Gridlocked (Bounty County Series Book 3)

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Gridlocked (Bounty County Series Book 3) Page 25

by Maren Lee

  “I’m sorry. Sorry about your Jeep, Ryan. Sorry about whatever I did to fuck up the case. I’m just sorry. I’ll go,” Molly’s shoulders slumped as she turned to walk out of the station.

  “No. You’re not going anywhere,” Wesson stated firmly. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him. Wesson was mad at her for putting her life in danger, but he certainly wasn’t going to make her go home by herself.

  “I’m not?”

  “Nope. You’re coming to Billings with me. Now.”

  “I am?”

  “Yep. Gonna head to the hospital. See if I can get any word.” Amazingly enough, Randy hadn’t been pronounced dead at the scene. Nor had he been pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital, per the Life Flight team. Last he heard, his dad was in surgery. It looked pretty fucking gruesome, though. Wesson shuddered. “Please go with me?” he asked, his voice more gentle.

  “Of course I’ll go with you. I was afraid you didn’t want anything to do with me tonight.”

  Wesson laughed. “You’re crazy if you think me worrying about you risking your life and driving in a high speed car chase means I’d rather be alone the rest of the night. Baby, I never wanna let you out of my sight again.”

  “Can’t say I’m surprised a drug dealer is good at car chases, though,” Justin winked. Wesson still hadn’t told Molly that his dad basically confessed to planting the drugs in her car. The case against her was shot. Lane would get Wesson, Ryan, and Rachel on the stand to tell a jury exactly what Wesson’s dad had to say. Reasonable doubt.

  “For the last time, Justin! I’m not a drug dealer! God!” Molly was obviously frustrated.

  Justin laughed. “Yeah, Molly. I know you’re not. No way the charges are gonna stick after Wesson’s dad confessed to planting the drugs in your car.”

  “Way to ruin the surprise, dick,” Wesson shook his head.

  “What?” Molly looked into Wesson’s eyes. “Is he serious?”

  “Yep. Woulda told you if you hadn’t put pedal to the metal the second you pulled up to my mom’s house.”

  Oh no. Tears. Wesson wasn’t quite sure what to do with tears. He certainly didn’t ever want to see Molly crying, but these seemed to be tears of happiness. Relief. “Oh, thank you!” she jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. She buried her face in his neck. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she mumbled through her tears. “I love you,” she whispered, so only he could hear.

  My heart. “Love you too, Molly.”

  The rest of the crew cheered. There were back slaps and talks of celebrating down at the Cadillac. But Wesson really did need to get to Billings. He didn’t feel like he owed his dad anything, but he felt like he owed it to himself to see it through.

  “Come to Billings with me?” he asked Molly as he slid her down his body and put her feet on the ground.

  “Of course,” she replied as she wiped her tears from her face with the back of her hand. “Thank you. Everyone. For helping me. I really appreciate your love and support,” she declared and broke down crying again.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Sierra came in for a hug, followed by Lane and Chloe. “We love you, lady. We knew you didn’t do it. So happy we got to help.” After a few minutes of wondering if the girls’ group hug was ever going to end, they broke.

  “Wesson, Ryan, I want details on this confession. Molly, I’ll be in touch with Carter on Monday and put this whole fuckin’ nightmare to bed,” Lane said. Wesson and Ryan nodded at her command and Molly gave Lane another hug.

  “I’m sorry for just being an all around asshole,” Justin apologized, grabbing Molly from Lane and pulling her in for a hug.

  “All is forgiven, Justin. I know you were only doing your job.”

  Get your fuckin’ hands off my woman, Justin. “Hey, not so handsy there, man. She’s mine.”

  Justin and Molly laughed as they broke their embrace.

  “Okay, we’re out of here. Smitty, handle Kobe Michael tonight, please. We’re gettin’ a hotel room in Billings.”

  “You got it, brother.”

  And on that note, Wesson grabbed the woman he loved and pulled her out of the station.


  Randy was still in surgery at 6 p.m. when Molly’s stomach started to growl. “I’ll run to the cafeteria and get us some food, okay, Wess?” she offered.

  “Nah. Let’s get out of here. I’ll leave my number with the desk. We can’t do anything here anyway. Let’s get a bite and find a room somewhere.”

  That sounded like heaven to Molly. She was exhausted. Emotionally. Physically. She was ready to shut down for the night. She didn’t have pajamas or a change of clothes, since they’d left directly from the station, but she figured that Wesson wouldn’t mind if she slept nude.

  “Do you mind if we just grab something quick?”

  “You read my mind, honey. I’m fuckin’ beat.”

  Wesson went up to the desk in the waiting room and gave the receptionist his number. They would call Wesson when his dad got out of surgery. Molly wasn’t sure if Wesson would come back to visit him once the hospital called, he more just wanted to be nearby when he found out whether or not his dad was alive. If Randy did make it, though, he was in a world of hurt. Parole violation, possible murder charges, possible drug trafficking, criminal fraud for framing Molly for a crime she didn’t commit. Randy Duschert was definitely going back to prison.

  What a week.

  They left the hospital and hit a McDonald’s. Molly didn’t like fast food - it was one of the many reasons she loved Imminence (there were very few “fast” food joints and they were not national franchises) - but McDonald’s would be just fine tonight. They got their bags of grease and headed to the Comfort Inn near the hospital.

  “I know the circumstances are pretty shitty, Molly, but I’m kind of excited to stay in a hotel with you tonight. Feels like we’re on a mini vacation,” he looked at her as he pulled into the parking lot and smiled.

  “It does feel like a mini vacation. Thanks for making me come with you, Wesson. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now.”

  “Shit, I’d rather be with you in Dora Dora than a Comfort Inn in Billings, but I suppose I’ll take what I can get.”

  Dora Dora. Molly smirked. “I’d go anywhere with you.”

  They checked in and walked to their room. It was like any Comfort Inn on planet Earth. Not fancy, but not completely unfortunate. Thankfully, they had a room with a king left. It would do for the night. The first thing Molly did after setting down the McDonald’s bag on the side table was tear the floral comforter off the bed and toss it on the floor.

  “What’re you doing that for?” Wesson asked.

  “They don’t wash comforters.”

  “Say what now?”

  “Hotels. They don’t wash the comforters. Or if they do, it’s very rare.”

  “Holy shit.”


  “You mean, my whole fuckin’ life I’ve been sleeping in hotel rooms underneath a blanket likely covered in jizz?”

  “Well, they’re probably not all covered in jizz. But I’m betting a few of them were.”


  “Sorry to burst your bubble, honey,” Molly giggled.

  “What about sheets?”

  “They wash those daily. I think.” She shrugged.

  “Thank, god.” He really did sound relieved. Adorable. “I thank you for saving me from a future of disgusting blankets.”

  “I do what I can.”

  “Love you, honey.”

  “Love you, Wesson.”

  “Let’s eat.”

  They flipped off their shoes, pulled out their burgers and fries, and picnicked on the sheets of the bed. Wesson flipped on the television and they ate in relative silence while catching up on current events and local news. When Molly finished, she looked over at Wesson, half expecting him to be passed out already. But he wasn’
t. He was staring at her. Like he wanted to devour her.

  Molly gathered up the trash and hopped off the bed. She went from feeling completely exhausted and ready for bed to suddenly being very alert and ready for whatever Wesson had in mind.

  He kept his eyes on her the entire time she walked back to the bed.

  “You tired?” she asked.

  “Not anymore.” He turned off the television.


  “Not too tired for you.” He pulled her down to his lips and took her in a slow, wet kiss. “Let’s take these clothes off,” he suggested. Molly shimmied her skirt and panties down to the floor and then flipped her shirt and bra off within record time. She stood before him naked.

  “Your turn.”

  “I’m on it.” He stood as Molly sat down on the bed and proceeded to slowly take his clothes off for her. He turned and shook his ass as he lowered his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. Then he teasingly lowered his boxer briefs so she could see just a hint of crack.

  Molly giggled. “I think we need music. This would be much better if you were doing it to music.”

  “I am never stripping for you to music, so you better just enjoy this while it lasts, babe.”

  He kept his underwear on and then turned and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Hot damn. The man was truly a work of art. His chest. His abs. The hair sprinkled all over his chest, the happy trail leading down to that place on his body that really, really made her happy. All of this was evidence that Wesson was a man. Once his shirt was off, she focused in on the package. He was hard already. Molly wanted to help. She reached forward to the band of boxer briefs and tried to strip them down, but Wesson jumped back.

  “Uh uh. This is my show, baby.”

  Molly grinned. She couldn’t stop smiling. Everything had been falling to hell around her - and even now it wasn’t completely done - but she couldn’t stop smiling. Wesson was the one. Oh, wow. He's the one. The revelation stunned her.

  He slowly pulled the waistband of his underwear over his cock. Molly’s mouth watered just from seeing the head of it peek out. She wanted to lick the drop of precum that had already settled on his slit.

  Slowly - too slowly - Wesson inched his underwear down his legs and kicked them off. His hard cock bounced against his stomach.

  “Good god, I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to seeing you naked, Wesson,” Molly licked her lips.

  “You see somethin’ you like?”

  “I like every. dang. thing,” Molly grinned and reached for him.

  “Nope. Me first,” he smiled.

  “That’s what I’m trying to do, Wesson. Take care of you first.”

  Wesson chuckled. “No, I mean I want to eat my fill of you first.” He wiggled his eyebrows and then dropped to his knees, pulling Molly’s ass to the edge of the bed and resting her knees on his shoulders, her legs draping down his back.

  “Oh, whoa.”

  Wesson used his hands to spread her ass cheeks and tongued her in a hole she wasn’t sure she was comfortable with him tonguing. “Ah, Wesson?” she asked, her voice up at least an octave.

  “Shhhhh.” He squeezed her buttcheeks.

  “Wesson, it’s just that - I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  He slapped her ass. Hard. “I want your ass, honey.”

  She clenched her cheeks immediately. He slapped her ass again, this time a little more softly.

  “Not tonight. But eventually. Tonight, I want to lick your asshole without you being self conscious about it.”

  Oh man. That is weirdly sweet.

  “I just haven’t showered, and it was hot, and I feel like- ” she sighed.

  Wesson started shaking. Laughing. Molly wasn’t sure how she should feel about him laughing while his mouth was near her sphincter and his nose was near her pussy.

  “Never imagined I’d be volunteering to go downtown and my woman turns me down.”

  “I’m just self-conscious,” she replied, lightly smacking the top of his head.

  “I promise you have nothing to be self-conscious about.” He tongued her ass again.

  Sweet Mother of Mary.

  Molly threw her head back on the bed and just decided to leave all of her inhibitions behind. This felt too good. Too freaking good.

  Wesson apparently got the hint and continued stroking her tight hole with his tongue. He brought his fingers up to her pussy and inserted two, slowly pushing his digits in and out. Molly could hear how wet she was. Fuck. Wesson moved his fingers, wet with the juices of her pussy, and inserted his index finger into her tight backside.

  Oh shit. It burned a little as he passed through the ring, pushing his finger all the way up to his first knuckle.

  “Holy shit, Wesson.”

  He pushed his finger in and out and then moved his mouth up to her pussy. He tongue fucked her like it was his last meal.

  “Holy shit,” she repeated. Molly wasn’t sure if there were any other words in the entire dictionary at this point.

  Wesson moved up and sucked her clit into his mouth, still pumping his finger in and out of her behind. He brought his other hand up and inserted two fingers into her slick, warm core.

  “Holy shit,” she said, one more time for good measure.

  He kept his suction on her clit and continued to push into her with his finger while licking the sweet juices coming from her heat. He was a puppet master. A magician. Holy shit.

  “Wesson!” she gasped. “Wesson! Oh my god, Wesson!” she shouted. She was sure the walls in this hotel were thin, but at this point she didn’t give a shit. “Fuck, I’m coming!” Her body tensed up and she spasmed around Wesson’s fingers. “Holy shit.”

  She was boneless.

  She had to be. There were no more bones left in her body. What does a person do when they have no more bones? she wondered as she felt herself floating above her body.

  Wesson brought her back down to Earth and moved her on the bed up onto the pillows.

  “That good for you, honey?” he asked, sincerely.

  “Holy shit,” was all she could say.

  “You got any other words in there, darlin’? Not often you let out that many curse words,” he asked, a smirk on his lips.

  Molly shook her head. “No. I sure don’t,” she whispered.

  “Those were some new ones.”

  “They’re comin’ back slowly.”

  “Good. Gonna run to the bathroom and grab some lotion. We’re gonna do something I’ve been dying to do since I first saw those big titties of yours in the flesh,” he informed her as he winked.

  Crude. But sexy. Molly wondered what it was he was going to do. Unless - oh. Oh wait. Molly knew exactly what he was going to do to her.

  Wesson strolled back into the bedroom holding a tiny hotel-sized bottle of lotion, his cock bobbing as he walked. Jesus, he’s so big. She was certain she would never get over how hot he was.

  He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Lay back, honey. This is mostly just for me. But don’t worry, I’ll get you off again when I’m done,” he assured her.

  “I think you short circuited my brain with that last orgasm, so I definitely owe you one,” she replied with a dreamy smile.

  He grinned. “There’s no squid pro row here, baby. If you want me to stop doing this at any time, just tell me to stop.”

  Molly nodded. She didn’t know exactly what he had planned, but he emptied the entire tiny bottle of lotion on her chest, so she had a good idea.

  Wesson crawled up her body and straddled her, his knees on either side of her chest. He paused, his mouth twisting as if he was deep in thought.

  “I’ve never done this before, so forgive me for having to think through the logistics. I’ve only ever seen it in porn.”

  Molly was instantly relieved. “I’m glad it’s me to help you figure it out,” she replied with a coy smile.

  “Damn fuckin’ right.”

Wesson scooted his knees back just a bit. He grabbed onto her tits, one in each hand, and pushed them together. He pushed his dick in between the tight channel he’d created with her flesh and then pulled out.

  “Oh wow. So fuckin’ hot, Molly.”

  Molly agreed. It wasn’t anything that would make her orgasm, but it was erotic as hell and watching the head of his dick peek out the top of her cleavage was making her hot. And wet. All over again.


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