Texas Tango: Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 2

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Texas Tango: Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 2 Page 22

by Cynthia D'Alba

  “I remember when all the Montgomerys could get around one or two tables,” Travis said as he led her around a couple moving to the music. “Now, with our family and Uncle Clint’s family, we have to have four. Have you met that side of the family?”

  She shook her head. “Other than KC, no. They have a ranch around here too?”

  “They do. A small one that my cousins, Darren and Reno, are trying to get going, if they don’t kill each other first. My uncle and aunt have a large cattle operation in Florida.”

  Being that much of the beef produced in the US came out of Florida, Caroline wasn’t surprised to hear that the Montgomery family would have a toehold there.

  “Are they here tonight?”

  “Yup, and I can’t wait for you to meet them.”

  As Travis had predicted, the Montgomery clan had commandeered four tables, and looking at how packed in everyone was, Caroline suspected they’d need at least five next year. Then she realized she’d never know. She wouldn’t be here. An odd sense of loss settled low in her gut.

  “There they are,” Lane Montgomery announced in a loud voice. “Where you two been? Necking in the parking lot?”

  Raucous laughter followed. Caroline was sure the heat to her face was more embarrassment than a response to the room temperature.

  “Leave them alone, Lane,” his wife chastised.

  “Hey, you two.” KC Montgomery hugged Caroline from behind. “I’m hearing interesting rumors.”

  Caroline turned to KC with a grin. Her stomach did a backflip at the knowledge that their marriage had already leaked out. “I swear, this family cannot keep a secret.”

  “Why would we want to keep something like you having an antique Rolls Royce a secret?”

  Caroline stifled a giggle of relief. “I worry about car thieves driving off in my car, sort of like my date did tonight.” She reached out and pulled Travis over to where she and KC stood. “I think you know my date.”

  KC pulled an exaggerated shocked look. “I really thought you could do better than this,” she said to Caroline in mock sympathy. “Next time you need a date, call me. I’m sure I can find someone much more handsome.”

  Not likely, Caroline thought as she laughed. “Well, it was last minute.”

  Travis grinned at the women and Caroline’s heart dropped to her knees. She felt like she’d just walked off a Tilt-A-Whirl…off-balance, shook-up and a tad nauseous.

  “Hey, Cuz.” He gave KC a hug. “Your ugly brothers here too, or have they killed each other yet?”

  “Here. Can’t say much for their dates, however.” KC leaned in and Caroline and Travis mimicked her position. “Darren’s date is a stripper from Dallas, and Reno’s is a gal who’s way too old to still be rocking the Goth look. Now don’t say anything to my parents. They think the girls go to school in Austin.”

  Caroline bit her lip to keep from laughing. Travis didn’t bother to hide his amusement, responding to KC’s descriptions with a loud, guttural laugh.

  “Come on, hon,” he said taking Caroline’s arm. “I’ve got to meet these two ladies.”

  They followed KC back to a table to where a younger version of Travis’s father sat. Beside him was an attractive dark-haired woman. Caroline assumed these were Travis’s uncle and aunt. Two young men stood as soon as Caroline stopped at the table.

  “Caroline. These are my parents, Clint and Nadine. Over there—” KC indicated the standing men with a tilt of her head, “—are my brothers, Darren and Reno, and their dates, Candi, with an I, and Angel. Family, this is Dr. Caroline Graham.”

  “Nice to meet you all,” Caroline said.

  Travis greeted his uncle and cousins with handshakes while engulfing his aunt in a bear hug.

  “It’s been too long since I’ve seen you,” he said to his uncle and aunt. “Everything okay in Florida? I’m hoping you’ll still be here for the barbeque and ranch rodeo.”

  “Everything is going great,” his uncle replied. “And we’ll be there at the rodeo. Those two—” he pointed with his chin toward his sons, “—have entered the D&R cowboys this year.” Clint Montgomery grinned. “Gotta go root for their ranch.”

  Travis nodded. “Great. Oh, and you’ll want to make sure you’re there on Friday night. Olivia and Mitch Landry are tying the knot…finally.”

  “I know,” Nadine interjected. “I talked to Jackie today. She is so excited.”

  Travis took Caroline’s hand, interrupting her conversation with KC’s brothers. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to get my date on the dance floor before she finds someone else to dance with.”

  “Nice to meet all of you,” Caroline said with a wave. “Get me on the dance floor?” she whispered.

  “If we don’t move on, we’ll be there talking to them for hours. I know my uncle. He’ll talk ranching until my ears fall off my head.”

  “Got it. So are we really headed to dance?”

  “Sure.” He swung her around and caught her with a hand at her waist.

  She put both hands on his strong shoulders. No padding needed in his jacket. All man and all muscle. And for tonight—and the next four months—he was all hers. A dangerous trill raced through her. She slipped her hands up and around his neck. As though of a mind of their own, her fingers stroked the back of his neck. Up and down and then around in a circle.

  He hissed out a long breath. He tightened his hands at her waist. Jerking her snug against him, he whispered, “You are the sexiest woman in this entire room. And if you don’t stay close, everybody else will know exactly the effect you are having on me.”

  The hard evidence of his arousal pressed firmly into her stomach. His chest vibrated against hers as he hummed along with the song. She found herself perversely pleased by how comfortable she felt in his arms.

  But on the other hand, maybe she needed to get a hold on her feelings. They had no future beyond this fall. She had to keep telling herself that.

  As the song came to its closing note, Travis hugged her before ending the dance with a deep dip. She laughed with delight. Travis grinned and then brushed her mouth with a quick kiss.

  Caroline touched up her lipstick in the ladies’ lounge. Her cheeks were rosy red with a flush. Whether that was from the Texas heat or from being kissed by Travis was unclear.

  She pressed her hand against her chest. Her heart pounded and raced beneath her palm. Travis was sex with legs. How in the world would she be able to sleep in the same bed with him night after night for the next four months without attacking the poor man?

  She pulled the wedding ring set from her purse and pushed it on her left hand. Holding that hand up in the mirror, she studied the rings. They looked good on her finger. Perfect shape and size.

  No. Stop that. She shouldn’t be thinking anything like that. This was a business deal, pure and simple. She had to remember that. Don’t make this more than it is.

  The bathroom door opened to admit a couple of women Caroline didn’t know. She dropped her hand down to her side and took one last swipe with her lipstick.

  After replacing her lipstick in her purse and securing a couple of stray strands of hair—what was Travis thinking dipping her on the dance floor like that—she walked back to the country-club lobby. Through a pair of glass double doors, she could see Travis standing on the balcony that overlooked the eighteenth green. Standing next to him in a sparkling dress that matched his sapphire eyes was Elsie Belle Lambert. She was clutching Travis’s arm as her mouth ran non-stop. Travis shook his head and removed her hand from his forearm. When he started to walk away, she stopped him with another arm clutch.

  “Looks like my date is trying to convince your date to swap partners.”

  Caroline looked over her shoulders into Drake Gentry’s grinning face, amusement sparkling in his eyes.

  “Aren’t you upset?” she asked.

  “Of course not. Elsie Belle only asked me to come with her because she thought it would make Travis jealous. I could have told her it wouldn’t work b
ut…” He shrugged. “I didn’t have a date and she wouldn’t have believed me anyway.”

  “She asked you out?”

  “Sure. I’ve known Elsie for years. She told me her date had to cancel tonight and she needed someone to take her. Since my love life is currently in the toilet, I figured why not.” Drake hitched a thumb toward the couple. “Do you want me to go out there and break that up?”

  “No. Travis is a big boy. He can handle her.”

  They watched the balcony action for a couple of more minutes.

  “So why’s your love life in the tank?” Caroline asked.

  “Thought I’d found the one, you know? But she dumped me like I had fleas.”

  “Do I know this woman who obviously has such poor taste in men that she would let a prize like you get away?”

  Drake laughed. “I’m sure you do, but I’m a gentleman. I don’t kiss and tell. Ah, looks like the talk is over. Oh dear. She looks pissed. You might want to step behind me for protection. I’m thinking he might have mentioned that set of rings on your hand.”

  Reflexively, she put her right hand over her left. “You know about the rings?”

  “I know about the wedding.”


  “Travis told me. Of course, that was only after I mentioned I’d heard about the new doctor and was thinking about getting to know her better.”

  Caroline laughed softly. “I would love to have heard that conversation.”

  “It went something like this. ‘Hey, Travis. What do you know about Dr. Graham? I’ve been giving some thought to asking her out. What do you think?’”

  “And what did he say?”

  “He said something like, ‘I think I’d mind. That’s my wife you’re wanting to date’.”

  One of the glass doors flew open as Elsie Belle stormed back into the lobby. She saw Caroline and Drake standing together and marched over.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” she said with a forced smile. “Can I see the rings?”

  She jerked Caroline’s hand up for inspection before Caroline had time to respond.

  “Lovely,” she said and dropped Caroline’s hand as though it were contaminated with poison ivy. “Come on, Drake. I need a drink.” She stomped away before Drake answered.

  Travis moved in to take the spot where Elsie Belle had been standing. “Still trying to pick up my wife, Gentry?”

  Drake chuckled. “You’re a lucky SOB. Caroline’s a keeper.” He leaned over and brushed a light kiss on Caroline’s cheek.

  “Drake! Are you coming?” Elsie Belle yelled across the lobby.

  He responded with a wave and a chuckle. “You two have a nice evening. I’ve got to go rescue a damsel in distress. Let’s get together for dinner soon.” He walked back toward the ballroom. “I’m coming, Elsie Belle.”

  “So,” Caroline said. “You told Elsie Belle we got married, didn’t you? You do realize it’ll be all over the ballroom in an hour.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he said taking her hand. “Fifteen minutes, tops.”

  They were both wrong.

  Travis took her arm and led her back into the ballroom and toward the Montgomery tables.

  “You want to dance or sit down?”

  Caroline twisted sideways to get through the crowded dance floor. “Let’s grab a seat for now.”

  When they reached the set of tables, most of the chairs were empty. KC pushed a chair out.

  “Sit,” she commanded. “Keep me company while I drink myself under the table.”

  Travis held the chair for Caroline as she sat. “Be right back,” he said. “Gonna grab us something cold to drink.”

  As soon as he was gone, Caroline turned to KC “What’s going on with you? What’s with the drinking yourself under that table nonsense?”

  “Pay me no attention.” Her gaze flickered toward Drake and Elsie Belle as they danced by. She drained her wine glass. “Bastard.”

  Caroline followed KC’s gaze. “Drake Gentry? That’s who’s got you drowning your sorrows tonight?”

  “Absolutely not,” KC answered. “Why would I care if he’s here with the biggest social skank in the county? Damn. I should have had Travis get me another drink.” She turned her back to the dance floor. Her gaze dropped onto Caroline’s hands. Her eyes opened wide as she grabbed Caroline’s left hand. “I thought this was a secret I was sworn to carry to my grave. What the hell are you doing wearing these?”

  Caroline blew out a long breath. “It’s a long story.”

  Travis set a couple of waters on the table and a fresh white wine for KC “You looked like you needed it.”

  “What I need is a pair of boots to kick your asses. Why is she wearing those rings in public?”

  “We got married. Haven’t you heard?”

  Before KC could answer, a loud tapping came from the microphone on the stage.

  “Can I have everybody’s attention?” A very Southern, very drunk female voice slurred through the speakers. “I have news.”

  “Oh shit,” Travis muttered as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  Caroline looked up at the stage and groaned. A wave of nausea rolled through her gut. She didn’t have a good feeling about this.

  KC grinned and leaned back in her chair. “Finally. This year’s ball was getting a little dull. Leave it up to Elsie Belle Lambert to liven things up.”

  “I said,” Elsie Belle hollered into the mic. “Listen up. I want to tell you all something.”

  Drake jumped on the stage and tried to pull Elsie Belle away from the microphone, but she wasn’t leaving. She jerked her arm away, spilling her wine on his jacket.

  “Oh, good Lord,” Jackie Montgomery said as she and Lane sat down. “That girl has had way too much to drink. Let’s hope she doesn’t decide to sing again this year.”

  “Cats in heat sound better,” Lane said in agreement.

  The crowd turned toward the developing show on the stage.

  Elsie Belle lifted her wine glass high in the air. “I want to make an announcement. Lift your glasses to the newlywed couple. Travis Montgomery and Caroline Graham.”

  There was a moment of silence and then a mumbling rumbled through the group.

  “Y’all stand up,” Elsie Belle demanded.

  Drake tried again to lead her off stage, but she wouldn’t leave the microphone.

  “To Travis and his new bride, right?” The red wine in her glass sloshed over the rim. “Let’s all drink.” She drank the rest of her wine and then put the stemmed crystal on the stage and stomped on it. “I’m not Jewish,” she said with an intoxicated giggle, “but I’ve always wanted to do that.” She stumbled back. Drake caught her before she fell and led her off the stage.

  “Well, leave it to Elsie Belle to make a scene,” Jackie said.

  People were beginning to come by the table to congratulate Travis and Caroline. Caroline’s cheeks were quivering from holding her smile. Travis seemed to be taking it all in stride, laughing and slapping backs, taking all the wishes of good luck and a long marriage with a grin.

  The band began to tune up, ready to start the next set. The lead singer stepped up to the microphone, avoiding the broken glass.

  “I’m not sure we can top the intermission show, but we’ll try.”

  Laughs and chuckles rolled through the crowd.

  “Travis,” the man said. “It’s been a while since we’ve had the pleasure of hearing you sing. Why don’t you come up and do a song for us?”

  Caroline’s head whipped toward him. She knew he could sing, but she had no idea that others knew too.

  There were some whistles and words of encouragement shouted toward him. Even through his tan, the flush to his cheeks was apparent.

  “Do you mind?” he asked Caroline.

  “Gosh, no. I’d love to hear you.”

  As he headed toward the stage, Jackie leaned over. “It’s been years since he sang in public. He’ll only sing when he’s happy. I think I have you to
thank.” She squeezed Caroline’s hand.

  After a brief consultation with the band members, Travis strapped a guitar around his neck. Caroline noticed the crowd moving toward the stage, not to dance but to listen.

  “Well, as Buddy said, it’s been a while since I’ve done this. I might be a little rusty, so y’all bear with me.”

  He strummed the guitar strings. Caroline’s heart jumped and raced, nervous for him, wanting him to do well.

  “Here’s one by Chris Young I think you’ll all know. It’s called ‘Getting Her Home’.” He moved his fingers on the strings and music poured out. He leaned forward and his deep bass voice carried the melody across the room. Chills ran up and down her arms. She wrapped them around her waist to hold herself steady in her chair. She’d thought his voice sexy before, but now? Each note was a sensual touch.

  When he got to the line in the song about a black dress hitting the floor, he looked at Caroline and exchanged the word black for green.

  A rush of heat ran north and south through her body. Her face was hot while the area between the thighs swelled with warmth and need.

  The crowd obviously got his little joke as smiles and chuckles and quite a few elbow jabs moved through the room. If Caroline hadn’t been so enthralled by his singing, she might have hidden her face, but she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  The room broke into loud applause as he strummed the last cord. He shook his head at calls for more, handing the borrowed guitar back to its owner.

  “Thank you very much,” he said and leapt from the stage.

  More than a couple of minutes passed before he made it back to the table. Somewhere between the stage and table, he’d picked up Noah and Amy, both of whom couldn’t stop talking about Elsie Belle’s drunken rant and Travis’s song.

  “Travis,” Noah said. “That was awesome.”

  “Yes, Mr. Montgomery. It was.” Amy was apparently still struggling with calling him Travis.

  “Thanks, gang. What do you say we head for home?”


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