Their New Year's Resolution (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their New Year's Resolution (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  Neither he nor Kent cared about impressing anyone, but they wanted to join the community and become a part of it. Not only because they missed the closeness of the one they’d grown up in, but because they wanted them to accept their choice to share Erica and her choice to be with them. He knew that no matter how hard they tried, there would be no pleasing everyone, but making sure it was as easy as possible for her to deal with was very important to him and his brother.

  “This is going to look so good once it’s all up, Brent. I think you and Kent are going to love it,” she told him as she stood in the doorway leading to the kitchen. She had her hands on her hips surveying their progress.

  “I’m already in love with it,” he said watching her.

  She looked over to where he stood watching her and blushed again. She shook her head and picked up an empty box to add to the pile in the kitchen.

  “We’ll handle putting them all away later. Let’s take a break. Kent will be back with pizza in a few minutes. Do you want beer or something else with yours?” he asked.

  She merely lifted an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

  “I knew about the pizza from the phone call earlier but the fact that he’s almost to our drive is just instinct about where he is,” he admitted with a chuckle. “Come on. I’m thirsty.”

  Brent followed her into the kitchen thinking about how much he wanted to taste more than just her lips. Would she let them pleasure her? Just a taste. He imagined she would be sweet like honey with a kick of spice that would make him crave her more every day. Though he and his brother were identical twins in many ways, they had their own thoughts and desires. He loved bringing a woman with his mouth and fingers. Kent was a breast man all the way. He couldn’t get enough of teasing and tormenting a woman playing with their nipples.

  “Have a seat, babe. What did you say you wanted to drink?” he asked.

  “A beer would be good with pizza. Thanks,” she said settling into the chair he held out.

  He grabbed two beers and opened them both, handing one to her before sitting at the end of the kitchen table adjacent to her. When Kent got there with the pizza, he’d sit on the other side of her. He wanted to always keep her safe and comfortable between them.

  “I don’t have a clue what kind of pizza he got, but I can bet he asked your son. Do you think Aaron knows and would he tell Kent the right kind?” Brent asked with a smirk.

  Erica laughed. “Oh, he knows what I like all right, but there is a good chance he told your brother the kind he liked instead. He’s a stinker like that.”

  Brent winced. “Can you still eat it? I should have asked and called Kent back.”

  “Don’t worry about it. He likes plain cheese pizza like most kids. I love cheese, so I can easily eat it. Normally when we get pizza we get two medium, or one medium and one large since both boys have developed bottomless pits for stomachs. Half of one is cheese only with the other half cheese and pepperoni for Ricky. Then on the other one we get everything but olives and anchovies.”

  “Sissy likes hers with everything?” Brent asked.

  “No, she likes cheese only, but both Aaron and Ricky like one piece of mine with their favorites for some reason. Now days, Ricky will eat two sometimes. I have the feeling that I’m going to be doing two large pizzas soon,” she said with a chuckle.

  “I remember Mom fussing that we all ate her out of house and home. We had two large refrigerators and four freezers. It took it to feed all of us. I wonder sometimes how they managed it,” Brent said. “Ranching is hard work so we all stayed hungry.”

  “Your mom is an amazing woman. I really enjoyed meeting her. It’s amazing she can think straight after dealing with all of you guys,” she teased him.

  The sound of the front door opening signaled that Kent had made it. Seconds later, he walked into the kitchen with two large pizzas and a worried expression on his face.

  “What is it?” Brent asked, getting up to help his brother.

  “I’m just worried that Aaron pulled a fast one on me with the pizza,” Kent said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m prepared. He’s a little stinker sometimes. Loves to play practical jokes, but he never does anything that would hurt or make someone sick. It will be fine,” Erica told him.

  Brent set plates on the table then handed his brother a beer. Kent opened the boxes and Erica burst out laughing. Brent was having trouble keeping his face straight as well.

  “What?” Kent asked looking uncomfortable.

  Erica sobered enough to ask. “What did you ask Aaron about the pizza?”

  “I just asked him what you guys normally get that you liked.” Kent said.

  “Well, this is exactly what we order when we get pizza. The cheese only and pepperoni and cheese are for him and Ricky. The other one has everything but anchovies and olives, right?”


  “That’s the one I normally get, but Aaron and Ricky will eat a piece of mine with theirs,” she said with a wide grin. “I hope you like at least part of this. I eat it all, so I’m fine.”

  Kent sighed and smiled. “Good, because I was not sure what to think. He was so serious when I asked him again that I shrugged and let it go.”

  “So, the moral of this story,” Brent began. “Is to ask Aaron exactly what you want to know so he can’t wiggle something else in on us.”

  “Right. You’ll learn. He loves to mix things up,” Erica told them.

  They ate and talked until the pizza was mostly gone. Erica helped them clean up despite Brent trying to get her to go relax for a while. He had to restrain himself from pulling her into his arms several times. They needed to be cautious and not overwhelm her. One man could easily do that when it had been so long since she’d really been out on a date. Two might be way too much for her at this point.

  It didn’t take long at all to hang everything with how organized Erica had everything. The hooks and nails were in plastic containers with labels on the outside to let you know what they were for and the sizes. Hell. They needed her to organize their barns.

  “Wow!” Kent said when they’d finished the entrance hall and living room. “It’s really beautiful, and I never would have thought I’d say something like that before.”

  Brent pulled Erica backward into his arms so that her back rested against his chest. She only came up to his shoulder so he rested his chin on top of her head. It felt great to hold her. He could feel Kent pushing for a chance to do the same, so he reluctantly released her to his brother.

  Kent pulled her into his arms and kissed her, surprising Erica as well as himself. He hadn’t expected it and worried it was too soon. Despite his misgivings, Brent couldn’t stop himself from caging her in from behind. While his brother kissed her senseless, he nibbled on the back of her neck and the small expanse of shoulder her shirt revealed. She tasted like sunshine on a sunny morning.

  “God, sweet thing. I want to eat you up,” Kent told her.

  Brent held his breath, knowing what his brother’s next words were going to be.

  “Will you let us take care of you, honey? We want to make you feel good tonight. I want to suck on your nipples and taste your sweet juices, baby. Will you let us make love to you?”

  * * * *

  “Make love to me? Now?” she asked, stunned Kent had asked.

  “We want to make you feel good, babe. We aren’t asking to fuck you,” Brent quickly added.

  “I don’t understand. How can you make me feel good without intercourse?” she asked, sure that her face was blood red by now. It was hot enough she thought steam should be blowing off of it.

  “Didn’t your ex take care of you with his mouth, babe?” Brent asked.

  “Oh. Um not very often. He didn’t like it,” she managed to get out without stuttering.

  They want to have oral sex with me. I’m terrible at blow jobs. They’ll be disappointed. God, don’t let them hold my head while they choke me. I can’t stand that again.

sy, Erica. You’re hyperventilating. What’s wrong?” Kent asked, pulling back and staring down into her eyes.

  “I–I’m not very good at,” she struggled to figure out what to say. Could she say blow jobs to them? “That.”

  “Honey, all you have to do is lay back and let us take care of you. There’s nothing for you to do but feel,” Brent told her.

  “We aren’t talking about you taking care of us, baby. This is all about you,” Kent told her as he smoothed a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

  Relief pooled in her tummy. She wasn’t ready to actually have sex with them and for some reason, the idea of failing at giving them head scared her even more than actual intercourse. She needed to talk to Sarah and practice. Could she do that with her little vibrator?

  “Come on, Erica. We won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with,” Kent said as he took her hand in his.

  She should pull away and tell them she needed to go home. Instead, she found herself following Kent with Brent behind her, his hand touching her lower back or curled around her waist as they climbed the stairs to the second floor.

  She really liked them, cared about them and could see herself falling head over heels in love with them too easily. But was she ready for more? God, she wanted more. She wanted to feel their hands on her body and more of their kisses. Her ex hadn’t been much of a kisser, cuddler, or hugger. Actually, he hadn’t been much of an anything. But he had given her three beautiful children she would never regret having.

  They guided her to the bedroom at the end of the hall she knew to be the master. She hadn’t spent any time in that room since it was one of theirs and didn’t need decorating for Thanksgiving. She still wasn’t able to take anything in. Her entire focus was on the two men urging her toward the massive bed that seemed to be the focal point of the room.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” Kent said as he cupped her face in his hands. “I can’t wait to see all of you.”

  “I’ve had three kids. I may not be all that old, but…”

  “Shh, babe. You’re all woman and we love that about you,” Brent told her as he kissed her neck just below her ear.

  “But I’ve got stretch marks so don’t expect much,” she continued despite their shushing.

  “And I’ll kiss every one of them. They’re just part of you and mean nothing except that you carried three children inside of you, protecting them and nourishing them until you gave birth to them. You’re a strong woman, Erica. We love that about you,” Kent told her.

  She couldn’t believe that they were real. Men weren’t like this. They expected a woman to work out and keep a great figure. They thought she should be able to suck a golf ball through a garden hose one minute and prepare a fancy meal for his friends the next minute and look sexy all the time she’s doing either. But Kent and Brent didn’t act that way, or at least they didn’t right now. Would they change with time? People often did.

  Her mind stopped puzzling over it when Kent’s warm fingers slid beneath her shirt to rest lightly against her skin above the waistband of her jeans. Goosebumps raced along her arms at what felt intimate to her.

  “Just relax, honey. We’ll take good care of you. Nothing will happen to you that you can’t say stop. We’ll stop immediately. Okay?” Brent asked as Kent slowly inched her top higher up her abdomen.

  She lifted her arms when Kent’s fingers reached her just beneath her breasts. He lifted the shirt over her head and folded it before setting it at the foot of the bed. He stepped back and just looked at her. Erica had never had someone’s full attention like this before. She wasn’t even completely naked and both men stared at her as if they couldn’t stop.

  Kent surprised her when he suddenly buried his face in her cleavage, wrapping his arms around her and rubbing his cheeks back and forth in the little valley her breasts made in the bra.

  “Told you, babe. Kent loves breasts and you have an amazing set of them to admire,” Brent said with a little chuckle.

  “Um, thanks?” She was in over her head here.

  She’d never been with another man outside of her husband, Chuck. She’d dated some off and on, but other than kisses and some light petting, she didn’t have any experience to know what to expect other than what she’d had with her ex. This was nowhere near what she’d thought would happen.

  Brent slipped between her and the side of the bed with his hands on her bare waist. They were so hot and the calluses rasped against her skin in the most delicious of ways. How would it feel to have them do the same across her nipples? They’d gotten so hard with Kent’s attention.

  The feel of Brent’s fingers moving up her sides then congregate mid-back to unfasten her bra. He easily released the hooks then lowered the straps down her arms. Kent took over by pulling on the cups to drag them down until he held the bra in his hands. Once again, he folded it before setting it on top of her shirt.

  “Fuck! Look at her breasts. They’re perfect,” Kent said as he lifted them slightly in the palms of his hands.

  Erica felt as if he weighed them as he caressed the skin of each breast. He brushed one rough thumb over each nipple making her drop her head back against Brent’s chest. It felt so damn good. She wanted him to keep doing it. She could feel it all the way to her clit. Who would have ever thought there were nerves that connected those two places?

  “I have to have a taste, baby. Those sweet berries sitting on top look delicious. Look how long they are, Brent,” Kent pointed out, embarrassing her.

  “Shh, Erica. Don’t. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Your boobs are hot, babe. Kent’s having a hard time behaving himself. He wants to do so many nasty things to them that he can’t think straight.” Brent rubbed her shoulders and kissed her cheek.

  Kent grabbed her attention again when he took one nipple into his mouth and sucked hard on the little nub.

  “Oh, God!” Her eyes flew wide at the amazing feeling. Her hands instantly went to Kent’s head where she dug her fingers into his hair. “That feels so good.”

  Brent chuckled behind her. “I bet my brother is about to shoot his load just sucking your tits. You’re so responsive, and he loves that. Just think, Erica. He could make you come without ever taking those jeans off of you. That’s so fucking hot, babe.”

  All she could do was moan and flex her fingers in Kent’s hair, trying desperately not to dig her claws into his scalp. Nothing had prepared her for how wonderful it would feel to have a man pay so much attention to her breasts. Chuck had liked to pinch and pull on them, but didn’t suck on them all that much.

  I’ve got to stop comparing them to my ex. They’re nothing like him and don’t deserve her doing that.

  All Chuck had ever cared about was getting his rocks off. He’d liked for her to suck on him but had always complained that she wasn’t very good and he couldn’t come that way. That was why she wanted time to practice before she tried giving them oral sex. She didn’t want to be humiliated like that again.

  Kent went back and forth between her breasts, sucking and nipping on one nipple while he squeezed and pulled on the other, but nothing like her ex had. It felt so good when Kent played with them.

  He pulled back and looked up at her. “I could suck on these tits all day long and never get tired. I want to fall asleep with my head on them and I want to slide my cock between them. I bet that would feel amazing, baby. Would you let me do that one day? Fuck your tits?” Kent asked.

  Before she could do much more than moan, Brent’s hands at the button on her jeans drew her attention. He expertly unfastened them, then slid the zipper down while still standing behind her back. She expected him to slide them down to the floor so she could step out of them, but remembered that she still had her shoes on. To her surprise, he slipped one hand inside the jeans as well as her panties. It made her gasp which gave him more room to thrust a finger between her pussy lips.

  “Holy hell, babe. You’re soaking wet. You loved what Kent did to your breasts, didn’t you
?” he asked in a raspy deep voice.

  “Oh, God. What are you doing to me?” she asked instead of answering him.

  “Making you feel good, Erica. You deserve to come and come hard, baby,” Kent told her.

  “I’ve never felt anything like this before.” She couldn’t be still.

  “We’ll take real good care of you, baby,” Brent said. She watched as he stuck his finger into his mouth and sucked on it, his eyes closing as he groaned.

  When he opened them again, they’d darkened into a midnight blue that had her pulse racing at the raw hunger there. She expected him to fall on her, tearing at her clothes, but he surprised her by dropping to his knees and kissing her bared belly before removing her shoes and sliding her pants along with her panties down her legs. His work-roughened hands followed them down, caressing her skin, awakening it to his touch.

  “You smell fucking amazing, Erica,” he said, looking up at her.

  Kent had moved around behind her to make room for his brother but continued to play with her breasts, tweaking her nipples just enough to keep her on edge. God they were right. She was sure it wouldn’t take much for her to shoot off like a firecracker just with the way he manipulated her nipples.

  “Help me lay her out on the bed, Kent. I can’t wait any longer. I’ve got to get my mouth on her clit,” Brent said in a hoarse voice. “Her ripe scent is driving me insane.”

  One second she was barely standing between the two men and the next she was spread eagle on the bed. When she opened her eyes it was to find both of them staring down at he as if they hadn’t eaten in a week and she was the first meal they’d come across. She felt devoured and loved it. Nothing had prepared her for how they made her feel. Nothing had prepared her for them.

  Chapter Fifteen


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