A Case of Magic: An Urban Fantasy Novel (The Wildes Chronicles Book 1)

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A Case of Magic: An Urban Fantasy Novel (The Wildes Chronicles Book 1) Page 14

by Dominika Waclawiak

  "What do you think of this man's offer?" I asked.

  "What choice do we have but to take it?" Damien asked.

  "Could we fight them," I wondered aloud. I saw Damian shrug his shoulders and shake his head.

  "What would be the point of that? If he's against my father then I am all up for going with him. Now, I don't entirely believe that President Dixon is on board for all of this but I know that my father has been doing something very shady and it would not be surprising that he's alerted the powers that be."

  "I can understand why you would want to be going against your father on all the things, seeing he stuck you down there with us," Chance began. "But, President Dixon is the evil one here. What makes us think that whatever Jeremy Nottingham is doing isn't to our benefit at this moment? Do you want to bring President Dixon down? Or would you rather do away with your father? I would think that we'd want the mage as our ally. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, you know that old nugget." Chance said.

  "Then why would he put us into Faeland in an imaginary mental hospital?" Henry growled and no one said a word for several moments. He had almost starved us to death and I, for one, wanted to know why.

  "I'm with Henry. I think Leonard will let us know what Jeremy was doing to us in there. I want to know that. I also know that given a couple more weeks we would all be dead. And I don't think the mage would have minded one bit. I know that President Dixon is the big grand enemy right now but anyone who tries to starve me in that way is enemy number one in my book. Let's go with this guy," I said and Henry nodded. Damian was on board but chance didn't look convinced.

  As if Leonard knew about the holdout, he added his own bit. "We're running out of time, people. It's either now or we leave you to the mage's wolves."

  "We're coming with you," Henry called out, turning away from our little group. He had made the decision for us and I was personally relieved to not have to have done so. Chance looked a little green around the edges but he followed the rest of us as we joined Leonard and his vampires.

  "We're going to have to drug you to get you to this place. It was one of the conditions of bringing you there and, as these are important allies, I had to agree. Will you subject yourself to a bit of sedation? We should be there in about an hour."

  "You're joking, right?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. "If these are such good allies, why don't they want us to know where they live?"

  "It was the deal I made," Leonard said. Henry sniffed at the air.

  "I'm smelling the mage's pack," he said.

  "Do it," I said and was surprised to feel a pinprick in my neck. The vampires did that fast, was the last thought I had before I sank into a welcomed darkness.


  My eyes fluttered open, and when I saw where we had been taken, I laughed. Life was a circular journey, I thought. Leonard's allies turned out to be Simon's vampire coven ruled over by Queen Lucretia. I recognized the secret space underneath the small West Hollywood bungalow from the previous days or rather months. I still hadn't wrapped my head around the idea that we'd been in Faeland for over a month.

  We sat in a row and, by the smells all around us, vampires watched over our sleep. There was no sign of Leonard or Queen Lucretia or for that matter Simon.

  "You guys awake?" I asked and Damian and Henry nodded. Chance's head was shaking a bit and I could tell he was trying to come out from under heavy sedation. It didn't feel as light as Leonard claimed but we were all emaciated enough for to play a factor.

  "We are in West Hollywood at the Vampire coven. Queen Lucretia rules over this place and she is quite the--," before I could finish my statement the Queen herself came in with a flourish, her entourage right behind her. I didn't see Simon but, Leonard brought up the rear, his own small group of vampires lagging behind him. She sat on the throne in front of us and smiled, her perfect little white fangs coming out against her deep red lips. We were watching a set piece created for the effect of submission. That didn't bode well.

  "And we meet again," she said to me. I nodded but kept my eyes down. I was not about to get into a staring contest with this woman. Henry, on the other hand, glared at her. Chance couldn't help himself either and shot daggers at her entire entourage. Her gaze settled on chance and I could see his face soften. If she was going to glamour him, then what was the point of asking him any sort of questions, I thought. Before that thought could run its course, Leonard started the proceedings.

  "This is something much bigger than the four of you but, we think that you can be useful in breaking the power the Mage of Los Angeles, Jeremy Nottingham, wields."

  "As I know you know Mabry, there is a vampire alliance that stretches back to the old world. None of us are happy about President Dixon, however, gains have been made to secure our desired outcome. Jeremy Nottingham threatens that delicate peace. You all need to help us. The only way we will get Nottingham thrown out of office is to bring all the different factions together. That's where you four come in," Queen Lucretia began.

  "What factions? I don't belong to any sort of factions? I am a lone wolf, a private investigator." I said and Queen Lucretia waved my concerns away.

  "We weren't exactly talking about you, Mabry," she said. "Henry, you are an alpha of the largest werewolf pack that is not under the power of either the mage of Los Angeles and California's governor, David Lathrop. We bring you with us, and you Chance, as head of the resistance, will show both of them we mean business. They can't ignore a major subset of the magical population. Who's left? The Fae? Everyone is afraid of them anyway. Bringing all these organizations together, we think we would have a chance to depose the both of them."

  "I can bring something to the table as well," Damian said next to me.

  "We need you to get your power back and Mabry is the perfect person to help you do that," Leonard said. Damian flinched.

  "How did you know? If you know, then those Dad..." Damian turned an unflattering shade of scarlet and stammered.

  "Of course, your father knows that this woman stole all of your magical power. How did you think you are able to keep that secret from him?" Leonard said shaking his head.

  My head spun with all the different implications. I had heard of this secret vampire alliance but I didn't realize that they were for Dixon. I had considered myself a part of this crew that I'd assembled to get Chance out of the secret prison but now, I was back to being a lone operator and it didn't make me feel great. I had worn the idea of a solo operator like a badge of honor but working as a team through the last several nights really showed me what I was missing. And now, things were going back to the normal way, and I was still part of something big but again, didn't have anyone to get my back.

  "I need to get back to my pack first," Henry said. "I don't make these kinds of decisions lightly and I would need to hold council. I need to be reunited with my pack," he aimed that at Leonard. Leonard nodded.

  "And you, chance?" Queen Lucretia asked him.

  "What is happening to the humans in Area 27?" Chance asked her.

  Queen Lucretia shrugged. "That's not any of my business," she told him.

  "But it is mine. I need some answers to questions before I throw the resistance into this fight. The resistance was formed to help the humans but I don't see how we benefit if your lot is thrown in with President Dixon's."

  "We need you to expose what Jeremy Nottingham was doing in that secret prison," Leonard said, ignoring Queen Lucretia's scowl.

  "And what exactly was he doing to us in the secret prison?" I asked, jumping in.

  "He was taking your magical life force and extracting it from you. He then tried to amplify his own spells by this stolen power. It wasn't working as expected though and all he was managing to do was slowly kill all of you. We can't have those kinds of magic on magic crimes, now can we," Leonard asked.

  "Why does the resistance need to expose him? Why can't you?" I asked. Chance nodded by my side but remain silent. As the only human in the room, he was in the w
eakest position and I smelled his fear. He was right to keep silent.

  "I need to stay in the shadows and in Jeremy's employee to see what he's up to next. The resistance has been a real crawl in his side and it would be a perfect vehicle to create the scandal."

  "And what if I refuse?" Chance said. He stiffened his back and sat taller.

  "Then would have to find another way of doing it," Leonard said. "But, we could extend some favors towards the resistance members and the vampire community. Like perhaps stop the murders that have been decimating the San Fernando Valley for the last three months." Chance look back and forth between Leonard and Queen Lucretia.

  "Was that you?" He asked, his voice quiet but powerful.

  "no. But we know who's doing it and we can put a stop to it," Queen Lucretia said.

  "I don't believe any of this," Chance said. "I'd like you to let us leave in good faith."

  "We haven't harmed you yet," Queen Lucretius said.

  "But we are at a disadvantage. Come to me again when I have my men around me in a position of equals and we can talk. But, I'm not making any sort of agreements when you have a coven full of vampires just waiting to eat me at your signal."

  "I see," Queen Lucretia said.

  "Don't you realize that Jeremy Nottingham is outside there waiting for you?" Leonard jumped in. "He knows you know a way to bring him down and he will stop at nothing to silence you. I am taken aback by the reticence you are all giving to take this offer."

  "We were just held prisoner in fairyland in a mental hospital. You whisk us away by drugging us, without really giving us too much of a choice, and then demand to make decisions that affect not only us but people we represent. You didn't really think that this was going to be that easy?" Henry said and I could tell by his voice that his pack was finally near. It had grown in strength and in decibels and his alpha side was coming out. He almost looked wolfish.

  "Will you let us walk out of here and take our chances with the mage?" Chance asked looking from Leonard to Queen Lucretia. By the look on Queen Lucretius face, I knew she didn't want to let any of us go. Especially now that we had essentially rejected her offer. But, Leonard was another matter. He didn't look too surprised at the answers we had given him which concerned me. He looked like one of those men that was playing the long game and we just didn't know what it was yet. He held up his hand and nodded at Queen Lucretia. She acquiesced to whatever silent message he had sent her, but she did not look pleased. He had something on her or he was more powerful than I had given him credit for.

  "You are free to leave at any time," Leonard said. "But know that the moment that you cross the threshold of this coven, you no longer have our protection. That is a choice that you will have to make for yourselves." Henry got up. He didn't want to be here any longer than he had to. I wasn't exactly wanting to see Dr. Jeremy out there but I didn't know what I was stepping into here either. And to be quite frank it hurt to hear them single me out is not significant as compared to the others.

  "I don't think they meant it the way you took it," Damian said. I was shocked by his tone. Had he just read my mind?

  "I don't know what you're talking about," I said.

  "We can talk about it once we get out of here," he said.

  "I would like to leave now. My pack is outside waiting for me," Henry said and nodded at Leonard. Leonard pointed to the right and I could see a faint glimmer of light coming from a squarelike shape. I could just make out stairs going up.

  Henry moved so fast I barely registered him moving. One minute he was there, the next he was gone. Chance got up to follow Henry's example.

  "How do I get in touch with you?" He asked Leonard, making sure that he did not meet Queen Lucretia's eyes.

  "We'll find you," Leonard said.

  Chance nodded and headed towards the stairs. Damian and I moved to follow him.

  "One last thing, Mabry," Leonard called out. I turned to see the expression on his face.

  "You can find Mel through Callie. I know you want to believe Chance didn't kill your friend. But I think the Fae will have an interesting story to share with you."

  In all the worry and fear about surviving this new experience, I'd forgotten about Chance holding Marcus' head under the water.

  "Thank you for letting me know," I said and led Damian towards the stairs. I didn't want to give any of my emotions away to Leonard. The less that wizard knew about me, the better.

  We didn't speak until we were passed the first two landings.

  "Are you sure about this?" Damian asked as we gasped for breath. The stairs were proving to be quite the challenge.

  "I'm not even sure what you're asking me about," I said. I was feeling sore and raw and I needed to have things spelled out for me.

  "Saying no to their offer," he said.

  "I don't even know anymore," I said. "The only things I know for sure are that I want to go home and go to sleep. Maybe take a shower, eat something, you know normal things people do when they're not running for their lives are being stuck in Faeland."

  "Will you help me find Regina?" He asked me but I raised my hand to put them off. I didn't want to make any decisions right now. I just wanted to have a breath of fresh air and for once not have someone running after me.

  "I need to catch my breath before I decide on next steps," I said.

  "I understand that," he said. We got to the Hollywood bungalow portion of the complex above ground and I almost smiled. Things had seemed almost simple when I was here last. I grimaced at the memory of the beating that I had taken by the two guards at the door. I couldn't believe that I was thinking that was simple at this point. I'd come a long way.

  We stepped outside and didn't see Chance or Henry anywhere. The howling of the wolves came from somewhere north of us and I imagined that Henry had already transformed into his wolf self in order to heal the starvation that we had undergone.

  "Come by my office tomorrow and we can talk," I said. Damian stepped closer to me and I could feel the heat of his eyes on my face. I squashed down the emotions that threatened to undo my resolve. Not now, I said to myself angrily. I stepped away from him and his shining eyes and frowned when I saw a shiny black SUV come rolling down the street. Oh God, what now? I thought.

  The car pulled up to the curb and the window rolled down. Jeremy Nottingham stuck his head out the window and smiled at me and his son.

  "Fancy seeing both of you here," he said. "Get in the car."

  Damian gripped my hand in his. This was the last thing either of us wanted to do.


  Letter from Dominika

  I want to say a huge thank you for choosing to read A Case of Magic. If you did enjoy it, I would be so grateful if you could write a review. It can be short and makes such a difference. It helps new readers discover one of my books for the first time.

  I’d love to hear from you. What did you think of Mabry Wilds and the crazy magical goings-on in this Los Angeles?

  Mabry and Damian are back in Controlled Magic out this May!

  I’m excited to hear from you, and I read every message. To get the prequel short story of what really happened between Damian and Regina CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE BOOK.

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  Thank you again for reading, and I hope you’ll be back soon!

  Yours sincerely,

  Dominika Waclawiak


  For Dave

  without you, none of this would be possible

  Copyright © 2017 by Dominika Waclawiak

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work o
f fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my work. Please consider leaving a review wherever you bought the book, or telling your friends about it, to help me spread the word.

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