The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series)

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The Divine Apprentice (The Divine Series) Page 26

by Allen J Johnston

  “Darcienna,” Kade said as he turned toward her, all serious.

  “We are not going to have this talk again,” Darcienna said, turning her back on him and walking out of the water. “You need me, you sheep brained oaf. Stop trying to get rid of me. You gave me a choice and I chose. It is decided. Now, what next?” she asked with fire in her eyes. She was furious.

  Kade was surprised at how much he admired her resolve. He smiled to himself, knowing she was right. He needed her in more ways than he cared to admit.

  “Now, we go,” Kade said as he headed for the dragon.

  He jumped up easily and turned to offer her his hand. He quickly swung her up to sit behind him and recalled how much he enjoyed feeling her closeness. He immediately cleared his head and soon had the dragon moving stealthily through the woods. Rayden could move as smooth as a snake if he wanted and right now, he wanted.



  “If you are able to sense danger, are you able to sense when you are closer to the danger or do you sense it all at once? What I am asking is…does the sense get stronger the closer you get?”

  “I think the feeling gets stronger the closer I get. It’s still a new ability for me, but I am sure it works that way. I did get to put it to use recently,” Darcienna said with a grimace.

  “Okay. You are going to help guide us through the traps. There are several set to capture us. Rayden should be able to find them, but you can make sure he does not miss anything. It is going to be dangerous,” Kade said, half looking over his shoulder.

  “I will box your ears if you are bringing that up again,” Darcienna said, sure he was trying to scare her into staying back. “Now keep going,” she said.

  Kade looked up at the larger of the two moons as it started to rise in the north. The night was cool, almost to the point of being cold. He was grateful for it.

  Closing his eyes, Kade drew on the sweet tasting Divine Power. It felt like a familiar friend comforting him in his time of need. He smiled as he molded it to his will. For anyone watching, they would have seen the large dragon and its riders fade from sight as the Transparency Calling took effect. Darcienna wrapped her arms around Kade in a death grip.

  “It’s ok. Sorry, I should have warned you,” Kade said as he loosened her arms so he could breathe. All he got in response was an exasperated gasp. He could not help but to let a laugh slip. She smacked him in the head so hard his ears rang. It was worth it, he thought with a grin, careful not to laugh again. This small amount of levity helped settle his nerves.

  Next, he drew on the Divine Power once more as he prepared the Silence Calling. For a moment, he hesitated as he ran the moves through his mind. The second move was not as familiar as it should be. He considered checking the book but decided against it. He completed the calling and let the Divine Power flow. He realized he was clenching his jaw so tightly it hurt. He let his breath out and relaxed.

  Kade stayed focused on the town as they approached. He reached out with his mind to tap into the dragon’s senses and found nothing that stood out. He started to wonder if he was being a fool, all covered in mud, when Darcienna grabbed his arm and clenched so tightly that she dug in her nails. It did not take Kade long to realize what she was trying to convey, but she added a hissed warning.

  “I sense something,” Darcienna whispered as quietly as possible. Kade could easily hear the fear in her voice.

  “Be ready with your shield,” Kade responded.

  He sent a mental warning to Rayden. The dragon tensed as it slid closer to the ground. After several more steps, the dragon froze and appeared to stop breathing. Kade strained his eyes, and then, he saw it. A massive shadow slid through the dark, barely the length of the dragon away. Rayden did not need a warning from Kade to stay still.

  “Do not move or make a sound,” Kade whispered to Darcienna, even though he was sure they could not be detected.

  Rayden, do you sense anything more? Kade ask the dragon mentally. He could feel his friend expanding and knew it was either tasting the air or smelling it. It did this three times in a row and on the third time, Kade got the distinct impression that the dragon was sensing something further down and to the right. When it is safe to move, take us to the left, Kade sent.

  Out of habit, Kade turned to look at Darcienna and chastised himself for being a fool. He missed seeing those blue eyes staring back at him. He was looking forward to letting the calling go so he could see her again. With a sigh, he turned forward again.

  The dragon started to move. Kade found he was focusing on the way Darcienna’s legs rubbed against his with every step the dragon took. He forcefully made his mind focus on the town ahead. He chastised himself for not considering how distracting it would be to have her come with him. It was too late to do anything about it now.

  They were three hundred yards from town when Darcienna squeezed his arm. He was sure he was going to feel blood anytime now. He clenched his teeth against the pain.

  “Can you tell where it is?”

  “I am not sure, but there is definitely something close.”

  Once again, between the dragon and Darcienna, they were able to spot the danger and avoid it. They circled to their left and continued on at the slow pace. Kade made sure to keep clear of any bushes as he directed the dragon though the woods. He had to fight his urge to find cover and force himself to accept that they needed to be in as open an area as possible so as to not move any brush or trees.

  They were within two hundred yards of the town when Darcienna squeezed his arm again. He could feel the sweat from her hands as she gripped him. Kade wished he could take her to safety, but that thought was gone as soon as it came. He knew he needed her and her abilities.

  “I sense danger,” Darcienna said. Her voice sounded unsure. “It feels like it gets stronger and then weaker again. I think we should wait here for a minute. I don’t know if we can avoid this one,” Darcienna said, hesitantly.

  Suddenly, the child started to make small sounds. Kade got a sick feeling in his stomach as he considered the boy on her back. The more he thought about it, the more he wished he would have made her stay by the river where it was safe. Yes, he felt much more secure with her abilities to back him up, but he had no right putting her child in this type of danger. In the blink of an eye, he knew this could not be avoided. Darcienna was not going to leave his side. She believed he was their best chance for survival and that meant staying close to him in the event that he would need her shield or any of her other abilities. Seeing that this kind of thinking was going to help nothing, he dismissed it completely.

  Kade had the dragon wait, once again, and asked if it could see anything. Rayden seemed to sense something but was not able to give any more information. Kade urged the dragon ahead another twenty yards, and again, had it search the area.

  “What are you getting?” Kade asked Darcienna.

  “It’s like before. It gets stronger, and then it gets weaker. It makes no sense.”

  Kade listened intently and then he heard it; the sound of a twig snapping. Now it made sense.

  “There is something patrolling,” Kade whispered. “I am a fool. They know I am coming from the west. We need to circle around and come into town from the east.”

  Kade signaled the dragon to turn north. They work their way around that end of town, making sure to check frequently for any stray creatures. After almost an hour, Darcienna relaxed her grip on his arm.

  “Kade, I am getting a feeling of danger, but I think it’s coming from town. There is something there that is very strong,” Darcienna said and emphasized this by squeezing his arm. “Maybe this is not such a good idea. How can we hope to defeat them?” Darcienna asked. Kade could hear the despair creeping into her voice.

  “Are you saying you want me to take you back?” Kade asked, a little angry that she had pushed so hard to come and now was having second thoughts.

  “No,” she said after just a slight hesitation. />
  “After I find out what happened to my parents, we can leave.”

  Darcienna never responded. If Kade could have seen her face, he would have seen the shame she felt for suggesting that they leave before learning of his parents. They had already come too far to just turn back.

  “I am certain my parents are here. If they weren’t, whatever or whomever wouldn’t have gone to all the trouble of setting so many traps. I am expected,” Kade said, but Darcienna was sure she could sense his doubt. She came to the realization that he was trying to convince himself more than anything else.

  Kade was met by silence. He turned his attention back to the surrounding area, searching for any more signs of danger. He knew if the dragon or Darcienna did not sense any threat, he was not going to find anything either, but he had to keep his mind busy with something.

  They traveled slowly as they crept through the woods. It felt like hours when they finally crossed the north end of town. It was slow going as the dragon slinked stealthily, making sure not to snap even the smallest of twigs. Surprisingly, the area was clear. Kade directed the dragon to the east end of town and stopped. His heart started to pound. This was to be his entry point. He was certain this was his last chance to turn back. Darcienna also knew this was the point of no return and sat silently, waiting for Kade to decide what to do next. He was about to signal the dragon to move forward when Darcienna squeezed his arm so hard that he almost yelped.

  “What?” Kade hissed.

  “I sense something very close.”

  Kade studied the town, but nothing moved. He strained his ears but again…nothing. He was getting ready to signal the dragon to proceed when he changed his mind, getting a feeling that something was out of place. Something was not quite right. Kade scanned the shadows and found himself staring at one spot by a building. When he would start to look away, his attention would be drawn right back to it. It just did not feel right, but nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary. Darcienna squeezed his arm again. Kade made a mental note to purchase leather arm bands for their next trip.

  Okay Rayden, move forward slowly. Very slowly, Kade thought.

  As they slinked forward, Kade kept returning his eyes to the shadow alongside the building. The dragon smelled something just ahead and Darcienna squeezed his arm again. Kade was sure he was going to have bruises for weeks but, he continued to focus on the shadow. And then, he saw it. A slight movement caused the outline of a man to come into focus. Kade stopped the dragon in mid step.

  “It’s a man,” Kade whispered so quietly that he was not sure she heard.

  Darcienna released her grip. Kade was sure she was freeing her hands, preparing to use her Gift of Nature if needed. He could feel his heart pound a little harder.

  Now things get very dangerous, he thought.

  Kade watched as the man slowly leaned around the corner, looking up the street. After several long seconds, the man returned back to the cover of the shadow. It was obvious he was waiting for something and that something was most definitely Kade. Just as the Apprentice Chosen was formulating what he wanted to do for his next move, the boy started to wake and fuss. Kade held his breath, hoping Darcienna could get the child under control. She didn’t. The child burst out into a loud cry. Kade felt panic seize him and he held his breath, watching the man closely as he prepared to use the Fire Calling. The seconds ticked by and the man did nothing more than look around the corner again. Kade let out his breath, cutting off the Divine Power.

  “Well, I am pretty sure they can’t hear us,” Kade whispered. He still could not bring himself to talk normally.

  “Good. I don’t think I could have shut Marcole up if I wanted.”

  “I could have,” Kade said under his breath.

  “What?” Darcienna asked as she jabbed him in the ribs and none too gently.

  “I didn’t say a thing,” Kade said.

  Darcienna didn’t answer. If Kade could have seen the glare in her eyes, he would have cringed. She did not say another word. Kade was relieved that she let it go.

  He was about ready to signal the dragon to move when the man in the shadow stood up and stared in their direction. After a moment, he started moving toward them, silent as a ghost. Kade felt the dragon tense, ready to strike. The man stopped just short of Rayden and studied the ground. Kade felt his heart start to pound, and forced himself to stay calm. And then, Kade realized with panic, that the man was seeing the claw prints left by the dragon.

  “Blood and ash!” Kade hissed. “Darcienna, prepare to use your shield on my word,” Kade said, doing his best to sound in control. Rayden, when I say, eat him, Kade thought.

  Kade held his breath, waiting for the man to move back to his hiding spot. The longer he could avoid killing, the longer he would go undetected. Sooner or later the man would be missed, if he was not at his post. Kade got an idea and quickly drew on the Divine Power and casted his calling. Now, time would only tell if it worked…or was even needed.

  The man bent down to look closely at the ground in the dim light of the moon. He turned and looked over his shoulder at the street he was assigned to watch and then returned his attention back to the ground. Kade watched in horror as the man stood up slowly and raised his eyes to look directly at them. Kade could see him squint, as though trying to focus. Rayden swung his head around and stopped not more than two feet from the man’s head.

  “No,” Kade started to say, but it was too late. He watched the man flinch as the dragon breathed directly into his face.


  The man’s eyes flew open wide. He knew they were there. In an instant, he leapt back faster than Kade would have expected just as the apprentice gave the dragon the order to attack. The man opened his mouth and screamed as he grabbed a spear leaning against the wall and then spun to face them. Kade felt every muscle in his body turn hard as stone. Had the man realized his cry for help had gone unheard, he might have retreated, but believing reinforcement were just moments away, he attacked.

  It did not take more than a second before Rayden had the man in his jaws and was tearing limbs off as though they were made of paper. Kade felt nauseous as he watched the carnage. He clenched his jaw tightly and ignored his stomach. He felt a sickly, wet splash on his arm and his stomach heaved once. The man vanished as the dragon finished him off.

  “Kade,” Darcienna said in a panicked voice, turning as if to watch for attack from every direction at once.

  “It’s okay,” he said firmly as he raised his voice slightly. He turned as far as he could and grabbed Darcienna by the shoulders, ignoring the screaming child. It was chaos and he knew he had to get things back under control. He squeezed as he hissed into her face, “Settle down! We are undetected. I cast the Silence Calling on the man before he could raise the alarm. Now, please, quiet Marcole so I can think.”

  Darcienna didn’t move, nor did she speak for several long moments. Kade was starting to wonder if she was okay when she responded by putting her hands on his arms again. He was relieved by this simple gesture.

  “I am sorry. I thought…there is so much danger here, Kade. I am more scared than I have ever been in my entire life,” she said as her voice waivered. “If they find us, we won’t have a chance.”

  Kade wished he could hold her in his arms to let her know that everything was okay. Half turned in his seat, he did the best to hold Darcienna in an attempt to calm her. She responded by wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly. It seemed to help, but the boy’s crying was starting to grate to him.

  “It’s okay. I would have told you what I was planning, but I didn’t have time. Now, please settle him down,” Kade said through tight lips.

  “I shouldn’t have panicked. I should have trusted you,” Darcienna said in as calm a voice as she could muster.

  “The boy,” Kade said firmly.

  “Yes,” she said as she pulled the child to her front and tried to sooth him. No matter what she did, he continued to wail.

�Cover his eyes,” Kade said, hitting on what he thought was the problem.


  “Just do it.”

  “Okay,” Darcienna said. She whispered in Marcole’s ear as she held him tightly. To her surprise, the boy calmed almost instantly. “Very clever,” she said, realizing why this was working.

  “Just do what it takes to keep him calm, please,” Kade said, attempting to control his agitation.

  The dragon was completely still as if it were stalking prey…which it was. Kade turned his attention back to the town. He urged Rayden forward at a slow pace as he took a deep breath and let it out to settle his nerves.

  There had to be eyes all over the place, Kade thought as he looked deep into the shadows. Every alley had the potential to be a call-to-arms against him. The dragon moved to the edge of the building just before stepping into the street and stopped at Kade’s command. He scanned the road and saw a wooden tower that had been constructed in the middle of the town. There was not much light, but it was enough to see the tower and what sat at the top. His chest constricted as his eyes fell on the figure that was strapped to a beam.

  In an instant, Kade felt rage build in him to a dangerous level. His lips pulled back as his anger soared. Hate filled him quickly. Kade realized he was clenching and unclenching his fists as the Divine Power coursed through him. He was not even aware he had been drawing on it, but it was there, waiting. It was begging to be molded and used. For the first time ever, Kade understood the warnings from his master. Be aware of the seductive power of the Divine. He fought to release the power but his rage and anger kept the power building in him, whispering for him to use it. He could not tear his eyes from the suffering form. The more he looked, the more his fury built. The Divine was a promise of raw power that could not be stopped. He squeezed his eyes shut as he struggled. It was like a slow rain that had built in to a hurricane. Kade felt himself giving way to his rage. He wanted a target with which to aim his fury. He desperately needed to vent his anger as he shook and then…something…touched his very soul. A sweet sound whispered gently through the hurricane. He felt the soft touch and the power hesitated. Then, ever so slowly, it started to withdraw. The hurricane lessened until it was a gentle rain and then…nothing. Kade felt the power fade until it was gone. There was an emptiness that left him longing. He had to fight to keep from calling it back.


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