The Dhampir Dimension

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The Dhampir Dimension Page 43

by Viktoria Alukard

  “I’ll kill everything he loves as well! Goodbye Elvira,” Narciso said, before he positioned himself over the steeple on top of the church bell.

  He drove Regina down onto it, and she was mortally impaled from a poker that extended from the spire. It went through her spine, and broke through her lungs and sternum, and her body slumped backwards in death, spilling warm crimson over her chest and the stucco of the spire.

  Enttu was stricken with devastation that darkened his features, as he stared up to the spire, at the dead body of the woman he loved, and Narciso floating above her, speaking verbal desecration as she agonized. He rose to his feet, freed from the weakness of being bled for food, and the sole power of his passionate rage fueled him, and turned his tearful sapphire eyes into the glowing red orbs that signified doom for whoever stood in his path. Vanya had smartly disappeared from the scene, because even she knew just how powerful her own father was. That is why Narciso wanted to drink his blood if he had the chance to before killing him. The joints in his hands flexed, as black nails extended out from his nail beds, like switchblades, and his veins in his forearms became large and vascular.

  He leaped high in one solid jump and he charged towards Narciso, taking a swipe at him that left a disgusting gash on his cheek that cut it open and exposed his gums. He grabbed the vampire by his neck and he drove him down onto the side of the stucco, where his back made the roof concave inwards. The claws of the dhampir formed into a circled around Narciso’s left pectoral underneath his silk shirt, and dug in deep enough to break skin, as Enttu was going to take his heart and consume it. Narciso grasped him by his neck and kicked him in the chest which sent him flying mid-air toward another building. Vanya reappeared besides Narciso, to tend to his wounds and to offer him some blood, like the subservient bitch she was.

  Repulsed by the sight of his very own daughter willfully giving her blood his archnemesis, Enttu unleashed blue fire towards both, which they predictable moved out of the way from. He was left hovering by himself in sudden consternation, and the slanting rain washed away the caked blood from his skin.

  He found himself alone, and the two vampires were gone out of sight. Regina’s body was still impaled upon the spire, and he made his way to her, to remove her from here and to hold her in his arms. He cradled her head in his arms and pushed wet tresses of her black hair to one side, fighting back tears and trying to focus on unsticking her.

  “You should just give up. The age of dhampir hybrids is over. I will kill every whore you attempt to breed with, I will kill every scion I can smell growing in their wombs, if I can’t kill you. At least I will make your existence a miserable one!” Narciso cackled from a distance.

  “That guy is so disrespectful,” said Sekhmet, as she stood next to Alucard, observing the entire battle from the etheric theatre where she stood at the threshold of the mausoleum.

  It opened to a black sea of space and twinkling stars before it crossed over into the physical plane. She squeezed Alucard’s hand, signifying that she was about to crossover soon, and Alucard looked at her through worried blue eyes, concerned that Sekhmet was about to place herself in peril. Her sole presence would attract Basilisk, who craved her divinity and would selfishly take her and Selene at all costs.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m Sekhmet. The one and only, baby,” Sekhmet said as she stepped into the sea of stars.

  “Be careful, my goddess!” Alucard shouted from a distance.

  Sekhmet crossed over into the physical plane, and she began to slip her spirit body into the arms and legs of Regina, as she would need a dead vessel to spring back to life, not to combat Dracula, who was but a puppet, but to combat Basilisk who was looming just beneath the black hole of those obelisks. It would take about three minutes for her to fully have control of Regina’s body as soon as she instructed Alucard to release her etheric cord and it would reel into the physical body she invaded.

  “Release the strings. Alucard!”

  “How’s it like being in control, Sekhmet?”

  Sekhmet was struggling to wiggle her way in and settle, and from her sacral chakra, she felt a destabilizing surge of hot energy that made it hard for her to settle in, until she became used to the heat, like sinking into a hot bathtub. Her sacral chakra spun in circles and moved about, performing tiny somersaults in her lower abdomen.

  “As I suspected, from all the passionate sex, she’s with child. One month along,” Sekhmet confirmed.

  Enttu felt that Regina’s skin under his palm became unexpectedly warm and colored back with life, mysteriously against the circumstances regarding her death. He saw her chest rise as his hand brushed over it, and his eyes narrowed, to really take in the belief that she wasn’t dead. His blood must have made her truly immortal! The blush in her cheeks was returning, and her lashes twitched as her eyes were about to open. He bent down to kiss her lips, and he breathed into her, as her lips grasped his in reception. It was sweet, and short-lived.

  A throwing knife impaled him right through his heart, and he quickly turned around to find Vanya hovering six feet away from him, smiling machiavellically, wishing her father would die already. When he didn’t, evident from him spinning back and beginning to hover toward her, she took out a gun that had a sleek, streamlined design of a silver rounded body with a blue LED strip along the side and she fired three rounds into his chest, that stopped him midair.

  Three bullets plunged through his skin and bone, and Enttu seized up as a liquid was released from the bullets that rendered him powerless. The liquid hissed and scorched him from the inside out. His veins became enlarged and blackened with poison, and soon, he lost consciousness and plummeted about a hundred feet down below and he crashed on top of the roof of a parked car, concaving the roof, and blasting out all the glass clean from the impact. Vanya grinned as she saw the dead body of her father facing up to the firmament, mouth open and slack, and his skin turning a greyish blue as death took its toll upon him. His eyes became dull and opaque like those of a fish, and his skin became dry and ceramic-like, hardening from the soul that left the once-beautiful shell of an athletic physique, and long blonde hair in the style of the warrior men before him. With Enttu truly dead, there were no more dhampirs to stop them in their quest for vampiric supremacy and the luxuries awaiting from Basilisk, and the world now belonged to them. Vanya holstered her weapon back into the side of her hip and shook the dust off her hands.

  “He wasn’t immune to daylight. And he got daylight in a bullet,” Vanya snickered through her annoyingly high-pitched voice.

  CH. 16


  Vittorio and Marc, the two men he had regarded as true, pure-hearted friends were gone, gone forever. The feeling of survivor’s guilt crept in, after they had settled down for this impromptu family reunion, and it made him feel very out of place to be here. The visage of Vittorio appeared in his mind, with his signature pearly white smile, and his slicked back dark hair. Their days as detectives in the supernatural unit of the Bucharesti Polizia were always filled with incredible, high-octane adventure. When they weren’t working, they always rocked out their days away, performing as Cold Iron at bars, stadiums, and local theatres, which made them a local hit band in Bucharest. Now however, those days were the end for him, and Enttu’s grief was eating him alive. To enhance the darkness that surrounded him, the shores of sweet death, the thought of Regina dying brought him to a state of immutable despair. The more he pondered on the tragedy, the more welcoming it was to sit it out here and allow himself to be carried away into swirls of ember and ashes, over the land.

  His blonde locks were disheveled from earlier, and he kneeled with his head bowed down to the bottomless floor underneath him made of empty dark matter and stars. Once again, he made it into the afterlife, the etheric plane. An invisible force guised as a strong draft blew his cape upwards and roused him out of his state of dripping melancholy. Rose pe
tals were strewn in a formed path leading to pure white light from the entrance to a mausoleum before stairs formed to ascend to the temple of Selene. He scanned his surroundings, and nothing was out of the ordinary, except for the white light that he hadn’t seen before during his first voyage to the afterlife. That possibly dangerous white light tugged at the strings of his inquisitive nature. He had a penchant that drew him to this brooding illumination. With a few gingerly steps, he walked forward, and the waters before the mausoleum licked at the rubber heel and toe of his boots, and his duster dragged in the water, before he slipped into the threshold.

  The path of rose petals continued forward in front of him, towards an open altar where a ceiling of celestial bodies against a black and sapphire firmament blanketed over, in infinite space without time. The floor was made of a fluorescent cobalt glass that glowed brighter under the weight of every step taken. The walls on either side were megalithic pillars made of white marble, with vertical ridges all around their circumference. Enttu was about the size of an ant beside one of the structures, over 200 feet tall. Through the pillars, shone a dark violet light that illuminated the black shadows of thorny, twisted branches and disheveled hedges. A myriad of glowing red eyes was cast upon him, the malicious intent making his skin crawl with millions of imaginary ants.

  “Ignore them, and follow the path lain before you,” a thunderous male voice echoed through the murals.

  Music of an unseen choir of angels filled the atmosphere, and uplifted his mood, soothing his broken heart that weighed him down. As he walked closer and closer to the altar, more than one thousand feet away, the choir grew louder, and a symphony of violins and crashing cymbals joined the threnody. The shadow of towering mountain ranges appeared as he neared the altar, where there was the figure in plain sight, of a man with his back to him. His hair was very long, and the winds of the space before him blew them theatrically in flowing ribbons. When he reached the red velvet covered altar, he turned elegantly, to face the dhampir, with a rose held between his fanged teeth. His face was like that of the statues of angels, sculpted and chiseled out of alabaster. His skin glowed on its own, a blue borrowed from the moon. His eyes were a living electric blue, and his hair fell straight in long, ebony ink strands. He wore a red velvet cloak over a black outfit of pants and a turtleneck with a cravat of rubies in the center of the hollow of his neck. Enttu motioned his way to him by the subconscious will in his mind that told him everything was copacetic. Alucard handed him the rose that dripped with blood, and Enttu put the entire red velvety bloom in his mouth. His aura was visibly blue and near it, he felt a cool draft that blew gently. The symphony had mellowed out into the mystical tune of an ocarina in the background.

  “I knew you’d come back, my protégé. You know we’re not going to let you stay here,” Alucard told him.

  “Who is we?” Enttu asked his ancestor before him.

  Out of nowhere, Nicolae and Dayanara, his parents, materialized behind Alucard in graceful elegance, and they appeared luminous, as if their skins were made of white diamond. They stood on the right and left of Alucard, and looked longingly, and lovingly proud upon their son, whose face spelt confusion and turmoil.

  “You lost, kid? I think you need to turn around,” Nicolae asked while smiling gently.

  “Father, I……I saw you in the Lower Astral Planes!” Enttu stammered, pointing at him with his index.

  “A large part of it was a simulation, if you vaguely remember. Your father and your mother are the new guardians of the Realm of the Passing Dead,”

  “I thought that was you, Alucard,”

  Alucard shook his head, and then he put his hand on Enttu’s shoulder to further explain himself.

  “I was, but the time of my true calling in the universe has come. And so, has yours. I didn’t lie to you when I told you that you were my reincarnated protégé. Sekhmet has special plans for you. Now come, you got some immortality to live up to, kid,” Alucard said, almost dragging Enttu away from his parents by his arm.

  “Wait, Father! Did Regina’s spirit pass through here? She is Nayeru, reincarnated! She is my long-lost love and I am afraid I lost her once again. Please send her back, I beg you!” Enttu pleaded, as Alucard tried to tug him along.

  “Don’t worry son, she won’t be passing by here anytime soon,” Dayanara affirmed.

  He paused and resisted Alucard pulling him away, when from behind the theater of velvet curtains and the celestial display behind them, he saw a colossal-sized shadow ripple through the sky. It swallowed the stars in its path, and shoved others out of the way, making them collide into each other. The floor beneath their feet trembled as the shadow began to creep its way into the mausoleum, before Enttu could call out to his mother.

  “Basilisk!!!” Alucard hissed.

  “No! We can’t leave my parents behind to fight that thing! Mother, Father, come back to Earth with us!”

  “We got this under control, kid. You and Alucard get out of here, before the physical plane becomes impassible! Run!!” ordered Nicolae.

  Forcefully, Alucard tugged Enttu by the wrist, and the two made it out of the mausoleum just in time before it came collapsing down into broken piles of limestone and rubble. He stopped just before the portal to the physical plain, where the stiffening body of the dhampir lay on top of a car, and rain washed over his face, gray and stony. Alucard stabbed his own hand with his claw, and with the blood that dripped from the wound, red as the rubies of his cravat, he waved it in front of his descendant, and a single drop successfully landed on his tongue. With blood droplets staining his alabaster face, Enttu licked his lips, and then raised his brow to Alucard.

  “What was that for?”

  Without a reply, Alucard shoved the dhampir back through the portal of the physical plane, staying behind to fight the beast that was coming for both. All that Enttu needed was a single drop of Alucard’s blood to make it back through and arise back from ashes to fire. He disappeared through the portal, and his soul painfully slipped back into the stiff vessel on top of the imploded car. Alucard hissed and drew out his claws at the shadow that was now six feet away from him, and its green and red eyes burned into his. He was never the type to go down without a fight, and even Basilisk was astounded by the resistance that the First Dhampir put up against him.

  “Enttu, you are all the frontline against the interdimensional demon,” Alucard whispered.

  Rain soaked through his hair and the torn fabric of his shirt and pants, yet it was pleasantly refreshing upon his wounds, and helped him heal faster under the soothing cold droplets that rolled down his tongue. His cobalt colored eyes blinked a few times before they opened slowly, and when he was fully awake, his eyes stared straight up into the gunmetal and reddened stratus from buildings set ablaze by the earthquake. He inhaled deeply, flexing his fingers up, to make sure he was fully in control of his body, and he wiggled his toes in his boots. Slowly, he arose to a sitting position, and his spine cracked back into place, as well as his neck bones, that broke upon impact when he fell from such a great height as his vampiric powers fleeted him from Narciso’s spell. He smelt of iron from his own blood, and, like wet dirt from the rain. His skin had gone from lusterless grey to its natural white luminescence, and from his chest, he felt his body expulse three metal shells from the rounds that had killed him. They plopped into his hand as he caught them, and he held the casings up close to read them. .38 Lead Alloy UV Round, Manufactured by Holy Grail Weaponry. Holy Grail, the infamous vampire slayer militia? Not shocking, as Narciso bribed his way into gaining respect with money and debauchery.

  Sekhmet had fully taken over Regina, and she was able to launch herself upwards by springing her legs and palms, and she unimpaled herself from the poker that went through her chest. She’d taken on a more golden appearance, and two cat ears sprouted from Regina’s jet-black hair. Her lips were a metallic red, and her eyes glowed with amber light, and
her hands were adorned with nails made of precious gold metal and ruby. Vanya and Narciso were too distracted in finishing their ritual to bring forth Basilisk into this plane, that they didn’t even see Sekhmet looming behind them until she staked them both from behind. She was mainly focused on killing off Narciso, who had nearly ended the life inside of her had she prolonged her wait in the etheric plane.

  With one hand around the nape of his neck, she carried Narciso through the air and slammed him down onto the street, where she drove her fist into his chest and she extracted his heart in one pull. Her fist broke the bones of his ribs, and pushed through the mush of organs and blood, until her hands that were wet with dark blood clasped around the beating organ and she pulled it out of his body. The vampire groaned and gurgled on his own blood as he convulsed from going into shock. She held the bleeding heart to her mouth and bit into the raw, red flesh and it gushed hot blood down into her mouth as her fangs punctured tissue. It stopped beating in her hand when it was expunged of all its blood, and it wrinkled up into a dried-up sac of red jerky that she tossed aside.

  A radioactive beam shone over everything from behind her, and the flash lasted a few seconds before the sky was a dark rainy stratus again. From the obelisk, a black viscous liquid began to crawl up its sides from the bottom of the portal.

  “Yes, Lord Basilisk! Come forth and conquer and take me as your concubine!” Vanya relished, with her arms raised towards the sky.

  She was so lost in the elation of her ritual and her victory, the she didn’t expect the sudden sizzle of blue fire to sear all her backside. She stifled a scream by biting her lip, she looked back to see what she assumed was a vampire, with long black and blonde hair, silver claws double the length of regular vampire claws, elongated silver fangs, and glowing white eyes that bore down upon her. The vampire was wearing the same torn outfit and jewelry that her father had when she murdered him, and it was confirmed when he tossed the three empty shells of the UV rounds in her face.


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