Reigning Starr

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by Shan

  Reigning Starr


  Reigning Starr

  Copyright © 2012 by Shan

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

  This is dedicated to my children, Stevien, Zhaniah, and Zamaria. Mommy loves you. Also to all my supporters. Thanks for everything. Muahh!!


  I would like to first say thank you Jesus. You have blessed with the ability to write and I thank You so much. Without you this dream of mine would not have been possible.

  To my children Stevien, Zhaniah, and Zamaria. Thank you for being patient with me and understanding that mommy is doing what she loves. I love ya’ll!

  My mama Lucy, I love you so much! Thank you for continuing to pray for me daily, giving me encouraging words and believing in me. It means a lot!

  To my dad Robert and Linda. I love you all so much and really appreciate everything you guys do for me and continue to do for me. Thanks for believing in me!

  To my sister Sho I love you so much and happy that we are where we are today.

  My cousin Marcus! Love ya!

  To my brother Ju Ju, love you!

  ! My niece Amanda, I love you and love the person you are becoming!

  My lil sis Ja’Lisa; love you girl! Thanks for all the feedback you have giving me, all your kind words, and always being 100. It’s appreciated for real!

  My best friends Sharonda and Sha! Love ya’ll so much

  To Shaneisha Dodson, thank you once again.

  To Ellis Cottingham thanks for the mad support that you show me.

  Sonia Moore and all of your book club friends, thank you ladies so much

  My cus Pac-Man I am now ready to get this co-writing thing going. What’s good? Love you big cus!

  To my Bookie! I love you baby. Round # 3.

  To GABRIELLE DOTSON, you are the best. Thanks for the Love and Support. Muahh!!

  Shayla Perry, Amber Brown, Tiesha Johnson, Carla Towns, Kenyetta Patrick, Detra Young, Tonikia QuasimWife Santana, Micole Walker, Brandie Davis, Winter Cromer, Jeanette McMillian-James, Ebony Lofton, Yung Lit, Monique Chanae, Dama Cargle, Brittany Smith and so much more I’m just going off the top of my dome but whoever I missed it wasn’t on purpose. Much Love! Thanks for spreading the word and supporting a new author.

  A special Thank you Kisha Green and Treasure Blue!

  To all of the Facebook Book Clubs: Black E-book Club, Black Faithful Sister and Brothers Book Club, Diamond Eyes Bookclub, Let’s talk Relationships & Books, My Urban Books Club, We Read Urban Fiction, EMBELLISH, Fun(4)daMental, Readers R Us. Thank each and every member of every group for your continued support. Thanks for the chances that you take on us new authors and for spreading the word and love. It is greatly appreciated.

  A special thank you to Keniesha Trimble. I really am grateful for you editing my manuscript. You did a wonderful job. See ya for the next one. Thank so much!

  To anyone that I may have missed charge it to my mind not to my heart. Love YA!

  Table of Contents

  Starr. 1

  Starr. 13

  Quad.. 29

  Starr. 41

  Quad.. 51

  Starr. 61

  Quad.. 73

  Starr. 83

  Quad.. 91

  Starr. 99

  Starr. 111

  Quad.. 119

  Starr. 135

  Quad.. 145

  Starr. 151

  Quad.. 161

  Starr. 173

  Quad.. 185

  Starr. 191

  Starr. 201

  Quad.. 211

  Starr. 221

  Quad.. 229

  Starr. 237

  Quad.. 247

  Starr. 261

  Epilogue: Starr. 273


  From the very day I was born doctors determined I wouldn't make it to see past twenty-four hours. When I made it to twenty-four days they said I would have so many obstacles to overcome that it wouldn't even be funny.

  Against all odds I made it through. With my blood boiling with heroin, fed methadone every damn day, tube fed, shot up with this medicine and that medicine; I survived. Doctors told my mama and daddy I was most likely going to be behind in everything I did, wouldn't be able to keep up with most kids my age, and a bunch of other bullshit. Glad to say that I proved them all wrong; muthafuckas my age was doing their best to keep up with me.

  Sucking the last of my Newport, I flicked the butt of it to the ground and strutted my lil' ass across the street. I slid on a thick pair of gloves, pulled my hat down over my eyes and slowly strutted towards the apartment building.

  "You ready?" Bubba asked.

  "Nigga, don't worry about me is you ready?" I asked now pulling the mask down over my face.

  "Real shit, keep ya mouth closed and let’s make this shit quick," Bubba being the gentleman he is, opened the door to the building and allowed me to enter first.

  Both with pistols pulled, adrenaline rushing, and revenge on our minds we were ready to pull this shit off. These niggas T-Rock and J-J been talking mad greasy around the hood about a lick they pulled off that helped them come up to where they are now. Little did they know the niggas they robbed just so happened to be my muthafuckin' daddy Herm and his ace Bear; sorry but we ain't having that shit.


  "Who the fuck is it?" a deep voice yelled from the other side.


  Bubba fired the sawed off shot gun into the door, blasting a life size hole into that bitch, as well as sending the nigga at the door guts through his back.


  Shots began raining from all over, but we were ready for this!


  I caught T-Rock by surprise; popping his ass once in the neck and one to his chest. Blood skeet from his body all over the walls and floor like a busted balloon. Bubba moved to the left dropping any fool that came his way while I went right pumping bullets through whatever moved. This isn't about money to us, it's all about respect; something that these cats were lacking. They had the nerve to hit my daddy shit hard, taking four kilos worth of coke, and a good ten stacks; and then go around the hood bragging about this shit. Did they really think that we wasn't gonna get any pay back?

  "Sit your bitch ass down!" I heard Bubba yell from the other side of the room.

  "That’s it? They only had five muthafuckas in this bitch. Oh they tripping for real," I mumbled. I quickly checked the bathroom and closet that was in the hall before joining Bubba in the other room.

  "Come on man, just take it. Take it all. It's dope and mon----" J-J tried to say but Bubba popped him dead in the mouth with the butt of his shot gun.

  "Take it! Fuck you mean take it! Nigga you took it from us!" Bubba spat.

  "Wha----Wha----what you mean? I ain't ta----"

  "Aye, my man cut that bullshit out. All this shit you got up in here belong to Herm! You stole it and now we’re here to collect," I couldn't help myself.

  Shit I know anytime I did anything I was always instructed not to speak but fuck it these niggas wasn't getting out this bitch alive so I was good. J-J is going to hear me speak before I take his life, you better believe that. Bubba looked at me and just from the piece of his eyes that were showing I could see that he was furious.

  "Man, we didn't take that nigga Herm shit. I heard that it was some out of towners. Yo, y'all gotta believe me. I wouldn't do that to Herm. He's been feeding me since I was a youngin'," J-J tried to sound all sanctified like he was giving a testimony or something.

  "You dying tonight so why the fuck you sitting up here lying? Tell the truth and die like a soldier J-J," I stood in front of him and put m
y free hand on my hip. I wanted him to see in my body language whom the hell I was.

  His eyes went from my head down to my feet, then over to Bubba before coming back to me. He now knew who the duo before him was. Shit Bubba and I were as thick as thieves. He was like the big brother I never had and me the lil' sister that he always wanted.

  "Starr?" he questioned.

  I peeled my face mask off and removed my Lakers hat, "Yea Starr. Own up to it J-J, just say you took my daddy shit and now that I'm standing before you, you realized you fucked up."

  "Herm knows that I didn't do this shit Starr, he got the wro---"


  I sent one bullet flying into his shoulder, shattering his collar bone into pieces. Can't believe he is still lying knowing he's about to die at any minute. Why the hell he couldn't just man the hell up and say what he did?

  "I'm going to give you five seconds to confess muthafucka! Own up to that shit before the next bullet goes into your head," I now had both hands on the glock, ready to body this fool if he said something stupid the next time he opened his mouth.

  "I didn't----"


  "Fuck that's let's get this shit and get outta here," I shook my head and walked around collecting any dope that was visible, and whatever money that these fools had sitting around. Our objective was to just kill these cats and be on our way, the money and dope wasn't a concern but hell since it was out in the open why not take it. It didn't belong to them anyway.

  Bubba and I rushed to the car, peeling away our clothing and going on as if things were normal.

  "Yo, you know that shit was out of line!" Bubba said firing up a blunt and steering the wheel.

  "Fuck it! The niggas needed to know who the fuck was coming for they ass before they died. What's the point in killing them if they don't know who responsible," I yelled brushing my hair down.

  "They knew when Herm's named was mentioned. What if one of them got away? Then what?"

  "Well they didn't! It's nothing; we did what we came to do. It's done," I scoffed.

  "I'm only trying to look out for you. What's the purpose of you masking up, hiding your titties if you just gonna show your face in the end anyway. I'm just saying be smart. You never know when the shit might turn bad and somebody gets away. Then you'll have a muthafucka gunning for your ass!"

  "Well if it happens then I'll deal with it then. Let's just get to the spot so I can get back to my crib."

  Bubba shook his head and passed me the blunt. I took in a deep toke and began to relax and wind down from what just happened. I hated killing people but shit sometimes things just had to be done. Disrespect was something that my dad didn't tolerate nor a lie or a thief. Since I was old enough to walk my dad has did everything in his power to ensure that I would be able to protect myself at all cost. Instead of giving me Barbie dolls and lip gloss for gifts, he would buy me toy guns and knives. I could always tell by the way he treated me growing up that he preferred I'd been a boy. Nonetheless he loved me and I always went over and beyond to prove to him that I was just as good if not better than any nigga.

  "I won't mention to Herm what you did but you gotta promise me you won't do that shit no more Starr," Bubba said looking over at me when he pulled to one of my dad's many trap spots.

  "I don't give a fuck if you mention it to him or not, I sucked the last of the weed down and got out of the car. I guess my hard headedness was my way of proving that I can hold my own. I knew that it was unnecessary to bare my face but hey they were dead and it wasn't no coming back for them. The only thing them fools could do at this point is haunt me in my sleep.

  I tapped on the door lightly and waited for someone to open it. The spot was crawling with dope boys and fiends, the air reeked of crack and piss; just making the whole place a fucked up one to be in.

  "Where my daddy at?" I asked his ace Bear who sat at the table cutting up big pieces of cookies down to dubs and dimes.

  "Went home to his wife. Told me to tell you to come holla at him when you got finished," Bear said licking his lips as he spoke to me.

  "Fuck did he leave for? He knew we were coming through," I sighed crossing my arms over my chest.

  "Stacey called and said for him to come home. Think she having problems with the baby or something. So everything good, how did it go?"

  "I ain't got time to conversate. Bubba got something for y'all. I'm out," I turned on my heels, stepped over a clucker sitting in the middle of the floor pushing a needle in his arm, and walked out the door.

  "Starr, hold the fuck up!" I looked over my shoulder to see Bear coming after me. He stood six feet five inches tall and wide like a linebacker. His dark, smooth skin radiated against the darkness of the night. The fragrance of VIP illuminated through the air from his body.

  "What?" I asked.

  "What the hell is wrong with you? Why you got this lil’ attitude and shit?" Bear asked moving a piece of hair from my face.

  "I'm just tired and ready to get home. I wanted to speak with my daddy but I see he had better things to do," I rolled my eyes.

  "Aww, is that baby jealous? You look so cute when you're jealous," Bear mocked.

  "Fuck you! I'm not jealous Bear. I just wanted to talk to him but whatever."

  "You can talk to me. How have you been doing, you know with everything that happened?"

  "I'm okay. I'm alive and I'm making it so I'm good," I shrugged my shoulders.

  I'd been back in Atlanta for only a few months and already I was back in the streets; deeper than I was before. Part of it was to keep my mind off the two gut wrenching tragedies I suffered.

  Almost a year ago I packed up everything to move to Miami with my boyfriend Keylan. We'd only been together for a good few months but I knew he was who I wanted to be with; so leaving everything in Atlanta was nothing to me. The love I had for him was just mad crazy ‘cause it came from out of nowhere. It hit me so quickly that I didn't even know it was happening until it did.

  I just knew I was going to be with him for an eternity but unfortunately it was short lived. The day I found out I was pregnant with his child is the same day I found out he was murdered. Just like that the love of my life had been taken away from me; the shady part about it is that one of his best friends is the one that snatched his life away.

  I vowed to myself and to his soul that I would take care of his child and never let anyone harm it for as long as I lived but I never even got a chance. When I was four months pregnant I miscarried, never even got to find out what I was having. Shit is just crazy how everything was going so good for me and within a blink of an eye; it came crashing down.

  Keylan purchased a beauty shop just to show me how much he loved me before he died. When I finally got over the misery of losing him and our child I opened it with my best friend Brian. We were doing well for a couple of months until someone came raining on our parade. Latoya, Keylan's ex-girlfriend had lawyers working for her behind everyone's back. It seems that things were moving so fast with Keylan and I that he never took care of the important financial aspects of his life; such as his will.

  That bitch's name was all up and through his will leaving everything to her and her funky ass mama. I had to leave his home, couldn't touch his money; nothing. Ultimately I had to close my shop down and come back home. Talk about bad fucking luck.

  It's all good though, I'm too gutta for that rich girl life anyway. It took me a minute to realize that it all just wasn't meant to be, but I finally got it. This street life is my real true love; the way I see it no matter how many times we break up we were gonna always find our way to each other.

  "You don't seem well. Damn that nigga really had you huh?" Bear asked snapping me from my thoughts.

  "Look I'm a holla at you later," I turned around and walked away heading towards my home. Bear has always thrown hints my way that he was feeling me in ways that he shouldn't be feeling. He was sexy as hell but off limits.

  Right now I lived in a two bedroom apartment that
I shared with Brian. It was right in the middle of the damn hood but it was cheap. Brian's room was on the other side of the house far away from mine. We lived two separate lives and the space made it easier for us to co-exist with no problems.

  When I made it to the house Brian was seated on the couch chit chatting away on the phone. We gave each other a head nod and I headed towards my room to shower and take my ass to bed. The day had me worn the hell out, plotting and scheming on them boys wasn't easy but we got them and that's all that mattered.

  "Damn bitch you need some dick," Brian said as he came into my room to hand me the blunt he was smoking on.

  "Brian fuck you okay," I said taking a toke from the blunt.

  "No not me but you do need to fuck somebody. Damn girl, seriously I have never seen you looking like this. Look at your hair, no eyelashes, just tore the hell up," Brian shook his head then rubbed his fingers through his dreads.

  "Thanks a lot Brian. I appreciate you telling me how fucked up I look."

  "I mean what kind of friend would I be if I didn't. Look I only have two clients tomorrow so why don't you come through the shop and let me hook you up," Brian suggested.

  Brian was really feeling the idea of doing hair for a living and when I lost the shop in Miami he was just as hurt as I was. Luckily for him he was able to come home and land a job with a shop locally. Me, as much as I loved doing hair, makeup, and nails I just couldn't bring myself to do it again.

  "I don't know. I might come through there. I just don't feel like dealing with a bunch of hoes being all in my business," I passed the blunt back to Brian and pulled the covers over my body.

  "Girl them bitches ain't gonna say anything to you or about you at least not while you there," Brian laughed.

  "So, they be talking about me though?"

  "Just saying shit like you should've whooped Latoya's ass and how they feel bad about you losing the baby. Nothing bad mami. Fuck it. Who gives a fuck Starr?"

  "I don't know, I really hate to beat a bitch down and you end up losing your job."


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