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Creatures of Snow

Page 7

by Dr. Doctor Doctur

  “No, Sir.” Sara shook her head vigorously.

  Sky followed suit and shook his head, but kept his mouth firmly closed.

  “Good.” He nodded firmly, placed his hands behind his back and strode past them without a glance, “Follow me.”

  Blanks led them through a maze of hallways until they finally arrived at a location they recognized.

  “Stand there.” Blanks pointed over to the large center kiosk. “Your mentor’s will meet you here shortly. They will guide you through the rest of your day.” He looked them up and down as if he was seeing them for the first time. “I know we haven’t explained much to you yet and I’m sure you have a lot of questions.” His hard edges softened just a pinch, “Please understand that this program is in its infancy and we need to be sure you two are the right fit before indulging you with classified information.”

  Sky nodded in time with Sara. It sounded fair enough.

  “And, judging by the stunt you already pulled, it’s safe to assume we were correct in waiting. Any more behavior like that and you can say good bye to your future. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Sara barked.

  “You’ve been awfully quiet Mr. Regan. Are you hearing me all right?” There was that hint of sarcasm again.

  “Yeah. I mean, yes, Sir.” Sky didn’t like how meek his voice came out.

  “Say it like you mean it, son.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He said as solidly as he could.

  “We’ll work on that.” Blanks almost smiled, but Sky doubted if his stone face could bend that much.

  Without another word Blanks marched away, leaving Sky starring after him, feeling unsure of his whole situation. Students began filling in the gap between them as the tolling bell marked the end of another round of lessons.

  “I’m so stupid.” Sara breathed through her teeth and let her shoulders slump.

  “You-” But before he could even finish he once again found himself faced with a glare that was hotter than a thousand suns.

  “I wasn’t talking to you. I would never, ever voluntarily talk to you.” She snarled, her face screwing up into a mess of hate.

  “That’s a pretty harsh statement.” An unknown voice came from behind him.

  Sky felt an arm make its way around his shoulders and give him a rough shake. “This guy is your partner, Sara, let’s try to show a little more compassion and a little less venom.”

  The only guess Sky had as to who could possibly be holding on to him so tightly was one of their mentors. He took that assumption as truth as the red faded from Sara’s face and left ashen terror in its place.

  “Right, of course.” She nodded with eyes the size of the moons.

  Sky’s shoulders were released and a tall boy with straw-blond hair and the widest smile he’d ever seen stepped forward.

  “Greetings. I’m Con Embers, your esteemed upperclassman mentor of the newly established Axis program.” The boy extended his hand dramatically to Sara.

  Con wasn’t anything like Sky had imagined. He was expecting something more along the line of the grays that Zeph had with him the night before. Someone stiff and arrogant.

  “Ellie should be joining us shortly, and then we can get to the fun stuff.” Con plopped down right there on the ground and leaned his back against the center kiosk.

  “Um, Sir…”

  “It’s just Con, or Captain Amazing, whatever comes more naturally to you.” He said it with such a straight face Sky had to smile.

  Sara shifted uncomfortably as Con drew a stare or two from the passing students. “Well…Con…I was just wondering about our schedule-”

  Con waved his hand absently, “Today is just orientation crap, ignore it for now. Tomorrow you can return to your normally scheduled programming, all right?”

  He gave her a winning smile which she returned with a nervous nod.

  “You,” He pointed up to Sky, “Nice work today. I heard you put Director Stuffy-pants in a bit of a pickle. Threatening to drop out like that. Genius.”

  News sure traveled fast. “I didn’t really-”

  “We can’t afford to lose both of you, hell, we can’t really afford to lose one of you. I know you don’t know much, but we were all chosen for very specific reasons, some more obvious than others, but all nearly irreplaceable.”

  “Get off the floor, you idiot!” A petite girl came out of nowhere and landed a hard kick into Con’s side.

  “May I introduce Ellie Satyr.” Con let out a light laugh as he climbed to his feet.

  Sky turned towards the girl and noticed what one of those ‘more obvious’ traits might have been. Looking out from milk chocolate skin were eyes as golden as Sara’s.

  “You’re such a load, Con.” Ellie turned on her heels and began walking away at a rapid pace, “Come on.”

  Sky’s shoulders dropped. He was getting pretty sick of following people around.

  “Come on kiddo. This will be fun, I promise.” Con pushed him forward.

  Sara kept pace a few feet behind them as they left the security of the only place he knew on campus and ventured out into an open courtyard.

  The yard was impressively large with tables set up sporadically, beckoning students to come and relax on the neon lawn. Sara lost a few steps as her eyes were caught by the space. He glanced back to see a look of delight cross her face just briefly. He turned his eyes away before she could catch him looking and let his own smile turn up the corners of his mouth.

  Ellie led them down a sidewalk that cut through the artificial grasses towards a squat, rectangular building. The girl was no bigger than Al, and although she walked with a casual stride the underlying strength was still apparent in every short step. She pushed open the solid double doors without hesitation and disappeared into the abyss beyond it.

  Sky wondered if this would be some sort of test - like, they walk into the darkened room and someone would jump them and then they would be judged on how well they reacted.

  Con looked over at him as he tensed. “Relax, kid. What, are you afraid of the dark?” He asked quietly, never losing his smile.

  “I just like being ready for anything.” Was all Sky could think of to say.

  Con just laughed and walked through the doorway. As he did, the lights snapped on inside, illuminating a large, empty room.

  There were remnants of days gone by scattered around the room, and piles of dusty crates near the walls, stacked so high they almost reached the ceiling. Set up near the far end of the room were a few old fashioned wood and metal desks in front of a long, much more important looking desk.

  “Welcome to Arche basics, 101.” Con quipped. He turned to face them, walking backwards to keep them moving forward. “From now on, anything marked on your schedule that ends in AAL will be held here.”

  Sara was quick to pull out her tablet and scan down her list. “So right now, Introduction to Strategic Studies is an Arche class, it's this class?”

  “Correct Ms. Rekkert.” Without missing a beat Con backed right into the long desk and hopped up.

  “And you're the teacher?” It was the first time Sky had ever been excited to be in a classroom.

  Ellie let out a little sound that could have been a laugh. “No, you've been assigned a Jr. Instructor from the Arche Academy for classes like this. We're in charge of your physical training and making sure you stay on task with your REALM studies.”

  Sky’s heart sank a little, but, if the instructor was anything like their mentors, then he had nothing to worry about.

  “And here is Mr. Teacher himself.” Con jumped down from the desk and clapped his hands together. “Exactly on time, as always. You never cease to amaze me Mr. Levit.”

  Sky turned slowly, dread filling in where the excitement receded. Behind them the snooty boy whose badge had gotten him into REALM the night before strode with crisp, measured steps into the room. Their eyes met briefly and the look of distaste again brushed his long features. A look that only increased as he shifted hi
s focus onto Con.

  "You two? What happened to Josiah and Julia?" Roland said with a sneer.

  Con pulled a crumpled halo card from his pocket and held it out to Roland. "They were reassigned, Sir."

  Roland snatched the card from Con and looked it over with a heavy sigh as he made his way around the desk to the chair behind it. "Fine." he said plainly and sat down. "How much have you told them?"

  Ellie had already sat down behind one of the desks while Con kept his place hovering just off to the side of Roland.

  "Nothing." Con shrugged smugly.

  "Good, now sit down." Roland folded his hands in front of him and sat up even straighter with the hint of a wicked smile, as if deriving some sort of pleasure out of telling Con what to do.

  Once Con had loudly taken the seat next to Ellie, Roland stood up and moved to the front of his desk. "Let me start with a brief introduction to myself by saying I am Roland Levitt, a third year student in the Arche Academies secondary education program, but, just like your mentors here, I have been within the Arche program since primary school. I am a student of Medical Science and am held as a third level Archimedes, studying directly under Master Zeph.”

  Con snorted a laugh, “They don’t know what any of that means, you know.”

  Roland let out a heavy sigh. “Then let me explain - At Arche every student must chose a focus of study once they have been enrolled. There are two main divisions – the Strategic & Science, and the Combat & Command. Within each division there a multitude of different categories you can choose. I chose Medical Science under the Strategic & Science division. Is this explanation more to your liking, Mr. Embers?”

  “It was beautiful.” Con put a hand to his heart.

  “There also exists a higher order reserved only for the most elite of students – The Archimedes and the Choir. Unfortunately for you two, students who transfer in from other districts rarely are accepted into their orders. If by some miracle either of you are accepted into their ranks I would at that time be more then happy to explain what they are and what they do, but for now, I would like to get on with my class.”

  “We get to go on missions and earn credits and stuff. The higher your rank the harder your tasks, but the more credits you can earn. Those with the highest credits at the end of their final year are guaranteed jobs at the ILA.” Con leaned over and whispered loudly towards Sky. “Work hard and we might let you in our squad.”

  “That’s enough.” Roland snapped, “You can leave Mr. Embers, I’m sure this will all be rather boring to you.”

  “It’s in our best interest to be around these two as much as we can for the next few days.” Ellie stated with a sharp edge in her tone, “As their mentors they are our responsibility and I would like to study them as much as possible.”

  “The right phrase would have been, ‘get to know them as much as possible’,” Con punched Ellie in the shoulder. “You’re so creepy.”

  Sara raised her hand, she had been stone-faced and silent the whole time, but her expression now was one of annoyance.

  “Yes, Ms. Rekkert.” Roland said, regaining some of his superiority complex.

  “As members of Axis, isn’t all that irrelevant? From what we were told, we aren’t really part of any traditional programs at all. Or do we have a choice?” Sara tone was steady, but her last few words had a desperate edge.

  Sky had felt the same pull of desperation. They hadn’t ever been given a choice to join Axis, but maybe there was still a chance to leave it and just be an ordinary student.

  “I was merely explaining my status and how the Arche Academy is set up.” Roland said plainly, “Information is never irrelevant.”

  Sara’s face went red and her eyes shot back down to the scratches in her desk.

  “As for choice…” Roland looked to be mulling something over in his mind, chewing the inside of his cheek, “No. You were chosen for Axis because of your unique set of abilities. For you, your bloodline is why you were chosen. We thought we were lucky to have Ellie, but she can’t claim more than ¼ of the Blue Star lineage so to have a True Blood is an opportunity we will not give up on easily.”

  “But, Director Thompson-” Sara started.

  “If Director Thompson would have followed through with his threat we would have taken full responsibility and gotten you re-instated. Your mentors should have been with you from the moment you arrived.” He gave a look of heated warning towards Con and Ellie, “Professor Blanks is being reprimanded for the delay in introductions. We can’t stand to lose such a valuable asset over such a trivial matter.”

  Sky wondered if anyone else recognized the mixture of reluctant acceptance on Sara’s face as she slowly nodded her head.

  “You know she’s a person, not an asset.” Sky knew he shouldn’t have said it, especially in the way he said it.

  Roland didn’t bother to address him, he just looked to Con, “Stopping his outbursts should be first on your priority list.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Con shouted, causing even Roland to jump. Con looked over to Sky with a dead serious face. “Shhhhhh.” Con squinched up his face as he put his finger to his lips, “You got that soldier. Shhhhhh.”

  He muffled a laugh. “Yes, Sir.” Sky said as respectfully as he could.

  “Laugh it up.” Roland pushed up his glasses with a sneer. “Everything’s a joke to Mr. Embers. Let’s see how far that get’s you, how far it gets the both of you.”

  “It’s got me to the top of the ranks as a Chorister, that’s where.” Con edged towards a serious statement.

  Roland stood and walked towards them. No, not towards them, he was walking right at Sky. Sky scooted back as far as he could into his chair as Roland came right up to his desk and leaned down. He rested his long, slender arms on the yellowed lacquered wood.

  “Do you think he’s funny? You want to be just like that guy?” The scent of mint and soap rose into his nose as Roland leaned in even closer.

  “I don’t want to be like anybody, Sir.” Sky mumbled out, avoiding any and all eye contact.

  “Well I hope that’s not true.” Roland stood up straight and crossed his spidery arms, “You want to know why you were chosen? It’s because your brother turned it down.”

  Sky fought the look of shock and hurt, but was pretty sure he was doing a bad job by the way Roland’s small grin oozed into a toothy smile. “You were second choice. We’re only hoping you can live up to his potential.”

  Even Con was quiet after that. Roland began his lesson. Something about what wins a fight is preparation and strategy, but Sky couldn’t focus on his bland lecturing. He tried, he really did, but those words just kept coming back to him. I was chosen because Soul said no

  A nudge to the back of his head brought him back into the moment. “Come on, time to go.”

  Sky had spaced out the entire lesson. Roland was already gone and Sara and Ellie were at the door.

  Con jabbed at his head again. “Listen, kiddo, don’t let what he said get to you, okay.” It was surprising how respectable Con looked when he was being serious.

  “I’m not. It’s fine.”

  “I wasn’t ever anyone’s first choice. For anything. Obviously not even for this. So I get it. We’re the perpetual B team.”

  He had to laugh at that. “I just, I thought this was something I did on my own.”

  “I saw your scores, kid, you would have made it into Arche no problem. You just happened to fit another need when Soul said he wouldn’t do it.”

  He said his name. It sounded weird to have someone say it out loud. “You know him?”

  “Soul? Yeah, can’t really not notice that guy.” Con moved towards the door and Sky followed. “He’s quiet, but a genius at just about everything. He was one of the first transfers to ever make it into the Choir that I’ve seen.”

  Sky just looked down. He didn’t know what to say. It was strange to talk about him like he was real and not just a memory. “He doesn’t talk to me anymore.” He blurted out.
Maybe he really did need to work on his outbursts.

  “I know.” Con said quietly. “He has his reasons.” Con shoved him through the door into the shockingly bright courtyard. “Come on, let me show you something, but,” He let another wide smile catch his lips, “you gotta keep up.” He said and took off across the lawn.

  Sky threw his bag on his back and took off after him without a thought. It was a rush of excitement that drove him forward as his lungs expanded and his legs began to burn as he reached his top speed. He couldn’t remember the last time he had run and there was no one chasing him.

  They approached the administration building, but instead of going up the stairs, Con swerved to the right and went around the far side of the structure. Sky rounded the corner just in time to see Con leap up onto one of the fire-escapes. It was a leap that didn’t look humanly possible, but without thinking about it, Sky too was on the ladder, clamoring up, loving the feel of the cold metal and the strain in his muscles.

  Con was already at the top and sprinted out of sight across the rooftop. Sky had to move past the part of himself that said this was as fast as he could go. He pulled himself up onto the roof, catching only a blur of blond as it jumped from the far edge. Seconds later he heard the soft thud of a solid landing and a joyful bellow.

  Sky didn’t slow down, he just trusted that there was another roof just beyond it and flew towards the edge. The desert wind blew hot and wild as his feet left the cement and he threw his body towards the next building. He had landed before he had gotten the chance to look down. Con was already on the next building over, climbing its fire escape up another few stories.

  He didn’t have time to judge the gap, but he knew this jump was going to be harder since it was onto a small metal ladder. His arms pumped furiously at his sides, propelling him faster and faster. He kept his eyes forward, focused onto the two thin bars he would have to grab. He launched himself off the edge and by some miracle hit the ladder exactly where he intended to. He began to climb again, hand over hand, forcing his breath to remain even, using the steady rhythm to drive himself up and up and up.


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