Highland Dom

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Highland Dom Page 1

by Marie Tuhart

  Table of Contents

  Highland Dom

  Publication Information


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  About the Author

  Also Available

  Also Available

  Thank You

  Highland Dom

  McMillan Passion


  Marie Tuhart

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Highland Dom

  COPYRIGHT © 2018 by Marie Tuhart

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information: [email protected]

  Cover Art by Diana Carlile

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at www.thewilderroses.com

  Publishing History

  First Scarlet Rose Edition, 2018

  Print ISBN 978-1-5092-2171-4

  Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-2172-1

  Published in the United States of America


  To my critique group: Isabel, Nia, and Chandra.

  To the Editing Maven, who helped me whip this book into shape.

  Chapter One

  Cameron McMillan strode down the sidewalk of his hometown of Grant, Washington. The crisp, late January morning air tickled the hair on his arms. He was a man on a mission. He wanted to surprise Kristen. She hadn’t been far from his mind in the last six months that he had spent teaching in Scotland as a visiting professor. He’d arrived home from Scotland yesterday and had spent his first night with his family. His mother still hadn’t forgiven him for missing Christmas with the family. Today, he’d see Kristen and settle once and for all if she was interested in a relationship with him.

  He glanced at his watch. Three minutes after six. Her café, Cozy Corners, would be open. University classes didn’t start for another week, but the students had started moving into the dorms and local houses. The café wouldn’t be too busy yet, but in the next few hours, he’d be lucky to find a seat. Cameron pushed open the glass door. The smell of fresh coffee and blueberries tickled his nose.

  “Hi there, big brother,” Skye whispered as she leaned forward from her place behind the counter, giving him a sly grin and a wink.

  “Hi.” He kept his voice low. The last thing he wanted to do was tip off Kristen he was there. He wanted her to be surprised at his appearance. Skye had informed him Kristen didn’t expect to see him for a few days.

  “I’ll get your drink and scone, and I’ll tell Kristen someone is here to see her.”

  “Thanks, Skye.” Cam sat at the small table in the corner to wait. Skye delivered his coffee and scone before she disappeared into the back.

  He made quick work of the scone, loving the light texture and the sweet blueberries. Kristen’s blueberry scones were the best; he’d missed them while he was in Scotland. Another reason to come home…at least for a little while. He had an open invitation to return to Scotland in six months, and he was thinking about it.

  But first, he wanted to see how this attraction to Kristen played out. He had no idea if she was still interested in him or if she wanted anything to do with the lifestyle.

  “Those fritters have to come out in five minutes.” Kristen’s clear voice echoed in the empty café.

  Cam kept his gaze on the doorway to the kitchen area, waiting for Kristen to appear. He was rewarded as she walked out, her brown hair pulled into a ponytail that bounced with each step she took. She maneuvered around the counter, revealing her “Kiss the Cook” apron over a pair of jeans. He grinned, thinking about grasping her confined hair, tilting her head back, and ravaging her mouth. As a Dom, he loved ponytails.

  She studied a piece of paper in her hand before setting it on the counter and looking up. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Cameron.” His name came out in a breathless rush.

  “Hi, Kristen.” He stood, his libido taking notice of how delicious she looked this morning.

  “You’re home.”

  “Yes, come and sit down.” He gestured for her to have a seat at the table. He inhaled the subtle scent of cinnamon. Her green eyes sparked with curiosity and a bit of wariness. “Umm, I’ve got fritters in the oven.”

  “Yes, and Skye can take them out.” He took her by the elbow and guided her over to the table, waiting until she took her seat before resuming his.

  “You’re home early.” She shifted in the chair, looking more nervous than relaxed.

  “Only by a week.” He sipped his coffee, hoping to get her to relax.

  “Well, welcome home.” She gave him a warm smile. “I’m surprised your mom isn’t making you a big homecoming breakfast.” She motioned toward his empty plate.

  “We had a family dinner last night, but today, I wanted to see you.”

  “Me? Why?” She tilted her head. He almost stood up to move behind her and press his lips to her exposed, slender neck.

  “We have some unfinished business.” He reached across the table and captured her hand before she could pull it back. Almost.

  “We do?” Her voice trembled a bit as she sat straighter in her chair.

  “Yes. Did you really mean what you said at my going away party?”

  Her teeth nibbled at her lower lip for a minute and damn if his dick didn’t grow hard at the action. “What did I say? That was six months ago.” She lowered her gaze to the tabletop where he held her hand.

  “You remember.” He squeezed her hand then lowered his voice. “Look at me.”

  When she didn’t move an inch, Cam inhaled deeply, reined in his dominant side and said, “Please, look at me.”

  She lifted her gaze from their hands to meet his. Her eyes were wide and bright. “Cameron,” she started, trying to pull her hand from his.

  He didn’t let go. “Tell me. Did you fantasize about me tying you up in my bed and having my wicked way with you while I was gone?”

  A blush rose to her cheeks, and she wiggled in her chair. “I shouldn’t have said that to you.”

  “So you do remember?” His dick pulsed.

  Her lower lip disappeared into her mouth for a moment. “Yes, I remember. I was inappropriate that night.”

  “How?” He took a sip of his coffee with his free hand to cover up his eagerness at her answers.

  “Come on, Cameron. I don’t have to tell you I was tipsy. I never should have cornered you in the hall at your going away party and whispered those words in your ear.” A light blush took over her cheeks. “I was impulsive that night, and telling you I wanted you to tie me up was inappropriate.”

  “Are you saying it’s untrue?” Had he come back for nothing?

  “No!” The word burst
from her lips. Her cheeks turned a darker pink. “Yes…oh, crap.” She tugged her hand free and put them both up to cover her face.

  Cam could only smile. She was interested in him, definitely. Interested in the lifestyle, maybe. “Kristen, take your hands away from your face. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” His voice was firm yet gentle.

  Her hands fluttered to the tabletop, but her gaze stayed lowered. A submissive in the making? His groin tightened as his blood warmed. She would be good for him, an eager pupil.

  “Look at me.” His command was just as firm as his last. When their gazes met, he let out a breath. “How much do you know?”

  “You volunteer at the local BDSM club and teach sexual health at the university.” Her voice was soft and low.

  “Yes, but how much do you know about the lifestyle?” Was she really interested? It was hard to tell.

  “A bit.” She squirmed in her chair. “This isn’t the place we should be talking about this.”

  Cam glanced around the café; no one was here yet, and his sister was keeping to the kitchen. “No one is here. Tell me.”

  “I…” Her gaze dropped, and she shook her head. “Not here.” Her voice was stronger. “I won’t risk my business.”

  Someone walked by the café, and Cam shifted in his seat. “Meet me for dinner tonight.”

  “I have to bake tonight.”

  “I’ll bring dinner here, but we are going to talk.” Cam stood up and circled behind Kristen as someone walked into the café. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I can’t wait to explore this attraction we have. Fully explore.” Cam straightened, turned, and strode out the café door.


  Kristen Caldwell gripped the table as Cameron walked out and a customer walked in. She couldn’t breathe; hell, she could barely think. Cameron was home. The last six months had been torture on her as she waited for Cameron to return from Scotland. She didn’t have an interest in any other man. It didn’t help she’d had a little too much to drink at his goodbye party, and the wine had loosened her tongue enough to blurt out her fantasy about him. Part of her regretted saying the words and another part didn’t.

  But now he was home, and he hadn’t forgotten what she’d said. Her stomach turned over, and it wasn’t because she hadn’t eaten yet. Her nerves trembled from his words, anticipation tingled beneath her skin, and a healthy dose of trepidation filled her mind. Her attraction to Cameron hadn’t wavered in the six months he was gone. If anything, it had grown stronger and she wanted to explore the attraction with him.

  “Cameron gone?” Skye asked after helping the customer.

  “Yes.” Kristen forced herself out of the chair, and back behind the counter. Skye was a good friend to her. Did Skye know about her brother’s lifestyle? She had never mentioned it, but then again, she had never asked. Kristen slipped into the kitchen and began fixing the mini quiches after the fritters were put in the warming oven.

  Thank goodness, she could do this in her sleep, because she couldn’t get her mind off of Cameron’s words. He wanted her in his bed. Tied up in his bed. She really hadn’t expected him to come to her café his first morning home.

  Part of her was thrilled he came to see her and another part was a little apprehensive. She’d agonized for months about what she said to him that night of his going away party. But Cameron was different. He hadn’t brush her off, nor put her down. Maybe it was because he taught sexual health at the university. She’d heard his students talking in her café about the class. How Professor McMillan taught them about sex, self-pleasure, how to please a man and a woman, sexual diseases, and alternative lifestyles. Plus, he belonged to the local BDSM club. A club she longed to walk into, but her fear of being judged held her back.

  A shiver of anticipation running up her spine made Kristen roll her shoulders. Despite her fear, she was drawn to BDSM. She so wanted to explore the lifestyle. The few times she’d tried it had led to disastrous results. But she trusted Cameron.

  Over the years, she heard his students talking about his classes, how he championed alternative lifestyles, allowing the students to form their own opinions. He encouraged them to explore but to be safe about it and was willing to help any of them if they wanted or needed it.

  She saw how he was with his mother and sister. Her lips curved up at the old adage. “You can tell how a man will treat a woman by how he treats his mother or sister.”

  Four years ago, she’d shed her family name and her old life when she moved to Grant. Her ex and her family were toxic, and she was finally happy. Now at thirty-two, she was free to explore. She had a feeling with Cameron it would be totally different.

  This morning just proved her right. He hadn’t gone all dominant on her although she’d seen the flash of dominance in his eyes. Her body and mind had melted. She’d read about BDSM—had done her research—and knew she had submissive traits within certain limits. After her ex, she had learned she needed to define those limits, because she still wanted to maintain control of her life.

  She’d had enough of her control being taken away by her family. She’d never let anyone have total control over her or her decisions, even if it was the super sexy, dominant Cameron. She had her limits.

  “Hey, Kristen.” Skye’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “What’s up?” Kristen checked the mini quiches and pulled them from the oven.

  “Mrs. Watkins is here about a cake for her daughter’s birthday.”

  Kristen set the quiches to cool and washed her hands before going out front. Time to be owner and baker. She could think more about Cameron later.

  Chapter Two

  A knock rattled the bakery door at seven p.m. Kristen glanced up from the cake design book she was reading to see Cameron dressed in jeans and a polo shirt, carrying two plastic bags. She stood and ran her hands down her apron then opened the door for him.

  “Hi,” she greeted. Her skin tingled with anticipation.

  “Hi.” His right hand slipped around her neck, holding her still as he gave her a light kiss. “You taste like vanilla,” he said before letting her go.

  Kristen let out a laugh. “Vanilla cupcakes are in the oven.” Her nerves danced in excitement at his kiss and touch. She hadn’t expected that kiss.

  “I have dinner.” He held up the bag in his left hand.

  The scent of beef teased her nose. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Burgers and fries from Maxine’s.”

  Kristen’s stomach let out a growl, and Cameron laughed. “Someone is hungry.”

  She relocked the door and led him toward the back. “We’ll need to eat back here, or people will be knocking on the door, wanting treats.” She waved Cameron toward the table in the corner.

  Slipping on her oven mitts, she opened the industrial oven door. Yep, cupcakes done. She slid the pans out, setting them on racks to cool before putting a batch of mini cakes in to bake.

  “Why don’t you hire someone to do all the baking for you?” Cameron asked, standing next to the table.

  Kristen set the timer and turned to him. “I like baking. It makes me feel good. Besides, this is my business, and I don’t want to hire someone to do it. Skye comes over in the mornings to help. Plus there’s Tim, who helps with the customers.”

  “Yes, but you still work sixteen hour days.” He glanced around the kitchen.

  Kristen was proud of her kitchen. She had a prep area away from the ovens, large work tables, and plenty of room even with several ovens and refrigerators.

  “Sometimes, I have long days, and other times, I don’t.” She did work long hours, but only because she didn’t have a life outside her business. But maybe now…she was ready for things to change.

  She grabbed napkins out of a nearby cabinet and glanced over at Cameron. “Do we need plates?”

  “Blasphemy, woman.” He let out a laugh and began pulling the big Styrofoam containers out of the bag. The scent of the fries caused Kristen’s stomach to grow
l again. “When was the last time you ate?” He tossed a couple dozen ketchup packets on the table.

  She removed two bottles of water out of the fridge and set them and the napkins on the table. “Hope water is okay. I can make coffee, and there is some soda. My beverage delivery arrives tomorrow morning.”

  “Water is fine.” He slipped around her and held her chair out.

  Her breath hitched in her throat at his closeness before she sat down.

  “You didn’t answer me. When did you last eat?” Cameron’s breath brushed her ear.

  His husky, firm tone sent a shiver through her bloodstream. “This morning, I think.” Cameron moved away, and she let out a breath. Her nerves were hyperaware when he was near.

  “You think?” He stared at her as he sat down. “You need a keeper.”

  “Are you applying for the job?”

  “Damn straight.” He tilted his chin toward her box. “Open it and eat.”

  Kristen opened her mouth to tell him she was joking, but his pointed glare had her swallowing her words. She opened the container and let out a sigh of pleasure. Maxine’s burgers and fries were legendary in Grant. She lifted the bun, and surprise hit her low in the stomach. The tomatoes and onions were missing.

  “No tomatoes, no onions, cheddar cheese instead of American, cooked well-done with lettuce and mayo,” Cameron said, his gaze still on her.

  “How did you know?” She picked up her burger and took a bite. Her eyes closed in bliss as the flavorful beef melted in her mouth along with the sharp tang of cheese.

  “You’ve eaten at enough of our backyard barbecues.”

  “That doesn’t mean you should remember how I take my burger.” She squirted a couple packets of ketchup onto the lid of the box and swiped her fry through it.

  “I remember everything.”

  Kristen swallowed her fry. Everything? Her nerves fluttered in her stomach, and she stared at Cameron. “Like what?”

  Cameron’s blue gaze fastened on her face. “Like…you take your coffee with cream and sugar, lots of sugar. You won’t eat strawberries, but you’ll eat blueberries. You’ve only dated two men since you came to Grant. And you never talk about your past.”


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