His Babygirl (Boston Doms Book 4)

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His Babygirl (Boston Doms Book 4) Page 19

by Jane Henry

  Submitting, trusting, were always so much easier in theory.

  And then he returned, running a large, calloused hand down her back.

  “You messed up, Allie,” he said, matter-of-factly. “You deliberately disobeyed me. You put yourself and Charlie in danger.”

  Panic made her voice tremble as she replied. “Yes, Daddy.”

  No sooner had the words left her mouth, when the sharp crack of his broad palm striking her ass rent the air, making her yelp.

  Oh, Jesus. Was it possible that it hurt more with the blindfold on? A dozen or more swats followed, the sharp clap of flesh-on-flesh broken only by her whimpers as she tried not to squirm too much. Every stroke of his hand set her rear end on fire, until it was hot and throbbing.

  But then the hand paused, rubbing against her gently as though savoring the way her flesh pulsed with heat beneath it.

  “Do you know what I would have done, if that asshole had really hurt you, if he’d touched a single hair on Charlie’s head?” he demanded, his voice rough with emotion.

  Alice swallowed and shook her head against the bench.

  “Answer me, Alice,” he demanded. He had moved, and his voice was a hot breath against her ear now, sending shivers up her spine.

  “No, Daddy,” she said aloud.

  “Neither do I,” he said softly, as though it were wrenched from him, and her heart stuttered. “I’ve waited for you a long time, Allie. Fucking forever. Since the day I was born. And now that I’ve found you, I’m not going to lose you, you get me? You will not take chances.”

  “I get you, Daddy,” she whispered, chastened. It had simply never occurred to her, as she wrestled with her own fears and insecurities over the past day, just how frightened big, tough, Alexander Slater had been.

  “If you don’t get me now, you soon will, Alice,” he promised, and she bit her lip.

  A second later, a whistle of sound, and then the sting of leather as it hit the top of her thighs made her jump.

  “Slay!” she cried. “What is that?”

  “Stay in position,” he told her inexorably. “You hold your position, baby.”

  Another thwap! And another. And another.

  Oh, God! She cried out with each stroke now, unable to stop herself from writhing as each one fell. She tried not to tense against the pain, but found it impossible when she couldn’t see, when she didn’t know when the next blow would be coming. Tears leaked from behind her eyelids to soak the blindfold as the stinging swats rained down.

  “You will not take chances. You will not condemn me to a life without you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes! Yes, Daddy,” she sobbed, nearly as undone by his words as she’d been by the pain. Her tears were flowing freely now.

  She heard a dull thunk as he dropped the implement he’d been using to the floor, and then Slay’s hand was rubbing her ass, soothing the sting, removing her from the bench, lifting her into his arms, and finally, finally, removing the cursed blindfold from her eyes.

  “Hush, baby,” he whispered, as he sank to the floor, cradling her in his arms. “Hush.”

  “I’m s-so sorry, Slay,” she told him, reaching up a hand to his cheek. “Can you forgive me?”

  He shook his head. “Allie, honey, I already have. That’s how this works. I’m your daddy. I will always love you. I’ll always forgive you.” He gave her ass a soft squeeze that made her cry out. “And I will always give you what you need, even when what you need is a thorough spanking.”

  Alice sniffled and nodded. She’d never take for granted how attuned he was to her, how he knew exactly when she needed a long, unyielding spanking, and when she craved comfort. Right now, every fiber of her being cried out for Slay and the peace that only he could provide.

  She was cherished.

  She was safe.

  She was forgiven.

  Slay bent his head to bite her bottom lip softly and then, as if he couldn’t help it, he kissed the spot he’d bitten… and before she knew what was happening, she’d gone from being cradled in his arms to straddling his lap, rubbing herself along the erection that strained against his jeans.

  “Slay?” she gasped, breaking away from the kiss to run her tongue along the corded strength of his neck. “What if I need you to take off your clothes right this second and make love to me?”

  His smile was incandescent, and his brown eyes glowed with laughter.

  “Anything for my babygirl,” he told her. And then proceeded to prove it.


  Alice pushed open the front door of The Club and took a grateful gulp of cold night air. She lifted her hair up off her neck and felt the sweat she’d worked up evaporate. Good Lord, the people on the dance floor were maniacs—and that was just the people she’d come here with!

  She ambled up the short walkway to the street, the better to admire the twinkling Christmas lights that still hung in the trees. They’d likely be taken down next week, around the time Charlie headed back to school after Christmas break, and the neighborhood would lose this little touch of magic. But then again, if things worked out the way she hoped, she wouldn’t be around here often enough to miss them.

  “You behaving, Allie-girl?”

  That deep, gravelly voice, now so familiar, still had her whirling around and clutching her throat.

  “Alexander Slater!” she admonished. “You still move way too silently for a man your size!”

  “That so?” He wrapped his arms around her waist, and dipped his mouth close to whisper in her ear. “You had no complaints about the way I moved earlier today.”

  His words made a happy shiver dance up her spine and he chuckled. “You turned on already, baby?” he asked.

  Arrogant man. “I’m chilly,” she told him primly, making him laugh again.

  “Well, then, I’d better warm you up,” he agreed, pulling her against his chest.

  She sighed and sank against him.

  “I was just thinking I was going to miss this place,” she told him. “If I get accepted at the University.”

  “When you get accepted,” he corrected. “The lady in the admissions office told you they’d be happy to accept the credits for the classes you took a few years ago.”

  “Yeah,” Alice breathed, almost unable to believe it had been so easy. “They have lots of programs for part-timers, too. I’m excited… but I’ll miss it here.”

  “Yeah… no drunk assholes leering at you when you wear your short leather skirt, no being propositioned to participate in demonstrations with strangers.” His voice hardened. “Such a shame.”

  Alice giggled and buried her smile in his neck. “I meant the fun, the acceptance, Blake’s dry humor…”

  Slay snorted and ran his hand up her back to slide down her long, blonde hair. “Blake’s humor. The man has barely smiled in three months.”

  Alice grimaced. “Okay, true. This hasn’t been his happiest hour. Is it true that his wife…

  “I’m not gonna talk about it, baby, and I’m not gonna speculate. He’s going through one of the hardest things any man ever has to go through, let alone a dominant like Blake. When he’s ready to tell everyone what’s happening, he will.”

  Alice blew out a breath and nodded. It was hard not to worry when you saw someone you liked and respected going through a dark time, but she knew Slay was right.

  “Besides, less time working here means more time at home with me,” Slay said, bringing the conversation back around. “And Charlie.”

  Home with Slay and Charlie! Nothing better. And yet…

  “And where will this home be, Daddy?” she teased.

  Alice had agreed to move in with Slay just before Christmas, and for a person used to second-guessing herself, she was shocked at how easy that decision had been. Then again, maybe it wasn’t so shocking, considering he’d asked her right after Pevrell and Brahms’ winter concert, where Slay, dressed to the nines in a tailored suit and silk tie, had clapped louder and longer for Charlie than any of
the other parents had for their children. But Alice had been surprised at how well-received her decision had been by everyone around them. It seemed like everyone realized just how right she and Slay were together.

  Now the only fly in the ointment was the question of where they’d live. They’d discussed a variety of scenarios, but none of their options seemed quite right. Slay’s place didn’t have enough room for Charlie, and Alice’s current house, while perfect in every other respect, was a rental, and Slay wanted to own.

  Slay had told her to leave their housing situation up to him, and at first she’d almost laughed out loud. Let him pick a house? Alone? But he hadn’t been joking. And Alice could now say with confidence that submitting to a blindfold was a hundred times easier than letting the man you love buy a home for you.

  “Funny you should ask,” he told her. “I signed an agreement and made a down payment today.”

  Alice pulled back to gape at him. “On New Year’s Eve Day? You already signed a contract? Where is the place? When can I see it?”

  Slay chuckled. “You’ve already seen it,” he told her. “I called your landlord and asked if he was interested in selling. Turns out, property management is not his idea of a fun retirement, and he was happy to sell. Gave me a great price. And we can stay where we are.”

  “No way!” she breathed. “We get to stay?”

  “Yup. Only adjustment we’ll have to make is putting a lock on the back half of the basement and telling Charlie he can’t go near my, uh, exercise equipment.”

  Alice laughed out loud. “That’s perfect!” She threw her arms around his neck and he lifted her up to spin her around. His brown eyes smiled up at her, and she leaned down to rain kisses over his cheeks.

  “Happy, baby?” he asked.

  “So happy, Daddy,” she told him.

  “Wanna go tell the masses?”

  She nodded. He set her on her feet and guided her inside with his hand on her lower back.

  She opened the door to chaos, utter and complete chaos.

  Donnie, a six-two, muscle-bound bouncer who’d worked at The Club for years, gave her a smile and Slay a chin lift as they walked in.

  “This place is packed,” Alice marveled.

  For this one night only, the front bar was the most happening spot in The Club. Normally, this space was a completely generic, nondescript meeting place, a facade that hid the guarded doorway that led to The Club’s main areas. But for New Year’s Eve, thanks to the man at her side, this outer bar had been transformed… into a 1970s disco, complete with mirror ball, DJ, and dance floor.

  And in the middle of that dance floor, encased in a purple, sparkly dress and doing her best Dancing Queen impression, was none other than Slay’s neighbor, Betty.

  Alice turned and buried her head in Slay’s chest. “You’re really the best, you know that, Daddy?” she said, fighting back a laugh.

  Before Slay could answer, Betty had caught sight of them.

  “Alexander Slater, you owe me a drink!” she called from the middle of the floor.

  “Jesus,” Slay muttered under his breath. “I’ve already bought her three.”

  Alice collapsed into giggles.

  “And you there!” Betty called again, beckoning towards them. “You! With all the muscles!”

  Slay and Alice looked at one another, and then swiveled their heads together in shock to look at Donnie, who had turned rather pale.

  “Come back and dance again!” Betty yelled with a shake of her hips.

  Donnie shook his head and waved a hand in denial. “Nope, I’m all set, ma’am. Thanks anyway.”

  “Come on!” Betty yelled again.

  “Better go, man,” Slay told Donnie with a straight face.

  Donnie’s expression darkened as he looked at Slay. “Slay, man, I’ve already been out there, and she—”

  “Donnie, she’s a sweet old lady,” Matteo said, walking over to clap Slay on the shoulder, a mischievous smile on his face. “Christ. Be a gentleman.”


  “Afraid this old lady has more moves than you do?” Betty taunted.

  Donnie took a deep breath and glared at Slay. “You owe me,” he said. Then he turned to Matteo, “And if she pinches my ass again, both of you are on my shit list.” And then he stalked out to the dance floor.

  “Finally!” Betty cried as Donnie approached, then she reached over and delivered a firm smack to Donnie’s ass.

  Alice slapped a hand over her mouth. “Holy crap! He’s gonna hate both of you forever!”

  Matteo and Slay looked at one another. “Worth it,” they laughed in unison.

  “You boys don’t wanna lose me a bouncer,” warned a deep voice from behind them. “Not when I’m already about to lose one of my favorite waitresses.”

  Master Blake and Matteo’s brothers Dom and Tony joined them, and Blake stepped over to greet Alice with a kiss on the cheek. “How are you honey?” he asked.

  “I’m better than I’ve ever been,” she replied, and he smiled, though the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “Quite an event you organized, Slay,” Blake continued, looking around the bar. Easily a hundred people crowded the small space and the line at the bar was extensive. “The rest of The Club is dead. Everyone wants to be out here watching your friend Betty corrupt the bouncers.”

  Slay chuckled. “I knew I couldn’t take her into The Club itself or else everyone at her hair salon would be getting the blow by blow on how to use a flogger.”

  “The blow by blow?” Tony asked, deadpan.

  Slay rolled his eyes and Matteo groaned in disgust.

  “Oh, come on! I didn’t make the pun, I just called him on it!” Tony said, holding up his hands in protest.

  “I think Mom dropped you on your head too many times,” Dom told him, shaking his head and making Alice giggle.

  “Where are Tess and the other girls?” Alice asked.

  Tony scowled. “Ladies room out here was too crowded, so they headed back in there,” he said, hooking a thumb towards the door that led to the main club. “Like, over twenty minutes ago. I’m not too worried since she’s with the rest of the girls: Heidi, Hillary, and Slay’s sister. But still, think you could go back there and hurry them up?”

  Slay blinked and immediately stood straighter. “You mean Elena? My sister Elena is back there?”

  “You have a different sister I don’t know about?” Tony asked. “Yes, Elena is back there.”

  It was Slay’s turn to scowl. “Shit. I brought her because I was concerned about Betty, and Elena’s a nurse. I thought if Betty needed medical attention or anything…”

  From the dance floor, they heard Betty cry, “Shake what your mama gave you, big boy!” and Tony and Matteo both burst into loud guffaws.

  “Good thing you took that precaution,” Matt said, wiping tears from his eyes. “Betty sure won’t need her help, but Donnie might.”

  “Jesus,” Slay muttered lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck. “I didn’t want Elena to see the main area any more than I wanted Betty back there!”

  Blake put a restraining hand on Slay’s shoulder when Slay would have moved toward the main club. “Your sister doesn’t look like the sort to run a tutorial at the beauty parlor,” Blake said dryly. “Not quite the right demographic. Leave her be.”

  Slay scowled. “But Blake, she’s way too young…”

  “Wait, she told me she’s twenty-six,” Alice said, confused. “How old is she?”

  “Twenty-six,” Slay agreed irritably.

  Allie pressed her lips together to bite back a smile. “And you know I’m twenty-three, right?”

  Slay opened his mouth and closed it again. “Of course I know. That’s different, Allie,” he grumbled.

  “I see,” she said, patting his chest soothingly. Watching her man turn into a protective Neanderthal around his sister turned Alice’s insides to mush. “Well, if you want, I’ll go hurry her along. Escort her out with my hands over her
eyes, maybe?”

  Slay raised one eyebrow and gave her a look that said he’d noticed her sass, and Alice’s tummy flipped even as she giggled.

  But as it turned out, she didn’t have to hurry the girls along, since they pushed their way through the crowd at that very moment.

  Dom’s eyes found Heidi immediately, and he reached out a hand to draw his wife to his side. “All good?” he asked, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.

  “Totally,” Heidi agreed happily, exchanging a look with Tess.

  Tess bit her lip around her smile and leaned into Tony’s arm, letting him tangle his fingers through her long auburn hair. “Everything’s great,” Tess sighed.

  Alice frowned and looked at Hillary, who had buried her face in Matteo’s chest while his arms wrapped protectively around her, so that only the top of her red-brown hair was visible.

  Something was going on and it was on the tip of Alice’s tongue to ask what… when Elena spoke.

  “So, question. How does the whole rope bondage thing work?” she asked, pushing a strand of her long black hair behind her ear and looking expectantly from couple to couple. “Shibari, I think it’s called? It looks super interesting.”

  Nobody spoke for several seconds. Blake cleared his throat once as though he might speak, then fell silent. Tony, Dom, and Matt made a careful study of the ceiling, the wall, and the floor, respectively. The girls exchanged speculative looks.

  “How. The. Hell. do you know what shibari is?” Slay exploded.

  Elena rolled her dark brown eyes, looking so exactly like Slay that Alice had to fight a bubble of completely inappropriate laughter that threatened to escape.

  “Alex, I’m a twenty-six-year-old woman with an internet connection. I know a lot of things,” she said matter-of-factly. “But I’ve only ever seen pictures, I’ve never seen it in real life, and I was curious about how it felt, you know?”

  Slay looked like his head was about to explode. Alice stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck cautiously. “Slay, it’s okay to be curious,” she whispered.

  He glanced at her briefly, nodded, and proceeded to ignore her.


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