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Burn the Dark (Elwood Legacy Book 2)

Page 5

by Nicola Rose

  I will treat you with respect if you grant me the same decency.

  “Pleased to meet you,” I said. “You must be so proud of your descendants. Zac, refusing to follow your path. Me, barely even able to light a candle with my powers—” I broke off giggling like a lunatic. How much wine had I drunk?

  “Ow,” I grumbled, squirming to get away from Emory’s crushing hold.

  “You’re right,” Laurance spoke, low and rumbling. “Zac is a massive disappointment, but thanks to you that will be rectified soon.”

  “And as for you,” continued Beatrix, toying with a ring on her spindly finger. “Your existence is puzzling, but you’re so insignificant that disappointment doesn’t even register.”

  Well. The little Morena vixen ain’t so cute after all.

  “Hardly insignificant,” Emory glared at her. “As Laurance pointed out, it’s our dear Jessica here who will change the tide. She’s the catalyst for something so grand she’ll be remembered forever.”

  “Zac will never carry out the bonding for you,” I spat.

  “No? We’ll see, but first, look who’s arrived for his initiation. Respect matters greatly to me, my darling. Let’s pay him his dues.”

  Just then Ruben swaggered into the hall in his breeches and tailcoat. Some of the vampires started clapping and patting him on the back. He puffed out his chest and searched for Emory in the crowd, his smile faltering when he saw me on the Lord’s arm, dressed up like a trophy wife.

  The vampires in the room were now mingling freely with the human guests, who seemed to have relaxed somewhat. I could see it on their faces; how they thought they were in a dream, finding themselves in this plush residence with attention from these gorgeous guests.

  Unfortunately, I knew this dream was soon to become a nightmare. I wanted to scream out, to warn them, but what good would it do? I couldn’t save them, and would they even listen, anyway?

  I was in just as much a world of shit as they were. Dammit, I needed saving. Where the fuck was my knight? Raze was still leering in my direction, he never took his eyes of me, waiting for any chance to reprimand me. And Emory? What the hell was he going to do to me?

  The feeling of helplessness sent a wave of anger running through me. I tried to clutch at it, to chase it back to the source and nurture the power. I was a witch. I shouldn’t need saving. I should be able to handle it myself, or at least make a half decent stab at it. But there was nothing where the magic should be, nothing more than a muted hum. It was like it had been switched off, or turned down. I felt a small prickle of energy in my palm and Emory shook his head.

  “Do you think I’m reckless? You’re weak, but I don’t take unnecessary chances. I’m not arrogant enough to think I don’t need to cover all bases. Beatrix is subduing your powers.”

  I stared at the witch-bitch and she smiled back. Well, fuck. There went my chance of blowing them all away with my candle-lighting party tricks.

  Hours passed. I was losing the battle to stay sober. Every time Emory put a hand on my shoulder I wanted to vomit, or piss my pants, or both. The anticipation of what was still to come – not knowing what it would be, except that it would most likely be all shades of fucked up – meant that I had kept a drink in my hand the whole night.

  The party heated up. Human guests relaxed and started dancing, couples drifted off to darkened corners to make out. I had little doubt some of them were earning themselves extreme love-bites. Emory kept his leash tight around my neck and paraded me around for all to see.

  A loud shout snapped me from a particularly enjoyable daydream about blowing up the ballroom with a massive burst of fire… Ruben appeared to be having a confrontation with Laurance.

  “Ruben’s getting twitchy for his limelight,” Emory whispered through a cupped hand, as if conspiring with a friend. “Let’s get the main event underway and retire to my preferred venue in the great hall. I always have the best parties there.”

  I dragged my feet, everything telling me not to go back to that room, wanting to scream at these people not to go, but they were already being led down the corridor. Some had formed a conga line and were dancing their way there. Dancing and giggling, on their way to hell. I grabbed hold of a woman and shook her. “You need to get away from here!” I yelled. “It’s not safe, they’re going to kill you.”

  She scrunched her face and pulled away from me. “They’re going to kill you all!” I yelled, as loud as I could. A few people turned to stare at me, then shook their heads and carried on.

  “I’ll allow you this one transgression, Jessica. I’d advise against any more, though,” Emory smiled, tight-lipped, and my old buddy Raze appeared behind us.

  We entered the hall and the thick air of danger thrummed against my skin. A girl tottered past, cooing about the ‘gothic decor’ and stroking the chains on the wall like they were artwork. There was a dull thud as the doors locked closed behind us. Emory climbed the dais and settled himself on his throne. Raze pushed me onto my knees beside him. Naked-man was still on his knees behind the throne. Had he even moved in all this time?

  Ruben stood before us.

  “Silence,” Raze shouted, and the room fell quiet.

  “Thank you all for attending this event,” Emory spoke as he stroked my hair. “It’s an important occasion when someone is initiated into our ranks. The Bael has ruled for centuries. We’re harsh, but we’re fair. We don’t tolerate dissent, but if you play by the rules and show commitment and loyalty, then you’ll be rewarded.”

  Ruben nodded his head solemnly.

  “Loyalty means a great deal to me, Ruben. What I despise the most is a traitor.”

  Ruben flashed an uneasy look at Emory, something shifting in his posture. My fingers dug into my palms as I swallowed hard.

  “I can admire a man who stands strong in his beliefs, despite the threat it brings him. Zac, for example, might be my greatest frustration, but he’s a strong man. He stays true to himself and his Cell. You, on the other hand, are weak and pathetic. You betrayed your own people, even your own sister, in order to further yourself. Do you think these are qualities I’m looking for?” Emory’s voice had turned slow and calculated. The human guests shuffled in awkward confusion.

  “I… I did what was necessary…” Ruben stuttered.

  “Of course, I’m grateful, Ruben. You delivered me the greatest gift and I thank you. But that truth remains; you are deceitful and you can’t be trusted. I have no further use for you.”

  Two vampires stepped from behind Ruben and took hold of his arms. “What is this? You promised, you owe me!” he yelled, struggling to get free.

  Emory reached down and lifted my chin so I’d look at him. “Would you like to kill him, Jessica?” His lips quirked in a smile as his thumb stroked over my mouth. Raze stepped forward and presented a sword to me. I darted a sideways glance to the crowd watching me – some with eagerness, others with bewilderment. Ruben was snarling.

  Of course I wanted to fucking kill him – in my head, in my fantasies, but in reality? Just stand up, take the sword and kill him?

  “This sword is the sharpest blade you’ll ever find,” Emory continued, still gazing upon me lazily with those devil eyes. “All you need to do is swing it and remove his head, or simply slice his neck and begin the process of bleeding him dry. That’s my preferred choice, but it’s in your hands.”

  My throat closed up.

  “My subjects will hold him still, he can’t hurt you, my dear.”

  I remained silent, despite the screaming voices in my head. Emory ground his teeth, his patience wearing thin. “Perhaps you’d like to use him as a dummy to practice your magic? Juno was rather miffed that you kept burning her hands on the way here, and Beatrix is eager to see how much, or little, you can do. I could have her lift the suppression?”

  “I’m not your puppet, Emory. You’re not going to pull my strings and have me perform for your entertainment.” I finally found my voice, though it sounded weak in my ears. I tho
ught I heard naked-man gasp.

  “So be it. I do love my torture devices. You can watch me pick him apart piece by piece. The only way to end his suffering is to kill him yourself.” Emory nodded and there was a flurry of movement in the corner where a black sheet was removed from some sort of contraption. It could best be described as a wooden stool, but instead of a flat seat there was a metal pyramid, reaching a sharp point, and covered in dried blood.

  More motion, and further contraptions where revealed around the room. Gasps of shock swept through the human crowd. The vampires corralled them into a corner and their fear finally kicked in as they realised this wasn’t some sort of show, this was real.

  I couldn’t take my eyes from the weird stool.

  “You like the Judas Cradle?” Emory asked.

  “What is it?” I didn’t want to ask, but the words came out regardless.

  He smiled, big and joyous. “Well, you strip a person naked and suspend them above it, then you lower them down onto it. You can go quickly, dropping them onto it repeatedly, but I prefer the slow approach – easing them down with an agonising slowness onto that sharp metal, it goes right through their—.”

  I heaved, spitting bile onto the polished dais and Emory chuckled, patting my head.

  Ruben thrashed against his guards.

  “You’re right. Too much, too soon. We’ll save it for later. Let’s start with the rack,” Emory spoke with the enthusiasm of someone deciding which of their favourite games to play first.

  With that command Ruben was manhandled onto a wooden frame in the centre of the room. Before I could draw another breath the chains were fastened around his hands and feet. Smoke sizzled from his skin as the silver burned into him. Then pulleys were turned and his arms and legs were drawn out until I heard joints pop.

  I heaved again. Emory took the sword from where Raze had left it by his feet and offered it to me once more. I shook my head.

  “I underestimated you, my love. Do you like his suffering?” he asked.

  “I will enjoy yours when the time comes.”

  The events of the next few hours were so horrific that I think my body shut down in shock. I could no longer feel the bite of the hard marble dais against my knees as I knelt beside Emory. I couldn’t hear the words he was saying. I couldn’t care less about naked guy whimpering behind the throne.

  All I could feel was the energy thrumming over my skin and hammering in my skull. Useless energy that wouldn’t listen to my commands, no matter how hard I tried to gather it.

  I was vaguely aware of the continued torture of Ruben. He was moved from various contraptions and devices, one and then another, and then another until his screams of pain were hard to distinguish from those of the human guests. Unlike Ruben, they had committed no crimes as far as I knew, but they received equal treatment. Blood everywhere. So much blood.

  My eyes caught a commotion in the centre of the room. I tried to focus. A group of vampires had formed a circle around two naked men. I glanced to my right, but the pet-guy was still there. Maybe he’d be next. These other men were of similar build to each other; lean, but not muscled. One of them had a beard…

  Emory’s voice suddenly rang loud and clear. “You will fight to the death. Whichever one of you is left standing will be allowed to leave this place.”


  The men shook their heads. The vampires bared their fangs and snarled in their faces, until, slowly… so regrettably, the men turned their attention to each other. I couldn’t bear to look at the fear and acceptance on their faces.

  “Please, Emory, stop this,” I took his hand and he looked at me with surprise, as if he’d forgotten I was even there. “I’ll do whatever you want. Please, just let these people go.”

  He considered my words for a moment, before turning his attention back to the men.

  “Start fighting or your deaths will be so slow and painful that Lucifer himself would clap me on the back.”

  “No!” I pleaded. Emory pulled his hand away and focussed on the clearing. Beard-man lunged at the other, smashing his nose and knocking him to the ground. He stumbled up and another punch put him back down. Big-beard stood over him, hesitant.

  “Punching him is not going to kill him,” Emory sighed.

  So Beardy brought his foot up and stomped down hard on the other’s throat. A strange gargling sound came from him. I buried my face in my hands.

  The screams and shouting disappeared again, leaving only the sound of my heartbeat, and my suppressed power. By the time I looked up the floor was slick with blood. Both men were dead.

  Everyone was dead.

  All except Ruben, but he looked like he wished he was.

  I passed out. I kind of felt it happening, I had that dizzy feeling and knew it was coming. I was so relieved and prayed that maybe I wouldn’t wake up until I was in Zac’s arms and he was sweeping me off to safety.

  At least one part of that wish came true – when Raze slapped me around the face and I came to, I found myself staring at Zac.



  The room had been cleared of bodies, although the floor was still awash with blood. Most of the vampires had gone too. There was just some guards positioned by the doors, and those that held Zac before the dais. His eyes, so full of sorrow, pierced straight through to my heart. I opened my mouth to speak and Raze slapped me again. Zac growled and tried to lunge forward, but was held in check.

  I heard a groaning and turned to see that Ruben was chained to the wall. Well, what was left of him. One of his arms was missing and I couldn’t work out what had happened to his legs, but they didn’t look right. I turned back to Zac, but looking at the pain on his face was actually harder than looking at Ruben.

  I also found that Beatrix was stood to the side of the dais. Laurance held one of her hands, and another man, his spitting image, held her other. His twin. The first Elwood twins.

  “I think you already know what’s going to happen now, right Zac?” Emory asked.

  “Just tell me your terms and get it over with,” he hissed, eyes never leaving mine.

  “You will carry out the Elwood Legacy bonding and you’ll join my ranks. Beatrix will add in some binding oaths to ensure that you don’t have any grand plans for defying me. The rules are simple; you work for me, and your girlfriend is free to go.”

  “No!” I squeaked, then cleared my throat and tried again. “No, Zac, you know he can’t be trusted, he won’t let me go. Don’t do it, please.”

  The last shred of his heart dissolved before me. I’d never seen him cry, but he looked like he might.

  “If any of you touch Jess again, I will tear your ranks apart. Then I’ll kill my brother and sever the bond. You’ll lose me and whatever power you plan to take from me.”

  “Agreed, but Beatrix will be putting a locator spell on Jess first. I promise not to go near her, but I still need insurance against you getting foolish ideas.”

  Zac nodded once.

  “What?” I yelled. “This is madness! Zac, no, please!”

  His eyes drifted away and he wouldn’t look at me. He was staring at Beatrix and her lovers.

  “Remember that I’m actually being generous here, Zac. She’s your sanguine mate. Our laws require you to carry out the sanguine ritual, but I’m allowing you to forego that.”

  Zac laughed bitterly in response. “Get this over with.”

  Emory nodded once and the door opened. Alex strolled into the room as if he owned the place, whistling softly, hands in his Wrangler pockets. No guards or restraints. This was what he wanted, after all. It was all he’d ever wanted.

  Despite that, I thought I saw his serene expression falter for a moment when he took me in, but he didn’t allow his eyes to linger on me for long.

  Zac seethed with rage and Alex took his place beside him.

  It didn’t matter how much I yelled, no one paid me any attention; except Emory, who informed me that he’d have me gagged if I didn’t shut up.
Oh, and Naked-man seemed to notice my yelling, in his own way. He flinched every time I spoke, as if he expected to be the one to take my punishments. I tried so hard to get Zac to look at me again. If only he’d look, maybe his resolve would weaken and he’d realise how wrong this was. There had to be another way.

  But he didn’t look, and nor did Alex. They stood – Zac raging and Alex tapping his foot – as a stone font was placed before them, a knife perched on the edge.

  “You know this won’t work unless it’s done willingly by the Keeper of the mark. Do you offer yourself unto the Legacy?” Emory sounded tense for the first time. He sat forward over his knees, hands clasped beneath his chin.

  “You’ve forced my hand,” Zac clenched his teeth, his eyes skimming over me for the shortest moment. “But yes, as a result, I will choose this.”

  “There’s another way, Zac. I can get out of here another way—” Beatrix cut me off with delighted laughter. Of course I couldn’t get out.

  Zac picked up the knife and toyed with it.

  “You’re remarkably quiet, Alexander. Nothing to say?” Zac turned to face his brother.

  Alex simply smiled, eyes alive with amusement.

  Zac looked like he would eat him alive in that moment, hatred pouring from his glare. I’d have whimpered if he looked at me like that. Predictably, Alex just smiled wider.

  “Alexander has followed me around, messing my shit up for decades,” Zac spoke to Emory now. “I won’t work with him. If I do this, then you cut him loose. You know how much he hungers for the power, how much he wants this – do not give it to him. You cast him out and make him an enemy of the Bael.”

  Alex’s smile faltered.

  Emory looked to Beatrix. “Is Zac enough, or do you need both?”

  She pursed her lips, thinking. “Both would be preferable, but I can manage with Zac if necessary. He’s the strong one.”

  The smile crept back on Alex’s face as he assessed Beatrix, licking his lips. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off.


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