The Soft Centre

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The Soft Centre Page 12

by James Hadley Chase

  Hare was nibbling at a bar of chocolate. Sam Karsh stood by the window, smoking. Both men were slightly tense.

  ‘She’s here,’ Lucille said.

  The two men looked at each other, then Karsh said, ‘Are you really going to take her money? Once you take it, we’re way out on a limb.’

  Hare put the chocolate bar reluctantly into his desk drawer.?‘Shoo her in,’ he said to Lucille, then to Karsh, ‘Run away, Sammy. I’m handling this.’ Karsh hesitated, then shrugging; he went out of the office by the door that led into the corridor.

  Lucille said, ‘I hope you know what you’re doing. I still don’t like, it.’

  Her father grinned as he wiped his sticky fingers on his handkerchief.

  ‘But you will. Shoo her in.’

  Jacobs, watching, had just time to step back out of sight around the bend of the corridor as Karsh appeared. He waited. Karsh stood in the corridor, then moving silently, he entered the outer office as Val walked into Hare’s office.

  Fifteen minutes later, Val came out of the office and crossed to the elevator. Jacobs saw she no longer was carrying the brown paper parcel. He remained where he was until the elevator sank out of sight. Then moving fast, he ran down the stairs, and was in time to see Val leaving the building, walking quickly and heading down-town. He hesitated for a brief moment, then seeing a Drug Store close by, he entered and shut himself in a telephone booth. A minute later, he was talking to Terrell.

  ‘Mrs. Burnett took the money to Homer Hare’s Agency,’ he reported. ‘She’s just left. She was carrying the money done up in a sealed brown paper parcel. She left without it.’

  This news startled Terrell.?‘Homer Hare?’ he exclaimed. ‘You’re sure she left the money with him?’?‘I’m sure,’ Jacobs said.?‘Okay. Now look, Max, this is important. Get back to the entrance of the office block and stay there. If you see either Hare, Karsh or his wife leave with the money, pick them up. Tell them I want to talk to them. Get tough. Don’t let them get rid of the money. Understand?’

  ‘I’ll handle it, Chief,’ Jacobs said and hung up.

  Sam Karsh and Lucille came into Hare’s office as he tore open the brown paper parcel. Hare was smiling. The sight of the hundred dollar bills as they spilt over the desk made Karsh whistle.

  ‘Wow! That looks good,’ he said and came dose to the desk. ‘That looks like real money!’ Hare dug his fingers into the mass of bills, lifted them and let them flutter back on to the desk.

  ‘Sammy… we’re rich! In two weeks time, the little lady is going to hand over the rest… we’ll be worth half a million!’

  Lucille said, ‘Stop acting like a miser! What are we going to do with this right now?’

  Hare looked sharply at her.?‘What’s the matter? You getting an attack of nerves or something?’?‘You’re goddamn right I’m getting an attack of nerves! Suppose the cops walked in now, how would you explain away this amount of money?’

  Hare looked towards Karsh. He smiled his evil smile.?‘You married a bright girl, Sammy.’ He opened a drawer in his desk and took out a battered brief-case. Quickly he scooped the money into the case, clipped the case shut and then pushed it across the desk towards Karsh. ‘Get moving, Sammy. Rent a safe at the Miami Safe Deposit. Use any name that comes to your fertile mind so long as it isn’t one of ours and get moving. The quicker this is salted away, the safer it will be for us.’

  Karsh shied away from the case.?‘Not me! Lucille can take it. Suppose some cop stops me on the street? I’m not all that crazy!’

  ‘Take it!’ There was a rasp in Hare’s voice. ‘If you want your cut, you work for it!’

  Karsh eyed the brief-case, then he looked at his wife who stared blankly at him. He got no encouragement from her, and finally, he picked up the case.

  ‘If I walk into trouble,’ he said to Hare, ‘I’ll sing like a lark.’?‘Go ahead and sing,’ Hare said. ‘It’ll be the last Prima Donna act you’ll ever put on!’ Karsh suddenly grinned.?‘Forget it! For a third of half a million, I’d cut my wife’s throat.’?‘And I believe you,’ Lucille said in a flat, hard voice.

  Karsh smiled at her.?‘Relax, baby. I was just talking, besides, it’d need a hacksaw to saw through your throat.’ Tilting his hat over his right eye, he left the office, swinging the brief-case in his hand. Jacobs, waiting in the lobby, saw Karsh come out of the elevator. He saw the briefcase in his hand. As Karsh walked briefly out on to the street, Jacobs followed him. Karsh got into the office car and searched his pockets for the ignition key. When he found it, and as be was about to sink the key into the ignition lock, Jacobs opened the offside door and slid into the car beside Karsh.

  ‘Hello, peeper,’ he said and smiled at Karsh who lost colour as he recognised Jacobs. ‘Headquarters: the Chief wants to talk to you.’

  Karsh’s eyes went furtively to the brief-case that lay on the seat between the two men. ‘I’m busy right now,’ he said. ‘I’ll see him later. What’s he want anyway?’?‘He didn’t tell me,’ Jacobs said, lighting a cigarette. ‘Headquarters, Karsh, and snap it up!’

  ‘I tell you, I’m busy right now,’ Karsh said desperately. ‘I’m on a job! Get out of my car! I’ll see your Chief in half-an-hour. Go on, copper, beat it!’

  ‘You may not know it,’ Jacobs said, his face suddenly like granite, ‘but there are some thirty officers, including me, who long to punch you in your left eye. We all think you are the nastiest maggot that crawled out of stinking meat! It would give us all great pleasure to push your horrible eye ball into your horrible brain. I said… headquarters!’

  ‘You threatening me?’ Karsh said, losing colour.?‘That’s it, Karsh. I’ll give you five seconds to get this car moving. At the end of five seconds, you’ll get the sweetest slam in the eye any maggot’s ever had.’

  ‘I’ll fix you,’ Karsh said breathlessly. He started the car engine. ‘Don’t make any mistake about it! I’ll have your badge taken away!’

  ‘If you listen hard enough, maggot, you’ll hear my knees knocking,’ Jacobs said and grinned.

  Ten minutes later, Karsh, carrying the brief-case, walked into Terrell’s office with Jacobs at his heels.

  Terrell looked up from the mass of papers spread out over his desk. Jacobs pointed to the brief-case that Karsh was carrying and nodded his head. This signal went unseen by Karsh as Jacobs was behind him.

  ‘Now listen, Chief,’ Karsh said furiously, ‘this punk has no right to take me off a job. He threatened me! I’m going to report him…’

  Jacobs laced his fingers together, lifted his arms and slammed his hands down on the back of Karsh’s neck.

  Karsh went down on hands and knees, dropping the briefcase. He thought the ceiling had fallen on him. He remained like that until Jacobs planted a solid kick on the seat of his shiny trousers.

  Karsh staggered to his feet and fell, groaning, into the nearest chair.?‘You can’t bit a man like that,’ Terrell said severely, although his eyes were twinkling. ‘There was a wasp on his neck, Chief,’ Jacobs said, looking sad. ‘I didn’t want the poor guy to get stung.’

  ‘Is that right?’ Terrell said. ‘For a moment, I thought you were playing rough with him.’ ‘Not me, Chief, you know me,’ Jacobs said, smiling broadly.

  Karsh snarled at him.

  ‘I’ll fix you!’ he quavered. ‘You just wait and see.’?‘There’s that wasp again,’ Terrell said. ‘Better kill it, Max. Look, its right on top of the poor guy’s head.’

  As Jacobs, grinning, moved towards Karsh, Karsh scrambled out of the chair and ran across the room, setting his back against the wall.

  ‘Don’t touch me!’ he yelled frantically. ‘Leave me alone!’

  Terrell looked at Jacobs, then at the brief-case. Jacobs picked up the case, opened it and poured its contents on to the desk.

  At this moment the door opened and Beigler came in. At the sight of the money covering the desk, he paused.

  ‘You been robbing a bank, Chief?’ he said. ‘That looks a lot of doug
h to me.’?‘It does, doesn’t it?’ Terrell said. ‘Let’s see just how much there is here.’?‘Don’t touch it!’ Karsh exclaimed. ‘That belongs to Hare! He told me to put it in a safe deposit.’

  Then seeing the three men were staring at him, he went on hurriedly, ‘It’s nothing to do with me!

  It’s Hare’s money! I was just…’?‘Shut up!’ Beigler snapped. ‘You want me to give you a poke in the eye?’

  Karsh gulped. He was scared of Beigler. He stood, white and sweating, while Jacobs counted the money.

  ‘Twenty thousand,’ he said finally.

  Terrell leaned back in his chair and regarded Karsh with cold, forbidding eyes.?‘Who gave you this money?’?‘I told you… Hare. He told me to put it in a safe deposit bank. I don’t know nothing about it!

  ‘Yeah? You know Hare hasn’t this kind of money. Where did he get it?’?‘He didn’t tell me. Ask him! Don’t ask me!’?‘I think the wasp’s worrying this punk again,’ Jacobs said. ‘Okay for me to swot it?’

  ‘Take him away,’ Terrell said. ‘I don’t like seeing insects killed. You might tell the boys that Sammy Karsh is here. They’ll want to get rid of the wasp with you… you mustn’t be selfish, Max.’

  Grinning Jacobs caught hold of Karsh and locking his arms behind him, he shoved him out of the office. Karsh yelled and struggled, but Jacobs handled him effortlessly. Finally Karsh’s yells died away and Terrell looked at Beigler.

  ‘Now what are you going to do?’ Beigler said. ‘That punk mightn’t sing.’?‘I’m going to talk to Homer Hare,’ Terrell said grimly and reached for the telephone.


  As Val walked down Main Street, her mind busy, she became aware of hurrying footfalls behind her… the tap, tap, tap of high heels, and she glanced around. A girl was coming up behind her, and as Val looked around, the girl smiled hopefully.

  ‘Oh, Mrs. Burnett…’

  Val stopped and turned.

  The girl was shabbily dressed. She wore a grubby white sweater, a skirt that had an oil stain on the front of it, and her shoes were run down. She was around twenty-three, a badly dyed blonde, unattractive and her complexion was bad.

  ‘Oh, Mrs. Burnett, you don’t know me, but of course, I know, you,’ the girl said. ‘I am Mary Sherrek. I know you have never heard of me, but I’m a representative of the Miami Sun. It’s not much of a paper, but I did so hope…’ She paused and looked hopeless at Val in her neat dress, looking with envy at her perfect grooming. ‘I don’t suppose you want to talk to me but I just had to… well, I just had to speak to you.’

  ‘That’s all right,’ Val said. ‘What is it?’?‘You really mean you don’t mind me speaking to you? That’s wonderful. You wouldn’t give me an interview, would you? I—I — well, I…’ She stopped and looked uneasily at Val who waited. The girl finally went on, ‘About your husband … he disappeared, didn’t he? It would be wonderful for me if you could tell me something about him. You see, I’m not very good at this job and I think they are going to get rid of me. But if I could go back there and give them an exclusive interview with you… well, it would… you understand?’

  While the girl was stammering this out, Val scarcely listened. Her sharp mind was busy. She suddenly saw how it could be possible for her to begin to find out the mystery behind Sue Parnell’s death. The idea that had flashed into her mind sent her blood racing excitedly through her body.

  ‘Let’s go over there and have a coffee,’ she said. She led the way across the street and into a cafeteria that was almost empty. She ordered two coffees while Mary Sherrek sat clutching her shabby bag, staring at Val with wide, expectant eyes.

  ‘You really mean you will give me an interview, Mrs. Burnett?’ she said. ‘It would save my life. Honest. They are ready to throw me out. If I…’

  ‘How long have you been working for this newspaper?’ Val asked.

  Mary Sherrek looked startled.?‘About six months. I got a diploma through a Correspondence College. But I don’t think I’m really much good. I just haven’t…’

  ‘But have you a press card?’?‘Oh yes. I couldn’t go around without a press card, but it doesn’t mean much. It just gets you into places.’

  ‘Could I see it, please?’?‘Of course.’

  The girl took the Press card from her bag and offered it to Val who studied it for a brief moment. It merely stated that Mary Sherrek represented the Miami Sun, and she should be granted facilities to assist her in her work. There was a depressing photograph of the girl stuck on the card which was signed by Chief of Police Terrell.

  Val put the card on the table.?‘Do you want to go home, Mary?’

  The girl’s eyes opened wide.?‘I can’t go home. My folk live in New York. I just haven’t the money to get there. No, I can’t go home,’

  ‘If you had the money, would you go?’?‘Oh yes. I hate it here. Yes, I’d go, but Mrs. Burnett, I should be asking you the questions. You don’t want to be bothered with my troubles.’

  ‘I want your press card,’ Val said quietly. ‘I will give you two hundred dollars for it. With that money, you can get home. Will you sell me your press card?’

  The girl stared at her as if she thought she had gone out of her mind. ‘You can’t want my press card! But why? I don’t understand.’

  Val opened her bag and took from it two one hundred dollar bills.?‘Never mind why I want it… I want it. Here’s the money. Can I take the card?’ Mary Sherrek stared at the two bills. She drew in a deep breath.?‘You really mean it?’?‘Here is the money,’ Val said, trying to control her impatience. She pushed the money across the table and picked up the card. This she put in her bag. ‘Now go home. I get these odd whims. I like to help people. Good luck…’

  She got to her feet as the girl continued to stare at the two bills on the table. Then she walked quickly from the cafeteria.

  A passing taxi stopped at her signal. As she got into the cab, she looked back. The girl was coming out of the cafeteria, looking bewildered, but happy.

  Val gave the driver the address of her hotel. As the cab moved off, she took the Press card from her bag and studied it. Back at the hotel, she had a spare passport photograph of herself. This she could easily stick on the card. Armed with this authority, she now had a remote chance of finding out more about Sue Parnell’s murder.

  Homer Hare strode into Terrell’s office like a fat Avenging Angel. He met Terrell and Beigler’s bleak stares with a stare even more bleak.

  ‘Where’s my son-in-law?’ he demanded, coming to rest before Terrell’s desk. ‘If you’ve so much as laid a finger on him, I’m going to my attorney. Where is he?’

  Terrell slapped the brief-case lying on his desk.?‘Who gave you this money?’ he demanded in his cop voice.?‘I’ll answer questions when you answer mine!’ Hare rumbled. ‘Don’t you think you can scare me! I know my rights! Where’s Karsh?’

  ‘He’ll be along,’ Terrell said. ‘Where did you get this money from?’?‘That’s my business.’ Hare lowered his bulk into a chair. ‘I want him right here and now! Unless you produce him, I’m not talking.’

  Terrell nodded to Beigler who left the office. Terrell and Hare regarded each other.?‘I didn’t think you were this much of a fool,’ Terrell said. ‘You’ve been in your racket now for over thirty years. You’ve done pretty well. You haven’t been entirely honest, but you’ve kept within the line. Blackmail isn’t a pretty thing, Hare. I’d have thought you’d have been smart enough to resist that temptation.’

  Hare glared at him.?‘I haven’t an idea what you’re talking about.’ he said. ‘You be careful! Blackmail! You’re lucky there are no witnesses!’

  The door opened and Beigler came in, shoving Karsh before him. Karsh had a black eye and was sweating and shaking.

  Terrell stared at him in apparent astonishment. ‘What happened to him then? How did he get that shiner?’

  Beigler shook his head sadly.?‘I guess he’s born clumsy. He fell over his feet and took a toss down the stairs. But
he’s all right now, aren’t you, Shamus?’

  Karsh shied away from him. He held his hand to his eye and groaned.?‘Sit him down,’ Terrell said. He looks in need of a rest.’

  Beigler slammed a chair behind Karsh’s knees and he sat down violently.?‘Are you all right, Sammy?’ Hare asked, staring at him.?‘Do I look all right?’ Karsh snarled, mopping his eye with his handkerchief.?‘Hare!’ Terrell barked, ‘Where did you get this money from?’

  Hare leaned against the chair back making it creak. ‘It’s a retainer. An important client. No business of yours.’

  ‘I happen to know who your client is,’ Terrell said. ‘This a retainer? Twenty thousand dollars? Come on, spill it, what’s it all about?’

  Hare smiled calmly.?‘You must ask my client,’ he said. ‘I was paid this amount for services to be rendered. It’s not police business strictly private business. If you do know who my client is, then ask my client.’

  He got to his feet and picked up the brief-case.?‘One little thing, Chief, if you know who my client is, you’ll also know you’ll have to watch your step very carefully. My client draws lots of water in this town. You could be on the retired list if you play the wrong card. Come on, Sammy. They can’t hold us. Let’s go.’

  ‘Just a moment,’ Terrell said, his hands in fists on the desk. ‘You’re having a run, Hare, but it won’t last. From now on, I’m out to get you.’

  Hare winked.?‘You try. You won’t get me. I’m strictly honest.’?‘And another thing,’ Terrell said. ‘I have the numbers of those bills. You spend one of them and you’ll be in trouble.’

  ‘Think so? You talk to my client,’ Hare said and stumped out of the office, followed by Karsh.

  Terrell and Beigler exchanged glances.?‘Well, I didn’t play that one too smart,’ Terrell said, frowning. ‘I thought he just might crack.’

  ‘Hare? Crack?’ Beigler snorted. ‘So what do we do now?’

  Terrell reached for the telephone.?‘Get me the Spainish Bay hotel. I want to talk to Mrs. Val Burnett,’ he said to the police operator.


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