An Empire in Runes (The Runes of Issalia Book 3)

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An Empire in Runes (The Runes of Issalia Book 3) Page 22

by Jeffrey L. Kohanek

  Brock nudged his horse closer, taking Ashland’s hands in his. “Don’t worry about her, Ashland. You are the only one for me.” He smiled, and the hard edge of her anger melted to mild irritation.

  He leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. The conviction of her irritation watered down to mild annoyance. Brock opened his eyes and flashed her a smile, which she returned.

  Turning his horse about, he looked at her again. “I’ll talk to her later tonight so you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

  Ashland was shocked. “No. You can’t do that,” she insisted, growing irritated again. “Just leave it be, Brock.”

  He stared at her, looking confused. “I don’t understand. If you don’t want me to do anything about it, why did we have this discussion?”

  Ashland’s eyes grew wide as the irritation flamed back to anger. “You just don’t get it.”

  She kicked her horse into a trot, leaving her confused boyfriend behind.


  Perhaps the world had shrunk for Brock, since the Academy appeared smaller than it had in the past. He didn’t doubt that his experiences had impacted his perceptions and that his views had changed, the imposing nature of the school being just one among many.

  Brock didn’t know what to expect with his return to the Academy. Having fled the school as a fugitive, there was a time when he thought that he would never return. Once he determined that Varius and Eldarro were both part of The Hand, his thoughts on the matter began to shift. The school itself was not the enemy. Now, backed by an army of Chaos-users who had just saved the Empire from destruction, he believed that a unique opportunity for change presented itself. It was an opportunity he couldn’t ignore. He owed it to them to try. He owed it to Tipper.

  As his horse reached Cassius and Budakis at the fore of the procession, Brock slowed it to a walk and looked down at the men who had acted as army sergeants for him and for Cam. Brock slid off of his horse, placing his hand upon Mayfair’s neck to guide her as he walked.

  “Thanks again for your part in this, Cassius,” Brock said before turning to the man beside him. “You too, Master Budakis.”

  Cassius looked at Brock and nodded. “Sometimes duty is merely doing what needs to be done. Anyone can follow orders, but the difference is made by those who recognize that someone who knows what to do must give the orders first.”

  Brock nodded. “Fair enough.”

  Brock glanced backward to find that the others had dismounted and were walking their mounts as they approached the Academy. He turned toward their destination, now about a hundred feet away and realized that he couldn’t bring everyone into the building. Such an action was sure to cause panic and could lead to a fatal misunderstanding. He turned to face the leaders of his convoy.

  “Let’s stop and gather here.” Brock thumbed toward the school. “When we get everyone settled, a group of us will go in and notify Vandermark that we are here.”

  “He already knows you are here, traitor.”

  Brock turned to find Headmaster Vandermark standing upon the landing at the top of the steps before the main hall. Master Varius stood to the man’s right with her arms crossed over her chest. Eldarro loomed to the woman’s left, mirroring her stance while Ipswitch sidled up beside Vandermark.

  “Traitor?” Brock mumbled.

  “Yes, traitor!” Varius shouted, her voice echoing across the lawn.

  Movement atop the Main Hall caught Brock’s attention. Three men and two women appeared with bows in hand. A dozen more archers followed, spreading across the roof as they nocked their bows and took aim at Brock and those at the fore of the crowd.

  A rumbling sound to the east drew Brock’s attention. He turned to find a large squad of armed soldiers rounding the building. He turned west to find a similar group approaching from that direction, both groups dressed in Holy Army gear. In mere moments, the remaining members of Brock’s army were surrounded and outnumbered.

  Brock was stunned. He had assumed that returning to the Academy with an army would put him in a position of strength. Never did he imagine that another force might be waiting to challenge him. Worse yet, he realized that he had led them into a trap, completely unprepared.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Cassius demanded.

  The doors to the Academy opened and a handful of men and guards emerged, spreading out atop the stairs before the Main Hall. Brock’s eyes grew wide when he recognized one of the men as Tom Gambo.

  “You should know what happens to those who betray the Empire, Cassius.” A man announced as he stepped beside Varius.

  “Yaris?” Cassius said. “Why are you here?”

  “I should ask you that, DeSanus!” Yaris shouted. “You abandoned your post as captain of my guard and stole away with some of my best men and women in the process.”

  Cassius stepped forward. “An enemy force was threatening the welfare of the Empire. Unlike you, I listened to the warning and reacted. If I hadn’t, we would have lost more people than we did, perhaps everyone.”

  Yaris sneered. “So you say. Where is this enemy force?”

  “What?” Cassius said incredulously. “Are you calling me a liar?”

  A man who wore the pale gray leather of a Holy Army Captain stepped beside Yaris, addressing the Prelate. “Sir, Captain DeSanus is well known to be honest. In fact, many would say that he is truthful to a fault.”

  Yaris turned to Varius. “What is this?”

  Varius spoke to the armored man. “Captain Gort, you are to remain silent and follow orders.”

  Although Gort did not look happy, he nodded and stepped back. Brock’s brow furrowed. Why did a city Prelate and a Captain of the Holy Army defer to Varius?

  Varius nodded and turned toward Brock. “You and your friends are under arrest Mister Talenz. Your trial will commence first thing tomorrow. In the meantime, if anyone tries to escape or fight back, they will die.”

  Budakis stepped to the fore, appearing angry. “What is this about, Meryl? You mentioned a trial. If anyone should be on trial, it is those who stand beside you.” He pointed at her before gesturing toward the army standing behind him. “These people just saved your hides, along with every other Empire citizen. If it weren’t for them and the Tantarri, we’d soon be food for banshees.”

  Yaris laughed. “You can’t be serious.”

  Cassius stepped before Brock. “He is serious. This enemy destroyed every eastern city and wiped out the entire south garrison when the Holy Army tried to deal with them on their own.”

  Gort interjected, “What? Torreco and the others are dead?”

  Cassius attempted to respond when Varius interrupted him.

  “Save it for your trial, Captain DeSanus. It will commence once we are done with Mister Talenz.” Varius smiled. “Yes, you will get one as well, Cassius, for the crimes Prelate Yaris has already outlined.”

  Brock stepped between Cassius and Budakis, feeling small between the two massive master Paladins.

  “You mention a trial. What are the charges?” Brock shouted.

  As Varius stared daggers toward him, Brock could feel her seething hatred. Rather than her responding, Vandermark spoke.

  “Mister Talenz, you and your companions are charged with kidnapping over eighty of my students. Not only is that subject to ejection from the Academy, but you will find yourself in prison once proven guilty.” His face grew angrier as he spoke, his voice rising. “Then, one of you blasted a hole in the wall of the Girls’ Tower, setting it on fire before you blew up my office!” he shouted, squeezing his hand into a fist so hard that his knuckles turned white.

  Brock blinked in surp
rise and turned toward Ashland for answers.

  She leaned toward him and whispered. “Benny.”

  Brock thought about Benny’s flash bombs and nodded. He assumed that Benny had a good explanation for using them on the school, but that was a conversation for another time. His thoughts drifted to Benny and he found himself hoping that his friend had found the pack Brock had left behind.

  “That’s not the worst of it,” Varius said. Her voice had an edge to it as a deep-seated hatred seeped into each word she spoke. “I charge you with the use of forbidden and profane arts, breaking the Ministry’s most secret and deeply revered tenet. You, Mister Talenz,” she sneered, “have defiled yourself against Issal’s will and have spread your sickness to others. You even have the gall to mark yourself with that rune, a symbol that has been buried for centuries because of its evil nature.” She pointed at him, her eyes burning with loathing. “For these offenses, I will see you and your companions hanged.”

  She addressed Gort. “Have your Paladins disarm them. Anyone who is Unchosen is to be bound with their hands behind their backs.” She pointed at the large man and woman standing behind Vandermark. “Eldarro, Ipswitch, please gather a few guards to shackle Mister Talenz and his friends. Once bound, lock them up in the infirmary.”

  The two large enforcers nodded and headed down the stairs, menacingly gripping iron shackles. As they approached with a trail of guards, Brock’s mind raced. He glanced up at the archers atop the building, ready to fire arrows should he make the wrong move. Guards approached from both sides and began to strip his companions of their weapons. Ipswitch approached Ashland with a grim smile on her face. Brock moved to stop her, but a grip on his wrist held him fast. Eldarro violently spun Brock about and clamped a shackle about his right wrist. Brock glanced toward each of his friends until he locked eyes with Ashland. I’ll find a way out of this somehow, he sent to her. Eldarro yanked Brock’s arms backward, and the other shackle clamped tightly about his wrist, snapping closed with an ominous click.


  Ashland was scared. Scared, frustrated, and hungry. In addition, she felt exhausted from a long night that consisted of troubled dreams and little sleep. Having her wrists shackled behind her back again didn’t help, leaving her shoulders stiff and sore.

  She stared at the wall while resting on her side upon the hard bed in her cell. The only light she had was the faint glow from the lamp coming through the window in her door. In the past year, she had grown to hate the Academy Infirmary.

  Ashland missed Brock, wishing that she could see him and hold him. She reflected on their last conversation before their arrest, which left her feeling guilty. Despite intentions to do otherwise, she allowed her jealousy of Salina get the better of her. Brock hadn’t done anything wrong, yet she had been angry with him. She now wished that she could take it all back.

  Brock, she sent to him. Are you awake?

  Yes, he replied. I’ve been trying to think of a way out of this.

  Ashland knew that Brock was in one cell and that Cameron, Parker, and Cassius occupied the other three.

  I believe in you, Brock. She replied, not knowing what else to say.

  Despite her words, Ashland couldn’t see a way out of this mess. She doubted that the trial would be fair, given who was conducting it and the radical stance that Varius and the others had toward Chaos. However, she saw no other option than to go forward with the hearing.

  Ashland thought about Chaos and the things they had achieved with it. In addition to Chaos being instrumental in stopping The Horde, they had relied on it to get them out of situations like the one they were in now. This time, however, everyone who could use it was shackled and unable to draw a rune. Without use of magic, all they could do was tell the truth and hope it was enough. Unfortunately, The Hand was doing everything possible to hide the truth, which made that route as difficult as any other.

  Hope had fled Ashland when she needed it most. When trapped in the Tantarri pit, Ashland knew that Brock would find a way out. After the Archon caught them sneaking into the Sol Polis Citadel and locked them in the dungeon, she felt confident that they would escape. Even when Vandermark had her locked in his closet, Ashland believed that Benny would find her and free her. This time was different. For the first time since she met Brock, she felt hopeless.

  * * *

  A noise caused Ashland to stir, opening her eyes when she heard a commotion outside her door. Grunting in an effort to sit upright, she tilted her head to work out the kinks in her neck.

  They’re here to take me away, Brock sent to her.

  Startled by a spike of anxiety, Ashland stood and hurried over to the window in her cell door.

  Get ready. Brock said. You’ll only get one chance.

  I’m worried about this, Brock, she replied. We have no idea if it will work. Remember what happens when a rune cannot properly capture the energy? Chaos will destroy you.

  It’s our best hope, our only hope, he said. We have to try. He paused briefly. They’ve opened the door and the guards are coming in to get me. Get ready.

  Anxiety twisted within Ashland’s stomach as her pulse raced. She closed her eyes and reached out for the storm of Chaos surrounding her, drawing in as much as she could hold. Her eyes opened to see Holy Army Paladins shuffling about the room. The pressure within Ashland was growing as Chaos raged within as it threatened to destroy her. The first two Paladins passed by her window as they headed toward the hallway. Her body shook, trembling as Chaos fought for release. The next two guards came into view as they each guided Brock by an arm. As he passed her cell, Brock bent backward to look around the guard so that Ashland had a clear view of his face. At that moment, she focused on the Chaos rune embedded within Order symbol that marked his forehead. As she poured the stored energy into the Chaos rune, it began to glow with crimson light. A wave of exhaustion swept over her as the rune upon Brock’s head pulsed and began to fade. Brock’s eyes bulged and a terrifying scream erupted from his lungs. His eyes rolled back and he collapsed.

  The two guards, each with one of his shackled arms in their grip, hoisted him up from his knees and dragged him toward the door. Ashland looked on in horror as she watched Brock’s limp body slide out the door, the toes of his boots skidding across the stone floor as they disappeared into the hallway.

  Ashland telepathically reached out to him. Brock? She paused, waiting. Brock?

  All she heard was her own panicked breathing. She closed her eyes, reaching out again. Try as she might, she couldn’t feel him. Tears began tracking down her face, driven by fear and worry. Thoughts of Brock dying because of her began to form unbidden. Try as she might, she couldn’t escape those dark images.


  Dalwin Pretencia turned to survey his office, nodding in satisfaction when he found everything in perfect order. He opened the door and slipped into the empty hallway. His spirits were high. Today was a good day, such a momentous day that he would briefly let his inhibitions go. Uncharacteristically, he began to whistle as he strolled the corridor from the Hierarchist Wing to the main corridor that ran through the heart of the Academy. While strolling past the glowlamps illuminating the dark hallways, he mused about the proceedings that were to take place.

  It had taken almost two years, but the impudent rule breaker would finally get his due. Talenz would learn that no citizen is above the laws of the Empire. Months earlier, Dal received proof that Talenz had lied when claiming that Master Snodgrass of Port Choya had been his benefactor. Dal smiled, recalling the satisfaction he had felt upon reading the missive from Snodgrass, denying any knowledge of Talenz. Not only had Brock lied about the man training him, but he also had the audacity to state that the man had died before he could provide a writ. In actuality, Snodgrass
was quite alive and quite outraged at the misuse of his good name.

  As soon as Dal had the proof needed to convince Varius, he had gone directly to her with the note.

  “Meryl, I think you may want to read this,” Pretencia said as he held the note toward her.

  “What now, Dalwin?” Varius replied.

  She never did like him. Dal knew that most of the other Masters had a similar attitude toward him. They didn’t understand his need for order. The others didn’t share his powerful belief in the system. Rules are rules.

  “It’s a message from a Master in Port Choya.” Pretencia could feel a smile tugging at the edge of his lip, threatening to crack his typically serious demeanor. “It appears that one of your students has been deceiving the Academy, deceiving you.”

  As he finished the statement, the smile emerged. Feeling a moment of triumph over Varius was nearly as glorious as taking Talenz down.

  Dal focused on her face as she read the note, watching her expression evolve from irritation to anger to determination. He had her. She would confront Talenz. Having her star pupil exposed as a fraud would sting but not as much as if she allowed the charade to continue.

  Varius looked up from the note. “Thank you, Dalwin,” she said, her voice even and emotionless. “I will take care of it from here.”

  Dal smiled again, buoyed by a wave of joy and satisfaction.

  “Very well,” he said as he stepped to the door of her office, giving a small nod before departing.

  Oddly, Varius, Eldarro, Talenz, and a handful of students disappeared the very next day. Weeks passed with no knowledge of what became of them. Headmaster Vandermark was upset, mostly about Varius going missing. He and two of the advanced Ecclesiast students were forced to conduct novice student training as Master Rigli shifted from training the novices to the advanced Ecclesiastic classes. Then came the day where Vandermark’s mood evolved from irritated anger to outright ballistic fury.


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