Double Grades

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Double Grades Page 50

by Kristine Robinson

  Despite years of marriage, I felt that I still barely knew Elliot’s body. I was aware that he enjoyed certain tricks when I gave him head, but little beyond that. While he seemed to greatly enjoy our sex life – with my body at his disposal – I always found myself lacking. Now, kneeling above Marcie with her withering beneath me, I found what I had been longing for.

  A connection that was more than just sexual fun, something that was more emotional. With a deeper meaning, with something laying beneath the surface. Tracing my fingers along the curves, my lips moved up from her chest and to her lips instead. Eagerly kissing her trembling lips. It had been so long since I was the one in control that I forgot how lovely it felt.

  Elliot never allowed me to have any control when we were in the bedroom. He enjoyed having me beneath him, rarely ever allowing me on top, allowing me to feel control. Marcie was the complete opposite, she enjoyed having me touch and caress every bit of her body. It became clear, very quickly, that she enjoyed being dominated. I was more than eager to give Marcia every bit of attention that her little heart desired, that her body could handle.

  Pulling at her lower lip with my teeth, I scraped my nails against her hips, pressing our bare skin together and kissed her firmly. Pushing my tongue past her lips to greet her own, shuddering as she moaned into the affection. There was something about her sounds that drove me crazy. I wanted to toy with her body until she could do nothing but beg my name.

  It had been so many years since I felt this kind of control, a feeling that I could quickly become addicted to if Marcie so gave me the option. Pulling away from the kiss, I pressed my forehead against her own, panting heavily as I stroked my fingers against her thighs and lips. There was little hesitation before I couldn’t hold back further, pressing my fingers inside of her body and kissing her temple as Marcie groaned.

  Her legs parted at the welcome intrusion, fingers still knotted within my hair and toes curling against the fabric. “Ah- Penny, please.” She pleaded my name and I laughed softly, brushing her hair back and softly kissing her. Marcie was amazing, in every way. From her whimpers to those beautiful eyes staring up at me. Everything around this woman drove me over the edge.

  “You’re perfect,” I spoke the words gently as my fingers continued to thrust inside her body. The pads of my fingers worked their away against her inner muscles, curling and massaging Marcie’s inner walls. She pleaded my name, her hips bucking against my hand. It felt wonderful, the way she begged and squirmed. “I could do this to you all day.” That wasn’t a threat, but a promise. I truly could spend all day in bed with this beautiful woman, simply fucking her until her legs were too weak to stand. That was an ideal situation.

  “Don’t stop.” Her hands shifted from my hair and onto my shoulders, gripping me tighter as she bucked against me. The feeling of her nails raking down my shoulders was amazing and I playfully nipped at her earlobe in response, tugging the skin. “Yes!” She cried out louder as my fingers brushed against a sensitive area and I chuckled. Doing my best to focus on her pleads, I continued to thrust my fingers inside her, aiming to rub against that sensitive area time and time again.

  It seemed that my judgment was correct because Marcie was soon crying out my name loudly. Her nails pressed further into my skin as she arched and I could feel her muscles growing right around my fingers. Giving a gentle laugh, I kissed her chest and bit down gently on her erect nipple as she came against my fingers. It was a beautiful sound, the way she moaned my name as her thighs trembled around me. It was a sight and sound that I could easily become addicted to.

  Panting softly, I once more allowed my forehead to rest against her own, my free hand finding her own to lace our fingers together. Gently squeezing her hand, I whispered her name, smiling. “I hope that helped you relax.” She had been complaining about a tiring day and I was eager to help her relieve the stress. Laughing beneath me, Marcie slowly shook her head. Good, then it paid off in the end. While I was more than happy to touch and please her whenever I could, I wanted to ensure that it meant something to Marcie – she was the type of woman that enjoyed an emotional connection during these times.

  Our bodies started to relax, coming down from our high. Marcie’s eyes were closed, her head tilted back as I wiped my fingers clean against the sheets beneath us. Silence almost engulfed the room, before I felt arms around me. My face started to burn and I looked up to find Sabrina behind me. The woman gave a toothy grin, kissing my neck gently and squeezing at my exposed breasts. “Now, that was quite a show, Penny. I need to watch you play more often.”

  I didn’t realize Penny was there, in fact, I couldn’t recall when she had come into the room. The more I thought about it, I couldn’t remember when I undressed or when I had even come over to Marcie’s place. My mind was reeling and as I tried to piece together everything that was happening, my eyes finally opened.

  Covered in sweat and panting, I blinked into consciousness. That had been a dream, all of it. Disappointed filled my chest, mainly due to how lovely Marcie had been. The fact I made her finish in such a beautiful way was something I’d rather achieve than dream about. Despite the disappointment in my chest, my mind was still in overdrive. Up to this point, I had slept with them both, but separately. I had never thought about sharing my bed with more than one person. Apparently, my body had different desires than my mind did.

  Taking a few moments to gather myself, I slowly stood from the bed and made my way towards the bathroom. I needed a long, cold shower and some time to clear my head. Perhaps call Carmine, ask her thoughts on the matter. She was always far better at organizing my thoughts and dreams than I had ever been. Besides, there was a chance she had experience in this area where I had utterly none.


  “So, Marcie is her roommate, and they’re both completely cool with what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know if they’re ‘completely cool’, but they certainly don’t seem to mind. I mean, Marcie seemed rather shy about the fact, but, she’s sweet. I mean, they’re both very sweet.”

  “Babe.” Carmine stared at me from across the table, grinning. “It doesn’t matter, honestly, you worry way too much! Stop thinking about all that stressful shit and just focus on what’s currently happening. You have two beautiful women who are interested in you. Like, I really don’t see the big fuss. I’d be over the moon!”

  “I haven’t been with anyone besides Elliot in so many years, it just feels … strange. I still feel like I’m cheating on him.”

  Carmine scrunched her face in response, rolling her eyes as I spoke. “Please, the last thing you need is to be thinking about that dick. Like, I know he’s my brother and everything, but he’s completely awful. After being married to someone like that, honestly babe, you deserve to be with two hotties like them.”

  As she continued to speak, I couldn’t help but start laughing, shaking my head. Carmine was quite a strange young woman, indeed, however, I found her rather charming, for all her quirks and flaws. “You have the strangest take on things, Carmine.”

  She shrugged in response, not bothered by my inability to understand her half of the time. “It’s fine, I understand. I’m too amazing to comprehend. No one is going to force you, don’t worry.” There was a grin that followed her words and I couldn’t help but give a weak groan, rolling my eyes. She was honestly one of the silliest friends I had, but one of the best, as well. Despite being Elliot’s sister, Carmine had always been a very good friend to me.

  When the truth about Elliot came to light, she stayed by my side through it all, refusing to accept her brother’s behavior and even helped me in finding my attorney. If it hadn’t been for Carmine, there was no chance in hell I could have been so strong throughout this entire endeavor. She was the backbone that I needed during those trying times.

  Even if she was driving me up a while, with this current situation.”You don’t think it’s a bit, I don’t know, slutty? To be sleeping with two people, two friends, at the sa
me time?”

  “You were honest about it, they understood what was going on, they both agreed that they didn’t mind in the slightest. I don’t see the issue here, babe. You’re the only one that seemed to be bothered, and I mean, if you’re really that upset, why not just walk away from it?”

  “Normally, I would, but I actually had a lot of fun when we were together. More fun than I’ve had in years.”

  “Well then, I guess you just answered your own question.”

  “This just feels a bit fast.”

  “It’s just sex, it’s not like you’re marrying them, babe. That would be moving too fast, but this, this is just fun! You need to stop letting Elliot hold you back so much. He had far too much control when you were married, you can’t let him have control now, too. This is your life, Penelope. You need to learn how to stand up for yourself and take charge once in awhile, seriously. Who knows, maybe getting double teamed by the hotties will help.”


  “Get upset all you want, you know I’m telling the truth. Just, give it a shot. Who knows, maybe you’ll actually start to enjoy yourself.”

  “I’ll… think about it.” Carmine shrugged in response, but kept up her smile, returning her attention back to her lunch. We had only a short time before we had to return to the office, after all.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  I did think about it. I thought it often, where I wanted my life to go from here. I had two very beautiful women that were highly interested in me, yet I still found myself struggling. I knew it was silly, most others would be over the moon in this situation, but I had never been a very wild girl. I often dated those I slept with for long periods of time, one night stands were very far and few between. So, where did that leave me now?

  Thinking it over, for quite a while, I eventually asked to see the roommates, to layout my issue before them and see what another mind would have to say. As expected, Sabrina simply laughed while Marcie smiled, attempting to comfort me with their words. Neither understood why I was so shy about admitting the truth - I had never been with two different people at the same time and I was nervous. That was all that needed to be said and, once it was out in the air, I felt both an extreme amount of relief, as well as embarrassment.

  They didn’t ask me to choose, they didn’t push me to accept them both. Instead, the girls just smiled, suggested we take this slow and see what I like. Instead of sex, we could just hang out, get to know one another and see where it went from there. That was a route I was far more comfortable taking, however, it progressed far quicker than I imagined. While we agreed to keep things casual, it was only a week before I fell back in bed with Sabrina. The next night Marcie. The following weekend, they both took me to bed. I had never been in a threesome before, but it seemed that this was the direction our relationship was heading. While I had heard of them, I never truly thought such a situation would actually work out.

  The pair was quick to prove me wrong. No matter how strange I thought this situation was, our dynamic was actually quite functional. Sabrina was outgoing and adventurous, helping me to get out of the house more often, while Marcie was calm and creative, always there to listen and enjoy a movie. It was strange to see the two opposites as best friends, but when together, they truly seemed to balance out one another.

  During our days together, I learned so much about them. Sabrina didn’t work, she instead lived off her family’s fortune, which was how they afforded this beautiful penthouse. She wanted to become a painter but had yet to find her muse. Marcie, on the other hand, was a freelance writer. She enjoyed writing romance novels, a true romantic at heart. The pair had been friends for many years and had plenty of silly stories to share with me. I loved hearing every single one, hearing all their little quirks and habits. Marcie was terrified of flying and boats, while Sabrina had an oddly strange fear of cockroaches. Learning all these little things brought me so much closer to the pair and, with each day that passed, I felt myself falling for them. Little by little, I was finding small things that I adored from them both. While I wouldn’t go so far as to say loved, well, I certainly wasn’t going to say I didn’t feel my heart skip beats when Marcie made me dinner and Sabrina danced with me in the living room.

  Far too lost in my thoughts, I almost didn’t notice Marcie shifting behind me. In her sleep, she hugged my body closer to hers and I couldn’t help but smile. I was nestled between the sleeping friends, with Sabrina’s back facing me. We had slept well into the morning and it didn’t seem that either was them was going to wake soon, so I simply decided to settle. Things had certainly changed, but honestly, I was enjoying the change. This was a change that I could live with.


  “Babe, you’re so damn cute, but you suck at games.” Giving a loud huff, I set the controller down and glared over towards Sabrina. We had spent the morning playing some racing game that I was completely terrible at. No matter how many times I challenged her to another match, I always lost. Never once during the little races had I ever been in first place.

  “I really do, but you clearly play these games too much, if you’re this good!”

  “When Marcie is cramming on her books, I get bored and have to do something to keep myself entertained. I mean, that was before I had you, of course. You’re the best entertainment.” She winked playfully and I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, after that killing, I think I need to take a shower.”

  “You’re such a sore loser.” She laughed as I stood, heading towards Marcie’s bedroom. While I was, indeed, a sore loser, I also needed to wash up. I had spent the weekend with the pair, and I was in desperate need of a good scrub down. Moving to the bedroom door, I didn’t bother to knock before stepping into the room. I knew that Macie was working tonight and I didn’t want to knock and bother her.

  As I stepped into the room, it became clear that I, most certainly, should have knocked. Macie’s laptop was set aside, her work long forgotten. Instead of sitting at the desk, she was instead laying atop her bed, legs spread and squirming against her sheets. Her pale dress was pushed up and her hands were moving between her legs, the soft sound of an engine reaching my ears. It didn’t take a genius to realize what was going on. Practically squeaking, my eyes widened, staring at the woman before me.

  It took a moment of watching before Marci realized I was actually in the room. Giving a startled cry, she immediately stopped moving, the vibrator dropped on the bed. “Penny!” She blurted out my name, and I struggled to answer. She looked beautiful, spread out on the bed, legs trembling with her hair thick in her face. When I walked in, her hand had been over her mouth, biting her finger. I could see the teeth marks still on her skin as I approached.

  Leaning down, I didn’t respond, instead, I kissed her firmly on the mouth. While I had never been an overly sexual woman while married to Elliot, since leaving him and joining these two, I was learning more and more about my body by the day. I, apparently, had far more kinks than I originally thought.

  Allowing me to do as I pleased, my kisses trailed away from her lips and along her exposed chest, before dipping down to her legs. I pressed a soft kiss against her knee and thigh, before kissing just above her slit. She gasped as she felt my lips against her skin and I gave a weak smirk. Tracing my hands down her thighs, I cupped them around her knees, spreading her legs. Kissing against her opening, I couldn’t help the pleased hum that escaped when Marcie lifted her hips, whimpering in response to my affection.

  This wasn’t a usual position that I would choose, but today, I couldn’t help myself. Seeing her squirming like that, I wanted to taste her. I wanted to feel her thighs trembling around my head while my tongue taunted every sensitive bit she had. So, I did just that. Pressing my tongue against her folds, I rubbed against her sensitive bud, causing her to buck in response. A moan escaped, louder than before and I didn’t even attempt to quiet her, forgetting that we weren’t alone in the apartment.

  In fact, I’d complet
ely forgotten about Sabrina. I had left the door open, and it seemed she made her way into the room because I soon felt arms around my waist and someone nuzzling my back rather sweetly. “You’re going to make her a mess,” she whispered behind me. I laughed softly.


  “Hey.” Kissing the back of my neck, she squeezed my hips and nipped my ear gently, mumbling. “Think I’ll get in on this. ” Her response was soft before she pulled away, however, I didn’t spare her another glance. Instead, I focused on my task at hand, which was pushing my fingers into Marcie and massaging against her inner muscles, tongue still teasing her clit.

  Behind me, I heard quite a bit of noise, but I ignored it for the time being. At least, I tried to, until I felt Sabrina push up my own dress, and her fingers rub against the cloth of my panties. Giving a gasp against Marcie’s opening, I spread my own knees just a bit to give her easier access.


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