The Reluctant Bounty Hunter

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The Reluctant Bounty Hunter Page 35

by S G Read

  ‘Oh you are; believe me you are.’ Becky assured her. ‘You wait till you do it, you will understand then. If not the first time, the second and third.’

  ‘How many times did you do it then?’ Sarah asked, thirsting for more information.

  ‘Whenever we could. I would still be at it now, if some sod hadn’t killed him!’ Becky declared vehemently.

  ‘Even when you are with child?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘Oh yes, we were told it was alright by his ma, when we found out I was going to have a baby, sadly we never got to try it out properly.’

  ‘I just had a thought.’ Sarah exclaimed changing the subject. ‘Molly said she would shoot old Mrs. Pearson dead if she let anyone know who my mother was. I wonder how old Mrs. Pearson died.’

  ‘You can asked her when we get there.’ Becky replied, while she smiled at a young man who walked by.

  ‘You are shameless.’ Sarah declared.

  ‘Only because I saw him first!’ Becky retorted and they both laughed.

  Molly opened the door when they knocked and she stood looking for a few seconds before she spoke.

  ‘Is this a grown up Sarah before me?’ She asked.

  ‘It is Molly.’ Sarah answered. ‘I was in town so I thought I would come and see you.’

  ‘She also wants to know if you shot old Mrs. Pearson.’ Becky added.

  ‘This is my friend Becky.’ Sarah added with a disapproving smile directed at Becky.

  ‘Well you did say.’ Becky retorted.

  ‘But I wasn’t going to ask her straight out!’ Sarah declared.

  ‘Why not?’ Becky asked.

  ‘In case she did and was embarrassed.’ Sarah answered.

  ‘Well she didn’t ladies.’ Molly intervened. ‘She was shot though but I was way back in the line. Word is it was someone who didn’t want the cat house to close and old Mrs. Pearson was in the forefront of the group who were for closing it.’

  ‘So no one is in jail yet?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘No, not yet but Mr. Dog is following several leads.’ Molly answered. ‘Now come in out of the street and we will have some lemonade. Closing the cathouse did me more good, than harm as it so happens, Charlie plucked up the courage to ask me to wed him and I jumped at it. Even though most of the men in town have used the cathouse at some point and some know me intimately.’

  They walked inside to talk some more and the door closed.

  Olivia and the two men with her reached the outskirts of Martinsburg at midday. The town was thriving.

  ‘So how do we find the girls?’ Olivia asked.

  ‘I’ll ask at the sheriff’s office, if you like?’ Sebastian offered.

  ‘Will he know?’ Olivia asked.

  ‘I expect so as he was the one they came to see.’ Sebastian answered.

  ‘He’s Crazy Dog?’ Mitch asked.

  ‘He goes by the name of sheriff Dog now, or Mr. Dog.’ Sebastian answered with a smile.

  ‘Seems like a good idea.’ Olivia admitted.

  They stopped in front of the sheriff’s office and Sebastian went inside. He came to the door and waved the other two into the sheriff’s office. They dismounted and walked inside to find Sarah and Becky inside talking to Crazy Dog. Olivia had never met Crazy Dog but Mitch had and he did the introductions.

  ‘Olivia, meet sheriff Crazy Dog.’

  ‘Sheriff Dog now.’ Sarah pointed out. ‘Hello Olivia, you are a long way from home.’

  ‘I came out to talk to you about the wedding and found you were in town, so we followed you.’ Olivia answered.

  Sebastian stood at the back very quietly.

  ‘Sebastian is here to ask you to accompany him to the dance.’ Mitch added to get Sebastian noticed.

  ‘He is, is he?’ Becky asked. ‘Can he not speak for himself?’

  ‘Cut it out Becky.’ Sarah chided. ‘I will be pleased to accompany you to the dance Sebastian, we leave at sun up on Thursday to get there Friday. Will you meet me there or will I see you on Wednesday?’

  A big smile appeared on Sebastian’s face.

  ‘I will be there on Wednesday to ride with you to the ranch miss Sarah.’ He answered happily.

  ‘Next time speak up before others do!’ Becky scolded.

  ‘I will miss Becky.’ Sebastian answered.

  ‘Don’t take any notice of Becky, she is just annoyed that you did not ask her!’ Sarah declared.

  ‘Am not!’ Becky exclaimed, then she looked Sebastian up and down. ‘Well a little, maybe.’ She added and Sarah laughed.

  The following day they all rode back together, Sarah and Becky said their farewells at the gate and rode away, leaving the others to ride back to wherever they were headed.

  ‘Did Olivia find you?’ Duncan asked from where he sat in front of the house, when they rode in.

  ‘Yes pa and there is some good news, old Mrs. Pearson is dead.’ Sarah answered.

  ‘Molly didn’t shoot her did she?’ Duncan asked immediately.

  ‘No, I asked her. Someone did though, Molly thought it was one of the cathouse cliental.’ Sarah answered lightly.

  ‘Upset quite a few I expect.’ Duncan acknowledged sagely. ‘Must be some pent up emotion in town by now.’

  ‘We didn’t notice any.’ Becky complained.

  Duncan smiled.

  ‘You will find someone else Rebecca, there are a lot of nice young men out there.’ He said trying to encourage her.

  ‘Well I will soon be the size of a house and no man in their right mind will look at me then.’ Becky answered and rode on to Sarah’s cabin.

  ‘She needs a good man.’ Sarah exclaimed and followed her.

  As good as his word, Sebastian arrived on the Wednesday evening. He rode up to the stone house and dismounted. He tied his horse to the hitch rail before walking up and knocking the door. Duncan walked over and answered it.

  ‘Hello Seb, is there trouble?’ He asked.

  ‘No sir, I have come to ask permission to call on your ward Miss Sarah.’ Sebastian answered.

  When he heard the word sir, Duncan knew it was serious.

  ‘And what does Sarah think about it?’ He asked.

  ‘She was happy for me to accompany her to the wedding.’ Sebastian admitted.

  ‘Then why the hell are you asking me. She is in the cabin over there but you will sleep in here tonight. You can however go and let her know you have arrived but watch out for Rebecca, she is man hungry.’ Duncan warned and closed the door. The door reopened. ‘And don’t forget to look after your horse.’ The door closed again.

  Sebastian walked his horse to the new stable and took the saddle off before walking to Sarah’s cabin and knocking the door. Becky opened the door.

  ‘Why hello Sebastian.’ She said provocatively and held the door wide to let him in.

  ‘Just let Miss Sarah know I have arrived please Rebecca.’ Sebastian answered and walked away.

  ‘It’s Becky!’ Becky called after him.

  While he was rubbing his horse down Becky walked into the stable. He saw her come in but did not say anything.

  ‘You look so manly when you are doing that.’ Becky declared.

  ‘Just looking after my horse. Looking after your horse can mean the difference between life and death.’ Sebastian answered, still not looking at her.

  ‘And butting out when you still have a pretty nose is a wise move.’ Sarah warned from behind Becky.

  ‘Spoilsport.’ Becky complained and walked out again.

  ‘Sorry about that Miss Sarah.’ Sebastian exclaimed, accepting it as his fault.

  ‘Don’t be such a wimp and stand up to her Sebastian, and it is Sarah, stop this Miss Sarah thing immediately!’

  ‘Yes Sarah.’

  ‘Do you want to kiss me?’ Sarah asked.

  Sebastian looked at her for half a second, drinking in her beauty like wine.

  ‘Yes Sarah.’ He answered truthfully.

  ‘Well come and kiss me then!’ Sarah ordered.

nbsp; Sebastian did just that and unlike Fox’s kiss, this kiss lasted for ten seconds. When their lips parted Sarah kissed him. Grooming the horse took a very long time.

  At first light they were all on their way to the ranch for Slim and Star That Shines wedding. After trying to get between Sarah and Sebastian twice and failing both times Becky gave up. She noted how long they had been in the stable and knew when she was getting nowhere.

  That night Sarah and Sebastian went for a walk and they kissed again more than once, while Becky remained in camp. As Sebastian was not available she was hoping to find a nice young man at the ranch the next day.

  They reached the ranch late on Friday and were soon settled in. Sebastian and Sarah went for another walk, while Sarah walked alone in the opposite direction. The two wanted to be alone and Becky wanted to find a man.

  On Saturday people arrived from all around. These were the local people, the people traveling from further afar were already there or camped very close by. The preacher arrived to carry out the services, there were two planned now. Slim and Star That Shines and Willow Grass and her chosen man. She was now in full agreement, the day of the Indian was numbered so she was going to fit in and enjoy it. Following the wedding came the dance and during the dance three riders came down the drive. The man who was on watch at that time, Mitch, stepped out to meet them, rifle in hand. The three men had no drawn weapons and he chose not to bring his rifle to bear on them.

  ‘Can I help you fellers?’ He asked in what he considered a friendly voice.

  ‘Just passing through and saw the ranch, wondered if you were hiring.’ The lead man answered.

  ‘Not here but Dunc might be looking for help. You can water your horses and fill your canteens while I send someone to find him, if I can find someone sober.’ Mitch answered and backed away towards the bell.

  He rang it and Olivia appeared.

  ‘What’s up Mitch?’ She asked, eyeing the men suspiciously.

  ‘These fellers are looking for work and I said I’d ask Dunc about it.’ Mitch answered.

  ‘I’ll get him.’

  A few minutes later Duncan walked up with Olivia. He looked at the three men as he approached.

  ‘A right trio of dead beats you have there Mitch.’ He declared when he reached him.

  ‘Is that you Captain Lee?’ The lead man asked.

  ‘It is Jeb, only it’s plain old Mr. Lee now. The war is long gone.’ Duncan answered. ‘I hear you are looking for work.’

  ‘We are. We been doing bits here and there as we worked our way across the country trying to find a permanent job Captain.’

  ‘Mr. Lee Jeb. I have a spread over that way where you can work for me. If you follow the east trail, left at the cross road where the stream appears and the follow the fence when you come to it as far as the gate. There is a cabin just inside the gate you can rest up in until we get back. Do you have any food?’

  ‘Not much Mr. Lee.’ Another man answered.

  ‘You eaten it all Carl?’ Duncan accused lightly.

  ‘Not me, it’s the others.’ Carl answered.

  ‘Can you give them some food to tide them over Olivia, I’ll make it right with your father.’ Duncan asked.

  ‘We would have given them food anyway Dunc.’ Mitch answered.

  ‘I guessed that Mitch but this way I can pay for it, without any argument.’ Duncan explained.

  ‘I doubt that very much.’ Mitch answered with a rye smile. ‘Follow me boys and I’ll fix you up with some vittles.’

  Duncan returned to the party but kept his eye on the road which led to the ranch. He saw the three men ride out with bulging saddlebags and knew they would be alright until he returned to the valley but a thought made him call them back.

  ‘You might meet some engineers coming into the place past you. The boss’s name is Eugene. He is the one that doesn’t work and it shows. They know what they are about so let them get on with it.’ He advised them when they reached him.

  ‘Will do Mr. Lee.’ They turned their horses and rode out.

  Away from the rest of the revelers Becky studied the new hands with anticipation. She had been disappointed with the available men at the wedding party but things were looking up now.

  Chapter 21

  The three ex soldiers rode out and took the east trail. They camped when it was getting dark and were on their way by first light. They saw the water appearing out of the opening by the crossroad and turned left, following the base of the cliff and then the strong wooden fence until they came to the gate.

  ‘Looks like we are sleeping inside tonight!’ Carl exclaimed.

  ‘It do that, don’t it?’ The third man replied, looking at the solid cabin just inside the gate. ‘I think I will sleep until Captain Lee gets back.’

  ‘It’s Mr. Lee, Billy. Get it right as I think I might like it here.’ Jeb declared. ‘Looks like we get the water from the stream though but it aint that far to ride.’

  They unloaded their things and unsaddled the horses, letting them wander on the plain. They did not tie them or hobble them as they had had the horses for a long time and they came when they were called. Billy was dispatched to get water in the buckets available while the other two tidied up. The cabin had not seen human life since the previous summer when the workmen were building it. They lit the stove and cooked, what to them was a proper meal but then they had yet to try Morning Sun’s cooking. When Billy returned they drank coffee and relaxed. The bunks were good and the cabin sealed against the weather, which was helpful as it grew dark and rain fell heavily. They lit the lamps and sat playing cards until it was late, they were gate keepers and had nothing to do unless someone arrived.

  The rattle of wagons in the morning woke them and they fell out of their bunks. Dressing was a formality as they had merely taken off their boots and hats to go to sleep. Jeb was the first to walk out to the gate, rifle in hand. He waited until the first of the wagons reached the gate. It was full of equipment and men who looked like workers, with a man who did not look like he worked at all with them.

  ‘You must be Eugene.’ Jeb asked, assuming he was right.

  ‘Well you have me, and you are?’ Eugene answered.

  ‘I am Jeb, these two trying to look intelligent are Carl and Billy. We are working for Mr. Lee now. He says you know what you are at, so go to it.’ As he spoke he opened the gate to let them through.

  ‘Nice to meet you Jeb, is Mr. Lee to home?’ Eugene asked.

  ‘No, no one is to my knowledge.’ Jeb answered. ‘There is a wedding, well was, at the Carter ranch. We saw him there and he sent us on. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.’

  ‘Can you cook?’ One of the workers asked.

  ‘Billy can, he’s quite nifty with a skillet.’ Jeb answered. ‘We’ll fire two shots in the air when it is up, listen out for them.’

  Eugene nodded and the cart trundled in through the gate. The second cart pulled in and stopped near the cabin. They unloaded tools, measured and then started digging. The three men watched, until they realized what it was going to be.

  ‘No more riding up to the stream then.’ Billy exclaimed. ‘For that I will cook them a breakfast to remember.’

  ‘For the right reasons I hope.’ Carl whispered to Jeb.

  ‘I heard that Carl, you eat my cooking and you are still alive!’ He slammed the door as he went into the cabin.

  ‘Don’t go upsetting him Carl, or one of us will have to do it! You know how he gets.’ Jeb pleaded.

  ‘Don’t tell me you weren’t thinking it?’ Carl exclaimed.

  ‘But I kept my lips buttoned, didn’t I.’ Jeb retorted.

  Duncan and his family rode out of the carter ranch three days after the wedding. When they arrived at the trail to the east they stopped, for Sebastian and all the men from Bluegrass to say their good byes.

  ‘I get time off in a month.’ Sebastian declared.

  From the first kiss he had only had eyes for Sarah and she was just as tak
en with him.

  ‘I’ll see you then Sebastian.’ She answered, with yet another kiss. ‘Of course, if I can’t wait a month, I know where to find you.’

  The groups parted and Duncan took his family home. They rode as if they owned the land and no one argued the point. They camped in what was now the usual place and moved on in the morning without seeing anyone. By midafternoon the next day they reached the fence and started to follow it. The heard men working on the other side.

  ‘It sounds like Eugene and his men are back.’ Duncan concluded.

  ‘Unless the new hands are fed up with toting water.’ Becky observed.

  Duncan thought about it as they rode.

  ‘No, I reckon Eugene is in there somewhere.’ He decided.

  The three new hands heard them coming along the other side of the fence and were waiting for them at the gate.

  ‘Halt! Who goes there?’ Jeb asked officiously.

  ‘I haven’t heard that in a long while Jeb, now get that gate open.’ Duncan answered.

  ‘Enter friend.’ Jeb replied and opened the gate. ‘Eugene and his men are here, nearly dug our well all ready.’

  ‘Quick workers.’ Duncan noted. ‘Jeb, this is Morning Sun, my wife. The others are Sarah my daughter, Rebecca, her friend. And the little one sneaking up on you is Duncan Wolf Lee, my son. Sunshine Sarah Lee is asleep in the wagon, she is my daughter.’

  ‘You’ve been busy since you were cashiered Mr. Lee.’ Billy noted.

  ‘I found something to do Billy.’ Duncan answered as Jeb closed the gate behind them.

  ‘What we running here?’ Carl asked.

  ‘Horses.’ Duncan answered. ‘Come up this trail and through the tunnel just before dark and you can eat with us.’

  ‘I’ll definitely be there.’ Carl answered.

  ‘Is that a comment?’ Billy asked.

  ‘Not at all Billy, I thought you deserved a rest.’ Carl answered glibly.

  ‘I never did cotton why you were cashiered out with the rest of us Mr. Lee.’ Jeb asked, fishing for a reason.

  ‘You know I was a southerner, well me father was fighting for the south. He was a general and I suppose they thought it was best to dispose of my services as quick as possible. And they did!’


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