Leashed (Dark Underbelly Book 3)

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Leashed (Dark Underbelly Book 3) Page 4

by Candace Blevins

  When I could arrange it, I spent time with him while he ate. His voice calmed me and soothed me, and yet it was frustrating because I wanted him to be mine in a way I wasn’t sure we could make happen. I didn’t want to own him, I wanted him to come to me of his own free will. On the surface, it didn’t seem possible. However, there are almost always loopholes to be found in the wording of our laws, and I’ve lived long enough to have figured out how to exploit them.



  Abbott had me learn from his housekeeper, a grandmotherly looking woman who smelled human but likely wasn’t. She handled everything — cooking, shopping, paying bills, and making sure the flock was taken care of. She oversaw the cleaning service and yard people. She also brought other people in to help cook a few days a week, so she’d have casseroles and other food prepared and could merely bring it out when she didn’t have time to cook or wasn’t prepared for surprise company. Basically, she ran Abbott’s home like a well-oiled machine.

  To begin my training, she talked to me about taking care of the flock. How it was important to learn their favorite foods and make sure ingredients stayed stocked. Also, she sent me a spreadsheet of their class schedules, as well as when they generally wanted breakfast, and the times they usually arrived home. Within a week I was greeting them in the morning and helping them get away on time. I was asleep when many of them returned, but if I was up then I’d greet them in the driveway and carry their backpack in as I asked about their day. I sat with some and helped them study when I knew they had an important test coming up. I grew close to several of them, but I helped everyone who wanted it, and left the others mostly alone unless I sensed something was off.

  My first trip shopping with the housekeeper, I kept expecting guards to grab me and take me back to Abbott’s home, but no one came. We shopped in four stores, just the two of us. A few guards met us at the car when we pulled in, and I just knew I’d be in trouble, but they’d merely come out to help carry groceries and supplies into the house.

  I discovered I loved to cook. Two mornings a week, I manned the kitchen and made sure the flock were all fed before they left for their various jobs and classes. I cooked pancakes, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, gravy, bacon, sausage, and biscuits made from scratch. Someone came along at the end to clean the kitchen, and I went to bed. That evening, I woke Holly and studied my lessons while I oversaw her workout. And, of course, I checked in with the flock afterwards to see if they needed anything.

  Often, they needed to get off, and I was more than happy to help with that, too. One of the men loved to manhandle me, and gave me just what I needed. The women mostly rode me and got themselves off, and I loved being what they needed me to be.

  Abbott left a thick, legal book in my room while I was with the flock one evening. The handwritten note was on thick paper and appeared to be written with a fountain pen. The handwriting was beautiful enough I wanted to frame it.

  You’re welcome to read as much or as little of this as you wish. I’ve placed bookmarks in a few pages I believe might interest you.

  Some of the pages specifically involved the rules around Strigorii binding shapeshifters to them. As I’d already known, they were written to allow the vampires total control over the subjugated, weaker races. In territories where the Master of the City and the Pack Alpha negotiated an agreement, Pack wolves weren’t in danger of being taken, but lone wolves had no protection.

  I’d been told Abbott bound the minimum number of wolves necessary to keep his people safe during the day, and made adjustments when he inherited more. Also, the rumor mill said the local Alpha had given a Pack wolf to Abbott on two occasions, with the understanding Abbott would have them for life. The book Abbott gave me outlined how to override the Pack bond, though it appeared it could only be done by the strongest vampires. I had no doubt Abbott could easily do so, if he chose.

  There wasn’t much in the laws about releasing a bound shapeshifter, and most of what was there cautioned against it. A vampire was responsible for a previously-bound shapeshifter’s actions for ten years after the bond was broken. Should the shapeshifter out supernaturals to a human, bite someone and change them without the human’s informed consent, or do anything to break Concilio law, the vampire who freed him or her would be held accountable and could face the same repercussions as the shapeshifter. Further reading told me Abbott got around this with the wolves he’d freed by handing them over to the Pack Alpha, who took responsibility when he merged them into the Pack.

  Another bookmarked section seemed odd, at first. Most of the rules in this section involved the dangers of drinking Fae blood, and the penalties for losing control no matter the reason. However, a few paragraphs seemed out of place. They gave what I could only call “the exceptions to the rules.” One, in particular, seemed to apply to me. It involved ‘a being of another race officially bound to the Strigorii’ offering something not required or asked for, and in exchange the vampire could break the bond while promising something of his own he wasn’t obligated to give. It was written in a combination of English and Latin, and based on the wording I believed it was likely a translation from Italian and Latin. I was pretty sure that was the gist of it, but I believed it was written with an attempt to remain obscure and hidden away in a section it didn’t pertain to.

  I also read through the sections on responsibilities and obligations of a Master of the City, and the formalities required when approaching one. I couldn’t take in a whole lot of it at once, but I took to spending fifteen or twenty minutes a day reading and then researching the Latin words to be sure I had the right understanding.

  And I discovered fashion in ways I’d never been allowed to explore before. The housekeeper saw me looking at magazines at the grocery store and she tossed several in the cart. A week later, someone took me shopping at the mall and had me try at least a hundred outfits on before she’d let me choose what she called, ‘my style.’ She seemed pleased with my choices, and I loved my new clothes and shoes.

  Holly marked the days for a while, but stopped at her three-month mark. She seemed really depressed, but would only tell me her time was only halfway through and she hated this place.

  Three months. Had I really been with the Master for so long? I took some time considering why Abbott hadn’t fed from me in all that time. I could come up with a dozen possible reasons, but in the end, I decided it didn’t matter. He allowed me to care for his flock, so in essence I was nourishing him by caring for the people who fed him.

  I had mixed feelings about Holly. I felt good about helping her learn to be an adult, and I understood the purpose was to hope she’d want to join the flock, but time with her was such a chore. Still, I was her primary trainer and overseer, and I took the job seriously.

  I met Abbott’s next-door neighbors — a dragon and swan couple, who I later learned were the Dragon King and Swan Queen. Luckily, I knew them both a while before I found out they were royalty, or I’d have never gotten so close to Sophia. Her husband worked a lot, and she invited me for dinner at least once a week. They have preschool aged triplets so life is always exciting at their house.

  Meanwhile, Abbott sat with me while I ate my evening meal sometimes, and talked to me about what I was learning, any issues I saw arriving on the horizon, and whether I had input for how to make things run better. He also told me a little of how his day would go, and I was fascinated with all he had to keep up with.

  One evening, when I finished dinner, he asked if I’d accompany him to a play.

  He didn’t like it when I reminded him he owned me, but that wasn’t my first thought anyway, on this night.

  “I’ve never been to a play! I’d love to go!”

  “I’ve had three suits made for you. Come, let’s try them on.”

  The fabric was pure silky bliss. Pants, shirt, jacket. I could’ve done without the tie, but it was a small price to pay for the rest. Even the shoes were perfect, and molded to my feet like a second skin.
/>   Abbott put me next to him in front of the mirror, and we looked like quite the couple. His suit in black and charcoal with a tie of red and dark grey over a pristine white shirt. My suit black, with a black and charcoal tie, and a charcoal shirt. Abbott also wore a vest, which made him look even more distinguished, but my suit was more for my age, with a completely different cut. One regal and majestic, the other fashionable. He’d known exactly the kind of suit I’d want, which probably wasn’t a huge deal for him since he could look around in my head — but the mere fact he’d taken the time to look and then found what I wanted nearly brought me to tears. I appreciated the suit but I wanted him.

  My insides had turned to mush for days after I’d inadvertently seen Abbott whipping someone in the middle of his living room the week before. My body ached for him to use the whip on me. I wouldn’t force him to, though. No way would I let him down enough he had to punish me.

  I’d had sex with several members of the flock — male and female. However, I hadn’t been whipped since Abbott had become my master.

  “Ask me.”

  I didn’t have to ask what he meant. He looked so vulnerable, I had to give him my truth.

  “I appreciate the freedoms you’ve given me more than I can possibly say, but I miss being fucked and whipped.” I shrugged at him as we looked at each other in the mirror. “Actually, whipped and then fucked. Also, it gives me great pleasure to care for those who nourish you, but I wonder what I need to do before I’ll be worthy of feeding you?”

  “Worthy? You’ve been worthy all along, Spencer. I didn’t want a slave who felt he had to bend over because I asked. I wanted you to offer yourself. Not because you were trained to, but because you’ve gotten to know me and wish to be closer.”

  I looked to my feet, and then turned and met his gaze head-on. “I know you dropped all my constraints except the hold you keep on my wolf and the command not to share supernatural secrets. I could’ve hurt someone or left at any time in the past few weeks. It felt… odd, at first.”

  “But you never considered doing either.”

  “I like it here. I’ve never felt as if I might be happy, have a home, a purpose. I don’t want to leave unless it’s because you’re leaving and taking me with you.”

  Abbott turned me to face the mirror again, and he put his arms around me from behind. “My housekeeper will retire in three years. It once took six people to do her job. If you can take over as manager over my flock, breakfast duties for them a few mornings a week, assistance with creating shopping lists, and overseeing the cleaning staff — I have others who can handle the other parts of her job.”

  “I’d be honored.”

  “I’d also like you to begin learning to accompany me as my date. Tonight will be your first foray, and I have a boxed seat so we’ll be alone while we watch the play. You’ll only need to smile and shake hands in the lobby. Are you okay being introduced as my date?”

  “Date? Like…” a boyfriend?

  I was mortified the instant the thought went through my head, but Abbott’s smile told me he liked the idea.

  “V tochku.”

  My mind instantly translated exactly from Russian — my old Master’s preferred language. So, he was saying he meant exactly like a boyfriend? The world threatened to tilt on me, so I focused on something I could deal with.

  “You speak Russian?”

  “I speak most languages. I’ll use telepathy if I need to give you instructions around others. If you don’t think I’m actively listening to you and you need to tell me something, feel free to do so in Russian, just make it sound like we’re whispering sweet nothings to each other. Yes?”

  I smiled. “I can do that.”

  “No pressure. Tonight will be fun.”

  I’ve been transported places in a limo more times than I could possibly count, but as a slave, and frequently as the diversion to keep the ride from getting boring. No one’s ever opened doors for me, or offered wine once I was seated.

  We went to a place called The Tivoli, and the interior of the building was breathtaking. I’m used to fantastic architecture and the finest furniture, but I was in awe at the grandeur of the theater.

  “I enjoy it, too,” Abbott told me. “It was completed in 1921, and was one of the first air-conditioned structures. It went through a restoration process in the eighties.” A woman waved at him, and he touched my back and aimed us towards her. “Gen, Duke. It’s nice to see you. May I introduce you to my date? This is Spencer August.”

  August? I didn’t even know I had a last name. I smiled at the couple, and shook the man’s hand when he offered it.

  “Not Pack?” asked the man. I quick sniff told me he was a lone wolf and the woman was human.

  “No. He’s one of mine, inherited when I took over Maryland. We’re figuring out whether to keep the status quo or transition to lone wolf.”

  Fear flashed through me at the idea of not being owned, not having someone control my wolf for me. Not belonging to Abbott anymore.

  I won’t leave you alone. Never. We’ll figure it out together.

  I exhaled in relief and Abbott told Duke, “As you can see, he isn’t a fan of the lone-wolf option.”

  “If you need help sorting it through and we can help, let me know.”

  “I appreciate the offer and we’ll let you know if I think you can assist. How’s little Max?”

  “Not so little anymore,” the woman answered, “but he’s doing great. I understand Kendra’s out of town. We’re planning a girls’ night out and she said she wouldn’t be able to make it. We’ll miss her.”

  “I’m told Queenie’s going. She’s happy to be included and is looking forward to it. Kendra needed a job to occupy her mind while Eric’s off climbing mountains. I sent her to Maryland to oversee things there.”

  Four more people walked up — two wolves, a leopard I knew, and a beautiful human woman with curly red hair. The two human women hugged, the men shook hands, and Abbott introduced me. “You know Jonathan, and this is Ranger, Mac, and Bethany.”

  He told them my name was Spencer August, and Bethany squealed and hugged me. I had no idea why, or what I’d done, but I hugged her back.

  “Oh, my goodness. You are bee-you-tee-full.” She looked at Abbott. “You’ve outdone yourself, and don’t the two of you just make the cutest couple.”

  My face flamed red and Mac put his arms around Bethany from behind, his chin on her shoulder. “You’re embarrassing Spencer, Cupcake.”

  I chuckled at the look on her face and said, “You can call me Spence. Abbott likes to be all formal with my name. It’s really nice to meet all of you.” I looked to Jonathan. “I hope you don’t mind — Sophia’s told me about your partners, your family, so I’m truly glad I got the chance to meet them.” Jonathan is Sophia’s main bodyguard, and he’s been with her since she was a child. He’s nearly always with Sophia when her husband is away.

  We eventually made it to our boxed seat, and the play was equal parts hilarious, dramatic, and entertaining. I was enthralled with the singing and dancing.

  I expected we’d go home after the show, but the limo took us to one of Abbott’s businesses — The Billiard Club. One of the rooms was closed off, and the ancient vampire spent two hours teaching me how to play pool. I was awful at first, but I loved the way he leaned over me and helped me line up my shots. We had more wine, though neither of us could get drunk from it. Still, I enjoyed the quick hit of warmth I felt from each sip.

  He gave the waitress orders for fried cheese sticks, fries, and two rare burgers for me, and when she left, I told him, “I get it. I didn’t before. Not really. I was a sure thing, so why did you need me to want it for myself? After meeting your friends, seeing you away from the house, and having you know what to order for me before I even knew I wanted something? I get it. I’ll never be your equal because you have so much more power than me, but you needed me to be in my own mind…” No that wasn’t the right word. “In charge of my willpower,
before I came to you as a lover.”

  Suddenly embarrassed I might have unreasonable expectations, I rushed to add, “Or as a food source, someone to fuck, whatever it is you want of me.”

  He put both hands on my shoulders and gave them a little squeeze. “Dearest Spencer, lover is the right word. I have plenty of people more than happy to offer themselves as nourishment, and I’ve never had trouble finding people willing to warm my bed. Lovers, however…” He looked towards a wall, his eyes unfocused a few seconds, and he once again met my gaze. “People you resonate with, respect, and wish to have around you all the time? Those people are rare. I enjoy my time with you and hope we can arrange our lives to see more of each other.”

  He sighed and let his hands trail down my arms until we were no longer touching. “However, I can’t give you all of me. You must understand we won’t be exclusive. I want you in my bed as long as you wish to be there, and I’ll feed from you as often as you’re up to it and wish to nourish me, but I’ll still date other men and women. I need a varied diet, and you’re aware of the political needs and requirements of my position.” He took a breath. Vampires only need to breathe to speak, so I waited for him to finish. “I was drawn to you from the beginning, and I hope you’ll find happiness in my arms. If you don’t, we’ll find a position somewhere that works for you.”

  “Why were you drawn to me?”

  “I saw what you went through and how you survived. You have a beautiful soul, so strong it wasn’t crushed by the horrible things done to you during your formative years.”

  “I was never taught to control my wolf. It feels like I should get to know the other being inside me, but… I can’t. I think he helps me, sometimes, but I can’t depend on him.”

  “The relationship you should have with him didn’t form as it was supposed to. I’ve interacted with him and he’s underdeveloped. It’s the reason I couldn’t send you to Randall with the others I freed. They were wolves when they were taken. You were a human child, bitten after you were abducted, and were never given the opportunity to get to know your wolf, other than moon runs and the brief periods they changed you to wolf and back for healing. Do you remember anything of your full moon nights?”


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