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MASON WILDER: Radical Rock Stars Next Generation Duet Book 2

Page 23

by Jenna Galicki

  Papi let out a shocked gasp. “How dare you set foot on our property? We could have you arrested for trespassing. I should call the police right now.”

  Everyone reacted. Tessa’s mouth hung open and she sucked in a quivering breath, while fear prickled down her back. Her mom’s eyes widened with anger. Kendall was mortified and embarrassed, her face draining of color from guilt, and she closed her eyes for a brief second. When she opened them, she looked longingly at Papi, tears brimming on her lower lids. “Please don’t be angry with me. I love you, Angel. Why couldn’t you love me back? I could have been your wife. Tessa could have been our daughter. She still can. We can be together. The three of us.”

  “What the fuck am I listening to?” Mason stood in the open doorway, his face bright red and twisted into a mixture of anger, pain and disbelief. “Are you fucking crazy?

  Another set of tears rolled down Tessa’s cheeks as soon as she saw Mason. She knew he was crushed and her heart shattered into a million pieces, bearing his pain. She moved toward him, but the sound of Kendall’s voice made her freeze in place.

  “Mason. I’m so dreadfully sorry.” Kendall’s hands flew to her mouth and a tear slipped down her cheek. “I didn’t mean for you to hear any of that. Everything gets ugly whenever I’m around these people. This is just so awful.”

  Tessa’s cheeks burned. How dare Kendall make it sound as if her parents were at fault when Kendall was clearly behind so much trickery. Ironically, her British accent returned as soon as she saw Mason, leaving Tessa wondering if it was all a show. Kendall was manipulative and calculating, just like everyone had warned. Now Tessa understood the animosity she saw toward Kendall on the old video and the resentment and distrust that remained within the family. The warnings were warranted. She knew the truth needed to be flushed out, but she wished everything didn’t explode the way it had in front of Mason.

  “Stop playing the victim,” Papi said. “All we did was visit our daughter. You trespassed on our property and deceived the doorman just now by pretending to be Jessi.”

  “That’s preposterous! I did no such thing!”

  “She’s lying.” Tessa’s chest ached for Mason, and it reflected in her voice. She’d give anything to change the way this turned out, but, in a way, she was glad that Kendall was finally exposed and that Mason was here to witness it.

  “No! It’s not like that, honey. I wasn’t being malicious. Not to you. I’d never hurt you. I love you, Tessa.” Kendall stepped toward Tessa, arms open wide.

  Tessa leaned backwards, alarm making her heart race. All three of her parents took a step forward at the same time, but it was Mason who darted in front of Tessa to shield her from Kendall.

  “Don’t touch her.”

  Tessa stepped to the side to look into his eyes. His expression, usually so full of light and life, bore anguish and loss. His wounds were raw. Exposed. Bleeding. Never had he looked so distraught and utterly gutted. When he spoke, he sounded broken. “I want you to leave, Kendall. And never come back.”

  “Mason, let me explain,” Kendall pleaded. “Please don’t misconstrue what you’ve witnessed here.”

  “I heard everything. You tried to ruin Jessi’s business. Paid the paparazzi to print lies.” His eyes grew wide with disbelief. His lids fluttered and his brows skyrocketed. “I don’t even want to know about the DVD you tried to blackmail them with.”

  Tessa immediately glanced at her parents, who were red-faced and humiliated. The idea of a sex tape made Tessa ill. If something like that got leaked, she’d die of embarrassment.

  Kendall burst into tears and covered her face. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. It was so long ago. I’m so ashamed.”

  “Yeah. That stuff happened a long time ago.” Mason’s voice grew stronger. Angrier. “But what about the stuff happening now? You trespassed on their property. That’s insane. And illegal. You’re stalking my girlfriend. What the hell is with the black hair? And what about the way you just threw yourself at Angel? He’s married, and his husband and wife are standing right there. Don’t you have any self-respect?”

  “I do.” Kendall was adamant. “I have self-respect and self-worth. I didn’t back then, but I do now.”

  “No, you don’t. You’re just as manipulative now as you were in the past. You weren’t going to stay in New York until you met Tessa. Then everything changed. I see it all clearly now. You wanted to stay here and get to know her because you thought it would bring you closer to Angel.” Disgust washed over his face, clouding his handsome features. “You’re sick.”

  “No! Mason, I stayed because I wanted to get to know you. I admit I got a little carried away, but I do love you, and I do want to get to know you better.”

  “Well, I already know you. And I don’t like you. Leave before I call security.”

  Kendall burst into tears, but made no move to exit the apartment.

  “I think it’s best you go,” Papi said, firmly. “Let’s not make a bigger scene than we have already. My daughter lives in this building, and the door has been open the entire time.” He took the knob and opened the door further. “Goodbye, Kendall.”

  She stopped crying and slowly walked toward the door. “Angel.”

  She took a step toward him, but he backed up and scowled. “Don’t. Just don’t.”

  The tears flowed again, and Kendall ran out of the apartment.

  Mason watched Kendall run out of his life. Again. He couldn’t do more than stare at the closed door. He was paralyzed in place. His chest felt like a hollow empty shell. It echoed with loss for a second time from the same woman who gave him life. Why didn’t she act like a mother? Why couldn’t she love him the way a mother is supposed to love a son? Never had he felt so betrayed and manipulated. He always saw the good in people, but never had he been more wrong. He had given Kendall every chance, even when all the people in his life had warned him otherwise. He couldn’t believe he’d been duped into believing that she had stuck around this time because she cared. A lone tear streaked down his cheek. He felt the wetness, but his arms were too heavy to wipe it away.

  He heard soft sobbing, and, for a moment, he thought it was himself, but it was Tessa. He suddenly became aware that she had her arms wrapped around his waist and was crying into the center of his chest. His limbs finally regained movement, and his arms slowly rose to embrace her.

  She sniffled, wiped her eyes, and looked up at him with more torment than this wonderful girl should ever know. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t instigate any of that. She just showed up here and went berserk when she saw my parents. Are you OK, Mason?”

  He never blamed Tessa. She’s the one who warned him the most. She saw right through Kendall’s charade, and he had doubted the intentions of this big-hearted girl who protected those she loved with every ounce of strength in her petite little body. “I’m sorry, Tess. I should have listened to you. I was just so happy that she was here and back in my life. And that she seemed sincere. She played me for a fool.”

  “I don’t think so. I think she really cares about you. I think she loves you. I think she just has a lot of unresolved issues.” Tessa turned toward her parents, who stood in a row, shell-shocked and not moving. She glared at them with a mixture of accusation and bewilderment. “What the hell was all that stuff she was talking about?”

  One by one, their chins dropped into their chests without answering.

  Tessa’s nostrils flared, angered that her parents weren’t forthcoming with answers. “Can you please explain what just happened? Mason deserves some answers.”

  “There’s not much to say, baby,” Jessi finally said, apologetically. “Everything you heard was true. Kendall hated me. I honestly don’t know what I did to her, or why she went to such an extreme.” Jessi shrugged. “But she did. I feel awful. For the both of you. I never wanted either of you to hear any of that. No one did. It’s ugly and vile.”

  “I don’t care.” Mason blurted out, harshly, causing everyone to turn in his direct
ion. It was too much to comprehend. He couldn’t process everything they said. It was too overwhelming. Too horrible. Kendall had caused a tremendous amount of trouble for Tessa’s family. Part of him felt at fault and embarrassed, and he didn’t want to hear any more about the war between his birth mother and Tessa’s parents. “I heard enough. Just tell me one thing. Did you give her money to stay away? I won’t hold it against any of you. I would understand if you did. I really wish she never came back. I just want to know the truth.”

  Angel stepped forward so he was directly in front of Mason. “I didn’t give her money to stay away from you, Mason. I would never do that. I hope you believe me.” Angel placed his hand on Mason’s shoulder. “I gave her a few thousand dollars, out of the goodness of my heart, after we busted her bribery scam with the DVD. I told her to take it and start over. Do something with her life. This was long before you were born. She disappeared and we honestly didn’t hear from her or see her again until that day she showed up with you. And, well, I guess you know the rest.”

  Mason really didn’t care about the specifics. His world was crumbling, and he just wanted to forget the last few weeks. He was suddenly filled with intense loss. Not only from the way his birth mother trampled his heart. He missed Aunt Mary. The image of her angelic face, with the hint of mischief behind her wire-rimmed glasses, and the love she had for everyone, especially him, left his heart in shreds and his gut aching. Emotions inundated him. He felt hot tears sting his cheeks before he became aware that they had fallen, and everyone in the room engulfed him in a hug. Tessa clung to him. Jessi smoothed the back of his hair with her hand and told him it was going to be OK. Tommy rubbed his arm and said he was sorry that everything was such a mess. And Angel stroked his back and told him that they all loved him.

  It didn’t make the despair go away, or ease the heaviness that infiltrated his soul, but it helped. These people were his family, and they’d do anything for him. They shared his grief and tried to protect him. And he had the most amazing girl in the world to stand by his side. He patted the arms that held him. “Thanks. I think I’m OK now.”

  “No. You’re not.” Jessi cupped his chin in her hand, just as she’d done hundreds of times when he was a boy. “But you will be. Do you want me to call your mom? Or your dad?”

  He forced a tiny smile. “Nah. I’ll give them a call later and let them know what happened.” He took a deep breath, worried about additional drama that had yet to be disclosed. “Is there more? Did something like this happen between my parents and Kendall?”

  Jessi shook her head. “No. Your mom and Aunt Kira were very protective of Angel and acted like a buffer, but that was all. It was just us. Or, me. Really. I guess she was jealous because of Angel. I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m sorry,” Angel hugged him again. “I feel like this entire fiasco is all my fault. She hung around the bars to be close to me. I avoided her as much as I could. I swear. I never gave her any reason to think I was interested in her.”

  Mason felt as if he was the one who should be apologizing. That woman wreaked havoc on their lives. She messed with Jessi’s business and tried to ruin Tessa’s parents’ marriage. He was humiliated that this woman was his birth mother. “I don’t blame you for anything. It’s not your fault she’s the way she is. I’m sorry she did those things to you. It disgusts me. I was blinded by the idea of having a relationship with her. I wanted it so much that I believed her when she said she had changed, instead of listening to what everyone was trying to tell me.” He turned to face Tessa, who still had tears in her eyes, and cupped her cheek in his hand. “I’m sorry if she scared you or stalked you. Or made you feel uncomfortable. I should have seen it.” His heart hurt and he berated himself for not looking out for her. “I should have protected you.” His voice cracked as the emotion washed over him. “When you were a little girl, just a baby, I fell so hard for your sweet mannerisms and adorable ways. I swore I’d never let anyone hurt you. That I’d always be there to protect you. I didn’t live up to that promise. And I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

  “It’s not your fault.” Tessa’s words quaked as she spoke them and her lips trembled, then she hugged him tightly as a series of sobs landed on his chest.

  “It’s OK.” He stroked her long hair and planted a kiss on the top of her head. “Everything is going to be OK from now on.”

  “I love you, Mason,” she said through her tears.

  “I love you, too, babe.” He caught sight of the elegant table, set with expensive crystal and gold-rimmed china. She’d gone to so much trouble to make him a nice dinner and he wasn’t going to let her efforts go to waste. He wasn’t going to let Kendall ruin the beautiful meal Tessa had planned. “The table looks beautiful. Let’s just sit down and eat and forget about this mess.”

  She smiled up at him with a watery gaze. “You’re thinking about dinner after everything that just happened?”

  “I’m hungry.” He gave her his best smile, hoping to reassure her that he wasn’t upset and bring happiness back into her face.

  A laugh bubbled from her lips and she hugged him again.

  “We’re gonna go, Mase,” Angel said. “Call us if you need anything.”

  Tessa wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry, Papi.”

  “Sorry? For what, princess?”

  “I thought that you and . . . never mind. I just am.”

  “We’re all sorry, sweetheart.” Angel held Tessa with one arm and reached out and squeezed Mason’s shoulder with his other hand.

  They all hugged him, one at a time, remorse heavy around them. Then Tessa’s parents left him and Tessa to deal with the aftermath.

  While Tessa placed the steaks in the oven and finished up in the kitchen, Mason sat at the table. Their usual banter was missing, and it was quiet. “You sure you don’t need any help?” he asked, breaking the awkward silence.

  “No. Just a few more minutes.”

  Tessa made an extraordinary dinner, which she presented without the usual fanfare and rundown of special ingredients that always made them more delicious. He was trying to move past the situation with Kendall, but it was obvious that neither one of them could stop thinking about it. He couldn’t enjoy the perfectly seared steak, so tender it practically melted in his mouth, because his stomach was a ball of tight knots. Tessa’s bubbly personality and non-stop talking were obliterated by the horrendous scene that took place in the apartment. A somber aura covered her face, and she barely said anything. He made an effort to engage in conversation and lifted his eyes from his plate. “This filet mignon is delicious. You always cook it perfectly.”

  She forced a smile, but it didn’t reach her cheeks. “Thank you.”

  He kept replaying the scene with Kendall in his head. Each time remembering little details, like the way she kept smoothing her hair back when it was perfectly in place.

  “Do you want some wine?”


  “Wine. I picked up a bottle earlier but forgot to put it on the table.”

  “I’m fine with iced tea.” He couldn’t stop thinking about the horrific things Kendall had done to Tessa’s parents, specifically Jessi. Tessa tried to warn him, and he hadn’t believed her. This sweetheart sitting across from him was filled with nothing but kindness, intuition, and generosity, and he had thought she was blowing things out of proportion. Reading into things that weren’t there. How could he have doubted her? He’d never make that mistake again.

  He rubbed his forehead, tired of reliving the drama that happened since Kendall had arrived. He sighed and resigned to leave everything in the past. He vowed never to think of Kendall again. He was moving forward with his life.

  He ate the last bacon wrapped plantain and smiled at the girl he loved. She had been part of his world since the day she was born, and he didn’t know what the hell he’d do without her. Taking her hand, he gazed at her with all the love in his heart. “Marry me. You’re the most special person I’ve ever known. I can’t
imagine what my life would be like without you.”

  The small smile she wore fell off her face in an instant, and she stared at him with wide eyes. “What did you just say?”

  Before he had a chance to answer, she pulled her hand away, jumped up from her chair and into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sniffled in his ear. He didn’t know what to make of her reaction, so he waited. When she pulled back to look at him, tears streamed down her cheeks and her mouth bowed downward.

  His heart sank to the floor. “What’s wrong?”

  She covered her face with her hands as soft sobs shook her shoulders.

  He pulled her hands away, revealing her tear-stained face and pained expression. He expected a wide smile and for her to roll with laughter and jump up and down, not the torment that masked her face. His heart broke as he watched her stare at him and cry. “Does that mean your answer is no?”

  She covered her mouth and shook her head, while her watery eyes stared at him.

  “Does that mean, no, that’s not your answer, or no, you won’t marry me?”

  Her lower lip trembled, and she swallowed a big gulp of air before she could speak. “I thought you were going to break up with me. I thought you blamed me and my family for everything that happened with Kendall. I thought you didn’t love me anymore.”

  Relieved, a smile spread across his cheeks and his rapid heartbeat began to settle. “Are you crazy? I don’t blame you for any of it. I love you more than ever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you.”

  “You do?” A small, teary-eyed laugh left her lips.

  “Yes.” He slipped his arm under her knees, scooped her up and placed her gently on the seat of the chair. He knelt on the floor next to her, took both her hands in his and kissed her finger tips. “Tessa Blade Garcia, I’ve loved you since the day you were born. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?”

  The tears returned and her hands trembled. Her beautiful olive complexion turned a bright pink as she squeezed her eyes shut and nodded. “Yes!” she blurted out between tears, then wrapped her arms around his neck in a suffocating hug.


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