Double Grades

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Double Grades Page 52

by Kristine Robinson

  “I-I want to go.” Her response was gentle and I went to speak, however, was cut off when Sabrina stood and tugged me from my chair, pulling me into a kiss. I squeaked loudly as she grabbed me, but even more when she plucked me up, carrying me over towards the couch.

  “Sabrina!” I squeaked out her name but she ignored me. Dropping me down on the couch, she knelt over me now, kissing me firmly. It seemed that she was quite happy with the arrangement - dangerously happy. I didn’t fight her back, why would I? Instead, I ran my fingers through my hair, messing up that pretty braid and gripping her locks as I deepened the kiss. I could feel her lipstick smudge against my lips and I shivered at the thought of her color spread across my skin. The kiss broke for air and I panted hard, staring at her. “Geez, that’s quite a response.”

  “I want to celebrate!” She spoke eagerly, looking over her shoulder towards Marcie. Her face was nearly on fire now, watching them before giving a weak smile as her eyes met Sabrina’s, standing and approaching us. “Babe, help me out of this skin suit.” Nodding, she made her way over and ran her hands up along Sabrina’s back, slowly unzipping her dress. A gentle kiss was laid just above her bra and Sabrina giggled over me, kissing along my neck, biting gently. I gasped beneath her, squirming. Out of the three of us, Sabrina was by far the most sexual. She had little to no subtle, which was evident now as she pinned me beneath her while kissing, her body resting easily between my knees.

  “You have no self-control, Sabrina,” Marcie spoke behind her, arms wrapping around Sabrina, chin resting on her shoulder. She was watching as Sabrina ran her hands up my body, causing me to shiver beneath her, stripping away my shirt with ease. As my breasts were exposed, my cheeks burned, glaring at Sabrina - but playfully.

  “Most people say ‘thank you’!”

  “I’m not most people, which is probably why you like me so much.” I laughed a bit and wrapped my arms around her, eagerly returning the kiss. If this was how Sabrina wanted to celebrate, I certainly didn’t mind.


  My kiss with Sabrina didn’t last long, my chin was gently grabbed and pulled away, my lips meeting Marcie’s instead. She was the more affectionate of the pair, eager to kiss and to spoon. Pulling a hand away from the Sabrina, I cupped the back of Marcie’s neck, returning the kiss eagerly. Sabrina didn’t seem bothered with the change in position, instead of continuing her actions. Her lips trailing down my neck and to my chest. Nipping and sucking at my breasts as I arched beneath her, moaning into Marcie’s mouth.

  This had become a position that I was quite content with, nestled between them, allowing Sabrina to completely dominate every inch of my body while I drowned little Marcie in as much affection as I could spare. I didn’t bother to fight Sabrina for control, instead of spreading my legs eagerly as she brushed her hand beneath my dress. Eager to hear me whimper and beg, though the sounds would be quite muffled by Marcie’s lips, who pushed her tongue past my lips without a second thought. It was an erotic position that they had me in, but I was greatly enjoying every moment of it.

  “Wait here,” Sabrina whispered in my ear and I snorted slightly. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, yet I still replied to her request with a gentle nod. Taking the place of Sabrina, Marcie kneeled against the couch and continued our kiss. Her tongue rubbed against my own in a pointless battle for dominance, one that I shortly won by using my body weight to push Marcie down against the couch.

  She didn’t put up any sort of fight, eager to part her knees and allow me to move between them. Giving a soft laugh against her lips, I took hold of her PJ shorts and slid them away from her thighs. Tossing them aside, I ran my fingers along her smooth thighs and nipped at her lower lip. Marcie pulled away from the kiss to finally breathe, just smiling up at me. Her face was burning, but her trembling fingers cupped my face. One of my hands left her thighs to squeeze her fingers, attempting to reassure her. I knew her shaking wasn’t due to my actions, but the thoughts of travel. She truly did have a great fear of flying, but I knew that together, Sabrina and I could help her. “We’ll be with you the entire time.”

  “I know.” She whispered her response and took a slow breath. Her hand slid away from my face and into my hair, pulling me close to kiss my forehead. The affection was so innocent compared to what I was attempting with her and I snorted loudly.

  “You’re so cute.” Pulling away from her to peel away her baggy tee, I kissed her firmer this time. As our lips locked, I pulled away from her panties and tossed them aside without a thought of where they would land. By this time, Sabrina had returned. I could feel her lips against my neck and I hummed against Marcie’s mouth in response.

  “I could watch you two all afternoon.” I completely believed her. Sabrina’s hands squeezed at my sides as she unbuttoned my shirt with ease and pulled it away from my body. She was never a very patient woman, eager to dive right into the first thing she enjoyed – which happened to be my body, in this circumstance. My skirt soon followed my shirt upon the ground and Sabrina kissed down the curve of my back.

  I shivered in response, shifting my hips as she pulled off my garments. Whenever we were alone, Sabrina’s first action as to always strip me bare. She claimed that the sight of my body was like artwork and she couldn’t afford a museum. Both a lie and a terrible line.

  My hands wandered up Marcie’s body, cupping her breasts that were still hidden by her bra. I squeezed her soft flesh as our kiss deepened once more, moaning against her mouth as Sabrina squeezed my rear. I could feel her painted nails gently scrape against my skin and it caused a shudder to travel up my back.

  Her fingers rubbed between my thighs and I could feel a chilled slickness to her fingers, apparently well lubricated. Parting my knees, I forced Marcie’s legs further apart who whined in protest but settled when I squeezed at her chest again, my affections trailing down her neck. Since sleeping with them, it became painfully obvious to me that I enjoyed marring her skin with bruises from my teeth – affections that Marcie didn’t object to.

  Sabrina began to prod deep inside and I whimpered gently as I felt her spreading apart my muscles. After our time together, Sabrina had come to know my body quite well. The pads of her fingers moved with ease within me, thrusting in deeply. Her free arm moved around my waist and gingerly pressed an object into my hand. A small, silver egg-shaped toy. I knew it well, a vibrator that I had seen Marci use from time to time. Understanding her thought process, I carefully pushed the toy inside of Marcie, smirking when she supplied a weak moan. Arching in response to the feeling, her legs parted to accept the intrusion.

  Fumbling for a moment, I found the small remote and turned on the device. The moment it sprung to life, Marcie cried out as the toy started to vibrate within her body. Sabrina chuckled from behind me, slowly withdrawing her fingers now and gripping my hips firmly. She pressed close against me, nudging out hips together and I felt her own toy press against me. The moment I felt the slick object fill me, I recognized what Sabrina had chosen. A dildo – a strap-on, to be exact. Sabrina had always been a fan of her strap on and I was happy to indulge her. Keeping a firm grip, she pulled back her hips and thrust deep inside, her actions rocking my body forward.

  My own fingers were no longer inside of Marcie, allowing the vibrating egg to tease her inner walls while I gave my attention to her clit. Moving my thumb slowly, I teased the sensitive nub and cooed against her ear while stroking her hair. Marcie squirmed beneath me, fingers tracing down my arms and sighing at every movement.

  Still thrusting against me, Sabrina gave little mercy as her strap on plunged deep inside. I could barely hold up my body, the toy caused my legs to tremble and, for a moment, I worried that I was going to collapse atop poor little Marcie. Managing to hold myself steady, I leaned down and gently kissed Marcie instead of crushing her body, giving a soft giggle with each of my small kisses. Marcie was barely holding on herself, lost within her pleasure.

  It wasn’t long before she came, gripping my hair
and crying out my name in response. Giving a light smile, I kissed along her neck and chest, allowing her to finally relax. I had already pushed her body to the limit and I knew she needed some time to relax. With Sabrina behind me, refusing to give my body any mercy, I barely lasted longer than the woman beneath me.

  As I came, crying out Sabrina’s name, my body was old held up by her firm around my waste. Panting heavily, I pressed back against Sabrina’s dildo to lean up and gently kissed her lips, my own still trembling as much as my thighs.

  Taking a moment to collect ourselves, the air was filled with our pants and soft laughter as we each took the time to look at the mess we made. Pulling out her strap on, it was placed aside as Sabrina drew my body close, making sure to drag Marcie over as well. The vibrator was tossed aside as well and I buried my face against Marcie’s messy hair, her bun having fallen out some time ago. She looked beautiful when she was panting and red, a perfect mess.

  Looking between the two women, I couldn’t help but smile. I loved the moments like these, where I was stuck between these two beautiful women. In fact, I enjoyed about every other moment I had with Sabrina and Marcie. There were so many things that I adored about them, little things that I had grown to admire from each party. While it was something that I, originally, scoffed at the idea of, there was no point in hiding the truth any further. I was falling in love with them both, something that I was thankful to finally realize, and hoped to one day, admit to them as well.

  Virgin Beginnings

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A First Time College Lesbian Romance


  I had always been a geek and never found it easy to make friends. Now I was starting at a big university and wasn’t sure what to expect. When I find another freshman that enjoyed sci-fi, I was glad to have a friend. And she was a girl. I started to develop strange feelings for her though, the more time we spent together and I felt confused. Why was I feeling attracted to another girl? I had barely dated men, let alone thought I was lesbian. Even though jealousy nearly drove us apart, I couldn’t get my green-haired fairy queen out of my head. I even trusted her with a secret not even my parents knew!


  I never thought I would fall for a cute geeky girl, but after I showed her what it was like to kiss another woman, I really wanted her. I knew she was innocent and didn’t want to take things too fast or do anything to scare her off. Unfortunately, my big mouth was always getting me into trouble, and it did with her too. Then she disappeared out of my life for three months. I didn’t know if I’d ever see her again. I had many opportunities to pursue other girls, but it was only her I wanted. My friends were supportive, but warned me about going for a baby dyke!

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  “Kaela, you need to stock up on water and emergency supplies!”

  “Yes dad!”

  “They said thousands could be killed and we’d have no electricity for a long time. We need to be prepared, honey!”

  My father had watched a program on the Cascadia Rising exercise, a massive tsunami and earthquake drill involving the whole Pacific Northwest.

  “I know, dad.”

  “There won’t even be any mobile phone service!”

  I had seen a few minutes of the news footage, with military vehicles delivering supplies to Vashon Island.

  “And I can’t believe they still haven’t reinforced your building since last time dad! It’s so dangerous!”

  “Yes, yes,” he replied, “I know. They keep saying it’ll cost too much!”

  “Cost too much! You could have been killed!”

  I wished my dad would find another job and stop working in the dangerous old brick building he had been, for longer than I’d been alive. And his building wasn’t the only one in Seattle that was a potential death trap. There were about a thousand more that were unsafe, if another earthquake struck! I could still remember the 2001 quake clearly, even though I was only four years old.

  It was my first year of school and one I would never forget. I first noticed my chair starting to shake and looked around. No one else seemed to have noticed. Then the roaring sound began, as a whistle and everything started to shake. The teacher looked around the room, confused. Everything was rattling, as the rumbling grew louder. The children around me started to cry.

  “Everyone under their desks!” the teacher shouted.

  The drone of the vibrations grew so loud, it nearly drowned out her voice. My whole class was crying, including me.

  “Get down on your knees and cover your head with your arms, like this.”

  I knelt down under my vibrating desk. I could feel the ground shaking beneath me. All I wanted was my mom, at that point. And, judging by the numerous other cries of “Mommy!” I wasn’t alone.

  Books fell down off the shelves and the clock, with the smiley face, fell off the wall.

  After the shaking finally stopped, the whole school, including our daycare, was led out of the building, onto the field. My class twin squeezed my hand as we walked out two-by-two. I felt braver for a few seconds.

  When I was older, my mother told me about how her building had shook. She had been 20 floors up! She could feel the whole building swaying with the force of the shock, but thankfully it was a new building and it stayed standing. The building my dad worked in was not so lucky. My mother had collected me from school already that day, when she found out about my dad. I could see the fear she had been suppressing for my sake come to the surface. The old brick building he worked in had sustained major damage. My father and ten of his colleagues were injured and had been sent to hospital.

  He had only suffered minor concussion from the incident, but I still hated him working in the same building.

  “Nobody was killed, Kaela. I’ll be fine.”

  I shook my head as I lay on my raised bed in my res. Beneath the bed, I had my study desk. I shared the room with another girl, who was luckily neater than I was. Her bed was crease-free and her desk was clear except for a stationery holder.

  My room at my parent’s home was even smaller, so res life wasn’t too much of an adjustment for me. But I was glad the scholarship had included on-campus housing, as much as I loved my parents.


  I woke up before my roommate on our first day of class. I had been awake since 06:00, but didn’t want to disturb her. When my alarm went off at 06:30, I sat up in bed.

  “Well this is it!” she said.

  She rolled over and looked at me.

  “Nervous?” she asked.

  She smiled at me. I raised my eyebrows.

  “Not at all!” I said.

  She tilted her head to the side and started laughing. I sniggered and burst out laughing too. We would be fine. After my first two classes that morning, I had an hour gap. I hauled out my campus map, looked around sheepishly and found a coffee shop in a nearby building. I shook my head. It was going to take a long time to get to know where everything was on the huge campus! I passed by a fountain, with a pond which would be inviting in summer. I pushed my shoulders back. I could do this! As I watched the water spraying up into the air, I suddenly collided with someone. Their books fell to the ground.

  “I’m so sorry!” I said, “That was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention!”

  “Don’t worry about it,” they responded.

  Then I looked up and saw who I had bumped into. It was a girl. She had green hair tied in two plaits that hung down over the front of her top. Her eyes were blue and her skin pale. Her long, toned legs were covered by tights with a green dragon-scale pattern.

  I closed my mouth. She grinned at me.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I- I’m fine,” I replied, “Thanks!”

  She straightened her books, after I helped her pick them up and I watched her go, before resuming my search for coffee. In the afternoon, I had class in the Chemistry building. I pushed open the heavy lecture hall door. The room was much larger than the ones
I’d been in that morning. As I made my way to the middle of the rows, I noticed there were a few familiar faces from my earlier classes, but many I hadn’t seen before.

  The lecturer began roll call. I would be right near the end. After the lecturer called out the second name on the list though, I thought the voice that responded, sounded familiar. I looked in the direction it came from and immediately recognized the head of green hair. I moistened my lips with my tongue. What a crazy coincidence, I thought. And now I knew her name - Jenna. I looked down at my laptop screen quickly, in case she caught me staring, again.

  Chapter 2

  Since my last class ended at 15:00, I had time to start studying for my first test on Friday. As I stepped onto the cement step outside my res, Jenna was coming the opposite way.

  “Hey!” she exclaimed, “You again! My name’s Jenna, by the way. What’s yours?”

  “I – err,” I began, “I’m Kaela.”

  She extended her hand and I took it in mine. Her skin was as soft as satin. As I breathed in deeply, her scent reminded me of Seward Park, close to my parent’s house. I had been hiking there with them and been twice with my karate group. The karate weekends were always brutal. Our sensei was a real sadist. We were up for a run each morning at 06:00, followed by a morning and afternoon training session. I loved training, though the few minutes of the long run I was alone among the tall green trees, I felt the most free. I had achieved my brown belt already, but wasn’t sure I would carry on training while I was studying, though the University did have a club.


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