Double Grades

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Double Grades Page 92

by Kristine Robinson

  Addison had a crazed look in her eyes. Jenna tried to tell her to calm down but she wasn't listening. Her face still bore the bruises of the car crash and her eyes were wide, darting about. Her hand shook and I was so afraid that with one slip of a finger I and Jenna could die.

  “This is the last straw Jenna! I can't believe you would bring her here. You always told me that we could come here. I thought this is where our wedding could be, that we could go skiing afterwards. It would be so perfect, but you've made a mistake. Why can't you see that? Why can't you love me?” she said in a pained, anguished tone. I glanced at Jenna, we both realized that she was a woman who needed serious help but we couldn't ignore the fact that she had trained a gun on us.

  “You have to make a choice Jenna! Choose me or I'll kill Ella. This is the only way to make you see sense. I don't want to do it but I have to, for love. That's why I'm doing this you know, because I love you, and I need to make you see that.” The anguish on her face was apparent and once again I found myself pitying her. This whole ordeal was the product of a lonely woman who just wanted to be loved, and in the past I knew how painful loneliness could be. I wanted to tell her that we could help her, that if she just trusted us we could make sure that everything was going to be okay, but instead I stayed silent, knowing that by talking I would only make her more angry, and it would only take one flash of anger to end our lives.

  “Okay, okay! Jenna said,” holding up her hands, trying to calm Addison down. “Look, let's just go back down to the bottom of the slope and talk about this properly. You don't need to kill anyone. We can work things out, let's just put the gun away and be patient and everything will be alright. We can go for a drink, just like old times.” I glanced at Jenna, hoping that this ploy worked, but something told me it wouldn't. Addison was crazy but she wasn't stupid, and she wasn't about to lose the only advantage she had.

  “Lies! Why are you lying to me?! Why do you want to hurt me Jenna? I gave you everything. Isn't this enough to prove my love? I've killed for you, I'll do anything you want, please just love me.” Tears streamed down her face and I began to seriously worry for our safety. I glanced down at the slope below. It was a long way to fall, but I couldn't help but think what the immaculate snow would look like stained with blood. Jenna started to speak to her again but Addison screamed and leaned over, pushing my shoulder. I lost balance, tried with flailing hands to hold onto Jenna but she was just out of reach and I plummeted to the snowy bank below, landing with a thud as pain throbbed through my entire body.

  I could barely open my eyes. All I remembered was the pain as I lay on the snow. I looked up at the white sky and wondered if this would be the last thing I saw. At least I had experienced love, I thought, at least I had been happy...

  Later on Jenna told me what happened in my absence. She demanded that Addison kill her too but she was unable to shoot, so Jenna wrestled with her on the chairlift and managed to get the gun, thanks to her superior strength. When they reached the top she held the crazed woman at gunpoint and called the cops, as well as the security of the resort. They were quick to come up and Jenna gave them strict orders to watch Addison closely, relinquishing the gun to them, and making sure they knew that Addison was a dangerous woman. Still wearing her skis, and not wanting to waste anymore time, she sped down the slope to find me, keeping her eyes peeled for my body, for she was afraid that the fall had killed me. Thankfully the snow was thick and soft and I hadn't sunken below the surface, only suffered a few bruises and a fracture or two. She found me and pulled me up. I was still so dazed that I don't remember much, only that an angel picked me up and carried back down to the warmth.


  This time in the hospital it was me laying in the hospital bed. My head was groggy but the pain had been dulled thanks to the painkillers. I was hooked up to a couple of machines that were monitoring my condition but other than that I felt fine. Jenna was by my side and smiled widely when I woke up. She kissed my hand, and then my lips. Apparently I had been lucky and fallen on a particularly soft part of the snow, so my injuries were limited to rib fractures, a broken arm, and bruising over my body, but I knew that it could have been much worse if Addison had carried out her threat. I thanked Jenna for saving me.

  “You're my guardian angel, and my superhero,” I said.

  “I would never have had the courage to take that gun from her if it wasn't for you. You make me so strong,” she replied, caressing my hair and kissing me on the forehead. I leaned back in the pillow and closed my eyes as I listened to Jenna tell me what happened while I had been on my way to the hospital.

  “It didn't take the police long to arrive, and when they did I told them everything. Addison was a wreck and in some ways I think she wanted it to be over as much as us. She told them all about Mindy, and how she had done it to try and get my attention, to prove that she would protect me from my rivals. She kept babbling on about how she had it all planned out, how once you were out of the way she would have me and we would live happily ever after. They carried her away, and I think she'll be in jail for a long time. Not only did she murder Mindy but they have her on attempted murder of us as well. Apparently there's a film crew doing a documentary nearby and they caught the whole thing on camera. She's out of our lives Ella, for good.”

  That was music to my ears. Jenna leaned in to kiss me. “I know this isn't what you signed up for when we started dating but I think if we can get through this we can get through anything. I've been thinking and I'd love for you to move in with me. I've even cleared out some room in the cupboard so you can have a place for your sweet treats.” I was shaken, but delirious, and quickly accepted her offer.

  “On one condition,” I said.

  “What's that?” she said with curiosity.

  “You tell me right now if you have any other crazy exes I should know about,” I said, then we both collapsed in laughter as we thought of our future together, and it would be a good future.

  As soon as I was ready to leave hospital we went home and I saw everything that Jenna had made for me. There was a space for my snacks, a new table that could fit my board games, and a huge television so Battlestar would look even more amazing. She lifted me in her arms and carried me to the bedroom, our bedroom, where she peeled away my clothes and, touching me gently, being careful of my wounds, ran her hands and lips all over my body. Her caress was electric and I tingled all over. I gasped as I felt the pleasure swim over me, and let my body arch as it moved to the rhythms she was creating with her fingers and her tongue. I heard her moan her name, and it sounded so good in the long, breathy moans that echoed in my ear. I clung to her closely, pressing her body into mine so much that it was as though we were one entity and I lost my sense of self, becoming one with her.

  My arms reached up around the back of her head and cradled her hair. Hers fell to the small of my back and pulled me in closer to her. My smaller body fit perfectly in hers. Our limbs tangled together and when I closed my eyes I could not tell where my body ended and hers began. I started to lose my sense of self as we grew closer, and our hearts melted together. We were laying on our sides. Our breasts pressed together. I felt her heart reverberating against mine, thumping wildly. At moments I would open my eyes and meet hers, other times her eyes were closed and I delighted in sneaking a secret glance at her, as though I was seeing something that I should not have. Hungry murmurs escaped my mouth as I tried to promise her forever. We had been through so much and I wanted to let her know that no matter what happened I would always be by her side. In the grand scheme of things we were still a new couple but with all that we had been through it felt like we had been together for years. I was more certain than ever that Jenna was the woman I wanted to spend my life with, and as I let her warm kisses soothe me I knew that I wanted to drown in this bliss again and again, and would never grow tired of the way she made me feel.

  My heart was dancing with delight as we rolled about on the soft bed, losing all sense of time and rea
lity. We had been through so much that we owed ourselves this moment of pure joy where we could shut the rest of the world away and enjoy our own personal paradise. I was in thrall to her body and the way she made me feel, and I never grew tired of exploring it, of burying myself in her chest, of smelling and tasting the fragrances that seeped out of her. I had never before felt so close and so welcomed by another individual. This was everything that I had imagined love to be, and I was still astounded that it had found me.

  We kissed lovingly and longingly. She brushed the hair away from my face and told me that I was beautiful. I flushed with embarrassment but for the first time in my life I believed it. I believed everything she told me because I could see into her soul, and I allowed her to see into mine. All the pain and hopes and fears were on display yet still we did not turn away from each other for we chose to be with each other, despite all our flaws. Our skin was electric as our fingertips ran across our bodies. We had traced the same paths with our fingers many times and yet we would not ever grow tired of them. I lay my head across her chest, hearing the beating of her heart pass directly into my ear, my hands running across her hips and legs, knowing that I had permission to touch every part of her, and she had the same permission from me. I moved my head up to catch her mouth again and we kissed for a long time, until Jenna took my body and moved me around. At first I was surprised, but I soon saw her intention and we were still laying on our sides, but now in a position where we could both pleasure each other properly.

  My head was near her waist and I reached up to bring her leg over my cheek, enjoying the feeling of the suffocating heat as I gave myself to her, throwing my tongue into her body as I started pleasuring her with my mouth. My own leg hung out and open, leaving myself vulnerable to her as she joined me. We followed each others' movements and mimicked each other. We created our own song, a beautiful duet that would be sung only by us two. I glanced down to see her blonde hair covering my legs, and smiled as I returned to pleasuring her. I breathed in everything she had as I wrapped my hand around her thigh and pulled her in even closer, burying myself in even deeper. I struggled to breathe but this only served to intensify the feelings I was experiencing as my body quivered from below.

  After a time we broke off and found each other again, kissing each other and tasting ourselves on each others' lips. It was decadent and dark and delightful. I felt a primal, savage hunger surge within me. With other partners I had been somewhat reticent and hesitant, but with Jenna I had claimed a certain sense of strength and lust, and wanted to give myself over to this new force. I had no shame and wanted to do all manner of things to her. We kissed more, smearing each others' juice over our mouths and tongues, delighting in tasting a cocktail made of ourselves as the heat rose in the room. It felt as though a fire was burning and I was almost afraid that the sheets of the bed would spark alive, but even if they did I am not sure I would have been able to leave Jenna. I flipped her around and pushed her head to the bed. I playfully spanked her peachy buttocks, the sound cracking the simmering air between us before I slid my fingers in again. I leaned over her and pressed myself against her back. She craned her neck around and we kissed while I played with her from behind, biting at her neck, kissing her slender back, pulling her hair away with my free hand as her eyes closed in sweet surrender. I loved her more in that moment than I had ever loved anything else and all I wanted was to keep doing this for the rest of eternity, to be locked in this passionate embrace with her, to never leave this room that was filled with love and lust and everything wonderful in the world.

  My heart felt as though it was going to burst with everything I held within myself for her. My anguished moans didn't seem adequate enough to display my affections. Nothing did. As I felt myself inside her I was aware of the climax rippling and pulsating through my body. The mere act of giving her pleasure made me tremble a thousand times over. I was a wreck for her. I was everything for her. She saw the longing in my eyes and swiveled around so that I was on top of her and we could kiss again, and make love properly. There was a new urgency to my kisses as I played with her and she played with me. Our skin met and sizzled together, we branded each other with our kisses, marked each other with our long nails, we smiled and laughed and lost each other to these sweet delights, and forgot about all the drama we had endured to get to this moment. Nothing else mattered as we shared our love. The world outside, the past, the future, all of it was meaningless when compared with that present moment of serenity, that ultimate crazed bliss that seemed to be the most natural thing in the world.

  As I watched her she seemed to glow, and I wondered if I exhibited the same trait in her mind. I could see the emotion and the sensations within her, as though she were an angel. I kissed her lovingly as I made the final forays inside her with my fingers, as she brought me closer to the edge of the oblivion into which I would gladly jump as long as she was with me, and when I felt her other hand come over mine, when I felt her fingers link in and clasp mine firmly, I knew that we were bonded, that we were soul mates. Every fiber of my being was devoted to her and trembling with anticipation as the sweet release approached.

  My body became on fire as I gave her everything I had, and she took it willingly and eagerly. Our feelings went unspoken but they were too deep for words, we were in each others' souls and would be there for eternity. We had been through so much sorrow and pain yet now we could see the blazing light of paradise that awaited us. I knew then that I would always be with her, and would always be by her side. Jenna was the only woman I had ever loved, the only woman I could ever love, and although I would never admit to being similar to Addison in anyway I could understand how she was driven to such extremes, because as Jenna and I made love I knew that I would do anything for her, even kill, and I would never let her go.

  The long winter in Colorado was finally showing signs of ending. The sun was getting a little warmer and the snow was beginning to melt, although the temperature still wasn't exactly what I would call warm. I was able to walk freely about the town without worrying about anyone watching me, and work calmed down too. Natalie and James were certainly glad the ordeal was over. When I returned home at night Jenna was there, ready for another romantic evening. It was idyllic, and I realized that I was living out Addison's fantasy for herself, but it was my reality, and I could never have dreamed a dream that was this perfect. And, one night, while Jenna was sleeping, I crept into my office to work on my secret project. It was a new design for a wedding invitation, my best work yet, and one that I had poured my heart and soul into. I wanted it to be perfect, and as I put the finishing touches to it I smiled as I admired my handiwork. The only thing left to do was ask Jenna, and then the dream would be complete.

  Love And Crime

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A Thriller & Suspense Lesbian Romance

  What am I doing, standing outside my boss’s house with a pair of concert tickets in my hand? Trying to flirt with him to convince him to give me a promotion at the bank wasn’t the smartest idea I ever had. But when gunfire erupts inside the house and a young boy runs fleeing for his life, crazy things start to happen that turn my world upside down.

  Gun-weilding henchmen, drug-addled bag ladies, and the biggest bank heist in history lead me on a wild ride across the country, with a little help from danger, intrigue, justice, and good old fashioned romance. Can I save a boy in danger, a broken-hearted junkie, and maybe even myself from flying bullets and evil embezzlers? Can love really conquer all and transform a couple of lost sheep, or will my friends and I end up in a shallow grave in the middle of North Dakota wilderness?

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  I always was a sucker for a tailored suit. Little Aimee Springfield from Worcester Mass. would sit up and beg with her tongue hanging out for any tailored suit and Rolex watch.

  That’s how I wind up in Mr. Fancy Pants’ garden with my hand hovering over the kitchen door handle. Don’t ask all the crazy stuff I told myself to get t
here. I saw dollar signs. Maybe I made them all up, but I still saw them, and how else was I going to get them? If I could get into Mr. Fancy Pants’ pants, I would be riding the gravy boat to Austin.

  But that’s another story. No one wants to hear my tale of woe slaving eight hours at the bank teller window. No one needs to know, anyway. All anybody needs to know is that I’m standing in Mr. Fancy Pants’ garden with my hand sticking out in front of me to knock on the kitchen door.

  No front door for me. That’s not how I planned to become Miss Fancy Pants. That would be the straightforward way. Anyway, that job is already taken by Mrs. Gucci Rides in a Limo. That’s Mr. Fancy Pants’ wife. She visited him down at the bank a few times. I couldn’t miss her with her blue-rinse hair and six thousand dollar shoes.


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