Little Black Dress

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Little Black Dress Page 10

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “It’s this.” He brushes his thumb across my lower lip. “The words that come out of this mouth. This smart, fucking mouth that gives me the thoughts circling inside your head and heart. Everything that passes through these beautiful lips shows me you’re smarter than you think you are, you can hold your own with me, and you’re so full of life I can hardly stand it. I don’t care how new this is, when I told you I want time with you, I want it all, exactly the way you are.”

  “Vaughn,” I breathe, not knowing what to say. I still can’t believe I’m standing practically naked in his arms—my lifetime crush that’s becoming so much more than a crush by the nanosecond.

  He turns me as he speaks. “What you don’t know about me from spying on me as a teenager or taking pictures of me playing basketball, is that I love my cock.”

  Um, okay. Most guys do, but that’s a weird declaration.

  “Yeah,” he confirms my thoughts. “That means I don’t do one-night stands, I don’t do casual, and I’m fucking particular about who gets my cock.”

  “Well—” I search for words, not understanding the point he’s trying to make. Not quite sure what to say, my oratory spewing continues. “There’s no way for me to know that from stalking you on LinkedIn. You should really update your profile with that little ditty.”

  He smiles and shakes his head as he keeps moving me. When I look around, we’re heading to the bedroom. It’s huge, containing a king bed with bedding so plush, I might’ve stolen it if I actually had a bag or suitcase with me. He steps away and starts to unbutton his shirt. When it falls down his arms, I get to take in his muscled chest and chiseled arms again, appreciating them so much more now that I’m sober.

  “That’s why I want more of you,” he explains. I watch him toe off his shoes as he quickly pushes his pants and boxers off at the same time, taking his socks with them.

  Before I know it, I no longer feel so bare, as he stands in front of me naked as a jaybird. I can’t control my eyes, staring straight at the cock he adores so much, thinking maybe I might love it more.

  “What I’m saying to you now,” he says, his eyes searing into mine, “is what I wanted to explain to you first thing this morning. I never would’ve brought you to my room last night had I wanted you only once. We might’ve skipped to the home run derby, but don’t confuse that for what I want from you. It’s exactly what I’ve tried to explain to your brother all day. I want it all, and from here on out, we’ll see where it goes. I’m not saying we should plan our golden anniversary, but I will say, I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you.”

  I exhale with relief and joy, because he without a doubt just calmed all my fears. I drop my arms and take a step, closing the distance between us and put my hands on his beloved cock.

  “Lose the panties, Lucy,” he demands. I instantly put my hands to my hips when his next words make me pause. “But, baby, leave the heels on.”

  I huff an exhale at his words, dragging my very wet panties down my legs, his eyes on my every movement. I stumble, trying to wrangle my panties off over my spiky heels, but finally succeed.

  The second I do, his hands come under my arms and I’m up. I wrap my legs around his waist, and as his lips take mine, he turns. I hardly have time to enjoy his mouth because, before I know it, my back is to the bed, and he throws my legs over his shoulders. I immediately moan as his hands grip my ass to hold me where he wants me.

  His mouth lands between my legs, his tongue doing exactly what it did last night, but better because I know this is the start of something new. Vaughn Isaac Rowe, the hot older guy in high school, wants dorky me, Lucy Gladys Adair. It doesn’t seem possible, but as he sucks my clit, I fall into the present, forgetting my awkward past and dopey stalking. I forget the wedding reception we’re supposed to be at, my brother, who I love but is pissed at his best friend because of me. No, I don’t think about anything but Vaughn’s tongue and lips.

  When it comes over me, it’s not as I remember last night. It’s different, beautiful, and significant. I gasp and moan and cry out. When my body turns rigid, I try not to press my heels into his back, but I can’t help it as my lower body comes off the bed for more, to get as close to his mouth as possible.

  He keeps at me, my body falling to pieces, my orgasm lingering and reaching every limb of my body.

  When my teeth start to tingle, I realize I’ve lost him, until he kisses me with such fierceness, it takes me by surprise. But tasting me on him?

  Holy orgasms, wedding singer. Vaughn is so good at this, I almost come again, simply from his kiss.

  Threading his hand through my meticulously pinned up-do, he pulls on my hair. When I give him access to my neck, I feel his lips move when he pleads, “Tell me you’re on birth control.”

  It almost hurts when I do, but I pull my head down to look into his eyes. His are fiery, needy—even beseeching. I’ve never had unprotected sex—ever. But there’s something about Vaughn. Something about the way he’s been with me tonight—his words, his declarations. Somehow…I just know. It’s him for me.

  If it doesn’t work between us, I know it will wreck me—I’ll implode. Because childhood daydreams never come to fruition. I might not do adulting very well, but I do know this to be a fact.

  With Vaughn’s dark eyes burning into mine, sometimes in life, one simply has to believe. When you know, you know.

  “Yes,” I whisper. “Please, Vaughn. I want you with nothing between us.”

  He hesitates, his eyes dragging over my features as if he’s studying me. “You sure you want me bare? I’ve never had that.”

  I bring my hand up to his face and mean every word when I say, “I’ve never had it, either, but it’s always been you. I’ve always wanted you.”

  He hesitates for a moment, looking into my eyes when he murmurs, “I knew it last night when you ran into that church. I knew you’d ruin me if I let you.”

  There was no time for me to respond, because this was right before he thrust into me.

  Never having sex without a condom, I never knew there would be a difference. But there is. Holy fuck, there is.

  To feel Vaughn within me, with nothing between us? I’ve never felt closer to anyone, and I love that it’s with him.

  He starts to move—really move—and as he does, he wraps one of his big sinewy arms under my back, pulling me down on his cock as he drives inside me.

  “Baby, you feel so fucking good.” His breath is ragged and his voice hushed as he talks to me. “Never wanted anything as much as you.”

  I wrap my legs around him, one around his waist, the other over his thigh. Pulling myself to him tightly, I beg, “Please, Vaughn. Harder.”

  He gives me what I want. I have to hold on, but it’s perfect. He reaches that magical spot inside me with every drive. Feeling my breath shorten, I grasp his shoulders and hold him to me as best I can.

  Even though I’ve only had one night with him, I know his body well. The moment I feel him shudder, I turn my head, putting my mouth to his. Just like last night, he takes over, pressing me deliciously into the bed with all his muscled, bulky weight.

  Never has anything so heavy felt so beautiful.

  But now, he rolls, taking me with him. I end up on top, still impaled on his cock where he holds me tight.

  We come down from our high, both of us breathing hard. When I finally find a steady breath, I ask, “We aren’t going back to the reception, are we?”

  Vaughn turns his face toward mine, burying his face in my now very messy hair. There, he murmurs into my ear, “No.”

  I close my eyes and try to get closer. “My mom is going to drag me through the trenches for this, and Josh is going to kill you.”

  Vaughn moves just enough to kiss me softly before he looks into my eyes and says with complete conviction, “Josh’ll come around, and I d
on’t want you to worry about your mom. No one will drag you through the trenches ever again. Not while I’m standing in the way.”

  I melt, sinking into him further. If I could’ve become one with him, I would have.

  “Vaughn?” I call for him as he runs his fingers up and down my back lightly.


  “I’m hungry,” I admit. No matter how good this feels, I’ve hardly eaten today.

  I pull my head up when I feel him move. Looking up at me with his warm eyes, full of promise, he replies, “I’ll order you room service.”

  I smile, thinking for the first time, maybe adulting won’t suck as bad as I thought it would. Because with Vaughn Isaac Rowe, I’m pretty sure I can be me, and for some reason, I think he’ll love it.

  Chapter Five

  I’m a Dreamer


  Three weeks later…

  I stretch my legs out over Vaughn. He’s sitting in the center of his plush sofa and I just sat down next to him after showering. It took him all of two seconds to grab my legs and drag them over his lap, causing my robe to pull open a bit. He leans over to kiss me before looking back to the papers he’s studying for work.

  The past three weeks have been like nothing I’ve ever dreamed, and I’m a dreamer. I’ve spent every night with Vaughn at his Cole Valley condo. It’s cool, modern, and all open, besides the bath and utility rooms. I go to school and work, he goes to manage his growing medical research firm in the Silicon Valley, but we always come back together. Weekends are spent together, nights, mornings, and even some lunches when my schedule allows.

  It seems I’m not too bad at adulting, after all. At least the way I do it with Vaughn.

  I start clicking through the channels as he reads over paperwork, the whole time his free hand lightly strokes my bare legs.

  It’s good I’ve been here with Vaughn, hidden far away in his cool condo, because the days after Josh’s wedding weren’t too fun for me. I knew it would happen and she didn’t disappoint.

  My mother.

  Once she found me the day after the wedding, she lived up to expectations. She unleashed her mom-fit on me like I’d never experienced.

  Even though our relationship was merely thirty-six hours old, Vaughn did exactly what he said he’d do. He stepped in and handled my mother like a rock star. He calmly explained I was an adult and deserved to be treated like one. How we were new, we wanted time alone, and we’d be wanting even more of that in the coming weeks, and finally, how he expected privacy so that can happen.

  My mom always liked Vaughn, but she was taken aback by his blunt words. I just gave her a little shrug and scooted closer to Vaughn.

  Mom-fit: over.

  Josh: a different story altogether.

  After their honeymoon, Vaughn invited him to meet for a drink after work. Josh ignored his friend three times before Olivia told me later she made him go. Vaughn said it was uncomfortable, and took more than a little convincing for my brother to come around. When Vaughn got home that night, he explained it would all be fine as long as he didn’t fuck me over and break my heart, my brother’s words. If that happens, Josh announced Vaughn was a dead man.

  For some reason, I’m not worried about that happening.

  Just when I find something decent to watch while Vaughn finishes his work, my phone rings.

  I smile when I see my old friend from high school on my caller ID. “It’s the po-po. What’s up?”

  “I need help—like now.” Desperation leaks through the phone and this surprises me.

  Katie and I used to play sports together in high school. Even though I was athletic, I still liked all my girlie-girl things, but not Katie. Katie was a tomboy, but had such a natural beauty about her, it didn’t matter. She didn’t need tons of makeup or accessories—she was perfect all on her own.

  I guess it shouldn’t surprise me she became a cop.

  Suddenly, Vaughn’s attention isn’t on his paperwork any longer. His light hand on my legs becomes a firm hold and his squeeze gets my attention. It’s clear to see he’s curious when he interrupts my call, his voice firm and insistent. “Who is that?”

  I give him a little shake of my head and concentrate on Katie. “Of course. What do you need?”

  “My parents, they’re back on the marriage and baby bandwagon. I swear, they’re going to try and fix me up with someone again, but I have a plan, and I need your help.”

  Vaughn’s firm hand comes up the outside of my thigh and he grabs my ass, in a way he’s trying to get my attention. I wiggle, trying to get out of his hold because it’s not sweet or loving, it’s annoying.

  Still, this doesn’t stop me from talking to my friend. “You carry a badge. You should arrest them.”

  This buys me a deep frown from Vaughn and he tosses his papers to the floor as Katie exclaims in my ear, “You’re not helping, Lucy. For my plan to work I need a sexy dress. You know I have the fashion sense of a warthog at the ballet.”

  This makes me think of my first night with Vaughn three weeks ago and how perfect it was. Thinking of our time together since then, I realize the dress has done its job, and I won’t need it ever again. With Katie’s curves, she’ll fill it out perfectly.

  “I have just the thing. When shall we meet?”

  If possible, Vaughn’s scowl deepens and he yanks me down the sofa to my back. His hand instantly reaches between my legs and I feel him pull my panties out of the way so he can cup me possessively.

  My eyes go big as I listen to Katie. “This afternoon. How about a late lunch?”

  Vaughn looks more angered by the second as he hears me make plans for lunch with my friend.

  “I can’t wait, see you this afternoon,” I say and hang up.

  “Who was that?” he demands.

  “What is your problem?” I ignore his demand, and can’t help but wiggle on his hand because I feel myself becoming wet.

  “Who was that? A cop?”

  “Yes,” I answer honestly.

  His fingers start to move between my legs as he comes over my body on the sofa. “You are not meeting a cop.”

  My breath hitches when he slides a finger inside me, but I still manage to ask, “Do you have something against cops?”

  “No,” he bites out as he starts to finger fuck me. “We haven’t talked about it, I assumed it was implied. This,” he cups me greedily, “has become mine. You’re done with other men.”

  This takes my breath away. I instantly reach for his face and pull him to me, kissing him as possessively as he’s cupping me. When I need to catch my breath, I pull away. “Then it’s a good thing Katie’s a girl because I’m done with other men. You’re my dream, Vaughn Isaac Rowe. I’ll never want anyone but you.”

  He narrows his eyes on me. “The cop is a chick?”

  I smile. “Yes, and we’re meeting for lunch, so you’ll just have to deal with it.”

  He shakes his head and his fingers start to move again with purpose. “Then I guess I better fuck you real quick.”

  I pull the tie on my robe and scoot down the sofa for him.

  Instead of getting down to the business of fucking me, his eyes turn soft. “I’m glad I never knew to dream of you, Lucy. I’m not sure I could’ve waited, that pain might’ve been too much for me. Just so you know, you’re the best thing I never knew to dream.”

  And with that, Vaughn Isaac Rowe became mine.

  Dreams really do come true.

  Kiss Me, Katie

  By Sarah Curtis

  Kiss Me, Katie by Sarah Curtis

  Copyright © 2017 by Jeanine Grasso.

  All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher. T
his is a work of fiction. The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to any real persons alive or dead and events are coincidental and not intended by the author.


  To a man I’ve never met but holds a special place in my heart because he’s loved by someone special to me.


  To the readers who purchased a copy of this book to support Gilda’s Club and the many families they help.

  Other books by Sarah Curtis

  The Alluring Series




  Enchanting (An Alluring Novella)

  Standalone Titles

  Freight Trained

  Contact Sarah

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  Email: [email protected]

  Chapter One

  Katie stared at her closet door and the little black dress hanging from it, lost in thought. She was dreading the Sawyer family dinner she was being forced to attend.

  With each monthly dinner, her parents were getting more and more pushy, wanting to see their only daughter settled down. But Katie had a plan to curb her parent’s antics and for that plan, she needed a sexy dress. That’s where her friend Lucy had come in.

  She’d called her friend, begging to borrow a dress to wear. Lucy, being a godsend, had met her for lunch, handing her the dress with a Cheshire Cat grin and a cryptic, “Good Luck.”

  Pouring her heart out had not been the plan when Katie had complained to her friend about the latest chapter in the “Let’s Get Katie Married” saga her parents had been writing for the past year since she’d joined the police force. She knew their harping came from a place of love, worried for her well-being, neither understood why she’d chosen to embark on such a dangerous career and hoped married life and motherhood would change her career choice.


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