Ferryl Shayde - Book 3 - A Very Different Game

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Ferryl Shayde - Book 3 - A Very Different Game Page 45

by Vance Huxley

  Gremlin - Tiny creature whose skin and carapace look somewhat like a toothless old man in overalls. Live inside any type of machinery or electrical equipment, often cause malfunctions. Angry or frustrated humans touch the object, and the gremlin can feed from the leaking magic.

  Thornie - Prickly creature the size of a mouse, vaguely humanoid, prefers magic from fruit but will graze from most human food. Infests canteens and rubbish dumps to drain magic from bacteria, flies and maggots.

  Hoplin - Little predatory creatures looking like a miniature armadillo hopping like a kangaroo, with a mildly venomous bite. Hunt in pairs that can drain the magic (and life) from small magical creatures such as thornies, rats, mice, caged birds or a kitten. Useful for dealing with infestations of rats and mice, but will also eat your pictsies, pixies and brownies.

  Faerie - Rough-skinned flying creatures in shades and patterns of brown, with long, thin horny wings and a variety of limbs. Absorb magic from grass, leaves, flowers or fruit. Eat a little to help remain solid, which leaves tiny blemishes. Too many can drain the magic, leaving the plant sickly or dying. Can kill grass or leaves, or rot fruit. The brightly coloured faerie that preferred blossoms, those giving rise to legends of fairies, were too visible and were hunted to extinction.

  Fae - Faerie-like but leaner, predatory and larger. Some hunt faeries or small insects and are harmless to humans. Others take small amounts of magic from humans and animals, using stingers that can leave itchy marks and be dangerous in numbers. The natural magical food supply for larger versions is sucked like mosquitoes from grazers, animal or magical.

  Pictsies - Extravagantly jawed tiny predators that often live with humans and their pets where they hunt faerie, fae, lice, flies, insects and spiders.

  Pixies - Live with humans. Absorb the magic leaking from the residents of ′their′ house or left on clothes, removing dandruff and loose hair to store a surplus.

  Piskies - Live in gardens, stock pens, or in the wild, preying on the pests infesting animals. Are useful for dealing with ticks or fae. May cause unexplained accidents if trapped in a house.

  Brownies - Good ones are fanatically tidy. Live with humans if possible and tidy up dust, cobwebs, dirt on clothes or pet hair for the traces of magic clinging to them. Will leave if humans are either too tidy so there is no food, or too scruffy. If trapped in a house where they can′t find a small private place, will actually create a mess.

  Grelf - Magical eel, fresh-water carrion eater covered in small spines. They are hatched in the bloated carcase of a drowned animal, gorging on the rotten meat, the carrion eaters from bacteria upwards and each other to gain strength and become solid enough to survive. Are rare now that waterways are being cleaned up.

  Grazers - Non-flying creatures ranging up to the size of a bison, which feed on the magic in grass, weeds, shrubs and crops. Usually found in farmland, where an infestation may kill or stunt crops.

  Slimies - These have a variety of names, none complimentary because they look like dull greenish slugs with brown scaly patches. Very slow, so tend to settle on stains or other food sources unlikely to move. Absorb the stain as well as the bacteria, were useful when stains were difficult to remove, less so with the advent of washing powder and bleach.

  A profusion of small creatures exist, grazing or hunting the magic in anything from bacteria, moss and grass through fleas up to rabbits or small dogs. Those targeting spoiled food are actually after the microscopic amounts of magic in either fungi or germs, with any insects a bonus. Creatures also hunt each other. Cats and dogs can see them but not clearly, just enough to avoid them or fight back. Some are beneficial, but if aware, humans prefer to stop most from fluttering, crawling, hopping or slithering into their homes.


  Allegedly extinct creatures

  Kalkatrie - Once used as a tracker by the Greek gods. Short flat pointed beak with teeth, large eyes, ruff of tiny feathers, two small chicken-like legs with clawed feet, stubby wings and a long, scaled tail with a sting that causes sleep. Usually slither but can fly or run short distances. Live in tunnels. The cockatrice legends are probably based on glimpses of kalkatrie.

  Skoffin - Icelandic creature. Breathes fire and turns prey to stone, or charcoal if hunting for food. Probably the source of both the Gorgon myth and sightings of basilisk. There are some accounts that claim a skoffin can turn a victim to living stone. Natural enemies of ogres.

  Dragon - Many types, now all hunted and killed. Magically preserved trophies are still displayed by some people.

  Aryadne′s Hound - Man/spider hybrid created by Goddess Aryadne to serve her. Live in caves, eat carrion, four spider legs at the rear and four spider-like arms on humanoid torso, well over two metres tall. Allegedly died out when Aryadne faded.

  The Last Paladin - Mythical figure, the first recorded sightings are three thousand years old. Originally on foot, then a mounted figure, latterly the horse and rider wear battered crusader armour. The Wanderer, now known as The Last Paladin, roams the earth looking for redemption and may appear if your cause is hopeless but just.

  Ogre - Six metres tall by three wide with a tail and tall forked horns making them look even bigger. Four thick limbs with vicious talons, and burning green eyes. Descriptions can vary since few survive an encounter. Ogres only exist as bound shades, used as attack beasts as they fixate on any perceived threat. Their square scales can be mistaken for giant’s armour.

  Gryphon - Sometimes called a Griffin. Half eagle, half lion, traditionally entrusted with the treasures of kings and sorcerers. Actual creature is extinct, but the object magically bonding a sorcerer to his holdings is traditionally referred to as their gryphon. A small facsimile protects all significant locations.


  Created entities

  Stone Guardian - Very hard to kill without magic. Usually a statue, the construct is charged with magic and set to guard. Once triggered, the magic will animate the stone regardless of any weathering or damage. The animating glyph is carved in the centre of the stone block, a very skilled magical task, and impossible to reach without destroying the vessel.

  Bound Shade - A creature with its life-spark captured at the moment of dying and used to keep a semblance of life. Kept alive by burying it in a glyph deep inside the corpse or another dead animal or plant, or imprisoning the life-spark within a tattoo on the shade′s master or mistress. The shade will obey direct orders from the tattoo wearer if sent on mission, or will follow imprinted instructions if left with a task. Some are carried as personal guards, but damage to a bound shade will drain magic from the tattoo wearer. Most, especially the larger ones, are left as guards and will usually appear lifeless. A few are novelties such as animated footstools, created to amuse a sorcerer or guests. While torpid, a bound shade needs only a little sustenance, though once roused its magic must be replenished and those left on guard may feed on the living to absorb their magic.

  Platycroc - A creature close to a gigantic cross between platypus and crocodile. Fifteen metres from the tip of the three-metre beak to the end of the flat stubby tail, three metres high and a little wider, it has six clawed, webbed feet on short, thick legs. The creature is protected by thick scales that deflect anything but strong magical attack. At the end of the beak is a large, solid lump used for ramming or beating on an opponent.

  Once launched it will continue battering at an opponent, immune to pain and ignoring damage, until one or the other is destroyed. The platycroc, supposedly a failed attempt at a war beast, is now a bound shade held in a priest’s tattoo and used by the Church Militant.

  Stickybangs - A very small short-lived magical construct created by an amateur sorceress, usually cast in numbers. The many-legged creatures cling to whatever they hit. Designed for combating shields because stickybangs suck magic from the target until saturated, then explode.

  Pungh Hmmshtfun - (Very old type of Hebrew)

  spiritus qui furabatur (Latin)

  Koška Smerti (Russian)<
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  Braeth Huntian (Olde Englishe)

  Ferryl Shayde - name currently used by a faded sorceress

  Bonny′s Tavern

  A proposed new board game with D&D roots

  The world of Bonny′s Tavern is semi-medieval, where cruel tyrants, monsters, grasping nobles, and corrupt churchmen abound. An ancient pact between magic, church and nobility has failed, leaving most of the population, those lacking magic or armies, defenceless. The sorcerers, nobles, church and a variety of magical monsters fight to maintain their power bases, often crushing the populace between them. The best a peasant or small business can hope for is to scrape together enough to pay their tithes and taxes and be ignored. The game quests include clearing monster infestations, finding lost treasures and mythical weapons, freeing heroes or maidens, hunting fugitives, fighting small wars or rebellions, robbing corrupt bishops and barons or helping the local populace when famine or war wreck their lives.

  All game quests start at Bonny′s Tavern, which acts as a neutral meeting place for creatures and humans who would normally attack each other on sight. Bonny’s half-sister is a mercenary, Robin D′Ritche, which frightens off any low-level ruffians who might risk fighting Champ, the ex-pugilist bouncer. The smith, Fe Hamma, insists on carrying out business there because he likes the ale. Anyone upsetting him won′t be able to buy his enhanced armour or weapons, and might fall foul of his enchanted mace. Cackle the Crone wants a place to sell her charms and hexes, but if you interfere be prepared for waking up with a septic ear. Bullseye the Bowman has to buy new enchanted shafts somewhere. Nikk the Warlock Thief needs a place to sell his plunder, or will steal yours if you annoy him.

  Stronger potential raiders, magical or otherwise, understand the message and the magic in the Tavern sign. A variety of humans and creatures, all dangerous in their own right, find having a safe house convenient. Even the nobles and church stay clear because potential enemies as varied as a Paladin, a Barbarian hero, a wild hunter and several sorceresses including a feline with her bodyguard, have agreed to enforce the truce. They enjoy a peaceful pint of ale or a good meal and a bed without fleas.


  Players can choose another name and sex when adopting a character. The standard types are not all human, and advanced players may choose different racial characteristics for their chosen character to enhance their skills.

  Not all characters can be adopted by players. Bonny the Barmaid or Champ will supervise the game, much as a DM (Dungeon Master) guides a game of “Dungeons and Dragons.” There are a wide variety of monsters, entities, and ephemeral beings, as well as magical traps and dangerous terrain, but the following characters will usually be found at Bonny′s Tavern itself, the start of the game.

  Some such as Ffod or Fe Hamma can be recruited, or persuaded to help. They will react according to their characteristics. Others such as Creepio may join you voluntarily, or obstruct a quest.

  Bonny the Barmaid - Part-owner, half-sister to Robyn. Her Tavern has magical protection gifted by a mysterious customer, possibly another part-owner.

  Robyn D′Ritche - Female mercenary, scruffy inebriate, Bonny’s half-sister and part-owner of the Tavern. Buys or steals magical protection. She supports and protects Bonny′s Tavern, her base, where she recruits for fighting contracts or sells loot.

  Champ - Tavern bouncer and ex-pugilist.

  Saint Georgeous (pronounced Jorjeous as in George) - Paladin, severe, androgynous, beautiful. Heavily armoured with innate magical defences. Weapons inscribed with mysterious and powerful magical symbols. Rides a white unicorn which can run down the fleetest foe despite wearing heavy armour.

  Roughly Hewn - Barbarian adventurer with bluish-tinted skin, perhaps has some ice giant blood, who uses clubs or heavy swords which may be enchanted. Brute force fighter, all muscle and rage. His body is naturally immune to minor spells and can tolerate serious injury in the heat of battle. He (or she) buys medallions inscribed with spell symbols to provide protection and help him heal.

  Ferryl Shayde - Half-cat sorceress. Powerful and skilled user of spells, knows many intricate symbols well enough to throw them from memory. Her origin is shrouded in mystery, but her mere name can terrify lesser creatures.

  Shayde Warrior - Fighter-mage trained in both magic and weapons, a difficult skillset to master. Ferryl′s bodyguard and apprentice.

  K′liss Windcatcher - Tall, slim sorceress wearing a pale blue robe unlike the usual sorceress garb of black and red. She is an absolute mistress of all air symbols, and an adept at mixing them with other spells to enhance the effect.

  Rokk′n Rolla - Earth sorcerer. Can shape rock to form shields and armour, or command the earth itself to bury an enemy. Very difficult skill to master, using large amounts of magic, but earth-wrought constructs are very resistant to both physical attacks and magic symbols. Wields a dwarven mace inscribed with powerful magic.

  K′ress Bloodclaw - Sorceress dressed entirely in tight, magically-enhanced black leather under a crimson cloak. Reputedly uses forbidden blood magic to raise and command the undead. Malicious rumours claim she is related to K′liss, possibly a twin.

  Spenz F′Lorinze - Foppish Rake, smitten by Bonny but often unfaithful. Disgraced, disowned fourth son of a noble. Has an allowance on condition he never comes home. Tries to join quests to show how tough he is, to impress the ladies. Dons a broad-brimmed hat with big feather, frilled shirt, striped tights, high boots and a rapier. He really can use the rapier, one of the few lessons he paid attention to. That and his wealth are both good reasons to include him in a quest, a man with gold can open doors where magic and brawn fail. Buys magical protection, and might have persuaded Fe Hamma to enhance his rapier.

  Wind Chaser - Sprite trapper. Small, skinny, and may have dwarf or some other non-human blood, but is sensitive about it. Looks innocuous but catches and tames sprites as guards or hunters which takes considerable magical skill and knowledge. Will sell them, transferring control of their magical tether, but is always guarded by his personal, very powerful Wind Sprite. Loner, but invaluable as a scout or magical fighter if he/she can be recruited. Has been linked romantically with Verdant Bounty, K′liss, K′ress, and in the wildest rumours, Ferryl Shayde.

  Ffod the Hunter - Magical creature, never fully seen but sometimes taking the form of an ethereal leopard, wolf, eagle or, allegedly, an ogre, though few believe the last. Never fully aligned, but might join a group if they can catch its attention. Superb night guard, being almost invisible without needing magic. Uses magic but can kill or snare an unwary victim without. Unexplained deaths, those which don’t leave a mark, are often ascribed to Ffod. (Only a select few know the origin of Ffod′s name, though there are many legends of a hunter on the wind.)

  Nikk Smartish - Far Eastern warlock who fled to the West, changed his name and turned to crime. Uses skill, a personalised toolset, and magic to circumvent magical and mundane defences, either to steal or for hire. Has mostly defensive hexes, but carries enchanted knives, poison darts, throwing stars and a miniature crossbow with charmed bolts. Good ally on quests needing guile, but make sure your own valuables are safely locked away.

  Creepio Mysterio - Church investigator and possible assassin. Sneaky, dangerous, magically powerful. Do not cheat or threaten him, your body may never be found. Take care if Creepio offers to join your band. He can call on terrifying allies, but they may consider your safety irrelevant. Creepio might betray you for what he sees as a higher cause.

  Cackle the Crone - Very old, experienced witch using bound shades to animate a pack of small dead creatures such as rats, crows and foxes. Allegedly preys on children but more likely to pick on rich merchants. May join quests, but watch out for pilfering of magical artefacts. She knows many small but obscure spells to improve love life, remove warts, or cause a septic ear. She sells charms, and curses for warding houses, to local villagers or fighters such as Roughly Hewn and Bullseye.

  Bullseye - Race unknown, slim with seamed and lined
dark brown skin and phenomenal strength. Despite his rounded ears, rumours persist that he must be at least part-elven. Superb non-magical bowman, using arrows etched with symbols that can pierce most armour and even defeat some magical shields. Like a medieval longbowman, he is armed and armoured, a fierce, but agile melee fighter who prefers enchanted mail armour to heavy plate protection.

  Fe Hamma (element joke - Fe = iron) - Allegedly troll/Dwarf hybrid, weaponsmith, muscular, gnarled hunchback, skilled in making weapons embedded with spells and gems to store magic and enhance their power.

  Woods and Green - Magical solicitors with a small shack next to Bonny′s Tavern. Quest contracts between players will include penalties for not fulfilling the quest, or lying about skill levels or abilities (these are not automatically revealed to other players). Players can earn or lose reliability points by their actions during a quest. Stealing the loot will make it harder to get another contract, but proof of charitable work on Low Earth (aka the real world, where we live) will increase health points.


  Choose your character wisely, and let the game begin!




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