If You Love Me, I'm Yours

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If You Love Me, I'm Yours Page 19

by Lizzie Chantree

  Daisy sobbed louder, but couldn't meet Maud's eyes, as her own were red-raw from crying practically every day for the last few months.

  ‘What about Ryan?’ Surely this couldn't be true? Maud felt bile rise up in her throat.

  ‘Tom came to see me yesterday,’ said Dot, as if this explained everything. ‘He’s been sending me sleazy texts and was trying to get into my pants, then told me he’d just been in yours.’

  ‘What?’ Maud jumped up and started pacing before she slamming her fist on the kitchen table, trying to make sense of what her friends were trying to tell her. ‘You have to be kidding me?’ Her heart started heaving in her chest and she picked up a glass to pour some wine into, and put it down again in case she threw it at Daisy. Her hands started sweating and she stood behind the kitchen counter, creating a barrier and looking at these two people, as if she'd never seen them before. Her eyes implored Daisy. ‘You slept with my boyfriend?’

  Daisy hiccupped and raised sore eyes to meet Maud’s very angry ones. Maud wanted her to really see her and understand the pain she was inflicting. She demanded that Daisy look at her, and tell her she'd betrayed her in the worst possible way.

  Daisy implored her friend to understand her. ‘It only happened once. Then I hated myself. I'm so sorry, Maud,’ she reached out a hand towards Maud and then dropped it into her lap. ‘I know I'm a terrible friend.’

  ‘Friend! Friends don't have sex with their best friend’s boyfriends...’ Maud spat out viciously, tears streaming down her face, feeling her paltry lunch rising back up in her stomach. She barely eaten, as she’d been so worried about Daisy. Now she wished she hadn’t wasted the time on this evil witch. She looked at Daisy's blotchy, red face and saw a stranger. She felt rage building in her chest, which was so unlike her usual submissive demeanour. How could Daisy, her most trusted friend, betray her like this? ‘Get out,’ she yelled at the top of her lungs.

  Both of these women were telling her that her judgement was off, and that Tom was a cheat. Well, that much was obvious from the fact that he’d slept with her best friend. She felt the burn of humiliation as her face flamed. She wouldn't let Daisy have the satisfaction of seeing her cry, so she pressed her nails into her palms, making herself wince in pain. Once again, she’d been treated like she was worthless. She waited and turned away from her two closest friends, as Daisy grabbed her bag and ran out of the front door, slamming it behind her.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Dot stood her ground and didn't go after Daisy, however much she’d have liked to run away too at this point. But Maud was her priority. Dot understood that Tom had seduced Daisy when she’d got very drunk, but she was Maud's oldest friend and this must be absolute hell for her. The fact that Tom had tried it on with Dot, too, made things twice as bad and really awkward for Dot.

  Maud walked to where Dot was sitting in the lounge, refusing to move, and sat down heavily on the couch, tears sliding from her eyes. She put her head in her hands, sobbing quietly. Dot looked at her sympathetically, which made her cry harder. Dot cringed. She was useless with anyone else's emotions and had found the whole afternoon exhausting. First, Dot had had to console Daisy, who was half hysterical after keeping her secret from Maud, as Tom really was a complete scumbag and had said he’d deny it. But Dot had also wanted to slap Daisy’s silly face for falling for his charm. Maud had told her Daisy had an amazing boyfriend called Ryan, who treated her like a princess. What was she playing at, hurting Maud this way? Especially as she often boasted what a wonderful friend she was, for starting Maud’s new career. Perhaps she’d been jealous of Maud’s fledgling relationship with Tom and had subconsciously wanted to destroy it?

  Daisy had confided to her that Tom had turned up at her flat while Ryan was there, saying he needed to talk about work. The man had no shame. They had been about to eat, so he’d been invited to join them. He’d brought a bottle of wine with him by way of apologising for disturbing their evening and didn’t seem bothered by Ryan being there. They had a great night and they’d steadily all got stinking drunk. Ryan had passed out and they’d put him to bed, laughing that he was a lightweight. Then Tom had turned on the charm. Daisy had been so drunk, she hadn't known what day of the year it was, and Tom had managed to seduce her. Daisy said the whole night was a blur, but she did remember him leaning in to kiss her and nothing after that. Tom had called her early the next morning and told her that they’d had a mind-blowing evening, before saying that if she told anyone about their ‘hot’ night he would blab to Maud that Daisy had been coming on to him for weeks. She’d told him to leave her alone and had cried every day since, as she couldn't believe what she had done.

  Dot sighed and gently rubbed Maud’s shoulder. She was still sobbing into her hands. To Daisy’s credit, she had immediately woken her boyfriend and told him what had happened. He had thrown her out and she had been trying to make up with him ever since. Her whole world had blown apart, because of one bad choice in life.

  Dot did sympathise with Daisy's situation, but seeing Maud cry made her resolve harden. She’d always thought Daisy was annoying and flaky, and she'd been proved right. The problem was, by telling Maud that Tom came onto her too, she only made matters worse for herself. Maud could side with Tom if he told her a different story, which would be a real problem.

  Dot sat next to Maud on the sofa and put a comforting arm around her, patting her back as she had seen people do in films, where it seemed to work in the same way that mothers soothed crying babies. Maud stopped sobbing, and Dot now saw raw fury in her eyes, as she sat back in complete silence. Dot quickly explained what she had found out, with as much detail she could manage without causing more pain. Apparently, Tom was copying a tried and tested formula. Within months, he’d slept with a few of the parents or staff at the last three schools he’d worked at. The school administrators were always so embarrassed when they found out, that they sent him on his way with glowing references, as he was a good teacher, even though he was a horrible boyfriend. He had just had a lot of relationships. He wasn't doing anything illegal, just immoral, as far as Dot was concerned. The nasty pig.

  Maud looked horrified and then began laughing manically. Dot rushed to the sink, located two wineglasses and grabbed the bottle of wine she’d brought along, knowing they would need it. ‘I'm so sorry, Maud. I know you liked him. He told me and Nate that you just slept with him, too?’

  Maud stopped laughing and spluttered, ‘Nate? Although Tom tried, I was so tired that I resisted, as you and your brother made me too damn busy to go near him. Tonight was supposed to be his lucky night...’ She began laughing again until she was gently crying at the unfairness of it all.

  Dot let out the breath she'd been holding and handed Maud an almost-overflowing glass of wine, before taking a hefty sip from her own. ‘Thank goodness for our good judgement,’ she sighed, feeling much better about things, before seeing Maud's dark look and hiding her face behind her wine glass.

  ‘Why do I always pick the shysters?’

  Dot had heard about Maud's dating history and felt sorry for her. She sent up a prayer of thanks for her brother's dastardly plan to keep Maud away from Tom. It had actually worked.

  ‘Not all men are cheats,’ she said picturing her brother, and realising it was true. ‘Tom zeroed in on you, you didn’t pick him. You were simply desperate for some attention after a dry spell,’ soothed Dot.

  ‘Not helping,’ glowered Maud. ‘He sought out me, and half the population by the sound of it. I'm such a moron.’

  Dot thought for a minute, but had to concede that Maud had a point. She was an idiot for falling for his chat-up lines, but maybe now wasn’t the best moment to mention that. Dot was trying to keep up with her be-nice-to-people plan, but she was really struggling in the face of such silly women. ‘I'm so sorry that this happened, Maud.’ She wasn’t really, as this meant that Maud would be less distracted and have more time for her, but she schooled her face to look concerned and serious. She quickly d
ampened down the glee in her eyes, before Maud saw it and threw the wine in her face.

  ‘I was supposed to be seeing him later,’ said Maud miserably.

  ‘Call the bastard, and tell him you don't feel very well. Make him wait. Then we’ll plan your revenge.’

  Maud did raise a small smile at this. ‘I quite like the idea of making him suffer.’ She tore off some kitchen roll and wiped her eyes, and blew her runny nose loudly, making Dot cringe as she sniffed. Then her mouth drooped sadly.

  Dot could tell Maud was exhausted, but she needed her to focus. She was visibly upset by the double betrayal, but she’d learn she was better off without Tom and Daisy in her life. She would soon be a darling of the art world and people like Daisy and Tom would be a distant memory, or at least they would if Dot had her way.

  Chapter Forty

  Nate decided that he’d let Maud wallow in misery for long enough. She’d been working with Dot a lot and they were always whispering in corners and scurrying off to scribble notes. He wondered if Dot had roped Maud in to be her assistant. He’d also talked seriously to his parents about the fact that they were emotionally blackmailing Dot to represent only their family’s work. His mum had been insulted, and said that Dot adored representing them, and it made her feel part of the family. His dad had thought about it for all of twenty seconds before declaring that he was sure she was happy and not to give her any silly ideas.

  Nate loved Dot, even though she drove him crazy with her constant nagging and, although she could be a bit of a diva, she was a gifted art agent. Nate had the feeling she was restless to discover her own clients. Her recent meetings with Maud seemed to be more than just friends being there for one another. In fact, he was getting pretty annoyed that whenever he’d arrived at Maud’s, Dot had already been there.

  He was completely confused over why Maud hadn’t told Tom where to shove his roaming penis, but Dot had assured him that Maud would make him pay in her own way. But when? The idiot was strutting about as if nothing had happened, and Nate wanted to grind his face into the floor every time he thought about him, which was far too often. Nate had dated different women in the past, but he only ever slept with one occasionally, contrary to Dot’s constant accusations, and he certainly never got into a relationship with one while bedding another. What would be the point in that? If you were going to make love to a woman, you might as well immerse yourself in the pleasure, and do the same for her. Surely bed-hopping meant everyone was emotionally wrung out, and someone was going to end up in trouble? Knowing his luck, it would be him. It wasn’t worth the headache. The thought of it turned his stomach over and made him angry, after the trouble he’d got into with Lena, Dot and Elliott when they were younger. If Nate was doing something, or someone, he did it well. Which meant he didn’t need to go looking for another woman to tickle his libido.

  He smiled as he hoisted two full carrier bags from the boot of his car. Things had gone on long enough and he wanted Maud to know that someone would treat her with respect and look after her. He’d meticulously planned a meal to cook for her, as he knew she was often too exhausted to go out. She needed to regain those sexy curves and stop looking so frail and gaunt. Luckily the swell of her breasts hadn’t disappeared, so he still had a reminder of how luscious she had looked when she’d first fallen into his arms at his preview show. She’d looked adorable, trying to stick her nose up to the painting to get a closer look. Those artisan shoes had made her legs look amazing, he’d been secretly watching her from the moment she’d arrived.

  Maud’s elderly neighbours were used to seeing him and Dot arrive most days by now and Nate had checked Dot’s diary, which was surprisingly full, to make sure that she was out of town with his uncle that day. He sent a winning smile to Mrs Lancy, who apparently spent an hour come rain or shine tending the beautiful array of scented roses that ran along her front wall. She’d insisted he call her Sally practically as soon as they met, and he’d planned to bump into her across the garden fence. It worked like a dream.

  ‘Maud’s lucky to have a boyfriend as dishy as you, Nate,’ her eyes sparkled at him as she went inside to collect her spare key to Maud’s house. ‘If only I was 40 years younger,’ she winked at him, making him laugh uproariously as he carried her rose cuttings inside and took the key with a quick hug and a smile.

  ‘Thanks, Sally,’ he called over his shoulder as he waved the key at her.

  He hauled his purchases in and plonked them down on the kitchen counter. He had steaks, salad, and strawberries dipped in white chocolate, as he’d heard they were her favourite. He was determined to tell her how he felt, and to ask her to move on from this ridiculous game of cat and mouse she was playing with Tom. He knew she was over him already. She was bound to be angry still, but maybe this had all made her realise that her judgement wasn’t so off, as she’d kept Tom at arm’s length. She could so easily have jumped into bed with him. Dot had confided to Nate that Daisy had told Maud about her fling with Tom on the very night they were supposed to sleep together. Nate supposed he should feel bad that he had tried every trick in the book to keep them apart, but he wasn’t, and it had worked. He understood that Maud had been really frustrated with him at the time, but when he had explained to her the other night that he’d started to have feelings for her and was jealous, she’d blushed bright red and hidden her face behind her hair. They had talked long into the night and he’d even stolen a few mind-blowing kisses in the last week, but she was still holding back. She needed to get rid of Tom once and for all. Tonight Nate was going to tell her how he really felt. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her, from the first moment he’d laid eyes on her, and he wanted her to be his and his alone.

  He put the wine he’d bought on the counter top and stood and admired Maud’s home. It was simple and beautiful, yet didn’t represent the vibrant woman who lived inside. His own flat had floor-to-ceiling windows and views across the river that ran alongside the town. His paintings adorned many of the crisp white walls and the furniture was all artisan, beautiful to look at and a pleasure to use.

  Maud’s place was simple, but pretty. It suggested creativity by the way the garden was designed to draw you to the front door, and the furniture was neutral, but comfortable and welcoming. He felt at peace here and was sure that was what had attracted Maud to the place. He remembered seeing her sprawled across her bed on the first night he had brought her home and wondered if she’d kept the little drawing he’d done of her. He hoped she had. It had been torture to leave her alone when she had been pleading with him to stay and been wearing that vibrant and sexy underwear that he’d been unable to stop thinking about ever since. Trying to clear his head, he imagined some of his smaller artworks hanging on the walls here, envisaging the whole room immediately jumping to life. The place needed more of Maud’s personality, which was feminine and interesting.

  Smiling and whistling to himself, he checked the black Rolex he’d treated himself to. He’d wanted to buy it after the success of his last exhibition, but held off. He wasn’t one for fancy trinkets, usually, but this one had called his name and he’d fallen in love with the sleek design. Normally he wouldn’t wear anything that drew people’s attention to his wrists or arms, as he would immediately see horror or compassion there, which made him burn with shame. It was his fault the scars were there and he certainly didn’t need anyone else forming opinions or feeling sorry for him. After another successful show, and seeing how much pleasure Maud had got from his paintings, he’d felt he deserved a present for himself and that it was maybe time to stop worrying about what other people thought of him. If they didn’t want to know him after finding out how he got the scars, then that was their choice, and their loss. Maud had helped him to understand that his scars were part of his history – like a painting, she’d said, as she’d run her delicate fingers along them. He hadn’t flinched away, but had taken her hand in his own and kissed her pulse gently, before letting her hand go. There had been so many moments
like that in the last week that he was beginning to find it hard to concentrate on his work. He wanted to be around Maud, touching her skin and looking into her eyes. He wished she would come and sit in his studio all day and eat grapes, preferably naked, so he could look at her and feel inspired, rather than having to rely on images of her in his brain.

  He knew that he had hours before Maud got in from her day’s work, so he carefully placed the food in the fridge, noting how tidy and uniform everything was in there and trying not to disturb the neat rows of food. He then checked the clock above the oven and let out a big breath, trying to release some of the nerves that were starting to buzz around his body. What if she didn’t feel the same way he did? What if Tom, the ‘trashy tosspot’ as Dot had renamed him, had caused too much damage, so that she hated all men and never wanted to sleep with one again? The thought horrified him and he quashed it quickly. He’d been dreaming of Maud in his bed for months. He knew he’d been underhand in keeping her away from Tom, but from the moment he’d set eyes on her, he’d wanted her to be his. He’d discovered a streak of jealousy he’d never experienced before, and had kept Tom and Maud apart. It was Tom’s own stupid fault. If that had been Nate, he would have turned up on Maud’s doorstep every morning, arrived at the end of the day to walk her home from school and spent every spare moment with her, until she fell in love, and then into his arms. Tom had been so busy shagging every other woman in sight, that he’d let the prize slip straight though his cheating grasp.

  Feeling a bit smug all of a sudden, Nate grabbed a glass and poured himself some of the wine. It was still warm outside, so he decided to go and sit on one of the rattan chairs at a little table, just outside the double back doors. For some reason, they hadn’t ventured outside much when he was here. He tried to think back if the weather had been bad, but shook his head. It didn’t really matter anyway. He was hoping he’d spend a lot more time here from now on, and if not, he’d put Maud over his shoulder and carry her back to his flat with him like a Neanderthal.


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