The Trouble With Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next

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The Trouble With Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next Page 48

by Lee Smolin

  lack of “senior” leaders, 272, 274–75, 285

  Maldacena conjecture as unproved, 282–83

  messianic tendencies, 275–77, 284

  monolithic approach to problems, 272, 284

  narrowing of research agenda, 273–75

  pathologies in methodology, 267–68

  sense of entitlement, 270–71, 284

  split between string and nonstring theorists, xvii–xix, xx–xxi, 271–72, 284, 351

  tribal tendency, 352

  uniformity of views, 273, 284

  See also string theory, assessment of

  Solomon, Jacques, 85–86

  Sorkin, Rafael D., 243, 313


  as entity, 41

  Euclidean geometry and, 41, 44, 81

  geometry of, 41–42, 44, 81

  space/time relational theory (Barbour), 321

  spacecraft trajectory, 213–14

  space dimensions

  Euclidean geometry and, 41

  in Kaluza-Klein theory, 46–47, 46, 48

  negative dark energy and, 142

  Nordstrom and, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47

  saddle-shaped, 142, 143

  superstring theory/revolution (second), 141–42, 144

  verification of extra, 172–74


  curved path of, 42, 257

  Euclidean geometry and, 42

  experiment on, 43–44

  general relativity and, ix, 4, 43, 81–82, 93, 151

  geometry of, 42–43

  gravitational field and, 43

  partial unification, 42, 55, 67

  symmetry, 92–93

  unification of (Einstein), 36, 41–44

  spacetime bounce, 251

  special relativity

  DSR theory and, 227, 229, 236

  Einstein’s solving of, 36, 37, 38

  gravity and, 54–55

  and invention of string theory, 104–5, 107–8

  observers and, 55, 58–59

  postulates of, 226–27

  predictions for elementary particles, 219

  space as continuous, 55

  spacetime (partial) unification, 42, 55, 67

  speed of light and, 55, 219, 224, 226, 227–28

  symmetry and, 219

  special relativity (possible breakdown)

  background-dependent/-independent approach, 236–37

  cosmic ray studies, 221–22, 225–26

  DSR (deformed/doubly special relativity) theory, 227, 229, 236

  effects on string theory, 223, 236, 237

  gamma-ray bursts and, 223–24, 225–26

  Jacobson and, 314–15

  motion, rest, and, 226

  Planck-length paradox, 227, 228–29

  possible meanings of, 223, 226, 236

  results for, 315, 316

  speed, 14, 228

  speed of light

  changes (possible) in, 215–17

  cosmological constant and, 209

  quasar study of, 216–17

  special relativity, 55, 219, 224, 226, 227–28

  spin network, 248

  spontaneous symmetry breaking

  combining with gauge principle, 61

  description/examples, 56, 59–61

  Higgs boson and, 61

  standard model and, 56, 59–62

  supersymmetry, 68, 75

  squarks, 74, 75

  standard model (of elementary-particle physics)

  description, 12

  free-constants problem and, 12–16, 191

  discovery of quarks and, 56

  gauge principle and, 56–59, 61, 62, 239

  importance of, 62

  instabilities and, 65

  neutrinos’ mass and, 66

  noncommutative geometry and, 247

  pragmatic style of physics and, 312

  proton decay problem and, 63–65

  QCD and, 62

  quarks changing into electrons/neutrinos and, 63–64

  spontaneous symmetry principle and, 56, 59–62

  string theory vs., 182–83

  SU(5) symmetry problem and, 63, 64–65

  symmetry and, 63

  Weinberg-Salam model and, 62

  Weyl and, 45

  work on in last thirty years, xiii

  Yang-Mills theories, 317

  standard model of cosmology, 16

  Stanford group

  cosmological constant/stability work, 156–57, 197

  number of string theories and, 157–60, 161

  Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), 56, 173

  Stelle, Kellogg, 97

  string coupling constant, 108, 131


  breaking and joining of, 108

  propagation of, 109

  string tension, 108

  string theory

  craftspeople vs. seers, 313–14

  dark-energy problem of, 149–50

  description, xii–xiv

  dominance of, xx, xxi, xxii

  duality of strings and fields, 110–11

  eleven-dimensional supersymmetric theories, 274

  finiteness issue, 117, 186–88, 187, 278–79, 280, 281, 367 n14, 368 n15

  fundamental unification problem, 176

  generic features of, 172, 176

  higher-dimension stability, 154–59

  history of, 102–13

  inducing strings to become bigger, 171–72

  observation and, 149–50

  particles in, 102

  prediction of photons’ speed with, 223

  prediction problem summary, 170–71, 179

  scientists’ relation to, 147–48

  Stanford group’s theories, 157–60

  supersymmetry and, 68

  time and money invested in, 176, 177

  unifying gravity with other forces, 106, 107, 112, 176

  verification problem, 171–72

  Weyl’s unification attempts and, 45–46

  See also superstring theory/revolution (first); superstring theory/revolution (second)

  string theory, assessment of

  background-dependent problem, 83, 146–47, 184–86, 191, 198, 239, 255, 271

  basic groups of theory, 193

  as “beautiful,” 194

  conjectured-theories problems, 181–82

  cosmological constant problems, 153–60, 180, 189

  dark matter-dark energy problems, 191–92

  derivation of general relativity from, 185–86

  experimental difficulties and, 178, 203

  finiteness issue, 117, 186–88, 187, 278–79, 280, 281, 367 n14, 368 n15

  and foundational problems of quantum mechanics, 192

  by Friedan, 193–94

  future research, 198–99

  higher-dimensions problem, 196–97

  human intuition problem, 188

  impacts if correct/incorrect, xvii

  instabilities(tachyons), 185, 186

  on key physics problems, 183–92

  knowledge deficiencies, 179–81

  landscape theories problem, xiv, 197, 198

  mathematical developments from, 194–96, 197

  M-theory and, 181, 182, 183, 196–97, 198

  as not a fundamental theory, 182, 183

  as not a theory, xvi

  and observation, experiment, 179, 181, 193, 196–97, 198

  overview, xiv–xv, xvi–xvii, 177–78, 192–93, 257, 349, 352

  parameter values of standard model and, 191

  prediction problems, xiv, 180, 183, 193, 197, 199, 352

  and quantum gravity, 83, 184–88, 191, 197–98

  quantum gravity and Maldacena’s proposal, 188–89, 191

  standard model vs., 182–83

  style of scientists, 263, 264

  supersymmetry problem, 180–81, 183–84, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190–91, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198

  as theory in crisis and, 178

  and unification of particles and forces, 182, 183�

  See also sociology of physics, string theory

  string theory, invention of

  bosons, 105, 106, 112

  closed/open strings, 106–8, 108, 109

  constants, 108–9

  dimensions of space, 105–6

  distance between quarks, 104

  fermions, 105, 106, 111, 112

  field lines, 110–11

  forces/particles of standard model and, 107, 112

  as fundamental theory, 106–7, 112–13

  gauge fields, 112

  gravitons, 106, 112

  “law of bubbles”/minimizing area, 109–10, 113, 184

  massless particles, 105, 106

  naming of, 104

  pioneers, 103–4, 105, 106, 110, 111–13

  problem-solving attempts, 105–6

  puzzles solved by (summary), 112

  quantum theory and, 104–5, 107–8

  requirements of theory, 104–5

  rubber-band comparison, 103, 104

  as scientific revolution, 102–3

  special relativity, 104–5, 107–8

  strongly interacting particles experiments, 103

  supersymmetric string (superstring) theory, 105–6, 112

  supersymmetry discovery with, 105

  tachyons, 105, 106

  unification of motion and forces, 107–8, 112

  Strominger, Andrew

  and special black holes, 138, 283

  and string theory, 122–23, 124, 138, 158, 273

  strong nuclear force

  description, x

  gauge principle/theory and, 58, 62

  quantum field theory, 55–56

  unification of electromagnetic/weak fields and, 11

  Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 115

  SU(5) symmetry, 63, 64–65

  Sundrum, Raman, 173–74

  supergravity, 91–98

  calculations for, 94–95, 96–97

  dimensions of space and, 105–6

  failure of, 97–98

  N = 8 theory, 94, 97

  quantum gravity theory, 91–98

  supergeometry and, 96

  Witten and, 135

  supermembrane theory, 135

  superpartners, 67, 74–75

  superstring theory/revolution (first)

  academic conferences on, 116

  anomalies and, 114, 115

  background-dependence/-independence, 119, 126–27

  biology comparisons, 127

  bosonic strings and, 117

  Calabi-Yau spaces and, 122–24

  constants and, 117–18, 119–21

  discouragement with, 128

  experimenting and, 116–17, 128

  extra particles/forces problem, 121–22

  fermions, 117

  finiteness, 117

  hidden extra dimensions, 119–20,

  120, 122, 122, 123–24

  instabilities and, 119, 123, 124

  mathematics and, 116–17

  as meta-theory, 126–27

  multiple theories with, 117, 129, 160

  “package deal” problems with, 118–19

  “postmodern physics” and, 116–17

  predictions and, 124, 128

  problem of infinite forces, 123

  problems of space dimensions, 118–21, 121–22, 134–36, 136

  scientists split on, 116, 124–25, 128

  slowing of progress on, 127–28

  standard model reproduction, 122–23

  supersymmetry problems, 118–19, 122–23

  tachyons and, 117, 118

  timing of, 114

  tipping point, 114–15

  and unification of particles and forces, 118, 120–21

  unifying physics and, 115, 116, 117–18, 127

  superstring theory/revolution (second)

  black holes and, 145

  dualities of theories and, 130–33, 135–36

  impacts of discoveries, 129–30

  information from, 145–46

  instabilities and, 145

  and Maldacena’s proposal, 142–45, 180, 189, 282–83

  matrix model and, 147

  M-theory, 136, 146–47

  problem of background independence, 146–47

  scientists’ split over, 133

  space dimensions and, 141–42, 143, 144

  string theory-gauge theory duality, 141–45

  string theory unification and, 129, 134–36, 136

  supersymmetry and, 142–43, 145

  timing of, 129

  vibrations of strings, 131, 183–84

  See also maximally super theory


  current focus on, 66–67

  description, 364 n1 (ch. 12)

  electromagnetism and, 68

  free constants problem with, 75–76, 78

  inadequacies of, 78–79

  LHC and, 69–70, 76–77, 78, 79

  method to prove, 77

  minimally supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) and, 75–76, 78

  problems with, 69–70, 74–76, 77–78, 174–76

  selectrons and, 68–69

  Soviet Union/Western physicists and, 68

  spontaneous symmetry breaking and, 68, 75

  string theory and, 68

  supergravity and, 92–93, 135

  superpartners with, 67, 74

  and superstring theory/revolution (second), 142–43, 145

  and unification of particles and forces, 67

  unifying bosons, fermions with, 67–68

  WIMPs and, 175

  Susskind, Leonard

  anthropic principle/solution, 161–62, 163, 369 n5 (ch. 17)

  and beginnings of string theory, 103–4

  Cosmic Landscape, The, 276

  matrix theory, 147

  Stanford group and, 156


  circle shape, 218

  gauge principle/theory and, 56–57, 138

  importance to physicists, 218–19

  laws and opportunities example, 59

  of space and time, 92–93

  stability and, 60

  theories of relativity and, 219

  See also spontaneous symmetry breaking; supersymmetry


  description, 105

  instabilities and, 185, 186

  superstring theory/revolution, 117, 118

  Taubes, Gary, 338–39

  T-duality, 130–31, 130, 135–36

  Technicolor force, 73

  Technicolor theories, 77

  techniquarks, 73

  Tegmark, Max, 170

  TeV (tera-electron volt), 70


  characteristics of “right,” 256

  definition, xvi

  as falsifiable, xiii

  as mathematically consistent, 112

  multiple solutions for, 126

  predictions and, xvi

  and string theory, xvi


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