Beyond the Velvet Rope

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Beyond the Velvet Rope Page 48

by Tiffany Ashley


  “You left me,” he pointed out.

  “You were being an asshole,” she justified.

  “You should have spoken with me first,” he argued, his voice having lost all amusement.

  “You shouldn’t have lied to me,” she fired back. Thandie released a heavy sigh. “Let’s just call this what it was. We had sex. It was nice while it lasted, but it’s over now.”

  “Is that what you think?” he growled. The twitch in his jaw was back.

  “Isn’t that what it was?” she countered.

  “I wouldn’t be here if that were the case,” he said flatly. “You mean a hell of a lot more to me than that.” He swore under his breath and looked away, seemingly counting to ten, until his temper simmered down. Finally, he turned back to her. “I can’t blame you for having such a low opinion of me. I demanded a lot from you, and gave so little in return.” He paused before continuing. “It scared me how I felt about you. You snuck up on me, Thandie. I was surprised by how easily you got under my skin.”

  “I got under your skin?” she said, with a fair amount of surprise.

  “More than you know,” he said in a soft whisper.

  Stealing herself against his words, Thandie squeezed her fists. She noticed for the first time, she was gripping something hard in her right hand. She opened her fingers to inspect the object. The wooden yo-yo rested in the center of her palm.

  Elliot’s gaze dropped down to the object of her attention. His expression softened at the sight. “I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did. You were getting too close and it scared me. I reacted badly. You didn’t deserve the way I behaved.” Thandie opened her mouth to speak, but Elliot held up his hand. “Come back home with me.”

  For a moment, she was certain she hadn’t heard him correctly. “What?”

  “I’m quite certain you heard me, Thandie.”

  She shook her head in exasperation. “I can’t go back to Miami.”

  Elliot’s brow arched. “Exactly where do you think this plane is headed?” he asked.

  Thandie blinked. When the weight of his words finally donned on her, anger welled up in her like hot lava preparing to explode. “You can’t do that!” she flared up.

  “I just did,” he said smoothly.

  In a burst of rage, Thandie pushed hard against Elliot’s chest. Coming to her feet she, paced the length of the cabin, squeezing her palms tightly together, willing herself to calm down. After several minutes of fuming, she threw herself into her seat and glared at him. “You had no right,” she hissed.

  “You left me no choice,” he said matter-of-factly. “Did you think I would simply let you walk away from me?” The question hung in the air between them, and for a moment, neither could speak, his pale gray eyes became cloudy with intensity. “Come back to Miami with me.” The words were soft, and dangerously close to sounding like a plea.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why the hell not?” he asked, a hint of accusation in his tone.

  “For starters,” she began hotly, “My team is expecting me to return to New York in a few weeks. Not to mention, I have a new assignment I’ve committed to...and my mother is still there.”

  “The girls will be fine,” he assured her. “And as for that assignment, I’m sure Mr. Armenta will understand.”

  Thandie sat up taller in her seat. “You know Mr. Armenta?”

  “Of course I do,” he said. “And so do you.” When she didn’t immediately respond, Elliot mouthed the word, “Nico.”

  Thandie stared at him in disbelief. “Nico is Dominic Armenta?” She shook her head and said, more to herself. “That can’t be. I Googled him. Dominic Armenta is an older man.”

  “Dominic Armenta is an older man,” Elliot agreed. “And quite formidable. His son, on the other hand, Dominic Armenta Jr., is the exact opposite. It’s one of the many reasons he prefers to be called by his nickname.”

  Thandie’s face fell. “You had this planned the entire time.”

  Elliot nodded.

  “But how did you know I would accept the job offer?”

  “It was a calculated risk,” he confessed, “but I know you. And I was willing to bet you would be eager to take a trip that would put considerable distance between yourself and me.”

  “Or in other words, you knew I would take the bait.” Thandie sniffed.

  “Your words, not mine,” Elliot said carefully.

  Thandie snickered. Her annoyance with him was growing by the minute. However, she couldn’t help but admire his logic; and curse her own predictability.

  She looked around the comfortable setting of the jet’s cabin. Taking it all in with new eyes. She deduced what she should have noticed before. “I suppose this is another one of Nico’s planes?” she asked.

  Elliot shook his head. When she raised her brow in question, he said, “It’s mine.”

  Thandie blink several times. “Yours?”

  “Yes, mine,” he said with a slow nod of his head.

  “But I thought you didn’t own a plane.”

  “I never said I didn’t.”

  “But you—” she had to stop herself to collect her thoughts. “If this is yours,” she began more slowly, “why didn’t we travel to Havana on it?”

  Elliot sighed before patiently explaining. “It’s easier to pass through Cuban customs on Nico’s plane because it’s not registered in the United States. It’s not a favor I ask often, but it has come in handy from time to time.” He smirked at her incredulous expression. “Don’t worry. I’m not taking advantage of Nico. He gets plenty of use out of my plane. If anything, I’m the one getting taken advantage of.”

  Thandie shook her head. There was so much she didn’t know about him. She began to wonder, not for the first time, if she would ever know all the many pieces that made up Elliot Richards. Too wrapped up in her own thoughts, Thandie forgot to put up any fight when Elliot reached for her again. Like a limp doll, she allowed him to place her on his lap again.

  Taking advantage of her lack of attention, Elliot pulled her closer to him, burying his face into the crook of her neck just as before. “Don’t be upset with me,” he said softly into her ear. “I had to find a way to see you again.” Elliot inhaled deeply. “I missed you. I didn’t think I would, not to this extent. But damn I was wrong.”

  “I missed you too,” she confessed, before she could stop herself. However, once spoken, Thandie felt an immense sense of relief because the words were true. She had missed him, and she loved him, more than she would have thought possible.

  “Come back with me,” he said.

  “It doesn’t sound like I have a choice,” she said dejectedly. “I’m unemployed, stuck on a plane with you, and headed to a city I never intended to go to.”

  “I’m not such bad company, am I?”

  “That depends.”

  Elliot actually laughed. “I don’t think anyone has ever had that reaction to me before.” He pulled her to him, encircling her in his arms. “You always have a choice, Thandie.” Elliot paused, as if debating with himself. Finally, he said, “If you still want the job in Ibiza, it’s yours. That was always a part of the deal.”

  “The deal?”

  “Nico is an investor in the hotel holding your reservation. And he is hosting a surprise birthday party for his father. All of your accommodations are waiting for you, should you choose to take the job.”

  “And the compensation?”

  “Per the original agreement.”

  “You did all of this for me?” she asked.

  “There are a lot of things I would do for you.”

  Thandie wanted to shy away from his words, hold tightly to her skepticism, but it was impossible. When Elliot looked at her this way, she found she was powerless. Stealing herself against his softly spoken words, Thandie forced herself to focus on something of greater importance. Although she’d told herself many times before she did not care one way or the other, she knew that was a lie. She n
eeded to know the truth.

  “Warren,” she began haltingly. “How are things between you two?”

  For once, Elliot looked uncertain of himself. His handsome features lost some of their arrogant brilliance. “Things between Warren and me are...progressing,” he said in a measured tone.

  “What does that mean?”

  Elliot exhaled before meeting her imploring stare. “We’ve been spending a lot more time together. I suppose I have you to thank for that.”


  “You’re our safe topic.” He used the tip of his finger to push a lock of her hair behind her ear. “To be quite honest, you’re all we talk about. I insisted Warren tell me everything he knows about you. It took some persuasion on my part, but eventually he agreed.” Elliot pulled back to look at her. “He’s quite fond of you, Thandie. And he was none too pleased that I was the reason you left town.”

  “What will this mean for the two of you?” she asked.

  “Who knows,” he said with a shrug. “It’s too new to tell.”

  “You two need each other,” she heard herself say.

  “Perhaps you’re right,” he agreed. “But I need you just as much.”

  “I’m not sure what you want me to say to that.” She looked away from him. “The truth is, I don’t trust you.”

  “I suppose I deserve that,” he said. Catching her chin with his thumb and forefinger, he turned her face to look at him. “What can I do to convince you otherwise?”

  “No more lies, Elliot.”

  He nodded his head. “No more lies,” he agreed.

  “And no other women.”

  Elliot actually looked surprised by this statement and, if possible, a little hurt. “Do you think I’ve been with other women?”

  Thandie fixed him with a pointed stare. “Haven’t you?”

  “No, I haven’t.” The muscle in his jaw was beginning to twitch again. “I haven’t been with anyone else since we became lovers.”

  Thandie wanted to believe him so badly it hurt, but she could not shake the feeling that trusting Elliot would only lead to disappointment. He would break her heart over and over again, if given the chance. And wasn’t that the problem? She had few defenses where Elliot was involved. He might proclaim she had some power over him, but the truth was he had no idea how vulnerable she was with him.

  Sensing her hesitation, Elliot slipped his hand through her hair, fingering the strands at the nape of her neck. “I want this to work,” he said before pulling her to him to kiss her softly on the lips.

  The tenderness of his kiss left her breathless, ending far sooner than she would have liked. “What now?” she asked weakly. “What happens next?”

  “The way I see it, you have two choices.” Elliot looped a lock of her hair behind her ear. “When we land in Miami, you and I will get off together. You will return to my home and we’ll figure this out.”

  “What about my firm?”

  “You made quite an impression during your time in Miami. I doubt you’ll be hurting for business. And if you need help, I can make a few calls.”

  “Where would I live?”

  “With me.” He held up his hand. “And before you ask, the answer is yes, you’ll sleep with me, too.”

  “And what would that make me?”

  “We don’t have to name it, Thandie. I just need you near me.”

  “Maybe we do need to name it,” she said. “It’s important to me.”

  Elliot nodded his head solemnly. “In that case, I suppose it would make you my girlfriend.”

  Thandie took a moment to take it all in. After a long pause, she said, “What’s my other option?”

  Elliot let his hand fall away. He studied her face, searching her eyes. “When we land, I’ll get off. The plane will refuel, and you can go to Ibiza, just as you planned.”

  Thandie nodded her head slowly. “I need time to think about this,” she said.

  He lifted his wrist to squint at his watch, before nodding. “We have less than three hours,” he announced. Raising her gently off his lap, Elliot came to his feet and removed his jacket. “That should be enough time.”

  “Enough time for what?” Thandie asked.

  “For me to convince you.” Slowly, he began to unbutton his shirt. “I must warn you, pussycat, I can be very persuasive.”


  Club Babylon

  One month later...

  They’d made hot, sticky, draining love. Uncaring if the flight crew heard them or not. Clutching one another, they’d made love until they were exhausted. But in the end, it hadn’t been enough. Thandie had left.

  Even though he’d done everything he could, it hadn’t been enough. He had failed to convince her to stay. He could see in her eyes, she was determined to go to Spain, determined to leave him.

  Elliot was not accustomed to losing something he desired. He wanted Thandie, and she’d denied him. Nevertheless, he still wanted her. He missed her wide brown eyes, luscious curves and long endless legs. It would be a long time before he could forget the feel of her smooth skin against his. But it was wishful thinking to dwell on the memory of Thandie.

  Many times, he considered traveling to Spain to appeal to her once more, but stopped short of going through with it. Thandie had made her decision. He would have to respect her choice.

  Elliot stared down into the lovely face of actress Chole Daniels. She was striking in that unusual way that all movie stars were. Her clear blue eyes were wide and expressive, sending him the clear message, she would like to know him infinitely better, and preferably without his clothes on. If her eyes didn’t relay her point, the constant brushing of her breasts against his forearm made her intentions loud and clear.

  “So it’s your birthday?” She cooed. “Did you get everything you wanted?”

  “Almost,” he said casually.

  Chloe placed a hand on his lapel. “Perhaps we can remedy that.”

  Fixing a smile onto his face, that he did not feel, Elliot grinned pleasantly at her. And then he stopped. From across the room, he thought he caught a glimpse of something, or someone. Leaning away from the bar, he stood to his full height. Looking over the crowd, he strained to see but it was too crowded, obscuring his view. And then it happened. The crowd parted, as if on queue, revealing her. She was a vision to behold. Tall, beautiful and absolutely perfect. Exactly his type. Her eyes met his and Elliot sucked in a breath.

  Without another word to his Hollywood companion, Elliot weaved his way throughout the crowd, making a direct line toward her.

  He stood in front of her and her gaze flicked over his shoulder, toward the bar. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “You weren’t.” Elliot didn’t bother turning to look. He knew all too well she was referring to Chloe Daniels. He could feel her burning a hole into his back. With a careless wave, he said, “She’s a dime a dozen. She doesn’t compare to you.”

  “Sweet words will get you everywhere,” she said with a smile.

  “I only need them to get me one place.” Elliot let his hot gaze slowly roam over her body, lingering over every curve. Curves he was quite familiar with. Tired of the small space between them, he stepped even closer, then slid his hand around her waist and pulled her to his body. “I’ve missed you,” he growled next to her ear.

  I missed you too,” she whispered.

  “It’s been too long, Thandie.”

  “I know,” she confessed. “Was I worth the wait?”

  “More than you know,” he moaned. “Is this trip business or pleasure?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Are you still in the market for a girlfriend?”

  “No.” He squeezed her hip. “I already have one.”

  She smiled. “Then consider my stay indefinite.”

  Elliot leaned in to kiss her, but Thandie placed a hand on his chest. “On one condition.”

  Elliot answered her by lifting one dark brow.

>   “I can’t leave my mother in New York. I would have to make arrangements to move her here.”

  He nodded his head. “Let me help you with this. I would like to meet her.”

  Thandie couldn’t conceal the smile that began to spread across her face. “Can we really make this work?” she asked, a quiver in her voice giving away her uncertainty.

  “It’s already working,” he assured her. Leaning forward, he kissed her long and slow. When he finally pulled away he looked her deep into eyes, before asking, “Would you mind stepping into my office?”

  Thandie laughed. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Elliot pressed his hand on her lower back, as he began to guide her through the crowd.

  * * * * *

  ISBN-13: 9781460332740


  Copyright © 2014 by Tiffany Ashley

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