Hopelessly Found

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Hopelessly Found Page 4

by Lyn Wilkerson

was like the wind had been knocked out of you.

  Andrew turns to Rebecca.


  Wow. I didn’t realize I was so transparent.

  REBECCA Just to me.

  ANDREW And Chelsea?

  Rebecca turns, walks back to the chair and sits down.


  She can be a little too involved in herself to see what is going on around her sometimes.


  You seem to know her extremely well. How long have you worked for her?


  Chels and I have known each other since primary school.



  Her parents moved in next door to mine. She was a performer even then, both on and off stage, always enjoying the spotlight.


  Were you a performer as well?


  Me? No. I was always happy to live in her shadow.

  Rebecca leans forward in the chair, turned toward Andrew who is still standing at the window.

  REBECCA (CONT'D) Under Chelsea’s tough shell is a beautiful heart.

  Rebecca pauses, turns her look down to her hand and the ring on her index finger.


  This ring belonged to my mother. She died of cancer when I was eight. Chelsea convinced her parents and my father to have me stay with her. She stayed up with me when I couldn’t sleep, when I missed my mum so much.

  Andrew walks back to the bed and sits on the corner, opposite Rebecca in the chair. Tears well up in Rebecca’s eyes.


  It would kill me if I lost Chelsea. You saved her, and in the process, saved me. I owe you my life as much as she owes you hers.

  Andrew reaches out and takes hold of Rebecca’s hands.


  Neither you or Chelsea can owe me what you can’t give and I won’t take. Just to be even a smallest part of your lives is more than enough reward for me.

  Rebecca leans forward and embraces Andrew.


  I guarantee you, you are already a big part of mine.

  Rebecca moves back to the chair.

  REBECCA (CONT'D) And I think in time you will be a much bigger part of Chelsea’s.

  Andrew smiles. Rebecca gets up and walks toward the hotel room door before turning around.

  REBECCA (CONT'D) Oh. Speaking of Chelsea, she wants to see you this evening. Meet her on the Chelsea Embankment at Old Church Street.

  Andrew gets up and faces Rebecca.


  Chelsea Embankment? Really?


  Have you met Ms. Bryant?

  They both laugh, and Rebecca walks out of the hotel room.

  Scene 5



  Andrew is leaning against the railing, facing the Thames. Camera shot captures Chelsea walking up to him. As she approaches, Andrew notices, stands up straight, and turns toward her.


  Thanks for replying to my text. I wasn’t sure that you would.


  I wasn’t sure that I should. At the restaurant you didn’t seem to be interested in spending any time around me.

  CHELSEA I’m sorry...

  Chelsea turns to the rail, putting her hands on it and looking into the waters.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) I shouldn’t have been such a bitch to you. Being in the spotlight, you just become more paranoid about the intentions of others.

  Chelsea turns back to Andrew.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) Everyone seems to have their own selfish motives.


  Is that what you think of me?


  I’m embarrassed to say so, but yes. Not so much now, though.

  Chelsea turns with her back to the railing, leaning back against it.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) I’m not really sure what I was thinking. Rebecca was right.



  I shouldn’t have been with David last night.

  Andrew also turns with his back to the railing, leaning against it.


  You were right that it wasn’t any of my business.


  I think I went out last night and had too much to drink so I wouldn’t have to think about seeing you today. When I ran into David, he just gave me more time when I wouldn’t be alone with my thoughts.

  Andrew begins to scratch the back of his head nervously.


  Wow. I’m not sure how I should take that.

  Andrew stops scratching and turns around to face the river again.

  ANDREW (CONT'D) I don’t believe I’ve ever had another woman tell me they spent the night with someone so they wouldn’t think about me.

  Chelsea turns quickly to Andrew, taking a small step closer to him.


  No. No. Don’t get the wrong idea. It’s just that.....

  Chelsea lowers her gaze to her slightly shaking hands.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) ...the accident made me feel very vulnerable. I felt a mortality that I didn’t want to face.

  Chelsea turns to the river next to Andrew.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) I guess you just seemed to symbolize that mortality.



  Last night, I was just trying to create a situation that could keep you at a distance and allow me to deny the accident ever happened.

  Andrew turns to Chelsea, leaning on one side against the railing with his face cocked to the side to look into Chelsea’s.


  We are all mortal. We just have to live our lives within the time we are given.

  Andrew reaches out and puts his hand on Chelsea’s.

  ANDREW (CONT'D) I lost both of my parents unexpectedly, to fluke accidents. I decided that I can’t live my life thinking there will always be time to find what I am looking for.

  Chelsea pulls her hand from Andrew’s and turns to him. Her eyes are moist with tears.


  When you pulled me from that car, there was a chance you may not have had anymore time...but that didn’t stop you.

  Andrew leans back from Chelsea. He turns his head and looks across the river at the lights on the opposite shore.


  I was just in the right place at the right time.

  Andrew turns back to Chelsea.

  ANDREW (CONT'D) I’m not sure I would have had the courage if I had had time to think it through. I’m just glad I didn’t think about what I was doing.

  Andrew smiles a bit. Chelsea cracks a smile as well.

  CHELSEA Me, too.

  Chelsea wipes the tears from her eyes and turns away from Andrew for a moment, adjusting her posture. She turns back to Andrew.


  Well, its getting colder out, and I’m sure jet lag is catching up with you.


  My body feels it a little, but my mind doesn’t seem to be willing to slow down yet.

  Andrew turns around and looks down the embankment. He then turns back to Chelsea.


  You don’t live that far from here. I would be honored if you would allow me to walk you to your door.

  Chelsea looks the same way down the embankment and doesn’t say anything for a few moments. She turns back to Andrew.


  The honor is all mine.

  They both turn and begin walking along the embankment. A minute of silence passes between them. Chelsea begins to talk as they walk next to one another in stride.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) Oh. I just remembered. Becky mentioned to me that you have a screenplay project you are working on.


  Umm...yes. Just a hobby of sorts. I didn’t really mean for Rebecca to mentio
n it to you.


  If you haven’t figured out by now, Becky is not the best person to confide your deepest secrets with.

  Chelsea giggles a bit before continuing.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) She has the best of intentions, though.

  Chelsea stops, turns to Andrew and grabs his arm to stop him.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) This by no means would ever make up for what you did for me, but I would like to help you with your screenplay. I’ve always wanted to try my hand at writing, anyway.

  Andrew pivots around his arm in her hand.


  I would like that.


  Chelsea lets go of Andrew’s arm and holds out her hand.

  CHELSEA (CONT'D) Partners?

  Andrew, surprised, looks at Chelsea’s hand before extending his and shaking hers.

  ANDREW Partners.

  Chelsea turns back forward and begins walking down the embankment again. Andrew does as well, one stride behind.

  Camera shot pulls back as they walk away from it down the embankment.

  Scene 6


  Andrew walks through the double front doors of the studio offices. A receptionist is sitting behind the counter directly in front of Andrew. He approaches the counter.


  RECEPTIONIST Hi. Can I help you?


  Yes, I hope so. I had contacted Nina Stewart regarding her help with a project I am working on. She asked me to come by her office to talk more about it.

  The receptionist picks up the desk phone receiver. She is still looking at Andrew.

  RECEPTIONIST And your name is?


  Andrew. Andrew Simmons.

  The receptionist turns to look at the phone keypad and dials three numbers. She sits silent for a few moments before speaking.


  Nina, there is an Andrew Simmons here to meet with you.

  The receptionist listens for a few moments.

  RECEPTIONIST (CONT'D) Ok. I will bring him back.

  The receptionist puts down the phone receiver. She gets up from behind the counter and walks to the opening of a hallway to the right of the counter. She turns to Andrew.

  RECEPTIONIST (CONT'D) Come with me.

  The receptionist turns and walks down the hallway, followed by Andrew.

  Andrew follows her to an open office doorway, where she stands on the opposite side, pointing with her arm into the office.


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