Guinea Pigs

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Guinea Pigs Page 10

by Peter Marriner

  “Mouth, Jackie, mouth!” Lim urged. The other woman was well trained too. Her wildly dishevelled head dipped at once, tumbling soft curls across Vanessa’s arching belly.

  “Aaaiiieee,” Vanessa shrieked, as the soft feminine tongue went straight to her hot slot. “Aaaiiieee... Uhhh... uhhh... uhhh.” She made uncouth noises of encouragement as the other lapped and tongued and nibbled. Her legs wavered wildly in the air. She wanted to slam them shut around the other’s deliciously tormenting head, but she was too terrified of interrupting its work to dare to do so. Her body writhed this way and that, her limbs quivering. Between her thighs the mass of disordered curls that slid and tumbled silkily, was all she could see of the other woman. Lim bent assiduously over them both, his voice coming to them, exhorting and directing.

  “Get her hot, Jackie! Suck! Suck! Get your tongue in!” Vanessa felt hate briefly surface at his interference. The other woman sobbed aloud, whether in effort or frustration it was impossible to know.

  “Tell me, Vanessa! Tell me, is she good?” Lim invited, leering down at the recipient.

  “Aaahhh... Yes... She... She... is good!” Vanessa panted assent. She guessed that they both had to earn their master’s approval.

  “Jackie sucks well indeed! How would you like her to fuck you, though?” With a gasp, Vanessa remembered the big dildo, still dangling unfettered somewhere beyond the other’s bobbing blonde head, and suddenly she desired its penetration of her with passionate intensity. Lim laughed at the expressiveness of her enthusiastic whimper. He prodded his other victim with the cane, who was still lapping dutifully head down.

  “Up, Jackie! Show your fine new cock!” Vanessa let out a cry she did not attempt to suppress as she was deprived of the other’s tongue, but then wriggled and gaped, big-eyed, as Jackie, obeying Lim’s order, repeated her previous pose. Arching between Vanessa’s thighs she displayed the great black dildo strapped between her own, in all its hideous prodding sexuality.

  “Lovely cock? You want? Say!” Lim held Jacqueline firmly in check with a hand beneath her belly, fingers spread. He felt her tremble. She was as crazy keen to perform as Vanessa was to receive it. He knew the effectiveness of his training and of Madame’s chemistry. These were not subservient peasant girls sold to a brothel by their starving parents nor yet a pair of natural lesbians, but the ‘Hot’ drug would break down any scruples.

  “Lovely,” Vanessa panted. “Lovely... cock... I... want it... yes... please!” The fire stoked within her by Jacqueline’s tongue made her frantically eager to propitiate her controller. Lim knew he would have no trouble managing this pairing.

  “Give it to her, Jackie!”

  He smacked the trembling, upraised bottom and, with a united cry, the two women closed together. Jacqueline swiftly positioned herself and, without any preliminaries, thrust violently down. Vanessa shrieked, her body wriggling on the bed like a caterpillar pinned by a spike. Jacqueline faltered, but only momentarily; then she drove frantically into Vanessa in the very epitome of brutal rape, as if having been given a man’s equipment had forced her to adopt the style of masculine brutality. In reality, she was driven to such haste in performing her part so that she might be more quickly rewarded in her turn. Determinedly she thrust her hands under Vanessa’s writhing bum, forcing the other girl to hold steady and using the grip to keep thrusting vigorously in and out. Vanessa’s initial shriek wavered and broke up in short gasping cries of appreciation. Her long legs lifted, wavered and then came together, crossed upon Jacqueline’s driving rump.

  Lim stood back, caressing his own crotch with the handle of his cane. Even now, he was not so old and habituated as to be unmoved by the sight; these two handsome, naked, ecstatic young women interconnected by the sliding black piston of the dildo as it alternately appeared and disappeared. They clung to one another, gasping, bellies grinding together, Jacqueline’s half moon bottom cheeks rising and falling with every thrust, Vanessa arching to meet her, to be flattened back down by the same thrusts.

  For long minutes the two women threshed and twined, inexpert as yet and clumsy, too frenzied to think what they were doing. Soft masses of flesh met and bounced, white limbs tangled and intertwined. Their lack of experience made them slow to discover the trick of managing the thing that united them. Moaning with relief, they disentangled themselves enough at last for Jacqueline to lift her hips and begin a clumsy imitation of the male action, humping into her eager partner again, this time with steadier effect. Vanessa still clung to this collaboration as if her life depended upon it, her own haunches coming up eagerly to meet the other’s thrust, both women working in co-operation at last.

  Performing the harder part, Jacqueline began to pant hard. The muscular rhythm, the steady slap and brush of flesh upon flesh raised even in her a vain hope that she might achieve climax this way. But beneath her, Vanessa was already in full flood. Her legs threshed wildly, heels drumming on Jacqueline’s rump; her fingers gripping Jacqueline to her with a grip like iron claws. Suddenly she let go a series of jerky, rising screeches, which ended with a wail of shuddering ecstasy.

  “Jackie! Up!” Lim’s cane cut hard across the pumping bottom cheeks. “Change!”

  Vanessa yelped and let go. Jacqueline echoed her partner. Well disciplined, she withdrew at once, the dildo emerging with an audible plop. Leaving Vanessa where she lay, still panting and sobbing, she scurried obediently on hands and knees to the feet of their master. At his gesture of command, she thrust herself up into exactly the pose Vanessa had adopted before and for the same purpose, to have her belted loins set free, the way to assuagement laid open.

  “Vanessa! Vanessa, Up!” Like a ringmaster, his voice the cracking whip, the girl-trainer rearranged his charges. Rolling on her back to take Vanessa’s vacated place, Jacqueline eagerly spread her thighs wide on the mattress, making way for the other girl to dip her head between them. Brought back temporarily to clear-headedness by her recent orgasm, consciousness of her position was making Vanessa’s task doubly hard. Seeing the way her white shoulders still heaved with sobs, Lim added an admonitory crack of the cane.

  “Start using your tongue!” Lim thrust her head a little deeper. She must learn that it was her duty to bring off her new partner in return for the like service done for her. The admonition was effective, he saw, when Jacqueline threw back her head, white throat pulsing, fingers twining ecstatically in Vanessa’s hair. Watching the full curves of Vanessa’s rear bobbing up and down with her dutiful efforts, their aged supervisor felt his own valetudinarian sex stir like a young man’s. He promised himself that before the end of this session he would personally give both of them the kind of reward they needed.

  “Get her going!” He smacked Vanessa lightly. Lim could only judge by the sounds how good a job she was doing, but it sounded satisfactory. There were muted lapping and sucking sounds. Jacqueline began to squeak breathlessly. Vanessa’s head bobbed steadily. Her haunches began to squirm gently back and forth on the bed under Vanessa’s assiduous attention. Her knees lifted either side of the other’s head, legs wavering and kicking in the air. The sounds became definitely unladylike, snorting and slurping. Jacqueline’s fingers clung convulsively to Vanessa’s tumbled curls. There was no longer in any doubt that she was getting good service. Quite quickly Jacqueline began to wail and shudder. Vanessa’s head bobbed faster as her ears caught the sound and interpreted its significance. Her partner’s voice lifted right off the scale and her body arched, her legs suddenly enfolding Vanessa, as if to cram head and shoulders between her thighs.

  Both girls had acknowledged Lim as their master. They were accustomed to obey his direction in whatever mode their relief was to take. Uncertain as they might be with one another, sexual need ultimately enforced their submission and compelled them to co-operate. They had brought one another to orgasm and temporary recognition of their bondage, but five minutes later they were back at it again.
r />   This time Lim had put them in the soixante-neuf position, Jacqueline on her back on the floor, Vanessa kneeling over her. Four sets of lips met in unnatural combination, two tongues delved into the opposing tunnel of tenderness and at once limbs began to quiver, fingers to clutch, voices to shrill. Rapidly they mounted together towards the goal they both desperately desired. Forced to combine as the only way to achieve that aim, they twisted and writhed like coupling snakes, hair spilling between thighs, breasts slithering against bellies.

  Lim moved round them. Vanessa was uppermost and Lim gave her bobbing bottom a casual cut. Vanessa squealed, her squirming hips almost grinding Jacqueline’s head into the yielding bed-mat. Lim smiled and moved round again to where her partner had lifted both legs in the air, crossed at the ankles enclosing Vanessa’s head like a precious possession. He used the cane again, this time across the back of Jacqueline’s uplifted thighs, so that she, squealing in her turn, almost smothered Vanessa between them.

  The pain of their caning almost countered the stimulating effect of this humiliating treatment. The two women groaned in between desperate efforts to bring one another to orgasm. Lim applied the cane with experience and skill to keep them in agonising balance. Red lines multiplied across round bottoms and quivering thighs. But as long minutes passed, the cane had to be laid on more and more rapidly. At last Lim’s agility became inadequate to keep up with the drug-fuelled lust. Both gasped and squealed without inhibition as the surging lust took them to near simultaneous orgasm.

  Exhausted at last, the two naked beauties knelt meekly side by side for several minutes, glistening with sweat and panting in unison, both bottoms red and throbbing. Then, chuckling in anticipation, the old man began to undo his flies.

  By now, Madame and the General were ready to market the product. Despite the difficulties of travel amid warfare, terrorism and panic, a small number of probable buyers had been brought together in the old monastery, lured by accounts of the new drug. These were men whose profit had previously been in transporting heroin to the affluent countries of the world. Their business had been badly hit by the disruption of the old world order. With that market gone, these men would need another product more suitable for the new conditions. The ‘Hot’ pill offered them such an opportunity. It was assured of an eager demand as a powerful aphrodisiac in a world possessed by fears of sterility and radiation damage. Equally, because it was irresistible, it was sure to be forbidden by any locally surviving authority concerned for traditional values, family stability, female chastity, or the security of the harem. Madame and the General were the sole producers of the drug as they confidently pointed out. Its production required a skilled chemist with an up-to-date laboratory, a reliable power supply and access to large quantities of freshly harvested opium.

  Madame was the chemist, of course. The lab in the rock had been built with imported equipment not likely to be any longer available. The power supply was provided by a generator working off an underground fall of water in the heart of the rock. Its parts had been flown in by helicopter by the CIA years before as part of their backup to the General’s operation. The large quantities of opium needed lay virtually by the laboratory door in the valley below the rock. Poppy seed is long lasting and, with the recovery of fertility, the evil pair hoped that in the new harvest season, the land around the rock headquarters would once more be a profitable sea of white pink and purple poppies.

  To present the end product of these endeavours to its intended buyers, one of the larger halls in the cave-complex had been turned into an exhibition centre. It was long and high, its rock walls relieved by shallow arcades, the columns of which were elaborately carved, but the recesses between empty of their original content, the statues of gods and devils. The smoothly vaulted roof above showed signs of having once been elaborately painted, but was now discoloured by time and the effects of ancient fires. At one end of the hall was a curved apse, now lit like a stage-set with spotlights set behind the capitals of the adjacent pillars.

  Before it, on the edge of the circle of light, a half-circle of cane armchairs had been set on the marble floor. Here the hopeful dealers sat in the semi-darkness, mostly moon-faced Orientals, with here and there the sharper features of an Arab or Indian face. They sat tensely in their comfortable chairs, iced drinks slowly melting beside them, a forgotten cigar or two, sparks of smouldering red. Their attention was all upon the lighted focus of the apse.

  All that remained of a tall stone stupa was its square marble base, the surface carpeted to form a low dais upon which two naked, white-limbed European beauties were in the final moments of their performance. Tongues, mouths and hands mutually engaged, twining limbs and long swirling hair intermingled, they were bringing to its inevitable climax as uninhibited a display of lesbian lust as the experienced audience had ever seen exhibited.

  Behind the row of armchairs, a further group of figures were just visible in the darkness, General Bha Duong’s retainers watching, with casual unconcern, a show to which they were well habituated. Beyond the circle of light that contained the two performers, the flanking pillars concealed a rock cut doorway from where Lim the girl-trainer and several female assistants looked on also, with the vicarious pride of trainers of performing animals. To one side of the audience the two principals themselves sat, both alert, he to the reactions of the potential buyers, she to the performance of the pair upon the dais.

  Swiftly the two performers came bursting to an almost simultaneous climax, announcing their orgasm to their audience with siren wails that rose and blended as one and then gradually declined, quavering into breathless silence as the emitters slowly subsided into a quivering heap. One on top of the other, they remained intimately entwined.

  Madame rose and advanced into the circle of light. Gone was the prim white lab-coat of the technician. She was clad in a figure-hugging silver lace gown, slit to mid-thigh displaying shapely legs finishing in high-heeled sandals. Her sleek black hair was piled into an elaborate knot held by silver flowers. In her scarlet talons she held a slender rod, like an ivory wand. She approached the dais, her trim and delicate elegance contrasting erotically with the flushed complexions, ampler nudity and dishevelled condition of the two Western females. Her wand was less delicate than it looked. With it she dealt a smart crack to each bare bottom in turn, the blonde’s on top, then the brunette below. Reacting obediently, each in turn disengaged and rolled clear of the dais. Panting visibly, they shuffled forward together, crawling on hands and knees and arranged themselves side by side before the audience. Together then, both rose in an arch upon spread fingers and thrusting toes, their bodies elevated with rumps aloft and thighs splayed wide.

  Madame signalled to the wings, from where the attendants came forward with the heavy chastity belts in their hands. The purpose of the performers’ strange poses then became apparent as the pair were quickly fitted within the belts’ restraint. As the padlocks snapped shut, the two women subsided once again onto elbows and knees, facing the audience, where they remained motionless, heads bowed, bodies gleaming with sweat under the hot lights, wild masses of hair entangled and plastered over face neck and shoulders. Murmuring among themselves, the dealers recalled their neglected drinks and resumed their cigars as the General’s servants glided forward to serve them. The men’s faces revealed nothing of their reaction to the spectacle they had just enjoyed. General Duong himself came to stand alongside his wife and caught the guests’ attention with a gesture.

  “Both of these performers you see here were acquired quite at random. Both were formerly modest young women, one respectably married, the other a hopeful single. Their present state has been induced in them quite against their wills by dosing them with the ‘Hot’ drug. These are our first successful human guinea pigs. You understand that Madame was obliged to use human subjects for her research almost from the beginning, since by its very nature, the action of the ‘Hot’ drug cannot be observed sc
ientifically in animals, which can show neither inhibitions nor orgasms.” He smiled amiably at his hard-featured audience.

  “It may be that you suspect you are seeing two professional actresses, putting on a very effective act. We hope to convince you otherwise, but you must use your own judgements. To assist you, the guinea pigs will pass amongst you for a few minutes before the next session and those of you who speak English will be able to question them in their own language. You will find that during this brief post-orgasmic period they are quite sensible of their situation,”

  At a nod from Madame, the attendants used their canes to drive the two naked European women forward, still upon hands and knees in among the audience.

  The guests were stirred into animation at last and one of them immediately took advantage of the invitation. “What is your name?”

  “J-Jacqueline R-Raven, Master.” The woman was obliged to look up at the seated questioner. Her blue eyes sparkled briefly into something of animation, cheeks reddening.

  “Where do you come from, Jacqueline?”

  “Ch-Cheltenham... In England... Master.” The answer came hesitantly, her voice low, strained and husky.

  “How did you come here?”

  “I was... kidnapped...” she said tearfully with a bitter wail and then evidently remembering, she added. “Master” hopelessly.

  “Why do you... perform this way?”

  “Please... I... I can’t... I can’t help it, Master!” she mumbled dismally, her face burning.

  “And do you enjoy the performance?”

  “Yes-No! I... mean... I mean,” she squirmed in evident confusion.

  “Would you like to stop doing these things?”

  “Yes... Master!” The man repressed a smile at the way hope visibly rose then died again, in the short space of two words.

  “Then why not stop?”


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