by Sesh Heri
Tesla looked over to Fulcanelli and Kel-Kar, their faces bearing the same quiet intensity as the face of Marconi. Tesla then slowly turned to Marconi, and replied, “I have no choice but to do so. As you would say…I am compelled…compelled by my circumstances…by my nature…by my fate.”
“Fate,” Marconi said. “It is a lesson learned by all who dare to confront the power of the Table of Destinies.”
Secret History
“In nature’s infinite book of secrecy
A little I can read.
— Antony and Cleopatra:, Shakespeare
“The Table of Destinies is a mysterious object of search and study, referred to in a number of ancient texts, some known to our present scholars, some hidden in archives of various brotherhoods, secret societies, and religions.”
Fulcanelli had intoned these words from the central platform of a large planetarium located deep in the labyrinth of tunnels composing Site Y.
Tesla, Marconi, and Kel-Kar stood below, gazing up at the glowing three dimensional representations of the planets of the solar system.
Fulcanelli continued:
“The Table of Destinies was sometimes referred to as a collection of precious stones or crystals. But the Table was actually not an object or group of objects, but rather information, a table or list consisting of a series of numbers. This information was recorded or embodied in a variety of ways throughout history. The earliest embodiment of the Table of Destinies known to man was made by the beings that the ancient Egyptian called Neniu, a name which has been conventionally translated as “Masters of Time,” but which should be translated cabalistically as “Frequencies-Frequencies,” in that the sound n, being represented by an undulating line, conveyed the idea of energy moving in modulated waves, the transmission of information through space. The double n: ne ni, conveyed the idea of two different sets of frequencies overlapping and interfering with each other. The u denoted plurality, that is, many such frequencies overlapping with each other, sets of opposed waves establishing interference patterns. This is all in accord with the most ancient teachings of the Egyptian House of Life that preserved the high knowledge of Atlantis.
“In the days of Atlantis the philosophers understood that space and time emerged from the interference pattern of two opposed waves of energy. Everything emerged from the original collision of the First and Second Times. The Neniu were the oldest and most intelligent beings in this physical universe; they existed on this physical plane and one other and communed directly with the Archangels.
“Billions of years ago they located the original seed of the universe. It was a very small object, about the circumference of a human fist. It was the densest object in the universe, and although small, possessed a tremendous mass. The object was the last fragment of the First Matter of the universe that existed before the explosion that created our present galaxies, suns, and planets.
“The Neniu brought this ‘seed,’ this First Matter, to our galaxy, which was the galaxy nearest to the space in which they had found it. Here, within the vicinity of the star Sirius, the Neniu constructed a planet-sized body to house the ‘seed’ so that they could perform alchemical operations upon it. This dense, planet-sized body the Neniu placed in an orbit around Sirius. Using a force-beam, they extracted a tiny amount of First Matter from the surface of the ‘seed,’ and by exciting this fragment with beams of energy, they were able to cause it to vibrate and emit pulses of etheric energy. The Neniu recorded these pulses, and, because the First Matter was truly homogeneous, it was holographic, and therefore contained the energetic configurations of everything that ever existed or would ever exist in the universe. These configurations were standing waves composed of sets of interfering waves.
“The Neniu worked at the excitation and recording of information for millions of years, and finally their great work was accomplished. They possessed a holographic recording of everything that has ever been or will ever be in the universe, a recording they could access at will, a recording that was impressed upon material substance in our physical universe. Truly, the Neniu were Masters of Time. The Neniu had been destined to carry out this work so that they could assist with the incarnation of souls into our physical universe. The facilitation of incarnation was the original and sole purpose of the Table of Destinies.
“Using their knowledge, the Neniu placed time beacons throughout this galaxy as well as several other surrounding galaxies. The purpose of these beacons was to focus, entrain, and impress karmic qualities upon material substances throughout the universe. It was the creation of a physical and etheric structure that would allow consciousness to manifest at determined times and places. The Neniu did this all in accordance with what they themselves saw of their own destinies. In the stars of the Pleiades they placed the Watchers and gave them the task of monitoring the time beacons. The information from the beacons was transmitted to the ‘seed’ orbiting Sirius. There, the information was compared to the information in the ‘seed.’ If the information was found accurate, it was transmitted to a giant planet that once orbited in our solar system, and, from the giant planet, transmitted yet again to the Pleiades.
“65 million years ago, beings from another galaxy came to our solar system and attempted to disrupt the information being transmitted to the Watchers of the Pleiades. The Neniu
had not foreseen this event, for although they had potential access to the universal time recording, they were finite creatures, and therefore could only access information of future events to a finite extent. Also, the Neniu had ages earlier evolved out of this physical universe, leaving the Watchers to fulfill their own destinies. The disruption of the information from the time beacons led to a war, and, ultimately, the explosion of the giant planet in our solar system.”
All the while that Fulcanelli had been speaking the latter, his narrative had been illustrated in three-dimensional images above the heads of Tesla, Marconi, and Kel-Kar. Now they watched as the giant planet described by Fulcanelli exploded in space, leaving a trail of asteroids as it continued on its orbit around the sun.
“The Watchers overpowered the Intruders and re-established the time integration center on a smaller planet in our solar system. Three and a half million years ago this planet was also destroyed by the Intruders. At that time the Neniu returned from another dimension, cast the Intruders down into our solar system, and projected an etheric force-field beyond the orbit of all our planets. This spherical ‘Ring-Pass-Not’ would bar any astral body from passing through it. Thus, no beings with souls could escape this solar system. The Intruders, confined to this physical solar system, degenerated, and ultimately descended into the form we recognize today on Earth and Mars. The Intruders became Mankind. The Intruders became us. Some of the Intruders degenerated less than others and were known as Ne-Fil, ‘Not high,’ that is to say, ‘Not Bearing the Soul Higher.’ They are the ones who were referred to in our ancient texts as the gods who were cast down upon the earth. They were the monster-gods that the Sumerians referred to as the Annunaki. Most of these beings were bipedal amphibians and they possessed some parts of the Table of Destinies. They had derived them from the time modulators placed on Earth by the Neniu.
“The Annunaki fought amongst themselves for the various fragments of the Table of Destinies. As one of these beings after another gained control of several fragments of the Table they would each in turn go mad with power. Finally, the Annunaki, using their fragments of the Table of Destinies, were able to break through the ‘Ring-Pass-Not’ of the solar system and return to Sirius. It was there in the Sirius solar system that the Watchers waged battle with the Anunnaki and subdued them. The Watchers could not kill the Annunaki because the Annunaki were so advanced in their knowledge that even if they were killed they would only reincarnate on other worlds with a total knowledge of their previous incarnation. So the Watchers stripped the Annunaki of their ability to reincarnate. They did this in a great cosmic slaughter whereby they drov
e the Annunaki into the companion of Sirius, the First Matter, and there the astral bodies of the Annunaki were shorn of their identifying frequencies— the structures that individuated each of them from all other entities in the universe. Thus, the Annunaki were trapped on the astral plane of NYMZA, the plane of the nameless, and so were they called forever more— the NYMZA, the ones without names.
“And as far as the rest of the Intruders, they are trapped here in this solar system, and they are us— Mankind. And it is we who once again seek out the Table of Destinies, all of us, the Germans, the Martians, the Americans of Majestic Seven, and now those of us here at Site Y, Marchese Marconi, Mr. Tesla, Kel-Kar, and I. We all seek the Table of Destinies, the information of Creation and Destruction, now carried aboard the airplane of Amelia Earhart— which by an alchemical correspondence is named Electra, the daughter of Atlas who was saved from the Annunaki by the Watchers of the Pleiades and hidden invisibly among the stars.”
“A succinct review of the relevant matters at hand,” Tesla said. “Most of this I learned over fifty years ago when I was given a book by an emissary of the Order of the Flaming Sword.”
“Yes,” Marconi said. “We know. All here present have received that same book.”
“A book with a green cloth cover?” Tesla asked.
“Yes,” Marconi said, “a green one and later we all received a black one.”
“Have you yet received a red one?” Tesla asked.
“No,” Marconi said. “Have you received it yet?”
“No,” Tesla said. “Not yet. But I was told that I would receive it one day.”
“We are all in varying ways, whether we like it or not, members of the Order of the Flaming Sword,” Fulcanelli said. “The order was established long ago by the Neniu as a direct link between them and humanity. The leaders of the Order are humans who have grown in the alchemical art to the extent that they are no longer compelled to reincarnate. They do not exist upon the plane of NYMZA, but upon the plane of OM, the plane of integration. Some of these masters return to the physical plane to interact with humans and assist in the alchemical processing of the human race; they develop souls; they seed knowledge; they reveal mysteries— and they hold fast the lock barring the way to other mysteries. They have, in truth, created our civilizations, seeding knowledge among selected humans who then, in their groping way, apply that knowledge to the inventions of human society. They have done this with you, Mr. Tesla, in your invention of the alternating current system of electrical generation and distribution. They have done this with the Marchese in his commercial development of radio. They have done it with Prince Kel-Kar in his introduction of the concept of representative government on his home planet of Mars.”
“And with you,” Tesla asked, “what has the Order done with you?”
Fulcanelli replied, “It has been my lot to reveal the positive reality of alchemy to greater mankind in order to lay the foundations for the next cycle of time. The Order of the Flaming Sword has done all this, both giving to us and withholding from us, assisting us in our destinies, but allowing us to find and fulfill our destinies for ourselves. In this assisting, the Order is inscrutable. But one thing is clear: They do not want the Germans and Martians to find Amelia Earhart’s airplane and the Table of Destinies recorded aboard it. But the Order will not step in overtly and stop the Germans and Martians. We must do that, ourselves. It is our destiny and we must fulfill it.”
“And how do you intend to fulfill it?” Tesla asked. “How do you intend to locate Earhart’s airplane? Her transmissions are sporadic and cannot be localized.”
“That is because we are picking up overlapping signals from a number of parallel dimensions,” Marconi said. “The inter-dimensional signals are entering our space-time and rendering our reception a chaotic jumble of static. We have been working on an electrical circuit that will filter out these inter-dimensional waves, leaving only Earhart’s signal.”
“What clear message have you received from her up until now?” Tesla asked.
“Only SOS,” Marconi said.
“That is all I have been able to pick up,” Tesla said. “And the filter circuit— have you completed it?”
“No,” Marconi said. “We have reached an impasse with it. We are stumped. I am stumped.”
“And that is why you have brought me here,” Tesla said.
“Yes, “Marconi replied.
“Let me see the circuit,” Tesla said, “and then we will know better what can be done.”
Touch of a Commoner
“The sun and the moon and the stars
would have disappeared long ago…
had they happened to be within reach
of predatory human hands.”
— Havelock Ellis
Marconi led the way out of the planetarium with Tesla, Fulcanelli, and Kel-Kar following behind him. In the outside corridor, they came upon Professor May who had been waiting for them, pacing back and forth.
“Why have I been excluded from these discussions?” Professor May pointedly asked Marconi.
Without breaking his pace for an instant, Marconi replied as he walked along, “Why do you presume you are in a position to question me about anything?”
Professor May’s face flushed red, but he kept up his pace beside Marconi, and declared, “You forget! I am the one who invented the KA projector! Have you invented anything to equal it?”
“Yes,” Marconi said, continuing his stride. “An authoritative system of social control to which you are now subject. As you say yourself— I am your ‘boss.’”
“Of course,” Professor May hissed, continuing to walk beside Marconi. “I realize you have a handle on the Big Picture. It is not my nature to be petulant. I only— ”
Marconi stopped and faced Professor May.
“We are busy,” Marconi said quietly. “Be off with you.”
Marconi walked away. Fulcanelli, Kel-Kar, and Tesla followed him. Tesla looked over his shoulder and saw Professor May staring at them with his teeth clinched and exposed in an animal snarl. When Professor May saw Tesla looking at him, he flashed a quick grin and gave a single nod. Tesla turned about and continued on his way following the others ahead of him.
Now Marconi led Tesla, Fulcanelli, and Kel-Kar to a cavernous manufacturing facility where great sheets of metal moved along conveyor belts and disappeared into a distant maze of lights. They came to a wall upon which was mounted a gigantic circuit board. Several technicians on wheeled ladders worked upon its surface with soldering irons.
“This is the circuit,” Marconi said.
“Quite complex,” Tesla said.
Marconi nodded, and said, “Essentially a series of switches acting as filters.”
“Yes,” Tesla said, “I see what you are doing.”
Marconi nodded, smiling.
“And it is all wrong,” Tesla added.
Marconi’s face dropped.
“What is wrong with it?” Marconi asked.
“Filtering each wave separately,” Tesla said. “It is wasteful, inefficient, and ineffective. Instead we construct a magnifying receiver of sufficient dimensions— a receiving coil— tuned to the exact frequency of the 2160 kilopulse band with which Earhart is transmitting. The coil must be sufficiently large to damp out all frequencies near the same waveband. Such an analog system will be far superior to your binary or digital system here. I will show you how the coil should be configured and what its dimensions should be.”
Tesla went to a large drafting table across the room and began drawing plans for the receiver.
“You see,” Marconi said to Fulcanelli and Kel-Kar, “he has joined us as I said he would.”
“Because he cares for mankind,” Fulcanelli said.
“Yes, that,” Marconi said, “and because he loves his work. I knew he would show us the way.”
“Perhaps,” Fulcanelli said, “you could have done what Mr. Tesla is doing there.”
Marconi shook his head.
“It is too late for me,” Marconi said. “I am only an organizer of other men’s labor. As Mr. Tesla elucidated, I am a donkey.”
“Something more than a donkey,” Fulcanelli said.
Kel-Kar nodded, and said, “Something more.”
Fulcanelli turned and walked away.
Marconi stood for a long time watching Tesla work at the drafting board.
Hours later in the silent, empty manufacturing plant, Tesla lay alone on the floor in front of the drafting table where he had worked for hours. He was discovered on the floor by Kel-Kar who immediately went to a telephone, picked it up, and spoke into it:
“Get medics down here to the rolling plant immediately. I have found Mr. Tesla on the floor unconscious.”
Several minutes later, two earthling medics arrived with anti-gravity handles. They attached them to Tesla’s shoulders and feet and floated him off of the floor. Kel-Kar led the way to a room with a bed, and there they lay Tesla down upon it.
Alayna appeared in the doorway, came in, and bent down over Tesla’s unconscious body. She placed the tips of her fingers upon Tesla’s temples. In a moment, Tesla’s eyes fluttered and opened. He looked up at Alayna and his eyes widened.
“Do not touch me!” Tesla shouted.
Alayna jerked her hands away and stood upright.
“She is a healer in our world,” Kel-Kar said.
“What has happened?” Tesla asked, half-awake, half-delirious. “You— woman! What are you doing here? Why— why touch me? Do not touch me!”
Alayna burst into tears and ran from the room.
“What is happening?” Tesla asked. “That— that woman! I know her! She— she is called…Alayna. She is a Martian! And you! I know you! You are Kel-Kar— a Martian!”