The Reluctant Bounty Hunter

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The Reluctant Bounty Hunter Page 30

by S G Read

  ‘Well if you want work, they’ll be a place here when we are up and running. Hell, if you just need somewhere to live there will be a place here for both of you. I owe you that!’

  ‘I will remember that but Jim Carter has been very good to me and there is a young squaw there who looks on me very kindly.’ Slim answered with a smile.

  Duncan and Eugene rode out of the valley and started for town. They did not hurry and as soon as it started to grow dark they stopped to make camp. With no Indians in the area now and the cavalry chasing the Sioux, Duncan chose to light a fire and eat hot food.

  While they were eating Duncan heard a horse approaching. He put his plate down carefully and drew his pistol, moving away from the light as he did so.

  ‘Hello the camp.’ A voice called.

  ‘Ride into the light Sebastian.’ Duncan called back, slipping the pistol back into his holster.

  ‘Is that you Mr. Lee?’ Sebastian called back.

  ‘It is Sebastian, come on in.’

  Sebastian rode in and dismounted. Duncan returned to his food to eat it while it was still hot. Sebastian unsaddled his horse before he walked up to the fire and sat down.

  ‘Zeke sent me out to find you, to warn you that six men followed you out of Bluegrass and they didn’t look like they meant you any good.’ Sebastian warned.

  ‘Well thank Zeke for me when you go back and I have some paperwork you can take back concerning them men.’ Duncan answered.

  ‘You saw them then?’ Sebastian asked.

  ‘Saw them! They tried to bushwhack a friend of mine and his tracker, causing me and my daughter to intervene and kill the sons of bitches.’ Duncan answered.

  ‘Glad to be of service marshal.’ Sebastian replied, which made Duncan scratch his head.

  As he ate he thought about it and realized he meant by taking the paperwork back which caused him to smile. He wiped his plate and threw more bacon and beans into the pan for Sebastian. Eugene sat there eating the whole time without turning a hair and said nothing.

  In the morning Sebastian left the way he came with the paperwork and Duncan and Eugene rode on towards town. They talked as they rode, discussing the tunnel and other things. Eugene had a list of things he needed to do the work and Duncan had his own list. Once the valley was accessible he planned to build a bigger cabin and a cabin for Sarah as well, in case she felt she wanted her own house later, or when she was married, if she was still living with them. For that he needed wood and the means to fix it. It would be nice to have somewhere for visitors to sleep when they visited.

  As soon as they reached town Eugene rode to the telegraph office, while Duncan ordered what he wanted before seeing Charlie in the sheriff’s office. He planned to visit several people while he was in town, including Molly at the cat house but first he wanted to know that things were alright in town.

  ‘Hi Dunc.’ Charlie cried when he saw Duncan walk in. ‘To what do I owe this honor?’

  ‘Bought some land out where I live and I am having some changes made. The engineer is in getting things organised.’

  ‘Engineer? That sounds serious. How is Eugene?’ Charlie asked.

  ‘Fine, is he any good?’

  ‘Built the bank in town out of bricks, the Indians would have had trouble burning that down if they tried it.’ Charlie answered.

  ‘None about now, are there?’ Duncan asked.

  ‘Only one as I know of, apart from the squaws at Carter’s place and the youngster who is riding with Slim. I took this one on as my deputy as he seemed just right for the job.’ Charlie pointed to the door and Crazy Dog walked in.

  ‘Howdy Marshal Lee.’ Crazy Dog said, looking every bit a deputy but with long hair.

  ‘Didn’t fancy the land the government set aside for you then Crazy Dog?’ Duncan asked.

  ‘No I didn’t Marshal and the sheriff was kind enough to give me a job.’ Crazy Dog answered.

  ‘Only because you put the fear of God into anyone who gets out of line deputy.’ Charlie declared.

  ‘Any other changes?’ Duncan asked.

  ‘I was forced to close the cat house by the town meeting.’ Charlie answered sorrowfully.

  ‘I was going to see Molly while I was in town.’ Duncan admitted. ‘But only to let her know that Sarah had finished school.’

  ‘You still can. She lives in my house, I married her.’ Charlie declared.

  ‘Where was my invite to the wedding?’ Duncan asked.

  ‘All done in a hurry, they were all for throwing her out of town, some even thought of tar and feathering her.’ Charlie answered. ‘I married her that night and she moved in with me. Had to take on a house to do it.’

  ‘I didn’t think you had a house.’ Duncan observed.

  ‘Now I am a married house owner with one hell of a wife.’ Charlie replied. ‘I never thought that would happen.’

  ‘Good luck to you. Do I have your permission to look in on Molly?’

  ‘You sure do Dunc, I’ll even walk with you there as you don’t know where I live.’ Charlie exclaimed. ‘Look after the store while I am gone deputy.’

  ‘Yes sheriff.’ Crazy Dog answered and sat in the chair he vacated.

  The two men walked out onto the street and headed towards the better part of town.

  ‘I suppose the men who wanted the tar and feathering were old clients of the cat house Charlie?’

  ‘They were Dunc, prodded on by their wives!’

  As they walked Duncan looked at the changes which had gone on in the town since he had last been here to look round. The cat house was closed and under refurbishment to be opened as a hotel.

  ‘I suppose some carpet bagger was behind the closing of the cat house.’ He commented when they passed it.

  ‘The mayor actually but he has ideas above his station.’ Charlie answered. ‘It was one of the reasons I wanted Molly about. Every time he sees her, he will know that she knows just how many times he visited one of her girls.’

  ‘Sounds a bit volatile to me, what about love?’

  ‘Oh I love her alright, always have but when she was a business woman I didn’t feel I could ask her to marry me, being sheriff and all and her, the madam of a cat house. As soon as she was forced to close I asked her, on bended knee as well. She didn’t even think about it, just said yes and we got wed.’

  They arrived at Charlie’s house. Charlie opened the door and called in before allowing Duncan in. Molly came to meet him.

  ‘Hello Marshal Lee, nice to see you under normal conditions for a change.’ She said, and not being bashful, kissed him on the cheek. ‘I reckon I owed you that.’

  ‘Gratefully accepted, even if it wasn’t owed.’ Duncan replied. It was then he saw the bulge in her stomach. ‘You’re a fast worker Charlie.’

  ‘Some have got it and some haven’t.’ Charlie retorted.

  ‘Just come to let you know that Sarah has finished school and his back in the valley.’ Duncan explained. ‘I bought the plain, now the Indians have up and left and I aim to run horses on it, so if you ever need somewhere to live away from these sheep, just come a riding with your belongings, oh and your family.’

  ‘I just want to make the mayor squirm until it is time to re-elect him and then I aim to let folks know that he used to frequent the cat house I ran. I can also sway voters by not telling anyone that they also were frequent visitors.’ Molly replied. ‘You might be standing next to the new mayor!’

  ‘Now that is a reason to come in and vote!’ Duncan declared. ‘Mayor Charlie, hang on, I don’t even know your other name, what is it?’

  ‘As I am now Molly Carpenter I reckon it will be Mayor Carpenter.’ Molly answered.

  ‘It has a certain ring to it. Just make sure the mayor doesn’t do anything silly.’ Duncan warned. ‘You stick it in his face enough times, you might end up having to arrest the son of a bitch.’

  ‘Be my pleasure Marshal Lee.’ Charlie declared. ‘It is just what I am waiting for.’

  ‘Just mak
e sure you are close to your wife when she needs you to be.’ Duncan warned. ‘Just giving her a pistol for self defense won’t cut it.’

  ‘I’ll take my chances with the mayor Marshal Lee.’ Molly replied. ‘I already told him it is his baby I am carrying.’

  ‘You did what?’ Duncan spluttered.

  ‘He believed it as well. Doesn’t think Charlie has the get up and go to make me pregnant, then he hasn’t seen my Charlie at work.’ Molly declared.

  ‘You are playing a dangerous game you two but for all the right reasons. The two faced son of a bitch is no different to the men I have occasion to lock up.’ Duncan agreed. ‘But with his sort it is a bullet in the back on a dark night and then someone is railroaded for the killing, just so that no one looks at him for it. I’ll take your depositions now, just in case it goes sour and you need some defense.’

  ‘It is alright by me marshal.’ Molly agreed and brought out some paper and something to write with.

  When Duncan left the house, he was walking back without Charlie and he had two depositions in his pocket. He stopped at the jail to see Crazy Dog on his way out of town.

  ‘Charlie wants you out and about again, so that he can come back here. I take it you are making sure Molly doesn’t get a bullet in the back when she isn’t looking?’

  ‘That is right, and a few other things. By keeping an eye on things I know who is where and doing what, when they don’t know I am there.’ Crazy Dog answered. ‘Molly will not be shot while I am alive.’

  ‘Glad to hear it. I take it that is why you have not come out to see me.’

  ‘I will make time when this is all over. I understand Prairie Fox is being useful?’

  ‘Very useful Crazy Dog. Got himself shot last time though but Sarah is looking after him.’

  ‘I would stay sick a long time were I him.’ Crazy Dog replied without showing a sign of a smile.

  ‘And me I reckon, if I were his age.’ Duncan agreed. ‘How are things with you?’

  ‘I have a squaw now and a papoose but at the moment I don’t see them much.’ Crazy Dog answered.

  ‘A family man now, well it is about time. This country could do with more like you in it Crazy Dog, have you a son or a daughter?’

  ‘One of each so far Duncan Lee, I am keeping up with you.’

  ‘Well I will be sure to let you know when Morning Sun has our next papoose, now I must find my engineer and see how things are going.’

  ‘Engineer, now why would you need an engineer Duncan Lee? Don’t tell me, I will work it out!’

  ‘I wasn’t about to tell you Crazy Dog, so you will have to work it out yourself!’ Duncan answered and left him wondering what was going on.

  He sent a telegram to let Zeke know what was going on in light of recent proceedings, before he walked to the store. He found Eugene in the store and stood waiting while he finished ordering what he wanted. When Eugene left to send some more telegrams, it was Duncan’s turn to be served and he listed what he wanted. Some he would take now on a buckboard which he planned to buy, as there was one for sale at the livery. The rest would have to be delivered when Duncan was ready for it, and that would be when the tunnel was useable. With Eugene still busy Duncan walked out to the cemetery to pay his respects to the two girls who were buried there after the Indians had finished with them. He laid flowers on each grave and tarried a while to remove plants which were growing on the graves, which were not wanted. By the time he walked back Eugene was ready to go and they rode out of town. Duncan was not worried about anyone following this time but they did stop twice, out of sight of the trail to make sure, before riding on until it was time to make camp.

  They reached the valley the next day at midday and walked their horses inside. Eugene packed his mule and made ready to return to the start of the tunnel outside. With his tent already packed he spent the night in the log store, making room by ejecting logs which he returned to the store in the morning before he rode out.

  As Fox was still not up to riding Slim went with Eugene and helped him set up camp. They stopped by the rock face and unpacked the mule, so that it could be tethered on a long tether and feed its self. The tent was erected to face toward the trail they had made, so that Eugene could watch for his workers when they arrived. He buried his explosives to keep them cooler and also to help his security, as he knew where they were and could set them off if need be. Now all they could do was wait.

  Fox stood up and walked about for the first time since he had been shot. Sarah and Morning Sun watched him like two mother hens and a wayward chick but he did not fall.

  The following day Sarah walked with him to make sure he did not fall while he was walking. The next day she walked with him because she wanted to. Slowly he regained his strength and started to do things which were more strenuous to build up his strength. When he was ready to leave, he walked up to Sarah and kissed her, not a peck but a lingering kiss, then he leapt on his horse and rode out.

  ‘Did you see that Duncan Lee?’ Morning Sun asked.

  ‘Thought it might happen.’ Duncan answered.

  ‘But where will it lead?’

  ‘Well if she comes over complaining, it is likely to lead to a wedding. Not my choice of husband but then I’m not doing the marrying.’

  ‘And if she doesn’t Duncan Lee?’

  ‘Hard one that. Women are hard to read but it still might lead to a wedding!’

  Fox rode out onto the trail, followed it to the start of the plain and started tracking Slim and Eugene to their camp. After half an hour of slow tracking he heard a wagon coming behind him and chose to move into cover. The wagon was full of men and tools, it was followed by a wagon with wood piled on it. He let them go by and followed the two wagons, they seemed to know where they were going. Some time later they stopped in front of Eugene’s tent. When they climbed down Eugene was there to greet them, not like long lost friends but employer to employee.

  ‘You going to join us Fox?’ Slim asked from behind him.

  ‘Do I have to work?’ Fox answered with a question.

  ‘No, we are just watching until you are fit to go back to Carter’s ranch.’ Slim answered.

  ‘In that case I’ll join you. You were very noisy moving through the scrub!’

  ‘I knew it was you and I didn’t want to startle you.’ Slim declared.

  Fox laughed and slid of his horse. When they walked in the others look at them but said nothing. When Eugene walked up and shook Fox’s hand the two were forgotten and they uncorked a bottle. Tonight they would party and in the morning they would tunnel. All they knew was that they were digging out a mine in the wall, nothing else and they did not know what they were looking for, if anything. They did not really care, some had been miners before they decided to give it up as a bad job, now they just dug or tunneled and were paid for it.

  Duncan rested, building up his reserves. He was planning to go back to town closer to election time as that was when all hell was likely to bust loose, if it was going to and he wanted to be there if it did. He cut logs for the fire to loosen up and start to build his muscles back up. He spent time looking after the horses in the valley and the saddles in the cave. With only Morning Sun and the children there they also found a lot of free time to make love while the children were asleep or in the case of Duncan Wolf Lee, out playing.

  They did not hear anything of the work on the other side of the cliff face which separated them from the plain, even though they were using explosives. It was the first time Fox had been near explosions but he slowly grew accustomed to the bangs which took more rock away. The men then moved the fallen rock and readied for the next explosion or put in large wooden supports to stop the roof falling.

  They did not see Duncan when he rode away. It was early morning and he was making good time. He intended to go into town that evening late if he could make it and not let anyone know he was there. Keeping to the shadows and listening to what some of the people were saying when they did not know he was li
stening. Slim saddled his horse. He was getting bored and they were heading back to the Carter ranch to see what was going on there. Fox watched another explosion and saw more rocks fall before they left, they rode down the trail and out of the plain, turning left to pass the valley and on to the Carter ranch.

  Duncan cursed when the dark found him too far from town but a clear night with a good moon allowed him to move on at a slower rate. He picked his way round town and left his horse behind the cemetery, then walked into town, making sure no one saw him. He had his pistol and his rifle with him. Not his buffalo rifle but an ordinary Winchester, in case he needed it. He used what shadows there were to get close to the mayor’s office but in was in darkness. He moved to the first saloon to listen to what was being said but there was too much general noise to hear anyone speaking.

  ‘He’s in the hotel bar.’ A voice advised him from the darkness.

  ‘Might have known you would spot me Crazy Dog.’ Duncan replied.

  ‘It’s what I am paid for, keeping tabs on things and people.’ Crazy Dog answered.

  ‘Your English has come on some.’ Duncan declared.

  ‘My squaw talks good English and she is teaching me, it is no good being an Indian anymore!’

  ‘What goes around comes around. One day being an Indian might set you out from all other men.’ Duncan observed.

  ‘As long as it is for all the right reasons!’ Crazy Dog answered.

  ‘I’ll go listen at the hotel while you do whatever it is you are going to do.’ Duncan replied.

  ‘Go careful, it is getting mighty close to election time.’

  They parted and Duncan took up position close to the hotel window to listen to what was said, if it was loud enough. He would get no sleep tonight. He kept watch and listened all night with Crazy Dog prowling round to make sure no one called on Molly with murder in mind.

  Back at the tunnel when the sun rose they inspected their handiwork. They could now walk into the mine and had to, to drill and plant more explosives. Eugene measured while they drilled and then retreated while the explosives were laid and fired. It was better not to be in the mine in case the roof supports were dislodged and the ceiling fell down. They knew what they were about and it was not likely to happen but it was better not to risk it.


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