The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series)

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The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series) Page 18

by Allen J Johnston

  The dragon held completely still, not even blinking. Kade took the dragon’s lead and waited for the man and woman to notice. He felt a twinge of guilt for waiting to see their reaction but it was only a twinge. The woman had a boy about the age of six on her back. As soon as the man turned to continue, his eyes landed on the leg of the dragon and froze. Slowly, his eyes traveled up until he was looking directly into the dragon’s eyes. His face turned white, and he crumpled to the ground.

  “Dran, what is it?” his wife asked in alarm, looking at him in surprise and worry. She turned to see what had him speechless and froze. The boy on her back yelped.

  The man stood up very slowly, as if to move too fast would send the dragon into action. He and the woman stared in shock, frozen, unable to even breathe. What a sight it must be, Kade thought as he pondered how he wanted to approach the family. He could step out and introduce himself, but that would mean someone would know who he is and where he is. Or, maybe I should retreat, but they might have information I can use. Kade went back and forth with his thoughts while the family stood completely still, as if moving might cause the dragon to pounce. The less people that know of me, the less danger I will be in. The boy’s next words changed his mind and he smiled a broad, wide grin.

  “WOW! A real live dragon!” the nine year old said as he raced up to Rayden. The parents both turned white as a sheet.

  Kade sensed the dragon’s intention to swat the boy aside and quickly sent it the mental thought to be patient and leave the boy alone. The dragon looked askance at Kade. Patting Rayden affectionately, he just smiled. The boy wrapped his arms around the dragon’s legs. The mom and dad both gave a squeak but neither was able to move.

  “Easy, Rayden,” Kade said as he stepped out from behind the massive bulk of his friend. This seemed to break the mother out of her trance and she screamed.

  “No, Torvod! Get away from that beast!”

  The man came to what senses he could muster and grabbed his wife while hissing in her ear, “No Tracella. Do not move. It may attack if you make any sudden movements!”

  Kade held up his hands as if to placate the parents. He smiled and then looked down on the boy who was still clamped tightly to the dragon’s leg. The child was absolutely beaming like he had just found the most wondrous thing in the land. He knew how the child felt and instantly liked him.

  “It’s okay. Rayden will not hurt the boy. He is my dragon,” Kade said, still sensing the dragon’s strong urge to shake the child from his leg. The parents focused on Kade and were back to being speechless. This was way too much for them. The boy, on the other hand, was far from speechless and proceeded to babble excitedly.

  “Is this really your dragon? WOW! How do I get a dragon? Where did you find him? How many are there?”

  “You can’t just get a dragon,” Kade said as he slowly unwrapped Torvod’s arms from Rayden’s leg. Kade chucked at his friend as a flood of relief came rushing through the connection. “As a matter of fact, you should never do what you just did. Any other dragon would have eaten you. He is the only one that is tame,” Kade said to the parents as much as he did to the kid. “If I was not here, it may have hurt the boy.”

  Tracella and Dran looked at him in awe. They still seemed to be frozen, so Kade tried once more. He did not hold out hope that he was going to be able to calm them anytime soon, as they were still ashen, but he had to try. He thought back on his first encounter with this fearsome creature and knew how they felt.

  “It is alright,” Kade said, trying to make eye contact and get them to understand. “You are not in danger. Rayden will not hurt you,” he said slowly.

  The man blinked. His gaze shifted back and forth between the dragon and Kade as he tried to comprehend what was happening. After a moment, his eyes seemed to focus on Kade and stay there. He relaxed slightly as he took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “This is your dragon?” Dran asked incredulously, waving a hand toward Rayden.

  “Yes. Well…he is not really mine,” Kade said, emphasizing the last word. “But, he does listen to me and mostly does what I say.”

  The woman seemed to break out of her trance and see Kade for the first time. She flinched as her eyes focused on him. After a moment, she broke into a run and wrapped her arms around the boy, and not too gently, dragged him away.

  “Dran!” Tracella exclaimed as she took a step back, ready to turn and flee.

  “Tracella,” Dran said in as soothing a voice as possible. “I believe this man and his dragon,” he said, darting a cautious glance at the Rayden and then back to his wife, “mean us no harm,” he finished. After a moment’s consideration, she seemed to calm and then her mood went dark as she locked an accusing eye on Kade.

  “Then you are not more of the evil men who have come to our town, taking what they want and killing our men?” she asked, snapping from too much stress and fear over the last few days.

  “What evil men?” Kade asked as his sense of danger grew. He tried to keep calm, afraid that he would lose the progress he had already made, but the hairs on the back of his neck went up. “What evil men?” he asked again with force as he spoke each word slowly. He needed to know. Dran stiffened, and the smile slowly faded from his face, his keen sense of danger kicking in. Kade was, after all, one of the Chosen, and if Dran learned of this, he was certain to mistrust the Divine user.

  The man and woman looked at each other and something passed between them. The woman whispered something and the man seemed to agree, relaxing again. They both turned back to Kade, appearing to ease a little more, but not dropping their guard completely.

  “You did not come from town?” Dran asked, casually dropping his hand to land on the knife at his side. Kade, feeling overly confident that he was in no danger, did not see the move.

  “No. I came from the west,” Kade said.

  The man looked to the west as he tightened his grip on the hilt. He looked at the ground as if he were thinking and slowly shuffled forward. Kade took the move as one of trust and relaxed.

  “So you say you came from the west, eh? Where from in the west? I don’t recall any towns in that direction,” Dran said calmly. His hand tightened and his muscles flexed slightly. Kade was oblivious to the move. Unfortunately for Dran, the dragon was more alert. Rayden, sensing danger, slowly moved forward as his lips parted and his mouth came open to display his deadly fangs. The dragon continued moving toward Dran until its mouth was mere inches from the side of Dran’s head.

  Before Kade could ask what in the great Divine had gotten into Rayden, he sensed danger through the link and froze. His eyes narrowing, he saw what had the dragon on edge. Locking eyes with Dran, he held his hand out as if he knew the entire time what was happening.

  “You were about to show me your dagger?” Kade asked casually, cocking an eyebrow, as he had seen his master do so many times. Dran gripped the dagger and his muscles flexed. The smile left Kade’s lips and any hint of kindness faded from his eyes. He gave Dran a hard stare that promised death if he did anything other than what was asked of him. Dran exhaled shakily as he slowly changed his grip on the dagger to one of just finger and thumb and drew it out, handing it to Kade.

  “It is okay, my friend,” Kade said as he patted the dragon on the neck. “He just wanted to show me this fine weapon?” he said to the dragon as much as asking the question to Dran. The man muttered something that was supposed to be assurance and took a step back with his hands raised.

  “I know of no town to the west,” Dran said meekly but with a tone that indicated he still did not believe.

  Kade sighed and took a step forward. He put his hand on the man’s shoulders while looking over at his wife who was starting to sob, and then he glanced at the boy. With a smile, he held out the dagger to the man.

  “He was only trying to defend his family,” Kade said to Rayden.

  Dran stood in stunned disbelief, looking at the proffered blade. He glanced at his wife, who wilted and gave a shrug
as if surrendering. He slowly accepted the weapon and sheathed it. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get one word out, Kade held up a hand.

  “I did not come from a town. I was in training with a man named Zayle,” Kade said before he could stop himself. He held his breath, knowing he had said too much.

  The man’s eyes opened wide. He glanced at his wife and then back the way they had come as if watching for someone. He narrowed his eye, his mind working furiously as if he were trying to come to a decision. His wife grabbed him firmly by the arm, making the decision for him and whispered, “Tell him.”

  “The men that came to town mentioned that name,” Dran said in resignation. “Said he was one of the Chosen, but no one knew what he was talking about. That would be you?” he asked apprehensively.

  “Where did you say you came from?” Kade asked with a growing suspicion.

  “From a town further to the east,” Dran said cautiously.

  Kade, suspicious of this man, decided it would be in his best interest to check and see if the Divine was being used. Warning the man not to move and indicating the dragon, he closed his eyes while preforming the Reveal Calling. If this man was tethered to anyone, Kade would see the connection. There was nothing.

  “Uh, sir?” Dran stammered. “Could you please call off your dragon,” he pleaded. Rayden had moved close again.

  Kade clenched his jaw in exasperation. Dran had, once again, put his hand on his knife. It was most likely a habit for him to just rest it there, but nevertheless, it was foolish. “If you do not want to lose that hand,” Kade said, trying to keep the anger from his voice and failing, “then I suggest you keep it off your knife!”

  Dran’s hand moved so fast it was virtually a blur. Kade gave him a hard stare and it was all that was needed. Dran reddened slightly at the mistake and smiled sheepishly. He did everything with his hand but let it get close to his side again.

  “He meant nothing by it,” Tracella offered by way of an apology, ignoring the boy on her back who was starting to fidget. Kade waved away her apology.

  “Sorry. He does not trust as easily as I do,” Kade said as he, once again, pushed the dragon back. Rayden shuffled backward only a few feet, but then no matter the amount of pressure from Kade, he was not going any further.

  “Thank you,” the man said in relief.

  “Now, tell me all you know. What is happening in this town, and what do you know of these men?”

  “Late last night about fifty men dressed all in black came to town and started attacking everyone.” Dran paused, expecting Kade to ask a question. After a moment, he continued. “When we asked them what they wanted, all they would say is they were looking for someone coming from the west. No one knew what they were talking about. We tried to fight, but it was useless. They had these two…,” the man said as he waved his arms wide and high, “huge beasts,” he finished and then crossed his arms over his chest to keep his hand away from his weapon. He spared a quick glance at the dragon. Kade stayed silent, waiting for the rest of the information.

  “Most of the people that tried to fight were killed. I got my family together and hid all night until we were able to sneak out of town. We were heading to a refuge where we would be safe when we ran into you. There is a cave,” the man said as his wife hit him in the ribs. “Oh come now, Dear. If this man was going to hurt us, he would have already done so already,” Dran said as much to Kade as to his wife. He was hoping that Kade would give him the assurance he was hinting for, but the apprentice was busy processing the information. “I say we trust him,” Dran said and he meant it.

  Kade seemed to be lost in thought as Dran and Tracella waited for him to speak. The moments dragged on and the man and his wife started to become restless. Dran edged forward while eyeing the dragon.

  “You should join us,” Dran said, making sure not to get too close, fearing that the dragon would attack. “The evil ones cannot find our hiding place, and your dragon would be excellent protection.”

  “I can’t,” Kade said with regret. “I have much that I must do. If I do not continue on my journey, you will never be safe.”

  The man gave Kade a questioning look. The Apprentice Chosen shook his head as though to say, “It is too much to tell.” He glanced at the family and for the first time, noticed that they were dirty and appeared to be hungry. The more he looked at them, the more he realized that they must have fled town quickly. They had nothing except the clothes on their backs and a sack with precious little in it.

  “You look tired,” Kade said, changing the subject. “Sit down and relax for a while. I will explain as much as I dare,” he said, leading the way back to his clearing.

  “We should keep going. We are cold and tired and we haven’t eaten since the men came to town,” Tracella said.

  “I will take care of getting food and warming your family. Rayden will provide excellent protection while you are here. I am no easy mark myself,” Kade said as he thought about the giant that he and his winged friend had killed. Rayden seemed to understand and grunted an agreement as his eyes showed a glint of malice. It was a look that was truly fearsome.

  The man looked around the area, attempting to find the food that Kade was offering. Seeing none, he turned to his wife and told her with a look, “Something was out of place.” She shrugged and turned back to Kade, waiting.

  “May I pet your dragon? Please, please, please,” Torvod pleaded, dissipating any tension that might have still remained. Kade laughed, completely understanding the child’s excitement.

  “Of course, but make it short as he can be a grumpy one,” Kade said as he sent the thought to Rayden to be patient. The dragon grunted and thudded down on the ground to put up with the pawing. “He is also welcome to touch the dragon,” he added, pointing to the younger boy, peaking over his mother’s head.

  “Adalm is afraid of his own shadow,” Dran chided.

  “Oh you hush,” Tracella said. “He is still young. Give him time.”

  “If I may ask you to gather some wood,” Kade said to Dran, interrupting the dialog. “I will prepare some food.”

  Dran looked at his wife, but she waved for him to continue. He let out a quick breath and gave in to the request. Turning to leave, he glanced over his shoulder and said as much to his wife as to Kade “I won’t be far,” then moved off to look for wood.

  Tracella removed the boy from her back and the pack from her shoulder. The boy clung to her with a death grip as he eyed the dragon. She ignored him the best she could and pulled out a thin blanket from the sack to spread on the ground.

  “Torvod, Adalm, sit and behave,” Tracella said to the two children. She offered a spot for Kade, but he politely declined with a wave of his hand and a smile. He grinned to himself, looking forward to the reactions he would get when he conjured food from thin air. He even chuckled at his private joke.

  “It looks like you and your family could use some hot, fresh food,” Kade said with a grin. The woman did not take her eyes off him but sat quietly, clearly perplexed. “If you and your family are hungry, please, allow me to feed you. It is the least I can do.” Kade said reassuringly. After a moment, she glanced around the area and looked questioningly at him.

  “You don’t appear to have enough food for yourself much less any to share with us,” Tracella said.

  “Here is my food,” Kade said with a grin. He was eager to awe them with his great power. The dragon tensed slightly, sensing that Kade was starting to draw on the Divine. It sat up quickly, hoping for a tasty morsel, knowing that Kade was preparing to call on food.

  Kade forced his mind to clear and calmed his heart. Vanity had no part in the actual calling. Zayle had preached that vanity only led to the wrong uses of the Divine Power.

  Momentarily fearing failing in front of this small audience, he redoubled his focus and performed the calling perfectly. The meat was almost hot enough to burn his hands. The smell was amazing.

  Kade opened his eyes and saw a lo
ok of terror in Tracella’s eyes mixed with concern and confusion. She was on her feet instantly, glancing behind herself without thinking, as if preparing to flee for her life. Kade quickly held out the food for her so she could see it was, indeed, just food.

  “This is for you,” Kade said, surprised and a bit disappointed that this was the reaction he was to get. After a moment, he shrugged as he continued to talk, still holding the meat out.

  “I must confess. I am the one the men are looking for. I will explain when your husband returns,” Kade said as he extended the food a little further, urging her to take it. She did not move so he took a step closer. If not for the children, Kade was sure she would have run like the wind. “Go on. It’s safe, and I can tell by the rumbling of your stomach that you have not eaten in some time. Take it,” he urged again. She reached out with great hesitation, ready to jump back as though the meat itself were going to attack. When nothing happened, as she gripped the meat, she exhaled loudly and appeared on the verge of collapsing.

  “You are safe. You are in no danger from me,” Kade said, doing his best to reassure her.

  “Please forgive me,” Tracella said, her hand shaking slightly.

  “The mistake was mine. I should have prepared you,” Kade said.

  She relaxed considerably as her eyes returned to the food. After just a moment more of hesitation, she took it eagerly, handed some to her children with a firm order to share and took a large bite. Kade smiled.

  Dran returned and froze, seeing his wife eating what appeared to be freshly cooked meat. The wood fell from his hands as he looked around to find from whence the food had come and the fire it must have been cooked on. He was hungry but caution had a firm hold on him.

  “Where did that come from?” Dran asked as his wife offered him a bite. Slowly, he took the hot meat and held it up to his nose. It smelled perfect, of course. Kade could see that it was not going to be long before he threw caution to the wind and devoured it. “It’s hot. How did you cook the food with no fire?” Dran asked with a fair share of suspicion, but still eyeing the steaming, juicy meat.


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