Windy City Romance: Boxed Set: Prequel - Book III

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Windy City Romance: Boxed Set: Prequel - Book III Page 61

by Barbara Lohr

  “Any minute now. He landed about an hour ago.” After the door slammed behind Caitlin, Amy sat down again in the sunny room. Here she would sing the baby to sleep, read Good Night Moon, and plan the first Halloween costume.

  This pregnancy had been such a surprise. Apparently Mallory’s “vintage supply” of condoms failed and her situation wasn’t as dire as her former GYN had predicted. The last months had passed in a glorious blur.

  Now she probably needed a nap. First, this room needed cleaning up. Pushing herself up from the chair and ignoring her sister’s advice, Amy bent to roll up the papers.

  The water left her with a whoosh. Amy stared at the dampened newspapers at her feet. How relieved she was to hear the front door slam.

  “Caitlin! Mallory?” Waddling into the living room, Amy took deep breaths.

  “Good God, darlin’.” Mallory’s face drained of color. His bag thumped to the floor.

  “Hospital,” she groaned.

  “Nothing to worry about. I put the address in my rental car’s GPS soon as I picked it up.”

  After gathering her bag, Mallory helped her to his rental car. Curious, the blue car sure looked like an update of their rental in Italy. Totally unlike her car-crazed husband. “Really? Are you kidding me?”

  “Humor me. Besides, no one else wanted it.”

  Once in the car, Amy called McKenna, who would meet them at the hospital. Then she put in a call to Caitlin. Since Mallory had a heavy foot, they were at Montclair in twenty minutes. She’d never seen the Eisenhower fly by so fast. McKenna met them at the door of the ER.

  “What were you doing today?” she asked Amy.

  “Putting up wallpaper.”

  McKenna and Mallory both groaned.

  In no time at all, Amy was dressed in her sports bra and hospital gown. The water birthing suite on an upper floor of the hospital was small and intimate. Face pale, Mallory helped Amy into the shallow bath.

  When McKenna asked Amy to pant, Mallory also puffed out breaths. She grabbed his arm and squeezed so hard he’d probably be bruised for some time. The man never flinched.

  Sometime during her labor, a tall good-looking doctor in surgical scrubs and hat entered the birthing suite.

  “Dr. Castle?” McKenna greeted him.

  He nodded, eyes shifting between Amy and McKenna, who had put her in touch with her new obstetrician just in case complications arose. Logan Castle was head of OB/GYN at Montclair. “Everything all right?”

  “Fine.” McKenna’s chin went up. For a second, tension zinged tight in the air. She saw the look that passed between her friend and Dr. Castle.

  But that’s another story.

  The door closed behind Dr. Castle when he left.

  “What’s up between you two?” Amy asked when her contraction had eased.


  Amy didn’t believe that for a minute but time to get back to work. The labor picked up as midnight approached. Mallory and Amy listened to the Italian love songs they’d chosen for their birth plan. McKenna had laughed, saying that was a first.

  Suddenly, contractions picked up, coming so fast she could not catch her breath.

  Their little girl pushed into the world in record time. Three hard contractions and she catapulted into the water like a sprite, the cord unfurling before McKenna scooped her up. Mallory looked like he might faint, but his pallor was soon replaced by a proud smile.

  “How about that, Mrs. Thornton?” he murmured.

  Mrs. Thornton. Maybe for the first time, that name felt right.

  After a general cleanup with all clinical information duly noted, McKenna nodded to the pediatric nurse, who bundled the infant into a portable bassinette. “Let’s get you up to your room. Baby comes too.”

  Upstairs in the maternity unit, staff buzzed around their little family. Confusion hit a peak when Louise and Aunt Em arrived, along with Vanessa and Caitlin. As evening fell, Caitlin cleared the room and left. After eating some jello, Amy drifted off to sleep. When she awakened in the middle of the night, Mallory was slumped in the chair at the side of her bed, his hand holding hers. Next to him, the baby slept. The whole room smelled powdery and sweet. A rumpled mess, her husband had never looked better.

  The baby whimpered in her sleep, and Mallory jerked upright. She’d never seen his eyes open that fast when they were traveling together. Jumping up, he hovered over the bassinette. What a sight. Her heart turned over. Gianna didn’t even open her eyes, just fell back to sleep. After tucking the blanket more snugly around the baby, Mallory remained mesmerized. “Damn, have you ever seen anything so amazing? A miracle.”

  “You’re amazing.”

  “So are you, cara. So are you.” His gaze caught hers, love swirling in their blue depths. How could she ever have doubted this man?

  “You should go home,” she whispered. “You look exhausted.”

  Bleary-eyed, he shook his head. When he kissed her, she felt the soft brush of his chin stubble and breathed in his wonderful, familiar scent.

  He tightened his hold on her hand. And on her heart.

  “Are we your package deal?” she teased.

  “Sure are. Italy didn’t capture my heart. You did, cara.”

  “Did you ever rate your trip on Travel Chums?” she asked after a long, leisurely kiss.

  “I’d like to do some quality testing before I issue an official rating.”

  “I’m pretty particular myself,” she whispered, smoothing the collar of his shirt. “Good with details. I could help.”

  “We may have to be very thorough.”

  “I’m counting on it. Just give me some time.”

  “Can’t wait ‘til we’re home. This reminds me of the bed in Florence.” Moving with the grace of a southern gentleman, Mallory aligned himself next to her. When had she ever felt this content?

  Mallory was right. Sometimes life was just a miracle. Her hold tightened on him. For her, he was home.


  From the Author

  If you enjoyed “Her Favorite Honeymoon,” I’d sure appreciate it if you’d post a review. Choosing a book is like any other purchase online. Readers find stories by reading reviews. Many thanks for taking the time!


  Intimo: Love Songs of Italy

  Mark Masri

  “Castelli di Sabbia”(The Shadow of Your Smile)

  “Partia piu Piano” (Speak Softly Love)

  “Con te Partiro” (Time to Say Good-bye)

  Italian Love Songs

  Dean Martin

  “Return to Me” (Ritorna-Me)

  “Innamorata” (Sweetheart)

  “In Napoli” (In Naples)

  “Non Dimenticar” (Don’t Forget)

  “Vieni Su” (Say You Love Me Too)


  Windy City Romance


  Her Favorite Hot Doc

  Copyright © 2014 Barbara Lohr

  All rights reserved.

  ebook ISBN: 978-0-9896023-6-5

  Print ISBN: 978-0-9896023-7-2

  Purple Egret Press

  Savannah, Georgia 31411

  Cover Art: The Killion Group

  Editor: Nicole Zoltack

  Copyright Information

  All Rights Reserved. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be resold or given away to other people. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems. With the exception of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews, this work may not be reproduced without written permission granted by the author

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, events and places in the book are products of the author's imagination and are either fictitious or used fictitiously. Any similarity of real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.




  Chapter 1

  “The baby’s head is crowning. Amy, I see dark hair!” McKenna checked vitals for mother and baby. Both heartbeats remained strong with no signs of distress. Excitement spiked the moist warm air of the water birthing suite.

  McKenna’s best friend was having a baby. All systems were go.

  Well, except for Amy’s husband. “Almost there, Dad,” McKenna told Mallory as Amy’s contraction eased. “Buck up, buddy.”

  He gave her a thumbs up, but both husband and wife looked beat. Amy’s pretty hazel eyes were ringed with exhaustion and her lower lip quivered. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “Amy, darlin',” Mallory crooned. “You are my princess. You can do anything.”

  “Oh, Mallory.” Amy’s head fell back onto his shoulder. Heck, that southern drawl could melt a rock. Catching her friend’s attention, McKenna mouthed, “Be a babe.”

  Amy smiled into her husband’s eyes. “McKenna wants me to be a babe. Was I a babe in Italy?”

  “Is a bluebird blue, darlin’? You most certainly were.”

  McKenna swallowed hard. That mantra, “be a babe,” had helped Amy through some wild adventures in Italy. Reaching over, she wiped her friend’s forehead with a cool cloth. Amy thought she’d never have a baby. Tears prickled in the corner of McKenna’s eyes.

  Cripes, lately she’d been so darn emotional.

  “Thanks, McKenna.” Eyes closing, Amy pulled in a deep breath. “I am so ready to have this baby.”

  “That’s my girl. Now we’re back on track.” Mallory smoothed back Amy’s damp hair and kissed her forehead, looking at her as if this woman was his whole world.

  A chill skittered down McKenna’s spine. Would a man ever look at her like that?

  Back to work. The lights in the water birthing suite were low. In the background played the sound of waves lapping a shore, punctuated by cawing seagulls. Most couples that decided on water birth at Montclair Specialty Hospital chose their own soundtrack. Usually, the music tapped into a personal memory. After Amy’s trip through Tuscany with Mallory, McKenna could only guess what the beach background conjured up for the pair. They’d visited the Amalfi Coast. How romantic was that?

  And today, here they were with McKenna. Felt so cozy. Mary Beth, the neonatal nurse, had been checking in periodically. At a nod from McKenna on the last visit, she’d stayed. Wouldn’t be long now. A cool breeze hit McKenna’s neck when the door whooshed open. She shot a quick glance over her shoulder, but the door was closing. Was that Logan Castle? Visitors weren’t allowed, not even the head of OB.

  “Oh, my gosh!” Eyes flying open, Amy grabbed Mallory’s arms so tight he jerked.

  McKenna took another peek through the glass viewing panel on the pool. Excitement spiraled through her chest. Amy’s baby. Could they ever have imagined this when they sat giggling in the cafeteria of Immaculate Heart of Mary High School?

  Bearing down, Amy gritted out. “Come to Mama, Gianna.”

  “We are waiting for you, baby girl.” Mallory looked like he just might faint.

  McKenna’s own pelvic muscles clenched when Amy’s gutsy grunt filled the room. A wave of relief and then again. And again. One final sob, and Gianna Anne Thornton spun into the world, the umbilical cord unwinding behind her in the water.

  “Welcome, little water sprite.” McKenna scooped up the slippery baby. With a mewling cry, Gianna fanned her delicate hands. McKenna settled the baby into Amy’s waiting arms and called the official time of birth. “Four fifty seven.”

  “Oh, my word. Why, she’s just a tiny pollywog, Amy darlin’.” Jamming one wet hand through his hair, Mallory blinked furiously. Wouldn’t be the first time she’d seen a new father cry in this room. McKenna’s throat swelled.

  “Great teamwork, Mom and Dad.” She handed Mallory the scissors to cut the cord. Once Amy was settled in a bed, McKenna delivered the afterbirth.

  McKenna felt the usual adrenaline rush as she worked with the new family. Nothing topped this, in her book. Sure, she grumbled when a late night call wrestled her from a warm bed, but she loved her work. How she wished she could record the goofy sounds new parents made to play back years later, like when the kid wrecked the family car. But today her joy held a weird sadness.

  This tug in her gut wasn’t the flu. Lately, each birth reminded her how much she wanted her own family. She’d love to pump out a passel of babies. The Kirkpatrick clan called for nothing less. First, she needed the right man, and they weren’t turning up in the yellow pages. Besides, the sad fact was, she didn’t have a high success rate with relationships.

  Time to chart. Rubbing her aching neck, she entered notes into the electronic medical record. Caffeine had to be the next priority. Thank goodness Logan had left. What was that interruption all about? This called for a conversation. Behind her, Amy and Mallory were getting all syrupy sweet with each other. Gianna took care of that with one outraged wail. When her friend began to nurse, McKenna’s own breasts felt heavy. The words on the screen blurred.

  Reality check. She could never picture this family intimacy with Nick, the last man she’d dated before “pulling the plug” – her brothers’ words. They’d jumped all over her when she broke it off. She didn’t want to mention that they were part of what Nick couldn’t handle. McKenna and her siblings were a package deal. You either fit in or you didn’t. Even after two years, Nick didn’t. Not really.

  The night nurse bustled in to move Amy to the OB floor before shift change.

  “McKenna, thank you so much,” Amy said as McKenna came close for one more look at the wonder child. “Your godchild thanks you too.”

  “McKenna, darlin’, you are a wonder.” Mallory wrapped her in a sweaty hug and she didn’t mind one bit.

  Warmth flooded McKenna. “I figure that new godmother title gets me to the top of the list when it comes to all family parties—wherever they may be.”

  Mallory hailed from Savannah and the couple planned to move back there following the birth. McKenna fought the unwelcome wave of sadness. She didn’t want Amy and her baby to live that far away. Holding out one forefinger, she felt her heart hitch when Gianna’s impossibly long fingers latched on. “Sleep well, little one.”

  Holding the door open, she followed the gurney into the quiet hallway. The night nurse trundled Amy away, wheels squealing on the tile floor. “Would you give Vanessa the news?” Amy called back, voice echoing in the early morning silence.

  “You bet.” Since grade school, the three had been inseparable.

  McKenna could picture Amy and Vanessa swapping child rearing advice since Bo, Vanessa’s little boy, was about four. So strange to be on the outside looking in, but that’s exactly how McKenna felt tonight. Amy and her entourage disappeared into the elevator. The doors swished shut, leaving her alone in the cavernous hallway. Usually she was high on excitement following a birth. Tonight felt different. This time her patient was a good friend. Was that teensy pinch in McKenna’s chest because they were the same age?

  Enough. Picking up the pace, she headed for the lounge.

  Outside the wall of windows, the rising sun tipped the Chicago skyline from gray blue to pink. The staff lounge was empty when McKenna slipped in. The cool air was a welcome change from the birthing suite. She felt tired, sweaty and restless. Burned coffee tinged the air and she got busy rinsing out the carafe and setting a fresh pot on to brew. Then she returned to the sunrise, pressing hands flat on the cool glass. This lounge gave such a great view of the city. Skyscraper lights dotted the semi-darkness and off to the east, Lake Michigan swelled with dark waves.

  The scene might be serene but her thoughts raced. She couldn’t get Amy and Mallory out of her mind. Heck, she’d coached Amy through that crazy trip. When Amy’s engagement fell apart two weeks before her wedding, she’d decided to take the dream honeymoon to Tuscany anyway and used an Internet site to find a roommate. McKenna had totally supported her friend’s adventure. What a surprise when Mallory turned o
ut to be a man and an all-around good guy. Confusion had reigned, and McKenna had thoroughly enjoyed weighing in as a consultant. Now the traveling duo were parents. Could life get any better? Sucking in a deep breath, she pushed back from the glass. Were her raging hormones doing a job on her? The door behind her swept open and she pivoted.

  “Mother and baby stable. Heart rate of adult female…” Logan was dictating notes for Medical Records, but he stopped short when he saw her. One click and he pocketed the recorder and flipped on the overhead lights. “McKenna.”

  “Hey, Logan.”

  Sweeping off his surgery cap, Logan stuffed it in his pocket. “Sorry about interrupting this morning. I thought someone had left the light on.” He gave her a sheepish smile.

  She swallowed a laugh. So, that had been Logan, saving on electricity?

  Chicago Magazine had named Logan Castle one of the city’s “Hot Docs.” Sometimes she found him preoccupied, a physician who swept through the halls with a ready but reserved smile. Always impeccably groomed, this morning he looked rumpled. Cheeks and chin were edged with stubble. When he pushed one hand through his hair, his fingers left rebellious ridges that glinted blond under the lights.

  “Hey, don’t let me interrupt your dictation, Logan.” McKenna’s surgery cap felt tight and she swept it off, tucked it in her pocket and shook out her long hair. She threw back her head with relief.

  “Not a problem. Ah, I was just finishing up. Kind of hungry.” His eyes never left her hair. Was it oily? She combed her fingers through the mess.

  With a jerk, Logan headed for the open box of doughnuts that filled the air with sugary sweetness. While McKenna pulled down a mug, Logan studied the assortment, hands on lean hips. “So what do you think? Chocolate? Plain? I don’t want to take your favorite.”


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