardon?” The Master’s own anger shone through and a man stepped closer to Marie taking her a few steps back as his arm eased her in the vampire’s direction.

  “Marko?” she whispered.

  “Marko,” I burst out. “Yes. Marko, that’s your name. You’re a traitor! You lie.” More, I paced, sidestepping Hunter as he reached for me.

  “I apologize. It’s clear the Princess isn’t well right now.” Hunter lunged and grabbed ahold of me. He threw me a furious glance, squeezing me tight. The look brought my claws down even more. Thoughts were gone and the threat he made evident sent me tapping into the one thing that would kill me in a room full of vampires more powerful that myself. But I didn’t care. I knew I meant for something different than this.

  Heat bubbled inside of my stomach as I kept Hunter’s stare.

  “Release me.”

  “Or what?” He did, but moved in closer, forcing me to take a step back with some invisible shield. Repeated steps bought me further away from Marko and I couldn’t stand it. I wasn’t done getting my point across. He’d lied to me. About what, I couldn’t remember, but maybe if I could continue it would come back.

  “Get out of my way.”

  “No … I don’t think so. You need to feed and rest. I’m going to make you better.”

  There was a hunger in his fixated gaze that I didn’t like. I knew he meant for me to feed from him, but I couldn’t. Not because his blood didn’t call to me, it did, but this wasn’t over. It couldn’t end like this. If Hunter got me in the room, he might never let me come out again. Not while Marko was here.

  “Wait,” I breathed out. “Just.” I lunged to the side, not able to make it past the wall, but I could see the Master still staring in my direction. My mind searched through the fog, desperate for something to come. I’d been enraged at the betrayal I had felt, but now that I was going to be separated, I couldn’t imagine being away from him. “Don’t let him lock me away,” I begged Marko. “Please. Help me. Marie!” I yelled, turning to her and slamming my hands against the wall. Suddenly, anything was better than being alone with Hunter. He was stronger than me. I couldn’t forget that.

  “Marko?” Confusion filled the female vampire’s expression and I could see she was just as torn as he appeared to be.

  “To the room,” Hunter said, his voice growing angrier.

  “Take me home. I want to go home! Please.”

  “You are home.” Hunter was suddenly through the wall and grabbing my arm. He spoke to the others. “Feed. I’ll return as soon as I can.” As he pulled me toward a tunnel not far away, I couldn’t stop looking back at the two vampires who seemed to make my heart hurt. They stared, but they didn’t move forward.

  Darkness engulfed me and no matter how hard I pulled to break the hold, I couldn’t. Even the heat within my core wasn’t reachable, when it should have been.

  A door opened at Hunter’s push and he spun us into
the room, shutting the barrier. I was pulled to the bed so fast and slammed against it that he was on me before I could turn to try to scramble away.

  “I’m disappointed in you, Princess, but I can’t blame you, entirely. This is a shock for you. I shouldn’t have allowed you out so soon. Let me put you at ease.”

  “No.” My body try to struggle free, but he was pinning me with more than his weight. From the neck down, I couldn’t move. The invisible force kept me unable from defending myself.

  Hunter’s actions became slower. He lifted his hands from my wrists, tracing his fingers up my forearms before reaching my shoulders. When they got to my neck, he angled my face away. Warm aim came out in a rush over my ear and he rocked his body against mine. “The way you make me feel … I can’t explain it. I want you as much as I long to hurt you. Why do you think that is? Do you feel that way too?”

  I did, but I couldn’t answer.

  “Perhaps time will show us what way we’ll lean more toward. Or maybe, we’ll stay in this limbo. Love and hate. It could make for an interesting bonding.”

  One of his hands lowered and he pulled up my dress, running his hand higher on my thigh. Another rock of his hips had a moan leaving my mouth, but it wasn’t entirely from pleasure. I felt on the edge of bursting into tears. This wasn’t right. I couldn’t get over that. I was so lost and confused.

  Fire exploded in my neck and my mouth flew open at the pain from his brutal bite. Fangs embedded in my neck and his venom pushed thickly into my system. Pain warped into pleasure, but for the life of me I couldn’t stop the tears that raced over the bridge of my nose. I wanted to be mad. I wanted to kill him for feeding from me without my permission. But it was beyond that.

  Vibrations hummed in my throat from his continuous sounds. Over and over he tugged at my vein greedily, grinding his hard cock along my pussy. When his hand moved from my hip to his pants, my panicked gasps grew louder.


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