Reigning Starr

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Reigning Starr Page 8

by Shan

  “Already,” I said.

  Neek talked so much shit about him being the king of Madden that I just had to jump on and show him I had skills too. Each time we paused the game to roll one, or get something to drink I dialed up Quad; but kept getting his voicemail. I had to remember that I was just his side-chick and that Fatima came first. Even then I would’ve at least thought that he cared enough to check on me knowing my daddy just got locked up.

  Last couple of days; crazy as hell. That's all I could say to describe the shit that has gone on. As I sit here and listen to my daddy talk about all the charges he were up against, all I can think about is who the fuck set him up and how I was going to kill them once I found out?

  "It's going to be okay right? I mean you shouldn't be looking at but maybe a couple of years right?" Stacey asked hopefully.

  I looked at Stacey like she'd lost her damn mind, a couple of years; yea right. Money laundering, drug racketeering, murder for hire, and tons of other shit. Two years sounded like heaven to the hell that my daddy had to face. I sat looking disgusted at the fact that this will be my dad's home and this was how I had to visit him for the next umpteenth years.

  "This some bullshit, if they got all this info on you then why isn't Bear or anybody else up in here with you," I said finally looking my dad in the eyes.

  "Starr, what did I tell you about saying names? No fucking names," he scathed at me.

  "Somebody snitching and I wanna know who. It's obvious that it's somebody close to you and I can already guess who. Never trusted that muthafucka. He gonna get his. Believe that."

  "Starr fucking Conners, shut the hell up! You not about to do shit! The only thing I need you to do is to get the money from Bear that I asked him to put up in case of an emergency. Tell him I need it for my legal fees and he’ll give it to you. Other than that I don't want you doing nothing. They watching any and everybody around me; including your ass. That’s why I told you to go to Virginia," he said through gritted teeth.

  "How much is Detrick asking for? I mean you've been paying him faithfully for years," Stacey chimed in.

  "He's saying that this case can take anywhere from an half a mil to a mil to cover. I've paid him at least a half a mil but I want to make sure he gots everything he needs. I gotta beat these damn charges. I'm looking at a life sentence."

  "Life? Oh my God. Herman what about the baby? I'm supposed to be having the baby in a couple more months. Oh my God," Stacey cried.

  "Don't worry. You won't be in here long I can promise you that," I said crossing my arms over my chest.

  Everything the FEDs have, had to be based off of what someone was telling them. All I had to do is figure out who the hell was ratting and eliminate their ass. I pretty much knew exactly who that person is without even thinking too hard. Bear. How can it not be him? He is the single most closet person to my daddy and knows everything about how he operates. Everything my daddy did; Bear did it as well. For him not to be sitting here facing the same charges is fishiness at its best.

  "I don't know what to say about you but that you are your father's child," my daddy smiled a smile that melted my heart and made this that much worse. How could someone do him like this being he's never done anything to anyone? He's never hurt a soul unless he had to. Muthafuckas seemingly want to play crazy but I'm gonna show them all what time it is.

  "What we going over here to talk to Bear about?" Bubba asked pulling up in front of Bear's house.

  "He got some money that belongs to my daddy and plus I wanna see where his head is at. Somebody on some setup shit and I need to find out whom, even though I know he got something to do with it," I reached for the handle of the door but was grabbed and pulled back.

  "Hold up you trying to say he set your pops up? Are you crazy? Bear been down with Herm for years," Bubba protested.

  "I'm not trying to say anything. That's what I'm saying and I don't care that he's been down for years. Something isn't right and I just got this hunch that it's Bear. You can stay out here but I'm going to talk to him," I got out of the door and headed up the walkway that led to the front door.


  Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

  Bear answered the door dressed only in a pair of boxers and holding a berretta by his side. I rolled my eyes at him pissed that he was able to rest so comfortably while my daddy set in a Federal cell. I pushed passed Bear and walked into his living room taking a seat on his comfy sofa.

  "Hello to you too. Come on in and have a seat," Bear sarcastically said.

  "Thank you so kindly Bear," I retorted. "I'm here to get the money my dad left with you."

  "I've already handed that money to Detrick this morning," Bear said.

  I raised a brow in suspicion. I'd just spoke with Detrick right after I left my dad to let him know that I would be bringing him more money and he said nothing about Bear already giving him money.

  "Really and how much did you give him?"

  "Is that really any of your business?"

  "Fuck you mean? Yea it's my business. My daddy sent me over here to collect money and you're telling me that you already gave it to Detrick. Detrick didn't tell me that."

  "Well I think you need to call him and specifically ask him what you need to know," Bear said with a smirk.

  "Well let me specifically ask you this, why is it that my dad is locked up and you're not? I mean not that I want either of you to be locked up but I just find it kind of fishy that you're on the outs and he's in. Whatever he don't do, you do. Sounds to me like you've done some talking to somebody."

  Bear's jaws clenched tightly along with the grip around his gun. I gave him the same grin that he gave me moments ago letting him know that I was on to his ass.

  "So, where is the money that he gave to you for me?" I asked pointing a finger into my chest.

  "I was under the impression that all the money he gave to me was supposed to go to Detrick," Bear shrugged his shoulders.

  I nodded my head and got up from my seat. This fool was flat out lying only proving that he was as dirty as a three day old pair of draws.

  "A’ight well good looking. I'm about to go see Detrick and make sure he good on everything. I'll hit you up later."

  I didn't wait for a response before I left Bear's home and got back into the car with Bubba. Bubba sat in the Impala with his arms crossed over his chest pooching that big lip of his out.

  "So, what's up? What he say?" Bubba asked.

  "He said he gave the money to Detrick already which I know is a lie. Take me to his office so I can check this shit out even though I know he's lying," I said.

  "Starr, do you really think he would lie knowing you would check. Come on now, I don't doubt that somebody set big Herm up but I doubt it's Bear. Man you stretching this shit too far."

  "We'll see," is all I said.

  We drove across town to Detrick's office, although he had an office full of people waiting; he saw me immediately. I sat in a chair and stared out the window while Detrick went to make him a cup of coffee and bring me back a bottle of water.

  "Sorry about that. I could've had the assistant make it but she never gets it the way I want," Detrick said handing me my water.

  "No problem. It gave me a few minutes to think," I smiled at him. Detrick is very handsome. Five-nine, brown, smooth skin, with light brown eyes. He rocked a very clean shaven goatee with a low cut. I can always tell every time I speak with him that he came from the hood; it was just something about his street demeanor that told me that he wasn’t always this business savvy.

  "What's going on with you Ms. Starr? You know I'm working hard on Herm's case. I've been told that you will fuck me up if I mess it up," Detrick laughed.

  "You heard right," I laughed slightly. "No seriously I know you have a lot up against you so all I ask is that you do the best damn job you can do."

  "No doubt. Your father helped me start my firm; without him I wouldn't be the man that I am today. I hated to ask him for more money be
ing they've frozen all his accounts but I've got all my people on this case; I gotta pay them."

  "It’s no problem. My daddy pretty much was like give you whatever you ask for and I agree. So, now that you've gotten payment. What should we expect?"

  Detrick looked at me like I was crazy and began to fiddle with his tie, "Oh, did you pay Angela already?"

  "No, I didn't. Bear brought the money to you right? I thought we were meeting to talk about what was next since you've received the payment," I said.

  "Umm, give me one moment," Detrick pressed the intercom button on his phone. "Angela, come here please."

  He completely undid his tie, and then unbuttoned the first button in his shirt. I stared at him, hoping to scope out some type of nervousness that would prove to me that it wasn't Bear but maybe him. He knew major shit about my daddy too; it could just as easily be Detrick. I didn't want it to be either of them being my daddy's life was at stake and each of them held info that held the key to my dad’s future.

  "Yes, Mr. Carter," Angela said coming into the room.

  "Did Mr. Barron Wilson come to see me today?" Detrick asked.

  "No sir. I would've sent him straight to your office being his name is on the list. Just like you asked sir," Angela said hoping that she wasn't in any trouble.

  "Angela, are you sure? Did he drop anything off with you?"

  "Sir, I am certain that he has not came by today. I had lunch at my desk this afternoon so it's impossible that I missed him."

  "Thank you Angela," Detrick dismissed her.

  "No problem," she said before leaving and closing the door behind her.

  I turned my attention towards Detrick and waited for him to say something; anything. Tell me what it is so I'll know my next move.

  "He said he gave me some money?" Detrick asked with this puzzled look set across his face.

  "Yes he did. I don't know the exact amount because my daddy didn't say. Don't worry about it Detrick, I knew that he was lying when he said it. I just had to confirm my suspicions. Anyway, thanks for meeting with me," I got up from my chair and walked towards the door.

  "This isn't the first time he's claimed to have given me money Starr. I've mentioned it to Herm before but he’s always brushed it off."

  I left the office with tears streaming down my face. Not because I was hurt by what Bear was doing, that shit was to be expected. There would always be a trader in the game. Niggas wasn't loyal these days; having at least one loyal muthafucka’ is rare and just unheard of. I’m hurt because someone is just trying to hurt my daddy and that I just couldn’t take.

  Once I got back in the car with Bubba, I waited until we pulled up in front of my house before I let him know what I was thinking. Bear had money that didn't belong to him and I wanted it. If he wasn't going to give it to me willingly then I was going to take it.

  "Damn, I cannot believe this shit. Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Bubba asked me.

  "I'm positive Bubba. If he didn't set my daddy up then he's stealing from him. Either way it goes, I'm getting that money back and then some. Pick me up at one and don't be late."

  "Look whose giving orders now. Already, you know I got ya back. See ya then," Bubba leaned over and kissed me on my cheek.

  "Love you big head," I said and got out the car.

  When I made it to my apartment Quad's ass was sitting outside the door looking like he lost his best friend. I ended up sleeping at his house last night and he never showed, on top of that I could swear a few times I called him; he picked and then hung up without saying a word. He made all these promises about being here for me when I got back from seeing my daddy’s lawyers the other day but I didn't see or hear for him. After last night I finally got the message that he wasn’t trying to be bothered with me like that.

  "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

  "Waiting for you. Need to talk to you," Quad stood up from the ground.

  "Oh you wanna talk to me now? You weren’t trying to talk when I was calling you."

  "I know but I had a lot going on and I just had to get my head straight. I apologize for that. I know that you going through it with Big Herm being locked up and shit."

  "Look, I'm about to take a nap. I got some things to do later. Come back tomorrow and maybe I'll have time to talk. Right now I'm not hearing it."

  "Baby, don't be like that. Open the door so we can get some things clear."

  "Everything is clear and over these last couple of days it all became clearer. I'm not your woman and you're not my man," I huffed.

  "That's what I wanna talk to you about. I broke up with Fatima and I wanna make things right with us. I want another chance," Quad wrapped his arm around my waist.

  "Quad I---"

  "Can we go in and talk. I’ve been sitting out here for two hours. Please?"

  I stuck the key in the door, opened it, and walked to my bedroom. This thing with Quad was more confusion I didn't need. At first I didn't want him anywhere around me, then I needed him like a drug, and now when he disappeared and I knew he'd gone back to Fatima; I didn't know what the hell I wanted.

  "Come here," Quad held out his arms.

  Hesitantly I walked over to him and allowed him to pick me up and sit me in his lap. I wrapped my legs around him, straddling him like a horse.

  "You really broke up with her?" I asked.

  "Yep and told her I needed to be with my future wife," Quad smiled showing his pearly whites.

  "Future wife huh?"

  "Hopefully one day. Shit, I really missed the hell out of you when we broke up. Trust me when I found out you was with Keylan; it fucked my head up and I knew then that I'd fucked up a good thang."

  I smiled but didn't say anything. Quad had major game; it was how he won me over when I was just sixteen. I kissed him on the lips and then slowly dug my tongue into his mouth. Grinding my hips against his, I immediately felt his dick rising from within his jeans.

  "We gonna be together and try this again?" Quad asked raising his hand up my shirt.

  "Only if you promise to be loyal to me; always be honest with me," I said kissing his lips.

  "Promise me the same?"

  "I promise."

  I'd only hoped that Quad wouldn't make me regret this decision like he's done many times before. With the way I'm feeling and everything I'm going through at the moment; I'm likely to kill Quad if he dare try and fuck me over.


  Crazy that I made Quad promise to be loyal and always honest with me but here I am sneaking out my bed and jumping in the car with Bubba. We were on our way to a spot that Bear and my dad shared to store all their emergency dope and money. I hated to come at Bear this way but hell half the shit there was my daddy's anyway if not most of it.

  "I'm gonna ask you one more time if you sure you wanna do this?" Bubba asked turning down a dark road.

  "Hell yea I'm sure. That nigga stunting and stealing, so I'm about to do the same damn thing," I coughed.

  I was sweating ferociously, my heart was thumping like a set of drums, and my head was banging something furious. Quad dicked me into a good ass sleep but when it came time for me to get up and ride out with Bubba; I started feeling terrible. I don't know if it was my nerves, lack of rest, or just something I ate. Whatever was going on I couldn't wait to get this shit over with and get back in my bed.

  "Here, hurry up and let’s get this shit over with. Can't believe you got me doing this," Bubba said handing me a ski mask. I pulled the ski mask over my head, covering my entire face.

  "Damn, I feel like shit. Can't believe I'm getting sick."

  Bubba and I checked our pieces before jumping out the car and walking down the street to the small, brick home. The lawn was neatly manicured, even in the darkness the greenness of the grass glowed standing out just as much as the other lawns.

  Bubba stuck a couple pins in the lock and hurriedly tried to pick the lock open. Once he did, the locks clicked and the door popped open. We moved slowly
throughout the house making sure no one was home. The house was fully furnished, including living room, dining room furniture, and bedroom furniture. It was made to look like someone lived here although the home has been empty for as long as I could remember. It was more of a safe house if anything.

  I've only been in this house twice and it was when I was about five or six years old. I was made to sit on the sofa and watch cartoons while Bear and my daddy did whatever they were doing. Of course as soon as my daddy was out of sight I would sneakily roam around the house looking for toys and candy. After searching the whole damn house and finding nothing, I stumbled across my daddy and Bear, putting packs of white powder into the floor. Back then it looked like packs of flour but I now that I'm older, I know it was coke.

  "So, where is it?" Bubba asked.

  I stood for a moment trying to remember far back in my childhood. I didn't remember exactly where in the house the dope was but as I walked through, everything started to come back. I strolled to the last bedroom on the left and entered; there was a full sized bed and other bedroom furniture.

  "In here, push this bed back," I said coughing. Now that I was covered in this ski mask my body seemed to become hotter and hotter by the moment. Bubba and I pushed the bed to the side and I began to press down on the floor with my foot. Bubba started to do the same. We did this until we felt the soft spots in the carpet.

  Bubba pulled out a pocket knife and cut a huge slit into the carpet and pulled it back. There was a long wooden box sitting below with a lock attached to it. Luckily for us the lock was already undone. Bubba pulled the box open and there sat six bricks of fresh coke along with a few stacks of cash.

  I grabbed the duffle bag and pulled it all the way open and threw everything in there that would fit. Soon as it was filled I zipped it up and gestured for Bubba to grab it so we could roll out.

  "Damn, I can't believe you taking all this shit. Man, what have I let you get me into?" Bubba grabbed the bag and we rushed towards the door. The moment we opened the door there stood Bear idling a pistol by his side. I raised my hammer, removed the safety, and was ready to fire two rounds into his head.


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