Angels Blood

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Angels Blood Page 9

by Gerard Bond

  As Wollfen had said time and again, Justin was young and inexperienced and she was supposed to teach him. That meant everything she was coming to realize, he really needed to be led. She decided she wouldn’t stir things up anymore than they already were. They had enough on their plate for now. So she closed her eyes and became aware Dark was snuggled into her. That wasn’t so bad, she dozed.

  Dark awoke with a start, Keera’s eyes flickered, it was daylight. A big yawn and she lifted herself up into the sitting position. The sleep did a world of good, she even felt more clear-headed. Keera stretched beside her and Dark contemplated what stories could be made of the two girls sleeping together. They certainly weren’t another Nightwing and Loranda. She wondered how successful those two were up on the north coast?

  Justin gave Dark a little smile and a nod, she nodded back. Sniffing, she could smell herself though, they stank.

  “Good morning all.”

  “Hello, how did you sleep?”

  “Just fine, I needed it thank you for asking Justin.”

  Keera turned and smiled,

  “I feel very refreshed. Thank you for letting me have the whole night.”

  Dark smiled back,

  “That’s fine, you will of course owe us now,” she winked back.

  Everybody but Vaughn was in better spirits.

  “Tell me Vaughn, Where does one get a clean bath around here? We stink.”

  He jerked his thumb out the port side of the boat against the jetty.

  “In there, it’s private enough and the water isn’t stagnant like in some places. Unfortunately, it is seawater, you won’t get any fresh water round here, especially with the troops using anything that is spare.”

  “It will do, do you have any towels and some clothes that we can change into for now?”

  “The towels aren’t a problem. Under the bed you will find a slide out drawer with a few in there. As for clothes, I can loan you some shirts and pants but that’s about all I have that you could make work for you girls. Justin here will fit into my clothes no problem.”

  “Alright we will do that, where is your soap?”

  Vaughn handed her some from out of a drawer beside him.

  “Keera let’s go wash, we can do each others backs.”

  Dark got up then moved out of the hatch and found a small ladder outside of the boat on the jetty side. Carrying the soap and two towels, she stepped out onto a small platform that had been nailed to its side. There she stripped off and slid herself into the water being mindful of the encrusted piling the boat was tied to. She swam in a little and immediately found a foothold in the mud, then she dipped her head and started rubbing.

  Keera had followed close behind. Dark watched as the girl removed her clothes and tentatively lowered herself into the water. Dark could see why men lusted after her so. She was shapely with full firm breasts and smooth unblemished skin, her face and lower arms were browned by the sun. Dark swam back to grab the soap and moved out of the water a bit. Sitting on an underwater rock she was able to expose her upper body and rub herself down with the soap, then she handed it to Keera who stood up behind her and began massaging her back.

  “You know, times are going to get tougher don’t you?”


  Keera immediately started wondering where this was heading.

  “We have to pull together and be more vigilant than ever before. When it was just us and the Kingdom, it wasn’t so hard, but this army is ruthless and will cut our throats without hesitation.”

  Keera stopped rubbing, Dark turned and looked,

  “So what are you saying?”

  Dark turned back and replied,

  “We have to trust each other more than ever before. Not only trust but honesty too. None of us can afford to hesitate in the belief of our commitment to each other.”

  Keera knew immediately what she meant, her commitment to not only Justin but to all of them, Wollfen, Dark and all the others.

  She went back to massaging Dark’s back, took a deep breath and decided to lay it all on the line, come what may.

  “I have been thinking too. I have been treating Justin like shit and he doesn’t deserve it. I allow my feelings to dictate what I do. I spend my life going with what makes me feel good from one moment to the next. Up until almost a year ago I was single with nothing to be responsible for and it was great. I didn’t realize it at the time but I was empty, drinking, having sex, spending my money and gambling. Then when it was gone, I would go out on some patrol after being hired by some merchant as protection. Then back in town doing it all over again. I had done that for like six years, it was all I knew. Wollfen changed all that. His ideological conversations sparked something in me, but he sparked something else too. Up until now, until Wollfen was taken, it was a lust for him physically, but I have realized it for what it really is. It is love and Wollfen’s gone, I can’t help thinking I should have done more. And of course, you are his partner now. I lost out and I have felt jealous of you even though I never thought of him as a partner. I have been confusing myself.”

  Dark turned around and looked Keera in the eye. 'Here it comes,' she thought.

  “There’s nothing wrong with loving Wollfen and I can see from what you are saying you understand yourself a lot better now. I also see you are a better person deep down than I had given you credit for. The fact that you have told me all this proves it. I forgive you Keera.”

  Keera almost burst into tears and even Dark felt some welling up in her eyes of her own. They embraced each other holding tight and Keera crying a little into Dark’s ear,

  “I already miss him.”

  Dark nodded.

  “Yes and we are going to get him back.”

  They pulled away and gave each other a kiss on the cheek, their bonds between them stronger than ever.

  “Turn around and I’ll do your back now,” both of them smiling and giggling. They were happy and feeling good.

  Justin overheard the giggles from inside of the boat, what were they up to? Dare he have a quick look? Better not, he was sure Wollfen would not approve of him seeing Dark nude. But here they were in the middle of enemy territory and they were giggling, girls were funny creatures.

  Dark and Keera entered the boat wrapped in their towels. Keera barked an order to the two men,

  “Both of you out and having a bath, now!”

  The two men went outside to leave the girls to dry and get dressed. Dark slipped on a shirt, pants and a piece of rope for a belt. It would have to do. She slipped on the soldier boots, too large but again, for now they had nothing better. Keera did the same but left her boots off. She had blisters just as she had anticipated and her feet were tender. The loose baggy clothes were comfortable though.

  They both moved out and sat on the prow of the boat, Keera stole a glance towards the men bathing and spotted two tight butts glistening with wetness as they stood facing away from the boat and washing, 'Mm not a bad picture at all.' she thought, smiling she turned back looking around at the hive of activity.

  The occasional ship was pulling in and tying off. A Man o’ war started to move from the wharf, it was low, black and ugly to look at. It’s sails unfurled as it drifted out, slowly the sails were pulled up and then a light breeze filled them only a little but it was enough and the craft began to ease out and pull away. Once it got close to the ends of the protective walls it would find the sea winds and pick up speed quickly. Dark and Keera couldn’t have known they were watching Wollfen sailing away, down in that hold, caged and drugged.

  Dark decided it was time to grill Vaughn for any useful information and she returned inside. Both the men had washed and dressed by the time she had entered. She motioned Vaughn to sit down,

  “I need to pick your brain to work out what we can do next.”

  “Fire away, I am only too happy to help.”

  Vaughn had developed a respect for Dark from their long conversation last night and she made him feel more importan
t than any girl he had bedded had ever done.

  “First of all, who do you know that has their finger on the pulse of what goes on around town here?”

  He thought about that,

  “Cadomedd is the most likely candidate, but it might be a bit tough catching up with him since most Taverns have gone dry. We can go look for him down in the slum quarter. I know that’s where he sleeps, he has a couple of brats he is responsible for there so he shouldn’t be too far away.”

  “Good, then he will be our first port of call so to speak. Now we will also need to gather some new clothes and supplies of varying types.”

  “That won’t be hard, we are on a wharf. There is always produce of all kinds I can steal. And since it is all commandeered for ‘the war effort’ I won’t feel any pangs of guilt about taking it. I am due to go to work in about half an hour. I shall pick up a range of items for you and deposit them here in the boat around midday. Keera knows Cadomedd so she will recognize him. Keera, I advise you show your friends the way.”

  Keera nodded.

  Vaughn thought for a second.

  “One more thing, as you know the water extends right under this jetty to the stone wall at the back edge. If you step from my platform into the water behind the mooring pylon you will feel a submerged walkway underfoot. Even at low tide it remains covered. Follow it directly to the rearmost pylon of that row, it will take you to a ladder of sorts on the back of that pylon. When you go up it, there is a trap door that leads into a small storeroom. The room is used for extra furniture and such. No one will be found in there usually, but that room opens onto the warehouse floor where it is always busy. I have kept it secret with the idea it may save my life one day, I suggest you use it sparingly when you need to for comings and goings from this boat. We don’t want harbor patrol to become aware of too much activity here.”

  Dark agreed, the more discreet they could be the better. It was decided they would all move together and get cracking. Vaughn left by his usual route up onto the jetty. The others with boots slung over their shoulders, stepped out onto the slippery walkway then very carefully felt their way to the rearmost pylon. From there it was easy enough to enter the room, dry their feet off and put their boots on. They waited for an opportune moment then slipped out into the open area where they found their way out and made off for the slum district.

  With Keera in the lead, they casually went about their business, not drawing any undue attention. They had left their swords back at the boat being too big and cumbersome to hide under their light clothing. Their only weapons were some daggers they had hidden away.

  Winding their way through the streets, the group found that as the district got poorer and more decrepit, the less they saw of foot soldiers moving about. It was as if they shunned the area altogether. Keera was keeping a watchful eye out for a pasty-faced man of slim build and receding hairline. He was rather ordinary to look at so it was hard to describe any distinctive feature to the others for them to look for. It was basically up to her to spot him. The others on the other hand were watching for any potential dangers. There may be no soldiers here, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t some group or crazy ready to attack for whatever gain.

  They spent an hour walking up one narrow street then down the next crisscrossing back and forth on the chance they would come across him. And by chance they did, Keera spotted him and she pointed him out.

  Unfortunately, he also spotted them watching him and off he went, it was time to give chase. Justin managed to leap ahead. He was fit, tall and strong managing to gain on him very quickly, but the little man would keep ducking down a side alley at the last second. Around and around they went, back and forth moving slowly away from the slums as Cadomedd tried to lose his pursuers.

  Ultimately it was in vain. Turning into an alley that he had traveled the night before, a pile of rubbish blocked it and as he pulled up Justin grabbed him from behind. The little man let out a squeal not unlike a rat and began struggling. The others approached and Cadomedd produced a dagger that he swung at Justin’s arm who promptly dropped him, but there was nowhere to go. Cadomedd hunched over baring his teeth like a caged animal.


  It was Keera and at the sight of her he looked up surprised and stood tall, well as tall as he could which wasn’t much.


  He looked around at the others.

  “It’s alright Cadomedd we only wanted to talk, but you made us chase you, please, can we talk?”

  He studied the group with a dour look, all rough looking individuals he thought, but then that wasn’t anything different to what Keera usually hung out with.

  “I suppose, so what’s in it for me?”

  “We can reward you in some way I’m sure, we are only after some information.” Dark offered.

  At the mention of reward his whole demeanor changed,

  “Well why didn’t you say so? Follow me, there is a local tavern that isn’t doing business anymore and it is nice and quiet.”

  With that he trotted past them and led off in another direction. The others could do nothing but follow. Upon entering the tavern, Cadomedd nodded at the barkeep who made himself scarce and he motioned for all of them to sit down.

  “So what is it that you want to know? Ask what you will and I will name my price.”

  Dark spoke up with no hesitation,

  “At Duggan’s tavern yesterday there was a commotion, a man was taken by the army. We want to know what happened to him and where he is now.”

  Cadomedd had heard the story, at the time he didn’t think it important. The soldiers were always dragging back deserters.

  “Well my dear, to give you all that information, will cost you five gold pieces.”

  He was aiming high. Dark looked at him,


  The other two looked at each other; who had any gold? Dark produced the pouch that Wollfen had taken from the dead Sergeant on the field, she opened it into her hand and counted out five gold pieces, all with the mark of a foreign King. Cadomedd couldn’t help but lick his lips, this was a special day indeed.

  “Well it seems they have taken him and put him away where no one can get to him. He was drugged and tied, an unusual practice for a soldier but from what I understand he took on a sorceress and had her under his control till one of the soldiers clocked him one. Um, my memory is a little vague a little cloudy…”

  Cadomedd looked out the corner of his eye at Dark, she responded by dropping two more coins on the table in front of him.

  “Ah yes it just became clearer again. They grabbed him up and fed him some sort of liquid to drug him. Then they dragged him down to the wharves and put him on a boat, but which boat?”

  Again Cadomedd hesitated hoping for more pay off. At that moment Justin swung his arm hard and drove his dagger straight down into the table in front of him, the two gold coins practically stood to attention as the wood splintered. The tip of the blade passed right through the table and stopped two inches from Cadomedd’s crotch,

  “They uh, they uh.. they took him and put him on a Man o War a black one! It sailed this morning! It's all I know!” he stammered, he grabbed his coins and shot out the door.

  Dark looked on wide-eyed, Wollfen was on that black boat! How were they to get him back now? Dark couldn’t help but gasp at this turn in events. She had always thought he was close by in some holding cell but now on the open sea,what could they do? And she had watched him sail away. She felt her heart constrict as the full realization dawned on her.

  “We have to leave now, back to the wharf!”

  They all stood and went to leave out the front door. Dark dropped two more gold coins on the counter for the barman as he came back into the room. After they left he swiftly scooped them up and into his shirt. The barman called out to his son. A little boy scurried in and he whispered into his ear, then he sent him on his way, the boy scampering out the back door. He would make more than two gold coins this

  The group quickly wound their way back to the wharves, sneaking into the storeroom, down the hatch and wading to the boat. It was midday so Vaughn was there and as they entered he started telling the three about what prizes he had brought them but Dark cut him short,

  “Quickly Vaughn are there any large boats or vessels in harbor that could be for hire that would be able to catch up with a Man O War?”

  Taken aback and a little surprised by her abruptness, Vaughn hesitated for a bit then answered,

  “Um no, any ship found in harbor was pressed into service by the occupying forces.”

  Dark looked downtrodden. All her plans were falling apart, Vaughn turned to the others with a questioning look.

  “Wollfen is being shipped out to who knows where as we speak,” Justin explained while pointing with his thumb out the porthole towards the warships, “It is a six month voyage back to this lots homeland, we can only hope that's not their destination.”

  “There is a port further down the coast, about two day’s ride and there you could find such a vessel.”

  It was the best he could offer but he could see a spark in Dark’s eyes at that. There was hope yet. Dark turned to him and thanked him. She looked around at all the stuff laid out on the bed and table. It was ample clothing, belts and footwear of all types, even hats of varying descriptions. They certainly could pass off as any type of traveler with this lot, but they only needed enough for practicality. She immediately started looking through them and rejecting the ones of no use, throwing them in one pile out of the way. They all started to pick out what could be used and dressing. Even Vaughn did so Dark noticed, was he planning something?

  Dark looked at him and asked him why.

  “I wish to come with you three. I don’t want to stay here to rot in this godforsaken place. I have a good strong back and I’m a fast learner. I also know the area from here to Port Valderus. I can be of real help.”


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