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Gridlocked (Bounty County Series Book 3)

Page 27

by Maren Lee

  “Drop your pants. Sit down on the couch,” Molly demanded.

  “Fuck, Molls. You know I love bossing you around, but it’s fuckin’ sexy when you know just what you want.”

  She grinned. “Drop your pants. Sit on the couch.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Wesson did just as she asked.

  “Good boy.”

  “You gonna sit on my dick?” he asked.

  “Just be quiet and let me do my thing,” she instructed.

  Wesson shut his mouth. Molly sunk to her knees.

  “Oh, baby,” Wesson responded to her actions.

  “You really can’t be quiet, can you?” She threw his words back on him.

  Wesson shrugged. “Not when you’re about to suck my cock. Highlight of my day so far, sugar.”

  “I heard it was leg day today.”

  “It’s cock day, now,” he teased with a smile.

  Molly smacked his quad.

  “Ouch. I’m serious. They fuckin’ hurt.”

  Molly laughed. “Let’s see if I can make you forget about that pain,” she said as she sucked his cock into the back of her throat.

  “Oh fuck.”

  Molly pulled up off of his dick. “You need to be quiet. Clementine is out there, remember?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, yeah. Lemme fuck your mouth, baby.”

  Molly put her mouth back around his cock and he pushed his hips up, shoving his dick deep into her mouth. Molly felt a gag when his swollen head hit the back of her throat, but she controlled her reflex. She applied the exact amount of suction that she knew Wesson liked as he withdrew. He let out a quiet groan.

  “Fuck, baby. If we didn’t have an audience outside, I’d be screamin’ right now. Your mouth is so hot and wet. Love you.”

  Molly sucked him back into her mouth. In and out. Out and in. He withdrew. He pushed in. She sucked. She licked. She lightly nipped. She noticed Wesson’s white knuckle grip on the side arm of the couch and felt his cock swell in her mouth. He quickly withdrew and pulled her head off of him gently by her hair.

  “Gimme a second, honey. I don’t want this to be over yet,” he breathed heavily.

  She rose up and kneeled down next to him on the couch and went in for a kiss. Wesson reached up her dress and palmed her breast through her bra while he tangled his tongue with hers. He grabbed her leg and pulled it over his lap until she was straddling him. Molly sat up on her knees and he positioned his dick right at her wet center.

  “Take me inside of you, baby,” he requested. Molly sunk down and they both groaned, quietly still so as not to alert Molly’s receptionist. Molly rose up again, her wetness evident, and then sunk back down, taking all of him.

  “You’re so big. You make me feel so full,” she whispered at his ear, nipping his earlobe. Wesson grabbed her ass cheeks and bounced her up and down on his hard rod before slowing the pace down and reaching around to her back entrance.

  “Let me make you even more full,” he grunted. Wesson inserted one finger into her tight hole. Molly hissed in response. He pushed in a little further and curved his finger slightly, massaging her from the inside.

  She gasped. “Jesus, Wesson.”

  “You like it?” He whispered the question.

  “I love it,” she replied as she continued to rise and fall on him. Molly felt herself start to contract. “Oh god, Wesson. I’m gonna come.”

  “Me too, baby.”

  They exploded in unison and held on to each other tightly through the spasms.

  “Not sure how it’s so good every time, but it is,” Molly exhaled.

  “You are not kidding,” Wesson agreed.

  Molly slowly rose off of him and then walked to her desk for a Kleenex. She cleaned herself up and tossed it on the trash and then tossed Wesson a tissue for himself. Molly looked at the clock. “I still have 30 minutes until my next client. Sandwiches?” she suggested.

  “Woman, I came here for sandwiches. I got way more than I expected.”

  “Are you complaining?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Nope. Not one single bit,” he assured her with a wink. They ate lunch together. Molly sprayed some air freshener to get rid of the sex smell for her next client. She made out with Wesson a bit more and then he left on an “I love you. See you when you get home tonight, baby.”

  Thankfully, from the looks of things, her receptionist had no idea what went on behind her closed door. Molly could definitely do that on a regular basis. She went back into her office, slipped her panties back on, and prepared for her afternoon slate.

  Chapter 23

  Wesson’s phone was ringing. Jingle Bells again. It was his dad’s parole officer. It’d been a few weeks since the accident and Wesson officially relinquished his right to obtain updates from the hospital. He didn’t fuckin’ care anymore. Time to move on. It was September. Football season was in full swing. Wesson was having fun helping Smitty coach the Imminence Iron Eagles. Things with Molly were heating up even more and he’d practically moved in with her. Both he and Kobe Michael were spending more time at her house than their own.


  “It’s Rocky. Just got some news on your dad. The hospital said you didn’t want updates anymore, so they’ve been directing everything to his court-appointed lawyer. I just got an update myself.” Wesson wondered if it was Lane, but he was pretty sure she’d farm this one out to a local lawyer on the court’s list. He’d have to ask her about that one.

  “Lay it on me.”

  “I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad or try to give you closure. I’m telling you this because I think you might find it ironic and maybe even a bit cathartic.”

  Wesson wasn’t quite sure what cathartic meant, but it sounded like it had something to do with cardiologists.

  “Hit me.”

  “He’s awake now. But your dad is paralyzed from the waist down.”

  Wesson felt all of the air leave his body. It was the second time he’d heard this news regarding one of his parents.

  “Holy shit.”


  Not my problem. “Taking care of him in prison is gonna be a terrible tax burden for the citizens of Montana.”


  “Sorry to hear that. But it does sound a bit like poetry justice to me.”

  “That’s why I thought you’d like to know.”

  “Thanks, Rock.”

  “No problem. Catch you around.”

  Wesson hung up, buttoned his shirt, and fastened his duty belt. Time to protect and serve.


  “2268, Bounty County,” Wesson’s radio crackled. Dispatch.

  “2268, go ahead,” Wesson replied, looking over at Ryan.

  “Possible 10-50. 1431 Banner Road, Apartment 3. Ambulance unit already requested.”

  Fuck. “Banner Creek again,” Ryan smacked the dashboard.

  “2268, copy. We’re close. On our way.”

  “Dammit, man. Too many overdoses for this small of a county.” Wesson shook his head and quickly turned his vehicle around. He flipped on the lights and sirens and high-tailed it to Banner Creek.

  “We gotta get this figured out.”

  “Statin’ the oblivious, Ryan.”

  “Obvious,” Ryan corrected.

  “That too.”

  Wesson could see the ambulance lights in his rear view as he pulled onto Banner Road. He hoped they made it in time.

  Chapter 24

  Eight Months Later...

  Wesson was sweating. Dripping with sweat. He gripped the steering wheel with his clammy, wet palms and exhaled heavily. It was only about 60 degrees outside of the car, so the fact that he was sweating was not a result of the weather. Fucking snow on the ground in June and I’m sweating my balls off.

  He and Molly were driving through Wyoming. They had just visited her parents in Jackson Hole for the first time and were headed back to Imminence.

  Wesson had asked her dad a question. The question. The “I know you just met me, but can I please ask your daughter to marry me” question. Her dad had responded with, “You better ask her mom, too.” So Wesson had to ask the question twice. They both said yes, but then they asked him what he thought Molly would say.

  Before they’d asked him that, he was certain she’d say yes. Now, he wasn’t quite so confident. Fuck. The ring was in his jacket pocket. He’d brought it with him, thinking he might do it on this trip. Somewhere romantical. He hadn’t found quite the right moment yet. But it was making him hot. It felt like the ring was literally burning a hole in his pocket. He needed it on her finger. “Shit or get off the hot tin roof, Wesson!” he heard his mom’s voice in his conscience.

  The drive from Jackson Hole back to Imminence went right through Yellowstone National Park. It was June, so the park hadn’t been open long. There was still snow on the ground in places, though the air was warming up. The sights were beautiful. There had to be a good place to do it here.

  “So, do you think that went well?” he asked. Molly turned to him and smiled.

  “My parents loved you.”

  “I feel bad that it took so long for us to get down here. It’s not that bad of a drive.”

  “We’ve been busy with work and you moving in. My parents understand. They could have come to visit us, too, but they wanted to give us time to settle.” She reached over and grabbed his hand. “We’ll come more often now. I need to teach you how to ski, anyways.”

  Molly’s parents couldn’t believe that Wesson grew up in Montana and didn’t know how to ski. But he’d only ever snowboarded and annual passes were too expensive for his mom when he was a kid, so Wesson only went when Smitty’s parents paid for it. As an adult, it didn’t really interest him. But if his Molly loved it, then he was going to attempt to love it with her.

  “Excited for you to teach me, honey. Love you.”

  Molly’s smile beamed out from within. Seriously, fuckin’ love this woman. Living with her had been a dream so far. She’d been teaching him how to cook. She was great with Kobe Michael, although Kobe Michael still wasn’t quite so sure of her. But he wasn’t quite so sure of Wesson, either, so he figured the aloofness was just a Kobe Michael trait. Maybe it’s just a general cat trait?

  They’d had sex in every room of her house, on every surface. They’d even managed garage sex. Molly had let Wesson pack her garage with his tools and crazy shit he’d been hoarding since his construction days. “I want you to make this our house, Wesson,” she’d said, right before he spun her around, bent her over his workbench, and fucked her like he needed her to breathe.

  “I love you, too, Wess.” She squeezed his hand. “Why are your hands so clammy?” she asked. “You feelin’ okay?”

  Wesson cleared his throat. “What? Uh - yeah. I feel fine. Is it hot in here?”

  “I feel okay, but I can turn down the heater. Wesson, you’re dripping sweat. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Wesson only nodded. But he saw a sign directing them to the West Thumb Geyser Basin. Yeah, he needed to get this ring out of his pocket.

  “Wess? Where are we going?” she asked as he turned off of the main road.

  “I need some fresh air. You game to check this out with me?”

  “Of course!” She clapped. “I’m so glad we don’t have to go right back to work when we get home. We can take a few days to get home, if you want.”

  Wesson pulled into the parking area and then leaned over and kissed her. His hands were shaking.

  “Or we can get you home today. Crap, Wesson. I think you might be getting sick.” She put her hand on his forehead. “How on earth are you sweating so much, but your skin is cold as ice? Shoot, honey. Maybe we need to find a hotel so you can rest up. Or I can drive the rest of the way home?”

  “Shhh.” Wesson placed his finger on her mouth. “I’ll feel better after I get some fresh air.” Fuck, pull yourself together, Wesson.

  They got out of the car and grabbed a map at the visitor’s center and walked down the path, following the arrows along the way. They saw the paint pots, the Bluebell pool, and kept walking through the geothermal wonders that made Wesson want to go back to school and study science shit. Just ask her the fucking question, Wesson! his inner voice scolded.

  The air was cool, but Wesson was still sweating his ass off. Molly kept looking back at him, checking to make sure he was okay. “I haven’t been here in years.” Molly smiled. “Thanks for bringing me. I forgot how awesome it is.”

  They rounded the corner to the Seismograph Pool. Should I wait for a geyser? he wondered. Fuck it, just do it now. They walked on the wooden boardwalk path over to the crystal blue boiling hot pool of water. The steam came off the water, smelling like sulphur, but the colors were beautiful. The water was blue like the Caribbean ocean. Bright green algae streaked the sides of the pool. Oranges and yellows built up along the edges. It was the perfect place to propose. But then Molly leaned on the hand railing, immediately freaking Wesson out.

  “Step back, Molly!” he shouted, startling her.

  “What the heck, Wesson?” she asked.

  “I don’t want you falling in. You heard about that guy who fell in last year? Completely disintegrated.”

  Molly shuddered. “Gross.”

  Well you can’t ask her now, dummy.

  They continued walking down the paths, stopping at each sight to see. Wesson’s clothes were starting to feel itchy.

  “Do you think you might be having an allergic reaction?” Molly asked, watching him pull on his t-shirt collar. “Your neck is totally red, Wess.”

  Wesson shrugged. “Maybe, but I feel okay. Let’s keep going.” Shit. Is this ring making me break out in hives?

  As they walked on toward the geysers, Wesson heard a rustle in the trees. He stopped Molly with his hand. “Hold up, baby,” he whispered. He looked in through the foliage and saw a flash of brown. Fuck.

  He picked Molly up and slung her over his shoulder and ran. He ran as fast as he could possibly run with a woman flipped over his shoulder.

  “What on earth is wrong?!” Molly yelled.

  “Shhhhhh! It’s a fuckin’ bear, Molly!” Wesson kept running.

  “I’m pretty sure that was just a beaver, Wesson!” she yelled back.

  Bullshit. Wesson knew the difference between a bear and a beaver. If that was a beaver, it was a big fuckin’ beaver.

  Wesson stopped and let Molly down. “Pretty sure that was a bear, babe.”

  Molly giggled. “Thanks for keeping me safe, Wess. Even when you feel like shit.”

  “I feel fine, Molls. Let’s go check out these geysers.” They could see the lake now. The path was much more open. Wesson felt pretty confident that neither he nor Molly would be eaten by a bear. And this stretch of the path seemed a little more updated. So he felt pretty good that no one would be disintegrated by falling into boiling water.

  “This is amazing!” Molly shouted as they rounded the corner. Fuck it. I’m doing it.

  “No, Molly. You are,” Wesson responded. She looked back and gave him a confused smile.

  “Thank you?”

  Wesson dropped to his knee on the path and reached into his pocket.

  Oh no. The ring. Where is it?

  “Oh my god, Wesson,” Molly gasped. “Are you okay? Do I need to call 9-1-1?” Apparently she didn’t realize what this was.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “What’s wrong?” Molly dropped to her knees in front of him. Wesson ripped his jacket off and threw it on the ground.

  “Motherfucking shit, did I drop it at the paint pots? Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.”

  “Wesson, you’ve got to talk to me. You’re scaring me.”

  Wesson felt all over his jacket, the inside pocket, the pocket on the outside of the right arm that was too fucking small to fit anything. Nothing. Fuck. Wesson’s shoulders dropped. He ran his
fingers through his hair in exasperation.

  “Wesson,” she whispered.

  Wesson looked up with tears in his eyes. “I lost it.”

  “Lost what, baby?”

  “Lost your ring.”

  “My ring?”



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